@@ -1,71 +1,47 @@
-module Sessions::Backend::Collections
- @@last_change = {}
+class Sessions::Backend::Collections
- def self.worker( user, worker )
- worker.log 'notice', "---user - fetch push_collection data"
- # get available collections
- cache_key = 'user_' + user.id.to_s + '_push_collections'
- collections = Sessions::CacheIn.get( cache_key )
- if !collections
- collections = {}
- push_collection = SessionHelper::push_collections(user)
- push_collection.each { | key, value |
- collections[ key ] = true
- }
- Sessions::CacheIn.set( cache_key, collections, { :expires_in => 2.minutes } )
- end
+ def initialize( user, client, client_id )
+ @user = user
+ @client = client
+ @client_id = client_id
+ @backends = self.backend
+ end
- # check all collections to push
- push_collection = {}
- collections.each { | key, v |
- cache_key = 'user_' + user.id.to_s + '_push_collections_' + key.to_s
- if Sessions::CacheIn.expired(cache_key)
- if push_collection.empty?
- push_collection = SessionHelper::push_collections(user)
- end
- push_collection_cache = Sessions::CacheIn.get( cache_key, { :re_expire => true } )
- worker.log 'notice', "---user - fetch push_collection data " + cache_key
-# if !push_collection[key] || !push_collection_cache || push_collection[key] != push_collection_cache || !push_collection[ key ].zip( push_collection_cache ).all? { |x, y| x.attributes == y.attributes }
- if !push_collection[key] || !push_collection_cache || push_collection[key] != push_collection_cache || !push_collection[ key ].zip( push_collection_cache ).all? { |x, y| return false if !x; return false if !y; x.attributes == y.attributes }
- worker.log 'notify', 'fetch push_collection changed - ' + cache_key
- Sessions::CacheIn.set( cache_key, push_collection[key], { :expires_in => 1.minutes } )
- end
+ def push
+ results = []
+ @backends.each {|backend|
+ #puts "B: #{backend.inspect}"
+ result = backend.push
+ #puts "R: #{result.inspect}"
+ if result
+ results.push result
+ results
- def self.push( user, client )
- cache_key = 'user_' + user.id.to_s + '_push_collections'
- if !client.last_change['push_collections']
- client.last_change['push_collections'] = {}
+ def backend
+ # auto population collections
+ backends = []
+ # load collections to deliver from external files
+ dir = File.expand_path('../../../../', __FILE__)
+ files = Dir.glob( "#{dir}/lib/sessions/backend/collections/*.rb" )
+ for file in files
+ file.gsub!("#{dir}/lib/", '')
+ file.gsub!(/\.rb$/, '')
+ next if file.classify == 'Sessions::Backend::Collections::Base'
+ #puts "LOAD #{file.classify}---"
+ #next if file == ''
+ backend = file.classify.constantize.new(@user, @client, @client_id)
+ if backend
+ backends.push backend
+ end
- collections = Sessions::CacheIn.get( cache_key ) || {}
- collections.each { | key, v |
- collection_cache_key = 'user_' + user.id.to_s + '_push_collections_' + key.to_s
- collection_time = Sessions::CacheIn.get_time( collection_cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } )
- if collection_time && client.last_change['push_collections'][ key ] != collection_time
- client.last_change['push_collections'][ key ] = collection_time
- push_collections = Sessions::CacheIn.get( collection_cache_key, { :ignore_expire => true } )
- client.log 'notify', "push push_collections #{key} for user #{user.id}"
- # send update to browser
- data = {}
- data[key] = push_collections
- client.send({
- :event => 'resetCollection',
- :data => data,
- })
- end
- }
+ backends