@@ -66,14 +66,14 @@ RSpec.describe Channel::Driver::Imap, integration: true, required_envs: %w[MAIL_
- describe 'handling of oversized incoming emails' do
- let(:folder) { "postmaster_to_sender_#{SecureRandom.uuid}" }
+ describe '.fetch', :aggregate_failures do
+ let(:folder) { "imap_spec-#{SecureRandom.uuid}" }
let(:server_address) { ENV['MAIL_SERVER'] }
let(:server_login) { ENV['MAIL_ADDRESS'] }
let(:server_password) { ENV['MAIL_PASS'] }
let(:email_address) { create(:email_address, realname: 'Zammad Helpdesk', email: "some-zammad-#{ENV['MAIL_ADDRESS']}") }
- let(:group) { create(:group, name: 'PostmasterToSenderTest', email_address: email_address) }
+ let(:group) { create(:group, email_address: email_address) }
let(:inbound_options) do
adapter: 'imap',
@@ -108,24 +108,6 @@ RSpec.describe Channel::Driver::Imap, integration: true, required_envs: %w[MAIL_
let(:imap) { Net::IMAP.new(server_address, 993, true, nil, false).tap { |imap| imap.login(server_login, server_password) } }
- let(:sender_email_address) { ENV['MAIL_ADDRESS'] }
- let(:cid) { SecureRandom.uuid.tr('-', '.') }
- let(:oversized_email) do
- <<~OVERSIZED_EMAIL.gsub(%r{\n}, "\r\n")
- Subject: Oversized Email Message
- From: Max Mustermann <#{sender_email_address}>
- To: shugo@example.com
- Message-ID: <#{cid}@zammad.test.com>
- Oversized Email Message Body #{'#' * 120_000}
- end
- let(:oversized_email_md5) { Digest::MD5.hexdigest(oversized_email) }
- let(:oversized_email_size) { format('%<MB>.2f', MB: oversized_email.size.to_f / 1024 / 1024) }
- let(:oversized_eml_folder) { Rails.root.join('tmp/oversized_mail') }
- let(:oversized_eml_file) do
- Dir.entries(oversized_eml_folder).grep(%r{^#{oversized_email_md5}\.eml$}).map { |path| oversized_eml_folder.join(path) }.last
- end
let(:purge_inbox) do
@@ -135,93 +117,253 @@ RSpec.describe Channel::Driver::Imap, integration: true, required_envs: %w[MAIL_
- let(:fetch_oversized_email) do
+ before do
+ purge_inbox
- imap.append(folder, oversized_email, [], Time.zone.now)
- channel.fetch(true)
- context 'with email reply', :aggregate_failures do
- before do
- Setting.set('postmaster_max_size', 0.1)
- purge_inbox
- fetch_oversized_email
- end
+ after do
+ imap.delete(folder)
+ end
+ context 'when fetching regular emails' do
+ let(:email1) do
+ <<~EMAIL.gsub(%r{\n}, "\r\n")
+ Subject: hello1
+ From: shugo@example.com
+ To: shugo@example.com
+ Message-ID: <some1@example_keep_on_server>
- after do
- imap.delete(folder)
+ hello world
+ end
+ let(:email2) do
+ <<~EMAIL.gsub(%r{\n}, "\r\n")
+ Subject: hello2
+ From: shugo@example.com
+ To: shugo@example.com
+ Message-ID: <some2@example_keep_on_server>
+ hello world
- let(:oversized_email_reply) do
- imap.select('inbox')
- 5.times do |i|
- sleep i
- msg = imap.sort(['DATE'], ['ALL'], 'US-ASCII').first
- if msg
- return imap.fetch(msg, 'RFC822')[0].attr['RFC822']
- end
+ context 'with keep_on_server flag' do
+ let(:inbound_options) do
+ {
+ adapter: 'imap',
+ options: {
+ host: ENV['MAIL_SERVER'],
+ user: ENV['MAIL_ADDRESS'],
+ password: server_password,
+ ssl: true,
+ folder: folder,
+ keep_on_server: true,
+ }
+ }
- nil
- end
- let(:parsed_oversized_email_reply) do
- Channel::EmailParser.new.parse(oversized_email_reply)
+ it 'handles messages correctly' do # rubocop:disable RSpec/ExampleLength
+ imap.append(folder, email1, [], Time.zone.now)
+ # verify if message is still on server
+ message_ids = imap.sort(['DATE'], ['ALL'], 'US-ASCII')
+ expect(message_ids.count).to be(1)
+ message_meta = imap.fetch(1, ['FLAGS'])[0].attr
+ expect(message_meta['FLAGS']).not_to include(:Seen)
+ # fetch messages - will import
+ expect { channel.fetch(true) }.to change(Ticket::Article, :count)
+ # verify if message is still on server
+ message_ids = imap.sort(['DATE'], ['ALL'], 'US-ASCII')
+ expect(message_ids.count).to be(1)
+ # message now has :seen flag
+ message_meta = imap.fetch(1, ['RFC822.HEADER', 'FLAGS'])[0].attr
+ expect(message_meta['FLAGS']).to include(:Seen)
+ # fetch messages - will not import
+ expect { channel.fetch(true) }.not_to change(Ticket::Article, :count)
+ # verify if message is still on server
+ message_ids = imap.sort(['DATE'], ['ALL'], 'US-ASCII')
+ expect(message_ids.count).to be(1)
+ # put unseen message in it
+ imap.append(folder, email2, [], Time.zone.now)
+ message_meta = imap.fetch(1, ['FLAGS'])[0].attr
+ expect(message_meta['FLAGS']).to include(:Seen)
+ message_meta = imap.fetch(2, ['FLAGS'])[0].attr
+ expect(message_meta['FLAGS']).not_to include(:Seen)
+ # fetch messages - will import new
+ expect { channel.fetch(true) }.to change(Ticket::Article, :count)
+ # verify if message is still on server
+ message_ids = imap.sort(['DATE'], ['ALL'], 'US-ASCII')
+ expect(message_ids.count).to be(2)
+ message_meta = imap.fetch(1, ['FLAGS'])[0].attr
+ expect(message_meta['FLAGS']).to include(:Seen)
+ message_meta = imap.fetch(2, ['FLAGS'])[0].attr
+ expect(message_meta['FLAGS']).to include(:Seen)
+ # set messages to not seen
+ imap.store(1, '-FLAGS', [:Seen])
+ imap.store(2, '-FLAGS', [:Seen])
+ # fetch messages - will still not import
+ expect { channel.fetch(true) }.not_to change(Ticket::Article, :count)
+ end
- it 'creates email reply correctly' do
- # 1. verify that the oversized email has been saved locally to:
- # /tmp/oversized_mail/yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss-:md5.eml
- expect(oversized_eml_file).to be_present
+ context 'without keep_on_server flag' do
+ it 'handles messages correctly' do
+ imap.append(folder, email1, [], Time.zone.now)
- # verify that the file is byte for byte identical to the sent message
- expect(File.read(oversized_eml_file)).to eq(oversized_email)
+ # verify if message is still on server
+ message_ids = imap.sort(['DATE'], ['ALL'], 'US-ASCII')
+ expect(message_ids.count).to be(1)
- # 2. verify that a postmaster response email has been sent to the sender
- expect(oversized_email_reply).to be_present
+ message_meta = imap.fetch(1, ['FLAGS'])[0].attr
+ expect(message_meta['FLAGS']).not_to include(:Seen)
- # parse the reply mail and verify the various headers
- expect(parsed_oversized_email_reply).to include({
- from_email: email_address.email,
- subject: '[undeliverable] Message too large',
- 'references' => "<#{cid}@zammad.test.com>",
- 'in-reply-to' => "<#{cid}@zammad.test.com>",
- })
+ # fetch messages - will import
+ expect { channel.fetch(true) }.to change(Ticket::Article, :count)
- # verify the reply mail body content
- expect(parsed_oversized_email_reply[:body]).to match(%r{^Dear Max Mustermann.*Oversized Email Message.*#{oversized_email_size} MB.*0.1 MB.*#{Setting.get('fqdn')}}sm)
+ # verify if message is still on server
+ message_ids = imap.sort(['DATE'], ['ALL'], 'US-ASCII')
+ expect(message_ids.count).to be(1)
- # 3. check if original mail got removed
- imap.select(folder)
- expect(imap.sort(['DATE'], ['ALL'], 'US-ASCII')).to be_empty
+ message_meta = imap.fetch(1, ['FLAGS'])[0].attr
+ expect(message_meta['FLAGS']).to include(:Seen, :Deleted)
+ # put unseen message in it
+ imap.append(folder, email2, [], Time.zone.now)
+ # verify if message is still on server
+ message_ids = imap.sort(['DATE'], ['ALL'], 'US-ASCII')
+ expect(message_ids.count).to be(1)
+ message_meta = imap.fetch(1, ['FLAGS'])[0].attr
+ expect(message_meta['FLAGS']).not_to include(:Seen)
+ # fetch messages - will import
+ expect { channel.fetch(true) }.to change(Ticket::Article, :count)
+ # verify if message is still on server
+ message_ids = imap.sort(['DATE'], ['ALL'], 'US-ASCII')
+ expect(message_ids.count).to be(1)
+ message_meta = imap.fetch(1, ['FLAGS'])[0].attr
+ expect(message_meta['FLAGS']).to include(:Seen)
+ end
- context 'without email reply' do
- before do
- Setting.set('postmaster_max_size', 0.1)
- Setting.set('postmaster_send_reject_if_mail_too_large', false)
- purge_inbox
- fetch_oversized_email
+ context 'when fetching oversized emails' do
+ let(:sender_email_address) { ENV['MAIL_ADDRESS'] }
+ let(:cid) { SecureRandom.uuid.tr('-', '.') }
+ let(:oversized_email) do
+ <<~OVERSIZED_EMAIL.gsub(%r{\n}, "\r\n")
+ Subject: Oversized Email Message
+ From: Max Mustermann <#{sender_email_address}>
+ To: shugo@example.com
+ Message-ID: <#{cid}@zammad.test.com>
+ Oversized Email Message Body #{'#' * 120_000}
+ let(:oversized_email_md5) { Digest::MD5.hexdigest(oversized_email) }
+ let(:oversized_email_size) { format('%<MB>.2f', MB: oversized_email.size.to_f / 1024 / 1024) }
+ let(:oversized_eml_folder) { Rails.root.join('tmp/oversized_mail') }
+ let(:oversized_eml_file) do
+ Dir.entries(oversized_eml_folder).grep(%r{^#{oversized_email_md5}\.eml$}).map { |path| oversized_eml_folder.join(path) }.last
+ end
+ let(:fetch_oversized_email) do
+ imap.append(folder, oversized_email, [], Time.zone.now)
+ channel.fetch(true)
+ end
+ context 'with email reply' do
+ before do
+ Setting.set('postmaster_max_size', 0.1)
+ fetch_oversized_email
+ end
+ let(:oversized_email_reply) do
+ imap.select('inbox')
+ 5.times do |i|
+ sleep i
+ msg = imap.sort(['DATE'], ['ALL'], 'US-ASCII').first
+ if msg
+ return imap.fetch(msg, 'RFC822')[0].attr['RFC822']
+ end
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ let(:parsed_oversized_email_reply) do
+ Channel::EmailParser.new.parse(oversized_email_reply)
+ end
+ it 'creates email reply correctly' do
+ # 1. verify that the oversized email has been saved locally to:
+ # /tmp/oversized_mail/yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss-:md5.eml
+ expect(oversized_eml_file).to be_present
+ # verify that the file is byte for byte identical to the sent message
+ expect(File.read(oversized_eml_file)).to eq(oversized_email)
+ # 2. verify that a postmaster response email has been sent to the sender
+ expect(oversized_email_reply).to be_present
- after do
- imap.delete(folder)
+ # parse the reply mail and verify the various headers
+ expect(parsed_oversized_email_reply).to include({
+ from_email: email_address.email,
+ subject: '[undeliverable] Message too large',
+ 'references' => "<#{cid}@zammad.test.com>",
+ 'in-reply-to' => "<#{cid}@zammad.test.com>",
+ })
+ # verify the reply mail body content
+ expect(parsed_oversized_email_reply[:body]).to match(%r{^Dear Max Mustermann.*Oversized Email Message.*#{oversized_email_size} MB.*0.1 MB.*#{Setting.get('fqdn')}}sm)
+ # 3. check if original mail got removed
+ imap.select(folder)
+ expect(imap.sort(['DATE'], ['ALL'], 'US-ASCII')).to be_empty
+ end
- it 'does not create email reply', :aggregate_failures do
+ context 'without email reply' do
+ before do
+ Setting.set('postmaster_max_size', 0.1)
+ Setting.set('postmaster_send_reject_if_mail_too_large', false)
+ fetch_oversized_email
+ end
+ it 'does not create email reply' do
- # 1. verify that email was not locally processed
- expect(oversized_eml_file).to be_nil
+ # 1. verify that email was not locally processed
+ expect(oversized_eml_file).to be_nil
- # 2. verify that no postmaster response email has been sent
- imap.select('inbox')
- sleep 1
- expect(imap.sort(['DATE'], ['ALL'], 'US-ASCII').count).to be_zero
+ # 2. verify that no postmaster response email has been sent
+ imap.select('inbox')
+ sleep 1
+ expect(imap.sort(['DATE'], ['ALL'], 'US-ASCII').count).to be_zero
- # 3. check that original mail is still there
- imap.select(folder)
- expect(imap.sort(['DATE'], ['ALL'], 'US-ASCII').count).to be(1)
+ # 3. check that original mail is still there
+ imap.select(folder)
+ expect(imap.sort(['DATE'], ['ALL'], 'US-ASCII').count).to be(1)
+ end