@@ -22,10 +22,26 @@ RSpec.describe 'Mobile > Ticket > Create article', app: :mobile, authenticated_a
def open_article_dialog
visit "/tickets/#{ticket.id}"
+ wait_for_form_to_settle('form-ticket-edit')
find_button('Add reply').click
context 'when creating a new article as an agent', authenticated_as: :agent do
+ it 'disables the done button when the form is not dirty' do
+ open_article_dialog
+ expect(find_button('Done', disabled: true).disabled?).to be(true)
+ end
+ it 'enables the done button when the form is dirty' do
+ open_article_dialog
+ find_editor('Text').type('foobar')
+ expect(find_button('Done').disabled?).to be(false)
+ end
it 'creates an internal note (default)' do