@@ -18,22 +18,6 @@ no subsequent import from the example files will be performed.
Feel free to send pull requests to add more helpful examples to existing files or even files for new languages.
-### Zammad Chat Translations - `public/assets/chat`
-The Zammad chat currently has its own build pipeline and also a custom translation handling.
-Messages and translations are directly baked into [chat.coffee](../public/assets/chat/chat.coffee) and have to be maintained
-### Zammad Forms Channel - `public/assets/form/form.js`
-Messages and translations are directly baked into [form.js](../public/assets/form/form.js) and have to be maintained
-## Zammad Notification Templates - `app/views/mailer/*`
-Zammad contains a number of different notification templates which are currently stored directly in language-specific `ERB`
-template files. Modifications of existing or addition of new translations must be made in these files directly.
## Developer Workflows
### Weblate Process Overview