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Merged sipgate controller tests into regular controllers tests to increase total speed of tests (no extra job needed). Removed duplicate calendar subscription tickets controller.

Martin Edenhofer 6 лет назад

+ 0 - 11

@@ -254,17 +254,6 @@ test:integration:clearbit:
     - rake db:drop
   allow_failure: true
-  stage: test
-  tags:
-    - core
-  script:
-    - export RAILS_ENV=test
-    - rake db:create
-    - rake db:migrate
-    - ruby -I test test/integration/sipgate_controller_test.rb
-    - rake db:drop
   stage: test

+ 0 - 1

@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ script:
   - ruby -I test/ test/integration/geo_calendar_test.rb
   - ruby -I test/ test/integration/user_agent_test.rb
   - ruby -I test/ test/integration/user_device_controller_test.rb
-  - ruby -I test/ test/integration/sipgate_controller_test.rb
   - rake db:drop
   - if [ "${DB}" = "mysql" ]; then contrib/travis-ci.org/trigger_docker_image_build.sh; fi

+ 469 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+require 'rexml/document'
+class IntegrationSipgateControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+  setup do
+    Cti::Log.destroy_all
+    Setting.set('sipgate_integration', true)
+    Setting.set('sipgate_config', {
+                  outbound: {
+                    routing_table: [
+                      {
+                        dest: '41*',
+                        caller_id: '41715880339000',
+                      },
+                      {
+                        dest: '491714000000',
+                        caller_id: '41715880339000',
+                      },
+                    ],
+                    default_caller_id: '4930777000000',
+                  },
+                  inbound: {
+                    block_caller_ids: [
+                      {
+                        caller_id: '491715000000',
+                        note: 'some note',
+                      }
+                    ],
+                    notify_user_ids: {
+                      2 => true,
+                      4 => false,
+                    },
+                  }
+                },)
+    groups = Group.where(name: 'Users')
+    roles  = Role.where(name: %w[Agent])
+    agent  = User.create_or_update(
+      login: 'cti-agent@example.com',
+      firstname: 'E',
+      lastname: 'S',
+      email: 'cti-agent@example.com',
+      password: 'agentpw',
+      active: true,
+      roles: roles,
+      groups: groups,
+      updated_by_id: 1,
+      created_by_id: 1,
+    )
+    customer1 = User.create_or_update(
+      login: 'ticket-caller_id_sipgate-customer1@example.com',
+      firstname: 'CallerId',
+      lastname: 'Customer1',
+      email: 'ticket-caller_id_sipgate-customer1@example.com',
+      password: 'customerpw',
+      active: true,
+      phone: '+49 99999 222222',
+      fax: '+49 99999 222223',
+      mobile: '+4912347114711',
+      note: 'Phone at home: +49 99999 222224',
+      updated_by_id: 1,
+      created_by_id: 1,
+    )
+    customer2 = User.create_or_update(
+      login: 'ticket-caller_id_sipgate-customer2@example.com',
+      firstname: 'CallerId',
+      lastname: 'Customer2',
+      email: 'ticket-caller_id_sipgate-customer2@example.com',
+      password: 'customerpw',
+      active: true,
+      phone: '+49 99999 222222 2',
+      updated_by_id: 1,
+      created_by_id: 1,
+    )
+    customer3 = User.create_or_update(
+      login: 'ticket-caller_id_sipgate-customer3@example.com',
+      firstname: 'CallerId',
+      lastname: 'Customer3',
+      email: 'ticket-caller_id_sipgate-customer3@example.com',
+      password: 'customerpw',
+      active: true,
+      phone: '+49 99999 222222 2',
+      updated_by_id: 1,
+      created_by_id: 1,
+    )
+    Cti::CallerId.rebuild
+  end
+  test 'basic call' do
+    # inbound - I
+    params = 'event=newCall&direction=in&from=4912347114711&to=4930600000000&callId=4991155921769858278-1&user%5B%5D=user+1&user%5B%5D=user+2'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/in', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    on_hangup = nil
+    on_answer = nil
+    content = @response.body
+    response = REXML::Document.new(content)
+    response.elements.each('Response') do |element|
+      on_hangup = element.attributes['onHangup']
+      on_answer = element.attributes['onAnswer']
+    end
+    assert_equal('http://zammad.example.com/api/v1/sipgate/in', on_hangup)
+    assert_equal('http://zammad.example.com/api/v1/sipgate/in', on_answer)
+    # inbound - II - block caller
+    params = 'event=newCall&direction=in&from=491715000000&to=4930600000000&callId=4991155921769858278-2&user%5B%5D=user+1&user%5B%5D=user+2'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/in', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    on_hangup = nil
+    on_answer = nil
+    content = @response.body
+    response = REXML::Document.new(content)
+    response.elements.each('Response') do |element|
+      on_hangup = element.attributes['onHangup']
+      on_answer = element.attributes['onAnswer']
+    end
+    assert_equal('http://zammad.example.com/api/v1/sipgate/in', on_hangup)
+    assert_equal('http://zammad.example.com/api/v1/sipgate/in', on_answer)
+    reason = nil
+    response.elements.each('Response/Reject') do |element|
+      reason = element.attributes['reason']
+    end
+    assert_equal('busy', reason)
+    # outbound - I - set default_caller_id
+    params = 'event=newCall&direction=out&from=4930600000000&to=4912347114711&callId=8621106404543334274-3&user%5B%5D=user+1'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/out', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    on_hangup = nil
+    on_answer = nil
+    caller_id = nil
+    number_to_dail = nil
+    content = @response.body
+    response = REXML::Document.new(content)
+    response.elements.each('Response') do |element|
+      on_hangup = element.attributes['onHangup']
+      on_answer = element.attributes['onAnswer']
+    end
+    response.elements.each('Response/Dial') do |element|
+      caller_id = element.attributes['callerId']
+    end
+    response.elements.each('Response/Dial/Number') do |element|
+      number_to_dail = element.text
+    end
+    assert_equal('4930777000000', caller_id)
+    assert_equal('4912347114711', number_to_dail)
+    assert_equal('http://zammad.example.com/api/v1/sipgate/out', on_hangup)
+    assert_equal('http://zammad.example.com/api/v1/sipgate/out', on_answer)
+    # outbound - II - set caller_id based on routing_table by explicite number
+    params = 'event=newCall&direction=out&from=4930600000000&to=491714000000&callId=8621106404543334274-4&user%5B%5D=user+1'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/out', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    on_hangup = nil
+    on_answer = nil
+    caller_id = nil
+    number_to_dail = nil
+    content = @response.body
+    response = REXML::Document.new(content)
+    response.elements.each('Response') do |element|
+      on_hangup = element.attributes['onHangup']
+      on_answer = element.attributes['onAnswer']
+    end
+    response.elements.each('Response/Dial') do |element|
+      caller_id = element.attributes['callerId']
+    end
+    response.elements.each('Response/Dial/Number') do |element|
+      number_to_dail = element.text
+    end
+    assert_equal('41715880339000', caller_id)
+    assert_equal('491714000000', number_to_dail)
+    assert_equal('http://zammad.example.com/api/v1/sipgate/out', on_hangup)
+    assert_equal('http://zammad.example.com/api/v1/sipgate/out', on_answer)
+    # outbound - III - set caller_id based on routing_table by 41*
+    params = 'event=newCall&direction=out&from=4930600000000&to=4147110000000&callId=8621106404543334274-5&user%5B%5D=user+1'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/out', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    on_hangup = nil
+    on_answer = nil
+    caller_id = nil
+    number_to_dail = nil
+    content = @response.body
+    response = REXML::Document.new(content)
+    response.elements.each('Response') do |element|
+      on_hangup = element.attributes['onHangup']
+      on_answer = element.attributes['onAnswer']
+    end
+    response.elements.each('Response/Dial') do |element|
+      caller_id = element.attributes['callerId']
+    end
+    response.elements.each('Response/Dial/Number') do |element|
+      number_to_dail = element.text
+    end
+    assert_equal('41715880339000', caller_id)
+    assert_equal('4147110000000', number_to_dail)
+    assert_equal('http://zammad.example.com/api/v1/sipgate/out', on_hangup)
+    assert_equal('http://zammad.example.com/api/v1/sipgate/out', on_answer)
+    # no config
+    Setting.set('sipgate_config', {})
+    params = 'event=newCall&direction=in&from=4912347114711&to=4930600000000&callId=4991155921769858278-6&user%5B%5D=user+1&user%5B%5D=user+2'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/in', params: params
+    assert_response(422)
+    error = nil
+    content = @response.body
+    response = REXML::Document.new(content)
+    response.elements.each('Response/Error') do |element|
+      error = element.text
+    end
+    assert_equal('Feature not configured, please contact your admin!', error)
+  end
+  test 'log call' do
+    # outbound - I - new call
+    params = 'event=newCall&direction=out&from=4930600000000&to=4912347114711&callId=1234567890-1&user%5B%5D=user+1'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/out', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    log = Cti::Log.find_by(call_id: '1234567890-1')
+    assert(log)
+    assert_equal('4930777000000', log.from)
+    assert_equal('4912347114711', log.to)
+    assert_equal('out', log.direction)
+    assert_equal('user 1', log.from_comment)
+    assert_equal('CallerId Customer1', log.to_comment)
+    assert_nil(log.comment)
+    assert_equal('newCall', log.state)
+    assert_equal(true, log.done)
+    # outbound - I - hangup by agent
+    params = 'event=hangup&direction=out&callId=1234567890-1&cause=cancel'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/out', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    log = Cti::Log.find_by(call_id: '1234567890-1')
+    assert(log)
+    assert_equal('4930777000000', log.from)
+    assert_equal('4912347114711', log.to)
+    assert_equal('out', log.direction)
+    assert_equal('user 1', log.from_comment)
+    assert_equal('CallerId Customer1', log.to_comment)
+    assert_equal('cancel', log.comment)
+    assert_equal('hangup', log.state)
+    assert_equal(true, log.done)
+    # outbound - II - new call
+    params = 'event=newCall&direction=out&from=4930600000000&to=4912347114711&callId=1234567890-2&user%5B%5D=user+1'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/out', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    log = Cti::Log.find_by(call_id: '1234567890-2')
+    assert(log)
+    assert_equal('4930777000000', log.from)
+    assert_equal('4912347114711', log.to)
+    assert_equal('out', log.direction)
+    assert_equal('user 1', log.from_comment)
+    assert_equal('CallerId Customer1', log.to_comment)
+    assert_nil(log.comment)
+    assert_equal('newCall', log.state)
+    assert_equal(true, log.done)
+    # outbound - II - answer by customer
+    params = 'event=answer&direction=out&callId=1234567890-2&from=4930600000000&to=4912347114711'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/out', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    log = Cti::Log.find_by(call_id: '1234567890-2')
+    assert(log)
+    assert_equal('4930777000000', log.from)
+    assert_equal('4912347114711', log.to)
+    assert_equal('out', log.direction)
+    assert_equal('user 1', log.from_comment)
+    assert_equal('CallerId Customer1', log.to_comment)
+    assert_nil(log.comment)
+    assert_equal('answer', log.state)
+    assert_equal(true, log.done)
+    # outbound - II - hangup by customer
+    params = 'event=hangup&direction=out&callId=1234567890-2&cause=normalClearing&from=4930600000000&to=4912347114711'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/out', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    log = Cti::Log.find_by(call_id: '1234567890-2')
+    assert(log)
+    assert_equal('4930777000000', log.from)
+    assert_equal('4912347114711', log.to)
+    assert_equal('out', log.direction)
+    assert_equal('user 1', log.from_comment)
+    assert_equal('CallerId Customer1', log.to_comment)
+    assert_equal('normalClearing', log.comment)
+    assert_equal('hangup', log.state)
+    assert_equal(true, log.done)
+    # inbound - I - new call
+    params = 'event=newCall&direction=in&to=4930600000000&from=4912347114711&callId=1234567890-3&user%5B%5D=user+1'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/in', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    log = Cti::Log.find_by(call_id: '1234567890-3')
+    assert(log)
+    assert_equal('4930600000000', log.to)
+    assert_equal('4912347114711', log.from)
+    assert_equal('in', log.direction)
+    assert_equal('user 1', log.to_comment)
+    assert_equal('CallerId Customer1', log.from_comment)
+    assert_nil(log.comment)
+    assert_equal('newCall', log.state)
+    assert_equal(true, log.done)
+    # inbound - I - answer by customer
+    params = 'event=answer&direction=in&callId=1234567890-3&to=4930600000000&from=4912347114711'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/in', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    log = Cti::Log.find_by(call_id: '1234567890-3')
+    assert(log)
+    assert_equal('4930600000000', log.to)
+    assert_equal('4912347114711', log.from)
+    assert_equal('in', log.direction)
+    assert_equal('user 1', log.to_comment)
+    assert_equal('CallerId Customer1', log.from_comment)
+    assert_nil(log.comment)
+    assert_equal('answer', log.state)
+    assert_equal(true, log.done)
+    # inbound - I - hangup by customer
+    params = 'event=hangup&direction=in&callId=1234567890-3&cause=normalClearing&to=4930600000000&from=4912347114711'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/in', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    log = Cti::Log.find_by(call_id: '1234567890-3')
+    assert(log)
+    assert_equal('4930600000000', log.to)
+    assert_equal('4912347114711', log.from)
+    assert_equal('in', log.direction)
+    assert_equal('user 1', log.to_comment)
+    assert_equal('CallerId Customer1', log.from_comment)
+    assert_equal('normalClearing', log.comment)
+    assert_equal('hangup', log.state)
+    assert_equal(true, log.done)
+    # inbound - II - new call
+    params = 'event=newCall&direction=in&to=4930600000000&from=4912347114711&callId=1234567890-4&user%5B%5D=user+1,user+2'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/in', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    log = Cti::Log.find_by(call_id: '1234567890-4')
+    assert(log)
+    assert_equal('4930600000000', log.to)
+    assert_equal('4912347114711', log.from)
+    assert_equal('in', log.direction)
+    assert_equal('user 1,user 2', log.to_comment)
+    assert_equal('CallerId Customer1', log.from_comment)
+    assert_nil(log.comment)
+    assert_equal('newCall', log.state)
+    assert_equal(true, log.done)
+    # inbound - II - answer by voicemail
+    params = 'event=answer&direction=in&callId=1234567890-4&to=4930600000000&from=4912347114711&user=voicemail'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/in', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    log = Cti::Log.find_by(call_id: '1234567890-4')
+    assert(log)
+    assert_equal('4930600000000', log.to)
+    assert_equal('4912347114711', log.from)
+    assert_equal('in', log.direction)
+    assert_equal('voicemail', log.to_comment)
+    assert_equal('CallerId Customer1', log.from_comment)
+    assert_nil(log.comment)
+    assert_equal('answer', log.state)
+    assert_equal(true, log.done)
+    # inbound - II - hangup by customer
+    params = 'event=hangup&direction=in&callId=1234567890-4&cause=normalClearing&to=4930600000000&from=4912347114711'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/in', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    log = Cti::Log.find_by(call_id: '1234567890-4')
+    assert(log)
+    assert_equal('4930600000000', log.to)
+    assert_equal('4912347114711', log.from)
+    assert_equal('in', log.direction)
+    assert_equal('voicemail', log.to_comment)
+    assert_equal('CallerId Customer1', log.from_comment)
+    assert_equal('normalClearing', log.comment)
+    assert_equal('hangup', log.state)
+    assert_equal(false, log.done)
+    # inbound - III - new call
+    params = 'event=newCall&direction=in&to=4930600000000&from=4912347114711&callId=1234567890-5&user%5B%5D=user+1,user+2'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/in', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    log = Cti::Log.find_by(call_id: '1234567890-5')
+    assert(log)
+    assert_equal('4930600000000', log.to)
+    assert_equal('4912347114711', log.from)
+    assert_equal('in', log.direction)
+    assert_equal('user 1,user 2', log.to_comment)
+    assert_equal('CallerId Customer1', log.from_comment)
+    assert_nil(log.comment)
+    assert_equal('newCall', log.state)
+    assert_equal(true, log.done)
+    # inbound - III - hangup by customer
+    params = 'event=hangup&direction=in&callId=1234567890-5&cause=normalClearing&to=4930600000000&from=4912347114711'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/in', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    log = Cti::Log.find_by(call_id: '1234567890-5')
+    assert(log)
+    assert_equal('4930600000000', log.to)
+    assert_equal('4912347114711', log.from)
+    assert_equal('in', log.direction)
+    assert_equal('user 1,user 2', log.to_comment)
+    assert_equal('CallerId Customer1', log.from_comment)
+    assert_equal('normalClearing', log.comment)
+    assert_equal('hangup', log.state)
+    assert_equal(false, log.done)
+    # inbound - IV - new call
+    params = 'event=newCall&direction=in&to=4930600000000&from=49999992222222&callId=1234567890-6&user%5B%5D=user+1,user+2'
+    post '/api/v1/sipgate/in', params: params
+    assert_response(200)
+    log = Cti::Log.find_by(call_id: '1234567890-6')
+    assert(log)
+    assert_equal('4930600000000', log.to)
+    assert_equal('49999992222222', log.from)
+    assert_equal('in', log.direction)
+    assert_equal('user 1,user 2', log.to_comment)
+    assert_equal('CallerId Customer3,CallerId Customer2', log.from_comment)
+    assert_not(log.preferences['to'])
+    assert(log.preferences['from'])
+    assert_nil(log.comment)
+    assert_equal('newCall', log.state)
+    assert_equal(true, log.done)
+    # get caller list
+    get '/api/v1/cti/log'
+    assert_response(401)
+    customer2 = User.lookup(login: 'ticket-caller_id_sipgate-customer2@example.com')
+    customer3 = User.lookup(login: 'ticket-caller_id_sipgate-customer3@example.com')
+    headers = { 'ACCEPT' => 'application/json', 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json' }
+    credentials = ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials('cti-agent@example.com', 'agentpw')
+    get '/api/v1/cti/log', headers: headers.merge('Authorization' => credentials)
+    assert_response(200)
+    result = JSON.parse(@response.body)
+    assert_equal(result['list'].class, Array)
+    assert_equal(6, result['list'].count)
+    assert(result['assets'])
+    assert(result['assets']['User'])
+    assert(result['assets']['User'][customer2.id.to_s])
+    assert(result['assets']['User'][customer3.id.to_s])
+    assert_equal('1234567890-6', result['list'][0]['call_id'])
+    assert_equal('1234567890-5', result['list'][1]['call_id'])
+    assert_equal('1234567890-4', result['list'][2]['call_id'])
+    assert_equal('1234567890-3', result['list'][3]['call_id'])
+    assert_equal('1234567890-2', result['list'][4]['call_id'])
+    assert_equal('hangup', result['list'][4]['state'])
+    assert_equal('4930777000000', result['list'][4]['from'])
+    assert_equal('user 1', result['list'][4]['from_comment'])
+    assert_equal('4912347114711', result['list'][4]['to'])
+    assert_equal('CallerId Customer1', result['list'][4]['to_comment'])
+    assert_equal('normalClearing', result['list'][4]['comment'])
+    assert_equal('hangup', result['list'][4]['state'])
+    assert_equal('1234567890-1', result['list'][5]['call_id'])
+  end

+ 0 - 252

@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class AutoWizardTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
-  test 'a simple' do
-    auto_wizard_data = {
-      Users: [
-        {
-          login: 'master_unit_test01@example.com',
-          firstname: 'Test Master',
-          lastname: 'Agent',
-          email: 'master_unit_test01@example.com',
-          password: 'test',
-        },
-        {
-          login: 'agent1_unit_test01@example.com',
-          firstname: 'Agent 1',
-          lastname: 'Test',
-          email: 'agent1_unit_test01@example.com',
-          password: 'test',
-          roles: ['Agent'],
-        }
-      ],
-      Groups: [
-        {
-          name: 'some group1',
-          users: ['master_unit_test01@example.com', 'agent1_unit_test01@example.com']
-        }
-      ],
-      Settings: [
-        {
-          name: 'developer_mode',
-          value: true
-        },
-        {
-          name: 'product_name',
-          value: 'Zammad UnitTest01 System'
-        },
-      ]
-    }
-    assert_equal(false, AutoWizard.enabled?)
-    auto_wizard_file_write(auto_wizard_data)
-    assert_equal(true, AutoWizard.enabled?)
-    AutoWizard.setup
-    assert_equal(false, AutoWizard.enabled?)
-    # check first user roles
-    auto_wizard_data[:Users][0][:roles] = %w[Agent Admin]
-    auto_wizard_data[:Users].each do |local_user|
-      user = User.find_by(login: local_user[:login])
-      assert_equal(local_user[:login], user.login)
-      assert_equal(local_user[:firstname], user.firstname)
-      assert_equal(local_user[:lastname], user.lastname)
-      assert_equal(local_user[:email], user.email)
-      assert_equal(local_user[:roles].count, user.role_ids.count)
-      next unless local_user[:roles]
-      local_user[:roles].each do |local_role_name|
-        local_role = Role.find_by(name: local_role_name)
-        assert(user.role_ids.include?(local_role.id))
-      end
-    end
-    auto_wizard_data[:Groups].each do |local_group|
-      group = Group.find_by(name: local_group[:name])
-      assert_equal(local_group[:name], group.name)
-      next unless local_group[:users]
-      local_group[:users].each do |local_user_login|
-        local_user = User.find_by(login: local_user_login)
-        assert(group.user_ids.include?(local_user.id))
-      end
-    end
-    auto_wizard_data[:Settings].each do |local_setting|
-      setting_value = Setting.get(local_setting[:name])
-      assert_equal(local_setting[:value], setting_value)
-    end
-  end
-  test 'b complex' do
-    auto_wizard_data = {
-      Organizations: [
-        {
-          name: 'Auto Wizard Test Org',
-          shared: false,
-        }
-      ],
-      Users: [
-        {
-          login: 'master_unit_test01@example.com',
-          firstname: 'Test Master',
-          lastname: 'Agent',
-          email: 'master_unit_test01@example.com',
-          password: 'test',
-          organization: 'Auto Wizard Test Org',
-          roles: ['Admin'],
-        },
-        {
-          login: 'agent1_unit_test01@example.com',
-          firstname: 'Agent 1',
-          lastname: 'Test',
-          email: 'agent1_unit_test01@example.com',
-          password: 'test',
-          roles: ['Agent'],
-        }
-      ],
-      Groups: [
-        {
-          name: 'some group1',
-          users: ['master_unit_test01@example.com', 'agent1_unit_test01@example.com']
-        },
-        {
-          name: 'Users',
-          users: ['master_unit_test01@example.com', 'agent1_unit_test01@example.com'],
-          signature: 'default',
-          email_address_id: 1,
-          note: 'Standard Group/Pool for Tickets.',
-        }
-      ],
-      Settings: [
-        {
-          name: 'developer_mode',
-          value: false,
-        },
-        {
-          name: 'product_name',
-          value: 'Zammad UnitTest02 System'
-        },
-      ],
-      Permissions: [
-        {
-          name: 'admin.session',
-          active: false,
-        },
-        {
-          name: 'admin.session.new',
-          active: true,
-        },
-      ],
-      Channels: [
-        {
-          id: 1,
-          area: 'Email::Account',
-          group: 'Users',
-          options: {
-            inbound: {
-              adapter: 'imap',
-              options: {
-                host: 'mx1.example.com',
-                user: 'not_existing',
-                password: 'some_pass',
-                ssl: true
-              }
-            },
-            outbound: {
-              adapter: 'sendmail'
-            }
-          },
-          preferences: {
-            online_service_disable: true,
-          },
-          active: true
-        }
-      ],
-      EmailAddresses: [
-        {
-          id: 1,
-          channel_id: 1,
-          realname: 'Zammad',
-          email: 'zammad@localhost',
-        }
-      ],
-      TextModuleLocale: {
-        Locale: 'de-de',
-      },
-      CalendarSetup: {
-        Ip: '',
-      },
-    }
-    assert_equal(false, AutoWizard.enabled?)
-    auto_wizard_file_write(auto_wizard_data)
-    assert_equal(true, AutoWizard.enabled?)
-    AutoWizard.setup
-    assert_equal(false, AutoWizard.enabled?)
-    assert_not_equal(0, TextModule.count)
-    assert_equal(1, Calendar.count)
-    assert_equal('Switzerland', Calendar.first.name)
-    assert_equal('Europe/Zurich', Calendar.first.timezone)
-    auto_wizard_data[:Users].each do |local_user|
-      user = User.find_by(login: local_user[:login])
-      assert_equal(local_user[:login], user.login)
-      assert_equal(local_user[:firstname], user.firstname)
-      assert_equal(local_user[:lastname], user.lastname)
-      assert_equal(local_user[:email], user.email)
-      next unless local_user[:roles]
-      assert_equal(local_user[:roles].count, user.role_ids.count)
-      local_user[:roles].each do |local_role_name|
-        local_role = Role.find_by(name: local_role_name)
-        assert(user.role_ids.include?(local_role.id))
-      end
-    end
-    auto_wizard_data[:Groups].each do |local_group|
-      group = Group.find_by(name: local_group[:name])
-      assert_equal(local_group[:name], group.name)
-      local_group[:users]&.each do |local_user_login|
-        local_user = User.find_by(login: local_user_login)
-        assert(group.user_ids.include?(local_user.id))
-      end
-      if local_group[:signature]
-        signature = group.signature
-        assert_equal('default', signature.name)
-      end
-    end
-    auto_wizard_data[:EmailAddresses].each do |local_email_address|
-      email_address = EmailAddress.find_by(email: local_email_address[:email])
-      assert_equal(local_email_address[:email], email_address.email)
-      assert_equal(local_email_address[:realname], email_address.realname)
-      channel = email_address.channel
-      assert_equal(local_email_address[:channel_id], email_address.channel.id)
-    end
-    auto_wizard_data[:Channels].each do |local_channel|
-      channel = Channel.find_by(id: local_channel[:id])
-      assert_equal(local_channel[:area], channel.area)
-      group = channel.group
-      assert_equal(local_channel[:group], group.name)
-    end
-    auto_wizard_data[:Settings].each do |local_setting|
-      setting_value = Setting.get(local_setting[:name])
-      assert_equal(local_setting[:value], setting_value)
-    end
-    auto_wizard_data[:Permissions].each do |local_permission|
-      permission = Permission.find_by(name: local_permission[:name])
-      assert_equal(local_permission[:name], permission.name)
-      assert_equal(local_permission[:active], permission.active)
-    end
-  end
-  def auto_wizard_file_write(data)
-    location = Rails.root.join('auto_wizard.json')
-    file = File.new(location, 'wb')
-    file.write(data.to_json)
-    file.close
-  end
-  def auto_wizard_file_exists?
-    location = Rails.root.join('auto_wizard.json')
-    return false if File.exist?(location)
-    true
-  end

+ 0 - 436

@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
-require 'integration_test_helper'
-class CalendarSubscriptionsTicketsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
-  user = User.create(
-    firstname: 'CalendarSubscriptions',
-    lastname: 'Testuser',
-    email: 'calendar_subscriptions_testuser@example.com',
-    updated_by_id: 1,
-    created_by_id: 1,
-  )
-  user_not_assigned = User.find(1)
-  sla = Sla.create(
-    name: 'sla 1',
-    condition: {},
-    data: {
-      'Mon' => 'Mon', 'Tue' => 'Tue', 'Wed' => 'Wed', 'Thu' => 'Thu', 'Fri' => 'Fri', 'Sat' => 'Sat', 'Sun' => 'Sun',
-      'beginning_of_workday' => '9:00',
-      'end_of_workday'       => '18:00',
-    },
-    timezone: 'Europe/Berlin',
-    first_response_time: 10,
-    update_time: 10,
-    close_time: 10,
-    active: true,
-    updated_by_id: 1,
-    created_by_id: 1,
-  )
-  tickets = [
-    {
-      owner: user,
-      title: 'new 1',
-      group: Group.lookup( name: 'Users'),
-      customer_id: user.id,
-      state: Ticket::State.lookup( name: 'new' ),
-      priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup( name: '2 normal' ),
-      updated_by_id: 1,
-      created_by_id: 1,
-    },
-    {
-      owner: user_not_assigned,
-      title: 'new 2',
-      group: Group.lookup( name: 'Users'),
-      customer_id: user.id,
-      state: Ticket::State.lookup( name: 'new' ),
-      priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup( name: '2 normal' ),
-      updated_by_id: 1,
-      created_by_id: 1,
-    },
-    {
-      owner: user,
-      title: 'open 1',
-      group: Group.lookup( name: 'Users'),
-      customer_id: user.id,
-      state: Ticket::State.lookup( name: 'open' ),
-      priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup( name: '2 normal' ),
-      updated_by_id: 1,
-      created_by_id: 1,
-    },
-    {
-      owner: user_not_assigned,
-      title: 'open 2',
-      group: Group.lookup( name: 'Users'),
-      customer_id: user.id,
-      state: Ticket::State.lookup( name: 'open' ),
-      priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup( name: '2 normal' ),
-      updated_by_id: 1,
-      created_by_id: 1,
-    },
-    {
-      owner: user,
-      title: 'pending reminder 1',
-      group: Group.lookup( name: 'Users'),
-      customer_id: user.id,
-      state: Ticket::State.lookup( name: 'pending reminder' ),
-      pending_time: Time.zone.parse('1977-10-27 22:00:00 +0000'),
-      priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup( name: '2 normal' ),
-      updated_by_id: 1,
-      created_by_id: 1,
-    },
-    {
-      owner: user,
-      title: 'pending reminder 2',
-      group: Group.lookup( name: 'Users'),
-      customer_id: user.id,
-      state: Ticket::State.lookup( name: 'pending reminder' ),
-      pending_time: DateTime.tomorrow,
-      priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup( name: '2 normal' ),
-      updated_by_id: 1,
-      created_by_id: 1,
-    },
-    {
-      owner: user_not_assigned,
-      title: 'pending reminder 3',
-      group: Group.lookup( name: 'Users'),
-      customer_id: user.id,
-      state: Ticket::State.lookup( name: 'pending reminder' ),
-      pending_time: Time.zone.parse('1977-10-27 22:00:00 +0000'),
-      priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup( name: '2 normal' ),
-      updated_by_id: 1,
-      created_by_id: 1,
-    },
-    {
-      owner: user_not_assigned,
-      title: 'pending reminder 4',
-      group: Group.lookup( name: 'Users'),
-      customer_id: user.id,
-      state: Ticket::State.lookup( name: 'pending reminder' ),
-      pending_time: DateTime.tomorrow,
-      priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup( name: '2 normal' ),
-      updated_by_id: 1,
-      created_by_id: 1,
-    },
-    {
-      owner: user,
-      title: 'pending close 1',
-      group: Group.lookup( name: 'Users'),
-      customer_id: user.id,
-      state: Ticket::State.lookup( name: 'pending close' ),
-      pending_time: Time.zone.parse('1977-10-27 22:00:00 +0000'),
-      priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup( name: '2 normal' ),
-      updated_by_id: 1,
-      created_by_id: 1,
-    },
-    {
-      owner: user,
-      title: 'pending close 2',
-      group: Group.lookup( name: 'Users'),
-      customer_id: user.id,
-      state: Ticket::State.lookup( name: 'pending close' ),
-      pending_time: DateTime.tomorrow,
-      priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup( name: '2 normal' ),
-      updated_by_id: 1,
-      created_by_id: 1,
-    },
-    {
-      owner: user_not_assigned,
-      title: 'pending close 3',
-      group: Group.lookup( name: 'Users'),
-      customer_id: user.id,
-      state: Ticket::State.lookup( name: 'pending close' ),
-      pending_time: Time.zone.parse('1977-10-27 22:00:00 +0000'),
-      priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup( name: '2 normal' ),
-      updated_by_id: 1,
-      created_by_id: 1,
-    },
-    {
-      owner: user_not_assigned,
-      title: 'pending close 4',
-      group: Group.lookup( name: 'Users'),
-      customer_id: user.id,
-      state: Ticket::State.lookup( name: 'pending close' ),
-      pending_time: DateTime.tomorrow,
-      priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup( name: '2 normal' ),
-      updated_by_id: 1,
-      created_by_id: 1,
-    },
-    {
-      owner: user,
-      title: 'escalation 1',
-      group: Group.lookup( name: 'Users'),
-      customer_id: user.id,
-      state: Ticket::State.lookup( name: 'open' ),
-      priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup( name: '2 normal' ),
-      created_at: '2013-03-21 09:30:00 UTC',
-      updated_at: '2013-03-21 09:30:00 UTC',
-      updated_by_id: 1,
-      created_by_id: 1,
-    },
-    {
-      owner: user_not_assigned,
-      title: 'escalation 2',
-      group: Group.lookup( name: 'Users'),
-      customer_id: user.id,
-      state: Ticket::State.lookup( name: 'open' ),
-      priority: Ticket::Priority.lookup( name: '2 normal' ),
-      created_at: '2013-03-21 09:30:00 UTC',
-      updated_at: '2013-03-21 09:30:00 UTC',
-      updated_by_id: 1,
-      created_by_id: 1,
-    },
-  ]
-  tickets.each do |ticket|
-    Ticket.create( ticket )
-  end
-  defaults_disabled = {
-    escalation: {
-      own: false,
-      not_assigned: false,
-    },
-    new_open: {
-      own: false,
-      not_assigned: false,
-    },
-    pending: {
-      own: false,
-      not_assigned: false,
-    }
-  }
-  test 'new_open' do
-    tests = [
-      {
-        count: 0,
-        name: 'none',
-        preferences: {
-          new_open: {
-            own: false,
-            not_assigned: false,
-          }
-        },
-        owner_ids: []
-      },
-      {
-        count: 3,
-        name: 'owner',
-        preferences: {
-          new_open: {
-            own: true,
-            not_assigned: false,
-          }
-        },
-        owner_ids: [user.id]
-      },
-      {
-        count: 3,
-        name: 'not_assigned',
-        preferences: {
-          new_open: {
-            own: false,
-            not_assigned: true,
-          }
-        },
-        owner_ids: [user_not_assigned.id]
-      },
-      {
-        count: 6,
-        name: 'owner+not_assigned',
-        preferences: {
-          new_open: {
-            own: true,
-            not_assigned: true,
-          }
-        },
-        owner_ids: [user.id, user_not_assigned.id]
-      },
-    ]
-    tests.each do |test_data|
-      preferences = defaults_disabled.merge( test_data[:preferences] )
-      user.preferences[:calendar_subscriptions]           = {}
-      user.preferences[:calendar_subscriptions][:tickets] = preferences
-      calendar_subscriptions_ticket = CalendarSubscriptions::Tickets.new( user, preferences )
-      event_data                    = calendar_subscriptions_ticket.new_open
-      assert_equal( test_data[:count], event_data.length, "#{test_data[:name]} event count" )
-      calendar_subscriptions = CalendarSubscriptions.new( user )
-      ical                   = calendar_subscriptions.all
-      event_data.each do |event|
-        contained = false
-        if ical.match?(/#{event[:summary]}/)
-          contained = true
-        end
-        assert( contained, "#{test_data[:name]} new_open ical contains '#{event[:summary]}'" )
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  test 'pending' do
-    tests = [
-      {
-        count: 0,
-        name: 'none',
-        preferences: {
-          pending: {
-            own: false,
-            not_assigned: false,
-          }
-        },
-        owner_ids: []
-      },
-      {
-        count: 4,
-        name: 'owner',
-        preferences: {
-          pending: {
-            own: true,
-            not_assigned: false,
-          }
-        },
-        owner_ids: [user.id]
-      },
-      {
-        count: 4,
-        name: 'not_assigned',
-        preferences: {
-          pending: {
-            own: false,
-            not_assigned: true,
-          }
-        },
-        owner_ids: [user_not_assigned.id]
-      },
-      {
-        count: 8,
-        name: 'owner+not_assigned',
-        preferences: {
-          pending: {
-            own: true,
-            not_assigned: true,
-          }
-        },
-        owner_ids: [user.id, user_not_assigned.id]
-      },
-    ]
-    tests.each do |test_data|
-      preferences = defaults_disabled.merge( test_data[:preferences] )
-      user.preferences[:calendar_subscriptions]           = {}
-      user.preferences[:calendar_subscriptions][:tickets] = preferences
-      calendar_subscriptions_ticket = CalendarSubscriptions::Tickets.new( user, preferences )
-      event_data                    = calendar_subscriptions_ticket.pending
-      assert_equal( test_data[:count], event_data.length, "#{test_data[:name]} event count" )
-      calendar_subscriptions = CalendarSubscriptions.new( user )
-      ical                   = calendar_subscriptions.all
-      event_data.each do |event|
-        contained = false
-        if ical.match?(/#{event[:summary]}/)
-          contained = true
-        end
-        assert( contained, "#{test_data[:name]} pending ical contains '#{event[:summary]}'" )
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  test 'escalation' do
-    tests = [
-      {
-        count: 0,
-        name: 'none',
-        preferences: {
-          escalation: {
-            own: false,
-            not_assigned: false,
-          }
-        },
-        owner_ids: []
-      },
-      {
-        count: 7,
-        name: 'owner',
-        preferences: {
-          escalation: {
-            own: true,
-            not_assigned: false,
-          }
-        },
-        owner_ids: [user.id]
-      },
-      {
-        count: 7,
-        name: 'not_assigned',
-        preferences: {
-          escalation: {
-            own: false,
-            not_assigned: true,
-          }
-        },
-        owner_ids: [user_not_assigned.id]
-      },
-      {
-        count: 12,
-        name: 'owner+not_assigned',
-        preferences: {
-          escalation: {
-            own: true,
-            not_assigned: true,
-          }
-        },
-        owner_ids: [user.id, user_not_assigned.id]
-      },
-    ]
-    tests.each do |test_data|
-      preferences = defaults_disabled.merge( test_data[:preferences] )
-      user.preferences[:calendar_subscriptions]           = {}
-      user.preferences[:calendar_subscriptions][:tickets] = preferences
-      calendar_subscriptions_ticket = CalendarSubscriptions::Tickets.new( user, preferences )
-      event_data                    = calendar_subscriptions_ticket.escalation
-      assert_equal( test_data[:count], event_data.length, "#{test_data[:name]} event count" )
-      calendar_subscriptions = CalendarSubscriptions.new( user )
-      ical                   = calendar_subscriptions.all
-      event_data.each do |event|
-        contained = false
-        if ical.match?(/#{event[:summary]}/)
-          contained = true
-        end
-        assert( contained, "#{test_data[:name]} escalation ical contains '#{event[:summary]}'" )
-      end
-    end
-  end