@@ -10,77 +10,80 @@
<a class="btn btn--success js-new"><%- @T('New Calendar') %></a>
+<div class="page-content">
+ <% if _.isEmpty(@calendars): %>
+ <div class="page-description">
+ <%- @description %>
+ </div>
+ <% end %>
-<% if _.isEmpty(@calendars): %>
-<%- @description %>
-<% end %>
-<% for calendar in @calendars: %>
-<div class="action" data-id="<%- calendar.id %>">
- <div class="action-flow action-flow--row">
- <div class="action-row">
- <div class="action-flow action-flow--noWrap">
- <h2><% if !_.isEmpty(calendar.ical_url): %><span title="<%- @T('Last sync at') %>: <%= @Ttimestamp(calendar.last_sync) %><% if calendar.last_log: %>: <%= calendar.last_log %><% end %>">
- <% if calendar.last_log: %>
- <%- @Icon('status', 'error inline') %>
- <% else: %>
- <%- @Icon('status', 'ok inline') %>
- <% end %></span><% end %> <%= calendar.name %></h2>
- <% if calendar.default: %>
- <div class="action-label">Default</div>
- <% end %>
+ <% for calendar in @calendars: %>
+ <div class="action" data-id="<%- calendar.id %>">
+ <div class="action-flow action-flow--row">
+ <div class="action-row">
+ <div class="action-flow action-flow--noWrap">
+ <h2><% if !_.isEmpty(calendar.ical_url): %><span title="<%- @T('Last sync at') %>: <%= @Ttimestamp(calendar.last_sync) %><% if calendar.last_log: %>: <%= calendar.last_log %><% end %>">
+ <% if calendar.last_log: %>
+ <%- @Icon('status', 'error inline') %>
+ <% else: %>
+ <%- @Icon('status', 'ok inline') %>
+ <% end %></span><% end %> <%= calendar.name %></h2>
+ <% if calendar.default: %>
+ <div class="action-label">Default</div>
+ <% end %>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <% if calendar.last_log: %><div class="action-row"><div class="alert alert--danger"><%= calendar.last_log %></div></div><% end %>
+ <div class="action-row">
+ <div class="label"><%- @T('Time zone') %></div> <%= calendar.timezone %>
+ </div>
+ <div class="action-block action-block--flex">
+ <div class="label"><%- @T('Business Hours') %></div>
+ <table class="table table-fluid">
+ <tr>
+ <td><%- @T('Monday') %></td><td><% if !calendar.business_hours['mon'].active || _.isEmpty(calendar.business_hours['mon'].timeframes): %>-<% else: %><% for frame in calendar.business_hours['mon'].timeframes: %><%= frame[0] %>-<%= frame[1] %> </td><td><% end %><% end %></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><%- @T('Tuesday') %></td><td><% if !calendar.business_hours['tue'].active || _.isEmpty(calendar.business_hours['tue'].timeframes): %>-<% else: %><% for frame in calendar.business_hours['tue'].timeframes: %><%= frame[0] %>-<%= frame[1] %> </td><td><% end %><% end %></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><%- @T('Wednesday') %></td><td><% if !calendar.business_hours['wed'].active || _.isEmpty(calendar.business_hours['wed'].timeframes): %>-<% else: %><% for frame in calendar.business_hours['wed'].timeframes: %><%= frame[0] %>-<%= frame[1] %> </td><td><% end %><% end %></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><%- @T('Thursday') %></td><td><% if !calendar.business_hours['thu'].active || _.isEmpty(calendar.business_hours['thu'].timeframes): %>-<% else: %><% for frame in calendar.business_hours['thu'].timeframes: %><%= frame[0] %>-<%= frame[1] %> </td><td><% end %><% end %></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><%- @T('Friday') %></td><td><% if !calendar.business_hours['fri'].active || _.isEmpty(calendar.business_hours['fri'].timeframes): %>-<% else: %><% for frame in calendar.business_hours['fri'].timeframes: %><%= frame[0] %>-<%= frame[1] %> </td><td><% end %><% end %></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><%- @T('Saturday') %></td><td><% if !calendar.business_hours['sat'].active || _.isEmpty(calendar.business_hours['sat'].timeframes): %>-<% else: %><% for frame in calendar.business_hours['sat'].timeframes: %><%= frame[0] %>-<%= frame[1] %> </td><td><% end %><% end %></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><%- @T('Sunday') %></td><td><% if !calendar.business_hours['sun'].active || _.isEmpty(calendar.business_hours['sun'].timeframes): %>-<% else: %><% for frame in calendar.business_hours['sun'].timeframes: %><%= frame[0] %>-<%= frame[1] %> </td><td><% end %><% end %></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ <div class="action-block action-block--flex">
+ <div class="label"><%- @T('Holidays') %></div>
+ <table class="table">
+ <% if _.isEmpty(calendar.public_holidays_preview): %>-<% end %>
+ <% for holiday, meta of calendar.public_holidays_preview: %>
+ <tr <% if !meta.active: %>class="is-inactive"<% end %>>
+ <td style="width: 96px"><%- @Tdate(holiday) %>
+ <td><%= meta.summary %>
+ <% end %>
+ </table>
- <% if calendar.last_log: %><div class="action-row"><div class="alert alert--danger"><%= calendar.last_log %></div></div><% end %>
- <div class="action-row">
- <div class="label"><%- @T('Time zone') %></div> <%= calendar.timezone %>
- </div>
- <div class="action-block action-block--flex">
- <div class="label"><%- @T('Business Hours') %></div>
- <table class="table table-fluid">
- <tr>
- <td><%- @T('Monday') %></td><td><% if !calendar.business_hours['mon'].active || _.isEmpty(calendar.business_hours['mon'].timeframes): %>-<% else: %><% for frame in calendar.business_hours['mon'].timeframes: %><%= frame[0] %>-<%= frame[1] %> </td><td><% end %><% end %></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><%- @T('Tuesday') %></td><td><% if !calendar.business_hours['tue'].active || _.isEmpty(calendar.business_hours['tue'].timeframes): %>-<% else: %><% for frame in calendar.business_hours['tue'].timeframes: %><%= frame[0] %>-<%= frame[1] %> </td><td><% end %><% end %></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><%- @T('Wednesday') %></td><td><% if !calendar.business_hours['wed'].active || _.isEmpty(calendar.business_hours['wed'].timeframes): %>-<% else: %><% for frame in calendar.business_hours['wed'].timeframes: %><%= frame[0] %>-<%= frame[1] %> </td><td><% end %><% end %></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><%- @T('Thursday') %></td><td><% if !calendar.business_hours['thu'].active || _.isEmpty(calendar.business_hours['thu'].timeframes): %>-<% else: %><% for frame in calendar.business_hours['thu'].timeframes: %><%= frame[0] %>-<%= frame[1] %> </td><td><% end %><% end %></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><%- @T('Friday') %></td><td><% if !calendar.business_hours['fri'].active || _.isEmpty(calendar.business_hours['fri'].timeframes): %>-<% else: %><% for frame in calendar.business_hours['fri'].timeframes: %><%= frame[0] %>-<%= frame[1] %> </td><td><% end %><% end %></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><%- @T('Saturday') %></td><td><% if !calendar.business_hours['sat'].active || _.isEmpty(calendar.business_hours['sat'].timeframes): %>-<% else: %><% for frame in calendar.business_hours['sat'].timeframes: %><%= frame[0] %>-<%= frame[1] %> </td><td><% end %><% end %></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><%- @T('Sunday') %></td><td><% if !calendar.business_hours['sun'].active || _.isEmpty(calendar.business_hours['sun'].timeframes): %>-<% else: %><% for frame in calendar.business_hours['sun'].timeframes: %><%= frame[0] %>-<%= frame[1] %> </td><td><% end %><% end %></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </div>
- <div class="action-block action-block--flex">
- <div class="label"><%- @T('Holidays') %></div>
- <table class="table">
- <% if _.isEmpty(calendar.public_holidays_preview): %>-<% end %>
- <% for holiday, meta of calendar.public_holidays_preview: %>
- <tr <% if !meta.active: %>class="is-inactive"<% end %>>
- <td style="width: 96px"><%- @Tdate(holiday) %>
- <td><%= meta.summary %>
- <% end %>
- </table>
+ <div class="action-controls">
+ <% if !calendar.default: %>
+ <div class="sla-toggle btn btn--danger btn--secondary js-delete"><%- @T('Delete') %></div>
+ <div class="sla-toggle btn btn--secondary js-default"><%- @T('Set as Default') %></div>
+ <% else: %>
+ <div class="btn btn--danger btn--secondary is-disabled"><%- @T('Delete') %></div>
+ <% end %>
+ <div class="sla-edit btn js-edit"><%- @T('Edit') %></div>
- <div class="action-controls">
- <% if !calendar.default: %>
- <div class="sla-toggle btn btn--danger btn--secondary js-delete"><%- @T('Delete') %></div>
- <div class="sla-toggle btn btn--secondary js-default"><%- @T('Set as Default') %></div>
- <% else: %>
- <div class="btn btn--danger btn--secondary is-disabled"><%- @T('Delete') %></div>
- <% end %>
- <div class="sla-edit btn js-edit"><%- @T('Edit') %></div>
- </div>
-<% end %>
+ <% end %>