@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe 'Integration Check MK', type: :request do
+ let(:customer_user) do
+ create(:customer_user)
+ end
+ let(:group) do
+ create(:group)
+ end
before do
token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(16)
@@ -9,6 +15,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'Integration Check MK', type: :request do
describe 'request handling' do
it 'does fail without a token' do
post '/api/v1/integration/check_mk/', params: {}
expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found)
@@ -22,215 +29,481 @@ RSpec.describe 'Integration Check MK', type: :request do
expect(json_response['error']).to eq('Invalid token!')
- it 'does create and close a ticket' do
- params = {
- event_id: '123',
- state: 'down',
- host: 'some host',
- service: 'some service',
- }
- post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
- expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
- expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
- expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
- expect(json_response['ticket_id']).to be_truthy
- expect(json_response['ticket_number']).to be_truthy
- ticket = Ticket.find(json_response['ticket_id'])
- expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
- expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(1)
- params = {
- event_id: '123',
- state: 'up',
- host: 'some host',
- service: 'some service',
- }
- post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
- expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
- expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
- expect(json_response['result']).not_to be_empty
- expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to include(ticket.id)
- ticket.reload
- expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('closed')
- expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(2)
- end
- it 'does double create and auto close' do
- params = {
- event_id: '123',
- state: 'down',
- host: 'some host',
- service: 'some service',
- }
- post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
- expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
- expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
- expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
- expect(json_response['ticket_id']).to be_truthy
- expect(json_response['ticket_number']).to be_truthy
- ticket = Ticket.find(json_response['ticket_id'])
- expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
- expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(1)
- params = {
- event_id: '123',
- state: 'down',
- host: 'some host',
- service: 'some service',
- }
- post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
- expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
- expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
- expect(json_response['result']).to eq('ticket already open, added note')
- expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to include(ticket.id)
- ticket.reload
- expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
- expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(2)
- params = {
- event_id: '123',
- state: 'up',
- host: 'some host',
- service: 'some service',
- }
- post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
- expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
- expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
- expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
- expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to include(ticket.id)
- ticket.reload
- expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('closed')
- expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(3)
+ context 'service check' do
+ it 'does create ticket with customer email' do
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'down',
+ host: 'some host',
+ service: 'some service',
+ customer: customer_user.email,
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_id']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_number']).to be_truthy
+ ticket = Ticket.find(json_response['ticket_id'])
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.customer.email).to eq(customer_user.email)
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it 'does create ticket with customer login' do
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'down',
+ host: 'some host',
+ service: 'some service',
+ customer: customer_user.login,
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_id']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_number']).to be_truthy
+ ticket = Ticket.find(json_response['ticket_id'])
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.customer.email).to eq(customer_user.email)
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it 'does create ticket with group' do
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'down',
+ host: 'some host',
+ service: 'some service',
+ group: group.name,
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_id']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_number']).to be_truthy
+ ticket = Ticket.find(json_response['ticket_id'])
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.group.name).to eq(group.name)
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it 'does create ticket with extra field', db_strategy: :reset do
+ create :object_manager_attribute_text, name: 'text1'
+ ObjectManager::Attribute.migration_execute
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'down',
+ host: 'some host',
+ service: 'some service',
+ text1: 'some text'
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_id']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_number']).to be_truthy
+ ticket = Ticket.find(json_response['ticket_id'])
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.text1).to eq('some text')
+ end
+ it 'does create and close a ticket' do
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'down',
+ host: 'some host',
+ service: 'some service',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_id']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_number']).to be_truthy
+ ticket = Ticket.find(json_response['ticket_id'])
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(1)
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'up',
+ host: 'some host',
+ service: 'some service',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).not_to be_empty
+ expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to include(ticket.id)
+ ticket.reload
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('closed')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(2)
+ end
+ it 'does double create and auto close' do
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'down',
+ host: 'some host',
+ service: 'some service',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_id']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_number']).to be_truthy
+ ticket = Ticket.find(json_response['ticket_id'])
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(1)
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'down',
+ host: 'some host',
+ service: 'some service',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to eq('ticket already open, added note')
+ expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to include(ticket.id)
+ ticket.reload
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(2)
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'up',
+ host: 'some host',
+ service: 'some service',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to include(ticket.id)
+ ticket.reload
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('closed')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(3)
+ end
+ it 'does ticket close which get ignored' do
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'up',
+ host: 'some host',
+ service: 'some service',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to eq('no open tickets found, ignore action')
+ end
+ it 'does double create and no auto close' do
+ Setting.set('check_mk_auto_close', false)
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'down',
+ host: 'some host',
+ service: 'some service',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_id']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_number']).to be_truthy
+ ticket = Ticket.find(json_response['ticket_id'])
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(1)
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'down',
+ host: 'some host',
+ service: 'some service',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to eq('ticket already open, added note')
+ expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to include(ticket.id)
+ ticket.reload
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(2)
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'up',
+ host: 'some host',
+ service: 'some service',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to eq('ticket already open, added note')
+ expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to include(ticket.id)
+ ticket.reload
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(3)
+ end
+ it 'does double create and auto close - with host recover' do
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'down',
+ host: 'some host',
+ service: 'some service',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_id']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_number']).to be_truthy
+ ticket = Ticket.find(json_response['ticket_id'])
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(1)
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'up',
+ host: 'some host',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to eq('no open tickets found, ignore action')
+ expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to eq(nil)
+ ticket.reload
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(1)
+ end
- it 'does ticket close which get ignored' do
- params = {
- event_id: '123',
- state: 'up',
- host: 'some host',
- service: 'some service',
- }
- post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
- expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
- expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
- expect(json_response['result']).to eq('no open tickets found, ignore action')
- end
- it 'does double create and no auto close' do
- Setting.set('check_mk_auto_close', false)
- params = {
- event_id: '123',
- state: 'down',
- host: 'some host',
- service: 'some service',
- }
- post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
- expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
- expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
- expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
- expect(json_response['ticket_id']).to be_truthy
- expect(json_response['ticket_number']).to be_truthy
- ticket = Ticket.find(json_response['ticket_id'])
- expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
- expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(1)
- params = {
- event_id: '123',
- state: 'down',
- host: 'some host',
- service: 'some service',
- }
- post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
- expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
- expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
- expect(json_response['result']).to eq('ticket already open, added note')
- expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to include(ticket.id)
- ticket.reload
- expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
- expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(2)
- params = {
- event_id: '123',
- state: 'up',
- host: 'some host',
- service: 'some service',
- }
- post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
- expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
- expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
- expect(json_response['result']).to eq('ticket already open, added note')
- expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to include(ticket.id)
- ticket.reload
- expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
- expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(3)
- end
- it 'does double create and auto close - host only' do
- params = {
- event_id: '123',
- state: 'down',
- host: 'some host',
- }
- post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
- expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
- expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
- expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
- expect(json_response['ticket_id']).to be_truthy
- expect(json_response['ticket_number']).to be_truthy
- ticket = Ticket.find(json_response['ticket_id'])
- expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
- expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(1)
- params = {
- event_id: '123',
- state: 'down',
- host: 'some host',
- }
- post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
- expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
- expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
- expect(json_response['result']).to eq('ticket already open, added note')
- expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to include(ticket.id)
- ticket.reload
- expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
- expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(2)
- params = {
- event_id: '123',
- state: 'up',
- host: 'some host',
- }
- post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
- expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
- expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
- expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
- expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to include(ticket.id)
- ticket.reload
- expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('closed')
- expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(3)
+ context 'host check' do
+ it 'does create and close a ticket' do
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'down',
+ host: 'some host',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_id']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_number']).to be_truthy
+ ticket = Ticket.find(json_response['ticket_id'])
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(1)
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'up',
+ host: 'some host',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).not_to be_empty
+ expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to include(ticket.id)
+ ticket.reload
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('closed')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(2)
+ end
+ it 'does double create and auto close' do
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'down',
+ host: 'some host',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_id']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_number']).to be_truthy
+ ticket = Ticket.find(json_response['ticket_id'])
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(1)
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'down',
+ host: 'some host',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to eq('ticket already open, added note')
+ expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to include(ticket.id)
+ ticket.reload
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(2)
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'up',
+ host: 'some host',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to include(ticket.id)
+ ticket.reload
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('closed')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(3)
+ end
+ it 'does ticket close which get ignored' do
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'up',
+ host: 'some host',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to eq('no open tickets found, ignore action')
+ end
+ it 'does double create and no auto close' do
+ Setting.set('check_mk_auto_close', false)
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'down',
+ host: 'some host',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_id']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_number']).to be_truthy
+ ticket = Ticket.find(json_response['ticket_id'])
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(1)
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'down',
+ host: 'some host',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to eq('ticket already open, added note')
+ expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to include(ticket.id)
+ ticket.reload
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(2)
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'up',
+ host: 'some host',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to eq('ticket already open, added note')
+ expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to include(ticket.id)
+ ticket.reload
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(3)
+ end
+ it 'does double create and auto close - with service recover' do
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'down',
+ host: 'some host',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_id']).to be_truthy
+ expect(json_response['ticket_number']).to be_truthy
+ ticket = Ticket.find(json_response['ticket_id'])
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(1)
+ params = {
+ event_id: '123',
+ state: 'up',
+ host: 'some host',
+ service: 'some service',
+ }
+ post "/api/v1/integration/check_mk/#{Setting.get('check_mk_token')}", params: params
+ expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
+ expect(json_response).to be_a_kind_of(Hash)
+ expect(json_response['result']).to eq('no open tickets found, ignore action')
+ expect(json_response['ticket_ids']).to eq(nil)
+ ticket.reload
+ expect(ticket.state.name).to eq('new')
+ expect(ticket.articles.count).to eq(1)
+ end