@@ -60,6 +60,12 @@ Events =
for ev in events
for idx in [listeningTo.length-1..0]
lt = listeningTo[idx]
+ # 2019-05-20 (me): check if listeningTo has content
+ # in certain cases (e. g. http://localhost:3000/#knowledge_base/1/locale/en-us/edit just
+ # change the title and submit) a `Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'obj' of undefined`
+ # is raised. The reason is that listeningToOnce is an empty array.
+ continue if !lt
+ # /2019-05-20 (me)
continue unless lt.obj is obj
continue if callback and lt.callback isnt callback
if (not ev) or (ev is lt.ev)