@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ class App.SidebarGitIssue extends App.Controller
constructor: ->
- @issueLinks = []
+ @issueLinks = []
+ @issueLinkData = []
@providerIdentifier = @provider.toLowerCase()
sidebarItem: =>
@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ class App.SidebarGitIssue extends App.Controller
name: @providerIdentifier
badgeCallback: @badgeRender
sidebarHead: @provider
- sidebarCallback: @showObjects
+ sidebarCallback: @reloadIssues
sidebarActions: [
title: 'Link issue'
@@ -26,8 +27,8 @@ class App.SidebarGitIssue extends App.Controller
shown: ->
return if !@ticket
- return if !@ticket.id
- @showIssues()
+ @listIssues()
metaBadge: =>
counter = ''
@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ class App.SidebarGitIssue extends App.Controller
badgeRenderLocal: =>
+ return if !@badgeEl
linkIssue: =>
@@ -54,86 +56,141 @@ class App.SidebarGitIssue extends App.Controller
taskKey: @taskKey
container: @el.closest('.content')
callback: (link, ui) =>
- if @ticket && @ticket.id
- @saveTicketIssues = true
- ui.close()
- @showIssues([link])
+ @getIssues(
+ links: [link]
+ success: (result) =>
+ if !_.contains(@issueLinks, link)
+ @issueLinks.push(result[0].url)
+ @issueLinkData = @issueLinkData.concat(result)
+ if @ticket && @ticket.id
+ @saveIssues(
+ ticket_id: @ticket.id
+ links: @issueLinks
+ success: =>
+ ui.close()
+ @renderIssues()
+ error: (message = 'Unable to save issue') =>
+ ui.showAlert(App.i18n.translatePlain(message))
+ form = ui.el.find('.js-result')
+ @formEnable(form)
+ )
+ else
+ ui.close()
+ @renderIssues()
+ error: (message = 'Unable to load issues') =>
+ ui.showAlert(App.i18n.translatePlain(message))
+ form = ui.el.find('.js-result')
+ @formEnable(form)
+ )
- showObjects: (el) =>
- @el = el
+ reloadIssues: (el) =>
+ if el
+ @el = el
- # show placeholder
- if @ticket && @ticket.preferences && @ticket.preferences[@providerIdentifier] && @ticket.preferences[@providerIdentifier].issue_links
- @issueLinks = @ticket.preferences[@providerIdentifier].issue_links
- queryParams = @queryParam()
+ return @renderIssues() if !@ticket
- # TODO: what is 'gitlab_issue_links'
- if queryParams && queryParams.gitlab_issue_links
- @issueLinks.push queryParams.gitlab_issue_links
- @showIssues()
+ ticketLinks = @ticket?.preferences?[@providerIdentifier]?.issue_links || []
+ return @renderIssues() if _.isEqual(@issueLinks, ticketLinks)
- showIssues: (issueLinks) =>
- if issueLinks
- @issueLinks = _.uniq(@issueLinks.concat(issueLinks))
+ @issueLinks = ticketLinks
+ @listIssues(true)
- # show placeholder
- if _.isEmpty(@issueLinks)
- @html("<div>#{App.i18n.translateInline('No linked issues')}</div>")
+ renderIssues: =>
+ if _.isEmpty(@issueLinkData)
+ @showEmpty()
- # AJAX call to show items
+ list = $(App.view('ticket_zoom/sidebar_git_issue')(
+ issues: @issueLinkData
+ ))
+ list.delegate('.js-delete', 'click', (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ issueLink = $(e.currentTarget).attr 'data-issue-id'
+ @deleteIssue(issueLink)
+ )
+ @html(list)
+ @badgeRenderLocal()
+ listIssues: (force = false) =>
+ return @renderIssues() if !force && @fetchFullActive && @fetchFullActive > new Date().getTime() - 5000
+ @fetchFullActive = new Date().getTime()
+ return @renderIssues() if _.isEmpty(@issueLinks)
+ @getIssues(
+ links: @issueLinks
+ success: (result) =>
+ @issueLinks = result.map((element) -> element.url)
+ @issueLinkData = result
+ @renderIssues()
+ error: =>
+ @showError(App.i18n.translateInline('Unable to load issues'))
+ )
+ getIssues: (params) ->
id: "#{@providerIdentifier}-#{@taskKey}"
type: 'POST'
url: "#{@apiPath}/integration/#{@providerIdentifier}"
- data: JSON.stringify(links: @issueLinks)
- success: (data, status, xhr) =>
+ data: JSON.stringify(links: params.links)
+ success: (data, status, xhr) ->
if data.response
- @showList(data.response)
- if @saveTicketIssues
- @saveTicketIssues = false
- @issueLinks = data.response.map((issue) -> issue.url)
- @updateTicket(@ticket.id, @issueLinks)
- return
- @showError('Unable to load data...')
- error: (xhr, status, error) =>
+ # some issues redirect to pull requests like
+ # https://github.com/zammad/zammad/issues/1574
+ # in this case throw error
+ return params.error('Unable to load issues') if _.isEmpty(data.response)
- # do not close window if request is aborted
+ params.success(data.response)
+ else
+ params.error(data.message)
+ error: (xhr, status, error) ->
return if status is 'abort'
- # show error message
- @showError('Unable to load data...')
+ params.error()
- showList: (issues) =>
- list = $(App.view('ticket_zoom/sidebar_git_issue')(
- issues: issues
- ))
- list.delegate('.js-delete', 'click', (e) =>
- e.preventDefault()
- issueLink = $(e.currentTarget).attr 'data-issue-id'
- @delete(issueLink)
+ saveIssues: (params) ->
+ App.Ajax.request(
+ id: "#{@providerIdentifier}-update-#{params.ticket_id}"
+ type: 'POST'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/integration/#{@providerIdentifier}_ticket_update"
+ data: JSON.stringify(ticket_id: params.ticket_id, issue_links: params.links)
+ success: (data, status, xhr) ->
+ params.success(data)
+ error: (xhr, status, details) ->
+ return if status is 'abort'
+ params.error()
- @html(list)
+ deleteIssue: (link) ->
+ @issueLinks = _.filter(@issueLinks, (element) -> element isnt link)
+ @issueLinkData = _.filter(@issueLinkData, (element) -> element.url isnt link)
+ if @ticket && @ticket.id
+ @saveIssues(
+ ticket_id: @ticket.id
+ links: @issueLinks
+ success: =>
+ @renderIssues()
+ error: (message = 'Unable to save issue') =>
+ @showError(App.i18n.translateInline(message))
+ )
+ else
+ @renderIssues()
+ showEmpty: ->
+ @html("<div>#{App.i18n.translateInline('No linked issues')}</div>")
showError: (message) =>
@html App.i18n.translateInline(message)
reload: =>
- @showIssues()
- delete: (issueLink) =>
- localLinks = []
- for localLink in @issueLinks
- if issueLink.toString() isnt localLink.toString()
- localLinks.push localLink
- @issueLinks = localLinks
- if @ticket && @ticket.id
- @updateTicket(@ticket.id, @issueLinks)
- @showIssues()
+ @reloadIssues()
postParams: (args) =>
return if !args.ticket
@@ -143,25 +200,3 @@ class App.SidebarGitIssue extends App.Controller
args.ticket.preferences ||= {}
args.ticket.preferences[@providerIdentifier] ||= {}
args.ticket.preferences[@providerIdentifier].issue_links = @issueLinks
- updateTicket: (ticket_id, issueLinks) =>
- App.Ajax.request(
- id: "#{@providerIdentifier}-update-#{ticket_id}"
- type: 'POST'
- url: "#{@apiPath}/integration/#{@providerIdentifier}_ticket_update"
- data: JSON.stringify(ticket_id: ticket_id, issue_links: issueLinks)
- success: (data, status, xhr) =>
- @badgeRenderLocal()
- error: (xhr, status, details) =>
- # do not close window if request is aborted
- return if status is 'abort'
- # show error message
- @log 'errors', details
- @notify(
- type: 'error'
- msg: App.i18n.translateContent(details.error_human || details.error || 'Unable to update object!')
- timeout: 6000
- )
- )