@@ -1,1301 +0,0 @@
-module Import
-module Import::OTRS2
- result = request_json( :Subaction => 'List', 1)
- return
- { some json structure }
- result = request_json( :Subaction => 'List' )
- return
- "some data string"
- def self.request_json(data, data_only = false)
- response = post(data)
- if !response
- fail "Can't connect to Zammad Migrator"
- end
- if !response.success?
- fail "Can't connect to Zammad Migrator"
- end
- result = json(response)
- if !result
- fail 'Invalid response'
- end
- if data_only
- result['Result']
- else
- result
- end
- end
- start get request to backend, add auth data automatically
- result = request('Subaction=List')
- return
- "some data string"
- def self.request(part)
- url = Setting.get('import_otrs_endpoint') + part + ';Key=' + Setting.get('import_otrs_endpoint_key')
- log 'GET: ' + url
- response = UserAgent.get(
- url,
- {},
- {
- open_timeout: 10,
- read_timeout: 60,
- user: Setting.get('import_otrs_user'),
- password: Setting.get('import_otrs_password'),
- },
- )
- if !response.success?
- log "ERROR: #{response.error}"
- return
- end
- response
- end
- start post request to backend, add auth data automatically
- result = request('Subaction=List')
- return
- "some data string"
- def self.post(data, url = nil)
- if !url
- url = Setting.get('import_otrs_endpoint')
- data['Action'] = 'ZammadMigrator'
- end
- data['Key'] = Setting.get('import_otrs_endpoint_key')
- log 'POST: ' + url
- log 'PARAMS: ' + data.inspect
- open_timeout = 10
- read_timeout = 120
- if data.empty?
- open_timeout = 6
- read_timeout = 20
- end
- response = UserAgent.post(
- url,
- data,
- {
- open_timeout: open_timeout,
- read_timeout: read_timeout,
- user: Setting.get('import_otrs_user'),
- password: Setting.get('import_otrs_password'),
- },
- )
- if !response.success?
- log "ERROR: #{response.error}"
- return
- end
- response
- end
- start post request to backend, add auth data automatically
- result = json('some response string')
- return
- {}
- def self.json(response)
- data = Encode.conv( 'utf8', response.body.to_s )
- JSON.parse( data )
- end
- start auth on OTRS - just for experimental reasons
- result = auth(username, password)
- return
- { ..user structure.. }
- def self.auth(username, password)
- url = Setting.get('import_otrs_endpoint')
- url.gsub!('ZammadMigrator', 'ZammadSSO')
- response = post( { Action: 'ZammadSSO', Subaction: 'Auth', User: username, Pw: password }, url )
- return if !response
- return if !response.success?
- result = json(response)
- result
- end
- request session data - just for experimental reasons
- result = session(session_id)
- return
- { ..session structure.. }
- def self.session(session_id)
- url = Setting.get('import_otrs_endpoint')
- url.gsub!('ZammadMigrator', 'ZammadSSO')
- response = post( { Action: 'ZammadSSO', Subaction: 'SessionCheck', SessionID: session_id }, url )
- return if !response
- return if !response.success?
- result = json(response)
- result
- end
- load objects from otrs
- result = load('SysConfig')
- return
- [
- { ..object1.. },
- { ..object2.. },
- { ..object3.. },
- ]
- def self.load( object, limit = '', offset = '', diff = 0 )
- request_json( { Subaction: 'Export', Object: object, Limit: limit, Offset: offset, Diff: diff }, 1 )
- end
- start get request to backend to check connection
- result = connection_test
- return
- true | false
- def self.connection_test
- self.request_json({})
- end
- get object statistic from server ans save it in cache
- result = statistic('Subaction=List')
- return
- {
- 'Ticket' => 1234,
- 'User' => 123,
- 'SomeObject' => 999,
- }
- def self.statistic
- # check cache
- cache = Cache.get('import_otrs_stats')
- if cache
- return cache
- end
- # retrive statistic
- statistic = self.request_json( { Subaction: 'List' }, 1)
- if statistic
- Cache.write('import_otrs_stats', statistic)
- end
- statistic
- end
- return current import state
- result = current_state
- return
- {
- :Ticket => {
- :total => 1234,
- :done => 13,
- },
- :Base => {
- :total => 1234,
- :done => 13,
- },
- }
- def self.current_state
- data = self.statistic
- base = Group.count + Ticket::State.count + Ticket::Priority.count
- base_total = data['Queue'] + data['State'] + data['Priority']
- user = User.count
- user_total = data['User'] + data['CustomerUser']
- data = {
- Base: {
- done: base,
- total: base_total || 0,
- },
- User: {
- done: user,
- total: user_total || 0,
- },
- Ticket: {
- done: Ticket.count,
- total: data['Ticket'] || 0,
- },
- }
- data
- end
- #
- # start import
- #
- # Import::OTRS2.start
- #
- def self.start
- log 'Start import...'
- # check if system is in import mode
- if !Setting.get('import_mode')
- fail 'System is not in import mode!'
- end
- result = request_json({})
- if !result['Success']
- 'API key not valid!'
- end
- # set settings
- settings = load('SysConfig')
- setting(settings)
- # dynamic fields
- dynamic_fields = load('DynamicField')
- #settings(dynamic_fields, settings)
- # email accounts
- #accounts = load('PostMasterAccount')
- #account(accounts)
- # email filter
- #filters = load('PostMasterFilter')
- #filter(filters)
- # create states
- states = load('State')
- ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
- state(states)
- end
- # create priorities
- priorities = load('Priority')
- ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
- priority(priorities)
- end
- # create groups
- queues = load('Queue')
- ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
- ticket_group(queues)
- end
- # get agents groups
- groups = load('Group')
- # get agents roles
- roles = load('Role')
- # create agents
- users = load('User')
- ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
- user(users, groups, roles, queues)
- end
- # create organizations
- organizations = load('Customer')
- ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
- organization(organizations)
- end
- # create customers
- count = 0
- steps = 50
- run = true
- while run
- count += steps
- records = load('CustomerUser', steps, count - steps)
- if !records || !records[0]
- log 'all customers imported.'
- run = false
- next
- end
- customer(records, organizations)
- end
- Thread.abort_on_exception = true
- thread_count = 8
- threads = {}
- count = 0
- locks = { User: {} }
- (1..thread_count).each {|thread|
- threads[thread] = Thread.new {
- Thread.current[:thread_no] = thread
- sleep thread * 3
- log "Started import thread# #{thread} ..."
- run = true
- steps = 20
- while run
- count += steps
- log "loading... thread# #{thread} ..."
- offset = count - steps
- if offset != 0
- offset = count - steps + 1
- end
- records = load( 'Ticket', steps, count - steps)
- if !records || !records[0]
- log "... thread# #{thread}, no more work."
- run = false
- next
- end
- _ticket_result(records, locks, thread)
- end
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.close
- }
- }
- (1..thread_count).each {|thread|
- threads[thread].join
- }
- Setting.set( 'system_init_done', true )
- #Setting.set( 'import_mode', false )
- true
- end
- def self.diff_worker
- return if !Setting.get('import_mode')
- return if Setting.get('import_otrs_endpoint') == 'http://otrs_host/otrs'
- self.diff
- end
- def self.diff
- log 'Start diff...'
- # check if system is in import mode
- if !Setting.get('import_mode')
- fail 'System is not in import mode!'
- end
- # create states
- states = load('State')
- state(states)
- # create priorities
- priorities = load('Priority')
- priority(priorities)
- # create groups
- queues = load('Queue')
- ticket_group(queues)
- # get agents groups
- groups = load('Group')
- # get agents roles
- roles = load('Role')
- # create agents
- users = load('User')
- user(users, groups, roles, queues)
- # create organizations
- organizations = load('Customer')
- organization(organizations)
- # get changed tickets
- self.ticket_diff
- end
- def self.ticket_diff
- count = 0
- run = true
- steps = 20
- locks = { User: {} }
- while run
- count += steps
- log 'loading... diff ...'
- offset = count - steps
- if offset != 0
- offset = count - steps + 1
- end
- records = load( 'Ticket', steps, count - steps, 1 )
- if !records || !records[0]
- log '... no more work.'
- run = false
- next
- end
- _ticket_result(records, locks)
- end
- end
- def self._ticket_result(result, locks, _thread = '-')
-# puts result.inspect
- map = {
- Ticket: {
- Changed: :updated_at,
- Created: :created_at,
- CreateBy: :created_by_id,
- TicketNumber: :number,
- QueueID: :group_id,
- StateID: :state_id,
- PriorityID: :priority_id,
- Owner: :owner,
- CustomerUserID: :customer,
- Title: :title,
- TicketID: :id,
- FirstResponse: :first_response,
-# :FirstResponseTimeDestinationDate => :first_response_escal_date,
-# :FirstResponseInMin => :first_response_in_min,
-# :FirstResponseDiffInMin => :first_response_diff_in_min,
- Closed: :close_time,
-# :SoltutionTimeDestinationDate => :close_time_escal_date,
-# :CloseTimeInMin => :close_time_in_min,
-# :CloseTimeDiffInMin => :close_time_diff_in_min,
- },
- Article: {
- SenderType: :sender,
- ArticleType: :type,
- TicketID: :ticket_id,
- ArticleID: :id,
- Body: :body,
- From: :from,
- To: :to,
- Cc: :cc,
- Subject: :subject,
- InReplyTo: :in_reply_to,
- MessageID: :message_id,
-# :ReplyTo => :reply_to,
- References: :references,
- Changed: :updated_at,
- Created: :created_at,
- ChangedBy: :updated_by_id,
- CreatedBy: :created_by_id,
- },
- }
- result.each {|record|
- # cleanup values
- _cleanup(record)
- _utf8_encode(record)
- ticket_new = {
- title: '',
- created_by_id: 1,
- updated_by_id: 1,
- }
- map[:Ticket].each { |key, value|
- next if !record.key?(key.to_s)
- ticket_new[value] = record[key.to_s]
- }
- ticket_old = Ticket.where( id: ticket_new[:id] ).first
- # find owner
- if ticket_new[:owner]
- user = User.lookup( login: ticket_new[:owner].downcase )
- if user
- ticket_new[:owner_id] = user.id
- else
- ticket_new[:owner_id] = 1
- end
- ticket_new.delete(:owner)
- end
- # find customer
- if ticket_new[:customer]
- user = User.lookup( login: ticket_new[:customer].downcase )
- if user
- ticket_new[:customer_id] = user.id
- else
- ticket_new[:customer_id] = 1
- end
- ticket_new.delete(:customer)
- else
- ticket_new[:customer_id] = 1
- end
- # set state types
- if ticket_old
- log "update Ticket.find(#{ticket_new[:id]})"
- ticket_old.update_attributes(ticket_new)
- else
- log "add Ticket.find(#{ticket_new[:id]})"
- ticket = Ticket.new(ticket_new)
- ticket.id = ticket_new[:id]
- ticket.save
- end
- # utf8 encode
- record['Articles'].each { |article|
- _utf8_encode(article)
- }
- # lookup customers to create first
- record['Articles'].each { |article|
- _article_based_customers(article, locks)
- }
- ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
- record['Articles'].each { |article|
- # get article values
- article_new = {
- created_by_id: 1,
- updated_by_id: 1,
- }
- map[:Article].each { |key, value|
- next if !article.key?(key.to_s)
- article_new[value] = article[key.to_s]
- }
- if article_new[:sender] == 'customer'
- article_new[:sender_id] = Ticket::Article::Sender.lookup( name: 'Customer' ).id
- article_new.delete( :sender )
- end
- if article_new[:sender] == 'agent'
- article_new[:sender_id] = Ticket::Article::Sender.lookup( name: 'Agent' ).id
- article_new.delete( :sender )
- end
- if article_new[:sender] == 'system'
- article_new[:sender_id] = Ticket::Article::Sender.lookup( name: 'System' ).id
- article_new.delete( :sender )
- end
- if article_new[:type] == 'email-external'
- article_new[:type_id] = Ticket::Article::Type.lookup( name: 'email' ).id
- article_new[:internal] = false
- elsif article_new[:type] == 'email-internal'
- article_new[:type_id] = Ticket::Article::Type.lookup( name: 'email' ).id
- article_new[:internal] = true
- elsif article_new[:type] == 'note-external'
- article_new[:type_id] = Ticket::Article::Type.lookup( name: 'note' ).id
- article_new[:internal] = false
- elsif article_new[:type] == 'note-internal'
- article_new[:type_id] = Ticket::Article::Type.lookup( name: 'note' ).id
- article_new[:internal] = true
- elsif article_new[:type] == 'phone'
- article_new[:type_id] = Ticket::Article::Type.lookup( name: 'phone' ).id
- article_new[:internal] = false
- elsif article_new[:type] == 'webrequest'
- article_new[:type_id] = Ticket::Article::Type.lookup( name: 'web' ).id
- article_new[:internal] = false
- else
- article_new[:type_id] = 9
- end
- article_new.delete( :type )
- article_old = Ticket::Article.where( id: article_new[:id] ).first
- # set state types
- if article_old
- log "update Ticket::Article.find(#{article_new[:id]})"
- article_old.update_attributes(article_new)
- else
- log "add Ticket::Article.find(#{article_new[:id]})"
- article = Ticket::Article.new(article_new)
- article.id = article_new[:id]
- article.save
- end
- }
- end
- #puts "HS: #{record['History'].inspect}"
- record['History'].each { |history|
- if history['HistoryType'] == 'NewTicket'
- #puts "HS.add( #{history.inspect} )"
- res = History.add(
- id: history['HistoryID'],
- o_id: history['TicketID'],
- history_type: 'created',
- history_object: 'Ticket',
- created_at: history['CreateTime'],
- created_by_id: history['CreateBy']
- )
- #puts "res #{res.inspect}"
- end
- if history['HistoryType'] == 'StateUpdate'
- data = history['Name']
- # "%%new%%open%%"
- from = nil
- to = nil
- if data =~ /%%(.+?)%%(.+?)%%/
- from = $1
- to = $2
- state_from = Ticket::State.lookup( name: from )
- state_to = Ticket::State.lookup( name: to )
- if state_from
- from_id = state_from.id
- end
- if state_to
- to_id = state_to.id
- end
- end
- History.add(
- id: history['HistoryID'],
- o_id: history['TicketID'],
- history_type: 'updated',
- history_object: 'Ticket',
- history_attribute: 'state',
- value_from: from,
- id_from: from_id,
- value_to: to,
- id_to: to_id,
- created_at: history['CreateTime'],
- created_by_id: history['CreateBy']
- )
- end
- if history['HistoryType'] == 'Move'
- data = history['Name']
- # "%%Queue1%%5%%Postmaster%%1"
- from = nil
- to = nil
- if data =~ /%%(.+?)%%(.+?)%%(.+?)%%(.+?)$/
- from = $1
- from_id = $2
- to = $3
- to_id = $4
- end
- History.add(
- id: history['HistoryID'],
- o_id: history['TicketID'],
- history_type: 'updated',
- history_object: 'Ticket',
- history_attribute: 'group',
- value_from: from,
- value_to: to,
- id_from: from_id,
- id_to: to_id,
- created_at: history['CreateTime'],
- created_by_id: history['CreateBy']
- )
- end
- if history['HistoryType'] == 'PriorityUpdate'
- data = history['Name']
- # "%%3 normal%%3%%5 very high%%5"
- from = nil
- to = nil
- if data =~ /%%(.+?)%%(.+?)%%(.+?)%%(.+?)$/
- from = $1
- from_id = $2
- to = $3
- to_id = $4
- end
- History.add(
- id: history['HistoryID'],
- o_id: history['TicketID'],
- history_type: 'updated',
- history_object: 'Ticket',
- history_attribute: 'priority',
- value_from: from,
- value_to: to,
- id_from: from_id,
- id_to: to_id,
- created_at: history['CreateTime'],
- created_by_id: history['CreateBy']
- )
- end
- next if !history['ArticleID']
- next if history['ArticleID'] == 0
- History.add(
- id: history['HistoryID'],
- o_id: history['ArticleID'],
- history_type: 'created',
- history_object: 'Ticket::Article',
- related_o_id: history['TicketID'],
- related_history_object: 'Ticket',
- created_at: history['CreateTime'],
- created_by_id: history['CreateBy']
- )
- }
- }
- end
- # sync ticket states
- def self.state(records)
- map = {
- ChangeTime: :updated_at,
- CreateTime: :created_at,
- CreateBy: :created_by_id,
- ChangeBy: :updated_by_id,
- Name: :name,
- ID: :id,
- ValidID: :active,
- Comment: :note,
- }
- # rename states to handle not uniq issues
- Ticket::State.all.each {|state|
- state.name = state.name + '_tmp'
- state.save
- }
- records.each { |state|
- _set_valid(state)
- # get new attributes
- state_new = {
- created_by_id: 1,
- updated_by_id: 1,
- }
- map.each { |key, value|
- next if !state.key?(key.to_s)
- state_new[value] = state[key.to_s]
- }
- # check if state already exists
- state_old = Ticket::State.where( id: state_new[:id] ).first
- # set state types
- if state['TypeName'] == 'pending auto'
- state['TypeName'] = 'pending action'
- end
- state_type = Ticket::StateType.where( name: state['TypeName'] ).first
- state_new[:state_type_id] = state_type.id
- if state_old
- state_old.update_attributes(state_new)
- else
- state = Ticket::State.new(state_new)
- state.id = state_new[:id]
- state.save
- end
- }
- end
- # sync ticket priorities
- def self.priority(records)
- map = {
- ChangeTime: :updated_at,
- CreateTime: :created_at,
- CreateBy: :created_by_id,
- ChangeBy: :updated_by_id,
- Name: :name,
- ID: :id,
- ValidID: :active,
- Comment: :note,
- }
- records.each { |priority|
- _set_valid(priority)
- # get new attributes
- priority_new = {
- created_by_id: 1,
- updated_by_id: 1,
- }
- map.each { |key, value|
- next if !priority.key?(key.to_s)
- priority_new[value] = priority[key.to_s]
- }
- # check if state already exists
- priority_old = Ticket::Priority.where( id: priority_new[:id] ).first
- # set state types
- if priority_old
- priority_old.update_attributes(priority_new)
- else
- priority = Ticket::Priority.new(priority_new)
- priority.id = priority_new[:id]
- priority.save
- end
- }
- end
- # sync ticket groups / queues
- def self.ticket_group(records)
- map = {
- ChangeTime: :updated_at,
- CreateTime: :created_at,
- CreateBy: :created_by_id,
- ChangeBy: :updated_by_id,
- Name: :name,
- QueueID: :id,
- ValidID: :active,
- Comment: :note,
- }
- records.each { |group|
- _set_valid(group)
- # get new attributes
- group_new = {
- created_by_id: 1,
- updated_by_id: 1,
- }
- map.each { |key, value|
- next if !group.key?(key.to_s)
- group_new[value] = group[key.to_s]
- }
- # check if state already exists
- group_old = Group.where( id: group_new[:id] ).first
- # set state types
- if group_old
- group_old.update_attributes(group_new)
- else
- group = Group.new(group_new)
- group.id = group_new[:id]
- group.save
- end
- }
- end
- # sync agents
- def self.user(records, groups, roles, queues)
- map = {
- ChangeTime: :updated_at,
- CreateTime: :created_at,
- CreateBy: :created_by_id,
- ChangeBy: :updated_by_id,
- UserID: :id,
- ValidID: :active,
- Comment: :note,
- UserEmail: :email,
- UserFirstname: :firstname,
- UserLastname: :lastname,
- UserLogin: :login,
- UserPw: :password,
- }
- records.each { |user|
- _set_valid(user)
- # get roles
- role_ids = get_roles_ids(user, groups, roles, queues)
- # get groups
- group_ids = get_queue_ids(user, groups, roles, queues)
- # get new attributes
- user_new = {
- created_by_id: 1,
- updated_by_id: 1,
- source: 'OTRS Import',
- role_ids: role_ids,
- group_ids: group_ids,
- }
- map.each { |key, value|
- next if !user.key?(key.to_s)
- user_new[value] = user[key.to_s]
- }
- # set pw
- if user_new[:password]
- user_new[:password] = "{sha2}#{user_new[:password]}"
- end
- # check if agent already exists
- user_old = User.where( id: user_new[:id] ).first
- # check if login is already used
- login_in_use = User.where( "login = ? AND id != #{user_new[:id]}", user_new[:login].downcase ).count
- if login_in_use > 0
- user_new[:login] = "#{user_new[:login]}_#{user_new[:id]}"
- end
- # create / update agent
- if user_old
- log "update User.find(#{user_old[:id]})"
- # only update roles if different (reduce sql statements)
- if user_old.role_ids == user_new[:role_ids]
- user_new.delete( :role_ids )
- end
- user_old.update_attributes(user_new)
- else
- log "add User.find(#{user_new[:id]})"
- user = User.new(user_new)
- user.id = user_new[:id]
- user.save
- end
- }
- end
- def self.get_queue_ids(user, _groups, _roles, queues)
- queue_ids = []
- # lookup by groups
- user['GroupIDs'].each {|group_id, permissions|
- queues.each {|queue_lookup|
- next if queue_lookup['GroupID'] != group_id
- next if !permissions
- next if !permissions.include?('rw')
- queue_ids.push queue_lookup['QueueID']
- }
- }
- # lookup by roles
- # roles of user
- # groups of roles
- # queues of group
- queue_ids
- end
- def self.get_roles_ids(user, groups, roles, _queues)
- roles = ['Agent']
- role_ids = []
- user['GroupIDs'].each {|group_id, permissions|
- groups.each {|group_lookup|
- next if group_id != group_lookup['ID']
- next if !permissions
- if group_lookup['Name'] == 'admin' && permissions.include?('rw')
- roles.push 'Admin'
- end
- next if group_lookup['Name'] !~ /^(stats|report)/
- next if !( permissions.include?('ro') || permissions.include?('rw') )
- roles.push 'Report'
- }
- }
- roles.each {|role|
- role_lookup = Role.lookup( name: role )
- next if !role_lookup
- role_ids.push role_lookup.id
- }
- role_ids
- end
- # sync customers
- def self.customer(records, organizations)
- map = {
- ChangeTime: :updated_at,
- CreateTime: :created_at,
- CreateBy: :created_by_id,
- ChangeBy: :updated_by_id,
- ValidID: :active,
- UserComment: :note,
- UserEmail: :email,
- UserFirstname: :firstname,
- UserLastname: :lastname,
- UserLogin: :login,
- UserPassword: :password,
- UserPhone: :phone,
- UserFax: :fax,
- UserMobile: :mobile,
- UserStreet: :street,
- UserZip: :zip,
- UserCity: :city,
- UserCountry: :country,
- }
- role_agent = Role.lookup( name: 'Agent' )
- role_customer = Role.lookup( name: 'Customer' )
- records.each { |user|
- _set_valid(user)
- # get new attributes
- user_new = {
- created_by_id: 1,
- updated_by_id: 1,
- source: 'OTRS Import',
- organization_id: get_organization_id(user, organizations),
- role_ids: [ role_customer.id ],
- }
- map.each { |key, value|
- next if !user.key?(key.to_s)
- user_new[value] = user[key.to_s]
- }
- # check if customer already exists
- user_old = User.where( login: user_new[:login] ).first
- # create / update agent
- if user_old
- # do not update user if it is already agent
- if !user_old.role_ids.include?( role_agent.id )
- # only update roles if different (reduce sql statements)
- if user_old.role_ids == user_new[:role_ids]
- user_new.delete( :role_ids )
- end
- log "update User.find(#{user_old[:id]})"
- user_old.update_attributes(user_new)
- end
- else
- log "add User.find(#{user_new[:id]})"
- user = User.new(user_new)
- user.save
- end
- }
- end
- def self.get_organization_id(user, organizations)
- organization_id = nil
- if user['UserCustomerID']
- organizations.each {|organization|
- next if user['UserCustomerID'] != organization['CustomerID']
- organization = Organization.where(name: organization['CustomerCompanyName'] ).first
- organization_id = organization.id
- }
- end
- organization_id
- end
- # sync organizations
- def self.organization(records)
- map = {
- ChangeTime: :updated_at,
- CreateTime: :created_at,
- CreateBy: :created_by_id,
- ChangeBy: :updated_by_id,
- CustomerCompanyName: :name,
- ValidID: :active,
- CustomerCompanyComment: :note,
- }
- records.each { |organization|
- _set_valid(organization)
- # get new attributes
- organization_new = {
- created_by_id: 1,
- updated_by_id: 1,
- }
- map.each { |key, value|
- next if !organization.key?(key.to_s)
- organization_new[value] = organization[key.to_s]
- }
- # check if state already exists
- organization_old = Organization.where( name: organization_new[:name] ).first
- # set state types
- if organization_old
- organization_old.update_attributes(organization_new)
- else
- organization = Organization.new(organization_new)
- organization.id = organization_new[:id]
- organization.save
- end
- }
- end
- # sync settings
- def self.setting(records)
- records.each { |setting|
- # fqdn
- if setting['Key'] == 'FQDN'
- Setting.set( 'fqdn', setting['Value'] )
- end
- # http type
- if setting['Key'] == 'HttpType'
- Setting.set( 'http_type', setting['Value'] )
- end
- # system id
- if setting['Key'] == 'SystemID'
- Setting.set( 'system_id', setting['Value'] )
- end
- # organization
- if setting['Key'] == 'Organization'
- Setting.set( 'organization', setting['Value'] )
- end
- # sending emails
- if setting['Key'] == 'SendmailModule'
- # TODO
- end
- # number generater
- if setting['Key'] == 'Ticket::NumberGenerator'
- if setting['Value'] == 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Number::DateChecksum'
- Setting.set( 'ticket_number', 'Ticket::Number::Date' )
- Setting.set( 'ticket_number_date', { checksum: true } )
- elsif setting['Value'] == 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Number::Date'
- Setting.set( 'ticket_number', 'Ticket::Number::Date' )
- Setting.set( 'ticket_number_date', { checksum: false } )
- end
- end
- # ticket hook
- if setting['Key'] == 'Ticket::Hook'
- Setting.set( 'ticket_hook', setting['Value'] )
- end
- }
- end
- # log
- def self.log(message)
- thread_no = Thread.current[:thread_no] || '-'
- Rails.logger.info "thread##{thread_no}: #{message}"
- end
- # set translate valid ids to active = true|false
- def self._set_valid(record)
- # map
- if record['ValidID'].to_s == '3'
- record['ValidID'] = false
- elsif record['ValidID'].to_s == '2'
- record['ValidID'] = false
- elsif record['ValidID'].to_s == '1'
- record['ValidID'] = true
- elsif record['ValidID'].to_s == '0'
- record['ValidID'] = false
- # fallback
- else
- record['ValidID'] = true
- end
- end
- # cleanup invalid values
- def self._cleanup(record)
- record.each {|key, value|
- if value == '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
- record[key] = nil
- end
- }
- # fix OTRS 3.1 bug, no close time if ticket is created
- if record['StateType'] == 'closed' && ( !record['Closed'] || record['Closed'].empty? )
- record['Closed'] = record['Created']
- end
- end
- # utf8 convert
- def self._utf8_encode(data)
- data.each { |key, value|
- next if !value
- next if value.class != String
- data[key] = Encode.conv( 'utf8', value )
- }
- end
- # create customers for article
- def self._article_based_customers(article, locks)
- # create customer/sender if needed
- return if article['sender'] != 'customer'
- return if article['created_by_id'].to_i != 1
- return if article['from'].empty?
- email = nil
- begin
- email = Mail::Address.new( article['from'] ).address
- rescue
- email = article['from']
- if article['from'] =~ /<(.+?)>/
- email = $1
- end
- end
- # create article user if not exists
- while locks[:User][ email ]
- log "user #{email} is locked"
- sleep 1
- end
- # lock user
- locks[:User][ email ] = true
- user = User.where( email: email ).first
- if !user
- user = User.where( login: email ).first
- end
- if !user
- begin
- display_name = Mail::Address.new( article['from'] ).display_name ||
- ( Mail::Address.new( article['from'] ).comments && Mail::Address.new( article['from'] ).comments[0] )
- rescue
- display_name = article['from']
- end
- # do extra decoding because we needed to use field.value
- display_name = Mail::Field.new( 'X-From', display_name ).to_s
- roles = Role.lookup( name: 'Customer' )
- user = User.create(
- login: email,
- firstname: display_name,
- lastname: '',
- email: email,
- password: '',
- active: true,
- role_ids: [roles.id],
- updated_by_id: 1,
- created_by_id: 1,
- )
- end
- article['created_by_id'] = user.id
- # unlock user
- locks[:User][ email ] = false
- true
- end