@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class Index extends App.ControllerTabs
id: 'object_manager_attributes_list'
type: 'GET'
- url: @apiPath + '/object_manager_attributes_list'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/object_manager_attributes_list"
processData: true
success: (data, status, xhr) =>
@@ -36,22 +36,21 @@ class Index extends App.ControllerTabs
class Items extends App.ControllerContent
- 'click [data-type="delete"]': 'destroy'
- 'click .js-up': 'move'
- 'click .js-down': 'move'
- 'click .js-new': 'new'
- 'click .js-edit': 'edit'
+ 'click .js-delete': 'destroy'
+ 'click .js-new': 'new'
+ 'click .js-edit': 'edit'
+ 'click .js-discard': 'discard'
+ 'click .js-execute': 'execute'
constructor: ->
# check authentication
return if !@authenticate()
@subscribeId = App.ObjectManagerAttribute.subscribe(@render)
- # ajax call
release: =>
if @subscribeId
@@ -63,63 +62,22 @@ class Items extends App.ControllerContent
sortBy: 'position'
- @html App.view('object_manager/index')(
- head: @object
- items: items
- )
- ###
- new App.ControllerTable(
- el: @el.find('.table-overview')
- model: App.ObjectManagerAttribute
- objects: objects
- bindRow:
- events:
- 'click': @edit
- )
- ###
- move: (e) =>
- e.preventDefault()
- e.stopPropagation()
- id = $( e.target ).closest('tr').data('id')
- direction = 'up'
- if $( e.target ).hasClass('js-down')
- direction = 'down'
- console.log('M', id, direction)
+ itemsToChange = []
+ for item in App.ObjectManagerAttribute.search(sortBy: 'object')
+ if item.to_create is true || item.to_delete is true
+ itemsToChange.push item
- items = App.ObjectManagerAttribute.search(
- filter:
- object: @object
- sortBy: 'position'
+ @html App.view('object_manager/index')(
+ head: @object
+ items: items
+ itemsToChange: itemsToChange
- count = 0
- for item in items
- if item.id is id
- if direction is 'up'
- itemToMove = items[ count - 1 ]
- else
- itemToMove = items[ count + 1 ]
- if itemToMove
- movePosition = itemToMove.position
- if movePosition is item.position
- if direction is 'up'
- movePosition -= 1
- else
- movePosition += 1
- itemToMove.position = item.position
- itemToMove.save()
- console.log(itemToMove, itemToMove.position, count)
- item.position = movePosition
- item.save()
- console.log(item, movePosition, count)
- count += 1
new: (e) =>
- new App.ControllerGenericNew(
+ new New(
+ head: @object
title: 'Attribute'
home: 'object_manager'
object: 'ObjectManagerAttribute'
@@ -127,6 +85,8 @@ class Items extends App.ControllerContent
navupdate: '#object_manager'
genericObject: 'ObjectManagerAttribute'
container: @el.closest('.content')
+ item:
+ object: @object
edit: (e) =>
@@ -134,136 +94,135 @@ class Items extends App.ControllerContent
id = $( e.target ).closest('tr').data('id')
new Edit(
- object: 'ObjectManagerAttribute'
+ head: @object
+ title: 'Attribute'
+ home: 'object_manager'
+ object: 'ObjectManagerAttribute'
+ objects: 'ObjectManagerAttributes'
+ navupdate: '#object_manager'
genericObject: 'ObjectManagerAttribute'
+ container: @el.closest('.content')
callback: @render
id: id
- container: @el.closest('.content')
destroy: (e) ->
+ e.stopPropagation()
- sessionId = $( e.target ).data('session-id')
+ id = $(e.target).closest('tr').data('id')
+ item = App.ObjectManagerAttribute.find(id)
- id: 'sessions/' + sessionId
+ id: "object_manager_attributes/#{id}"
type: 'DELETE'
- url: @apiPath + '/sessions/' + sessionId
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/object_manager_attributes/#{id}"
success: (data) =>
- @load()
+ @render()
-class Edit extends App.ControllerModal
- buttonClose: true
- buttonCancel: true
- buttonSubmit: true
- head: 'Edit'
- content: =>
- content = $( App.view('object_manager/edit')(
- head: @object
- items: []
- ) )
- item = App.ObjectManagerAttribute.find(@id)
- options =
- input: 'Text (normal - one line)'
- select: 'Selection'
- datetime: 'Datetime'
- date: 'Date'
- textarea: 'Text (normal - multiline)'
- richtext: 'Text (richtext)'
- checkbox: 'Checkbox'
- boolean: 'yes/no'
- configureAttributesTop = [
- { name: 'name', display: 'Name', tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 100, 'null': false },
- { name: 'display', display: 'Anzeige', tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 100, 'null': false },
- { name: 'data_type', display: 'Format', tag: 'select', multiple: false, nulloption: true, null: false, options: options, translate: true },
- ]
- controller = new App.ControllerForm(
- model: { configure_attributes: configureAttributesTop, className: '' },
- params: item
- #screen: @screen || 'edit'
- el: content.find('.js-top')
- autofocus: true
+ discard: (e) ->
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'object_manager_attributes_discard_changes'
+ type: 'POST'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/object_manager_attributes_discard_changes"
+ success: (data) =>
+ @render()
- # input
- configureAttributesInput = [
- { name: 'data_option::type', display: 'Type', tag: 'select', multiple: false, nulloption: true, null: false, options: { text: 'text', email: 'email', url: 'url', email: 'email', password: 'password', phone: 'phone'}, translate: true },
- { name: 'data_option::maxlength', display: 'Max. Length', tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 100, 'null': false },
- { name: 'data_option::null', display: 'Required', tag: 'select', multiple: false, nulloption: false, null: false, options: { true: 'no', false: 'yes' }, translate: true },
- { name: 'data_option::autocapitalize', display: 'autocapitalize', tag: 'select', multiple: false, nulloption: true, null: false, options: { true: 'no', false: 'yes' }, translate: true },
- { name: 'data_option::autocomplete', display: 'autocomplete', tag: 'select', multiple: false, nulloption: true, null: false, options: { true: 'no', false: 'yes' }, translate: true },
- { name: 'data_option::default', display: 'Default', tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 100, null: true },
- { name: 'data_option::note', display: 'note', tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 100, null: true },
- ]
- controller = new App.ControllerForm(
- model: { configure_attributes: configureAttributesInput, className: '' },
- params: item
- el: content.find('.js-input')
- autofocus: true
+ execute: (e) ->
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @ajax(
+ id: 'object_manager_attributes_execute_migrations'
+ type: 'POST'
+ url: "#{@apiPath}/object_manager_attributes_execute_migrations"
+ success: (data) =>
+ @render()
- # textarea
- configureAttributesTextarea = [
- { name: 'data_option::maxlength', display: 'Max. Length', tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 100, null: false },
- { name: 'data_option::null', display: 'Required', tag: 'select', multiple: false, nulloption: false, null: false, options: { true: 'no', false: 'yes' }, translate: true },
- { name: 'data_option::autocapitalize', display: 'autocapitalize', tag: 'select', multiple: false, nulloption: true, null: false, options: { true: 'no', false: 'yes' }, translate: true },
- { name: 'data_option::note', display: 'autocomplete', tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 100, null: true },
- ]
- controller = new App.ControllerForm(
- model: { configure_attributes: configureAttributesTextarea, className: '' },
- params: item
- el: content.find('.js-textarea')
- autofocus: true
+class New extends App.ControllerGenericNew
+ onSubmit: (e) =>
+ params = @formParam(e.target)
+ params.object = @pageData.head
+ object = new App[ @genericObject ]
+ object.load(params)
+ # validate
+ errors = object.validate()
+ if errors
+ @log 'error', errors
+ @formValidate( form: e.target, errors: errors )
+ return false
+ # disable form
+ @formDisable(e)
+ # save object
+ ui = @
+ object.save(
+ done: ->
+ if ui.callback
+ item = App[ ui.genericObject ].fullLocal(@id)
+ ui.callback(item)
+ ui.close()
+ fail: (settings, details) ->
+ ui.log 'errors', details
+ ui.formEnable(e)
+ ui.controller.showAlert(details.error_human || details.error || 'Unable to create object!')
- # select
- configureAttributesSelect = [
- { name: 'data_option::nulloption', display: 'Empty Selection', tag: 'select', multiple: false, nulloption: false, null: false, options: { true: 'no', false: 'yes' }, translate: true },
- { name: 'data_option::null', display: 'Required', tag: 'boolean', multiple: false, nulloption: false, null: false, options: { true: 'no', false: 'yes' }, translate: true },
- { name: 'data_option::relation', display: 'Relation', tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 100, null: true },
- { name: 'data_option::options', display: 'Options', tag: 'hash', multiple: true, null: false },
- { name: 'data_option::translate', display: 'Übersetzen', tag: 'select', multiple: false, nulloption: false, null: false, options: { true: 'no', false: 'yes' }, translate: true },
- { name: 'data_option::note', display: 'Note', tag: 'input', type: 'text', limit: 100, null: true },
- ]
- controller = new App.ControllerForm(
- model: { configure_attributes: configureAttributesSelect, className: '' },
- params: item
- el: content.find('.js-select')
- autofocus: true
- )
+class Edit extends App.ControllerGenericEdit
- ###
- :options => {
- 'Incident' => 'Incident',
- 'Problem' => 'Problem',
- 'Request for Change' => 'Request for Change',
- },
- ###
- content.find('[name=data_type]').on(
- 'change',
- (e) ->
- dataType = $( e.target ).val()
- content.find('.js-middle > div').addClass('hide')
- content.find(".js-#{dataType}").removeClass('hide')
+ content: =>
+ @item = App[ @genericObject ].find( @id )
+ @head = @pageData.head || @pageData.object
+ # set disabled attributes
+ configure_attributes = clone(App[ @genericObject ].configure_attributes)
+ for attribute in configure_attributes
+ if attribute.name is 'name'
+ attribute.disabled = true
+ #if attribute.name is 'data_type'
+ # attribute.disabled = true
+ @controller = new App.ControllerForm(
+ model:
+ configure_attributes: configure_attributes
+ params: @item
+ screen: @screen || 'edit'
+ autofocus: true
- content.find('[name=data_type]').trigger('change')
- configureAttributesBottom = [
- { name: 'active', display: 'Active', tag: 'active', default: true },
- ]
- controller = new App.ControllerForm(
- model: { configure_attributes: configureAttributesBottom, className: '' },
- params: item
- #screen: @screen || 'edit'
- el: content.find('.js-bottom')
+ @controller.form
+ onSubmit: (e) =>
+ params = @formParam(e.target)
+ params.object = @pageData.head
+ @item.load(params)
+ # validate
+ errors = @item.validate()
+ if errors
+ @log 'error', errors
+ @formValidate( form: e.target, errors: errors )
+ return false
+ # disable form
+ @formDisable(e)
+ # save object
+ ui = @
+ @item.save(
+ done: ->
+ if ui.callback
+ item = App[ ui.genericObject ].fullLocal(@id)
+ ui.callback(item)
+ ui.close()
+ fail: (settings, details) ->
+ ui.log 'errors'
+ ui.formEnable(e)
+ ui.controller.showAlert(details.error_human || details.error || 'Unable to update object!')
- controller.form
App.Config.set( 'SystemObject', { prio: 1700, parent: '#system', name: 'Objects', target: '#system/object_manager', controller: Index, role: ['Admin'] }, 'NavBarAdmin' )