@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+From Eike.Ehringer@example.com Thu Jun 14 17:42:55 2012
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+Subject: AW:Installation [Ticket#11392]
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+<FONT face=3D=22arial=22>Hallo.<br>Jetzt muss ich dir noch kurzfristig absa=
+gen f=C3=BCr morgen.<br>Lass uns evtl morgen Tel.<br><br>Mfg eike </FONT><b=
+r><br><div class=3D=22domino-section=22><div class=3D=22domino-section-head=
+=22><span class=3D=22domino-section-title=22><font color=3D=22=23424282=22>=
+Martin Edenhofer via Znuny Team --- Installation =5BTicket=2311392=5D --- <=
+/font></span></div><div class=3D=22domino-section-body=22><br><table width=
+=3D=22100%=22 border=3D=220=22 cellspacing=3D=220=22 cellpadding=3D=220=22>=
+<tr valign=3D=22top=22><td width=3D=221%=22 style=3D=22width: 96px;=22><fon=
+t size=3D=222=22 color=3D=22=235F5F5F=22>Von:</font></td><td width=3D=22100=
+%=22 style=3D=22width: auto;=22><font size=3D=222=22>"Martin Edenhofer=
+ via Znuny Team" <support=40example.com></font></td></tr><tr valig=
+n=3D=22top=22><td width=3D=221%=22 style=3D=22width: 96px;=22><font size=3D=
+=222=22 color=3D=22=235F5F5F=22>An</font></td><td width=3D=22100%=22 style=
+=3D=22width: auto;=22><font size=3D=222=22>eike.xx=40xx-corp=
+xx.com</font></td></tr><tr valign=3D=22top=22><td width=3D=221%=22 sty=
+le=3D=22width: 96px;=22><font size=3D=222=22 color=3D=22=235F5F5F=22>Datum:=
+</font></td><td width=3D=22100%=22 style=3D=22width: auto;=22><font size=3D=
+=222=22>Mi., 13.06.2012 14:30</font></td></tr><tr valign=3D=22top=22><td wi=
+dth=3D=221%=22 style=3D=22width: 96px;=22><font size=3D=222=22 color=3D=22=
+=235F5F5F=22>Betreff</font></td><td width=3D=22100%=22 style=3D=22width: au=
+to;=22><font size=3D=222=22>Installation =5BTicket=2311392=5D</font></td></=
+tr></table><hr width=3D=22100%=22 size=3D=222=22 align=3D=22left=22 noshade=
+ style=3D=22color:=238091A5; =22><br><pre>Hi Eike,
+anbei wie gestern telefonisch besprochen Informationen zur Vorbereitung.
+a) Installation von http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/misc/zammad/RPMS/fedora/4/zammad-3.0=
+.13-01.noarch.rpm (dieses RPM ist RHEL kompatible) und dessen Abh=C3=A4ngig=
+b) Installation von "mysqld" und "perl-DBD-MySQL".
+Das w=C3=A4re es zur Vorbereitung=21
+Bei Fragen nur zu=21
+ -Martin
+Martin Edenhofer
+Znuny GmbH // Marienstra=C3=9Fe 11 // 10117 Berlin // Germany
+P: +49 (0) 30 60 98 54 18-0
+F: +49 (0) 30 60 98 54 18-8
+W: http://example.com=20
+Location: Berlin - HRB 139852 B Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
+Managing Director: Martin Edenhofer