123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242 |
- """No longer used and new code should not use. Exists only for API compat."""
- import platform
- import struct
- import sys
- import urllib.error
- import urllib.parse
- import urllib.request
- import zlib
- from ._utils import Popen, decode_base_n, preferredencoding
- from .networking import escape_rfc3986 # noqa: F401
- from .networking import normalize_url as escape_url # noqa: F401
- from .traversal import traverse_obj
- from ..dependencies import certifi, websockets
- from ..networking._helper import make_ssl_context
- from ..networking._urllib import HTTPHandler
- # isort: split
- from .networking import random_user_agent, std_headers # noqa: F401
- from ..cookies import YoutubeDLCookieJar # noqa: F401
- from ..networking._urllib import PUTRequest # noqa: F401
- from ..networking._urllib import SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS, HEADRequest # noqa: F401
- from ..networking._urllib import ProxyHandler as PerRequestProxyHandler # noqa: F401
- from ..networking._urllib import RedirectHandler as YoutubeDLRedirectHandler # noqa: F401
- from ..networking._urllib import ( # noqa: F401
- make_socks_conn_class,
- update_Request,
- )
- from ..networking.exceptions import HTTPError, network_exceptions # noqa: F401
- has_certifi = bool(certifi)
- has_websockets = bool(websockets)
- def load_plugins(name, suffix, namespace):
- from ..plugins import load_plugins
- ret = load_plugins(name, suffix)
- namespace.update(ret)
- return ret
- def traverse_dict(dictn, keys, casesense=True):
- return traverse_obj(dictn, keys, casesense=casesense, is_user_input=True, traverse_string=True)
- def decode_base(value, digits):
- return decode_base_n(value, table=digits)
- def platform_name():
- """ Returns the platform name as a str """
- return platform.platform()
- def get_subprocess_encoding():
- if sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.getwindowsversion()[0] >= 5:
- # For subprocess calls, encode with locale encoding
- # Refer to http://stackoverflow.com/a/9951851/35070
- encoding = preferredencoding()
- else:
- encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
- if encoding is None:
- encoding = 'utf-8'
- return encoding
- # Based on png2str() written by @gdkchan and improved by @yokrysty
- # Originally posted at https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/9706
- def decode_png(png_data):
- # Reference: https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/
- header = png_data[8:]
- if png_data[:8] != b'\x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a' or header[4:8] != b'IHDR':
- raise OSError('Not a valid PNG file.')
- int_map = {1: '>B', 2: '>H', 4: '>I'}
- unpack_integer = lambda x: struct.unpack(int_map[len(x)], x)[0]
- chunks = []
- while header:
- length = unpack_integer(header[:4])
- header = header[4:]
- chunk_type = header[:4]
- header = header[4:]
- chunk_data = header[:length]
- header = header[length:]
- header = header[4:] # Skip CRC
- chunks.append({
- 'type': chunk_type,
- 'length': length,
- 'data': chunk_data
- })
- ihdr = chunks[0]['data']
- width = unpack_integer(ihdr[:4])
- height = unpack_integer(ihdr[4:8])
- idat = b''
- for chunk in chunks:
- if chunk['type'] == b'IDAT':
- idat += chunk['data']
- if not idat:
- raise OSError('Unable to read PNG data.')
- decompressed_data = bytearray(zlib.decompress(idat))
- stride = width * 3
- pixels = []
- def _get_pixel(idx):
- x = idx % stride
- y = idx // stride
- return pixels[y][x]
- for y in range(height):
- basePos = y * (1 + stride)
- filter_type = decompressed_data[basePos]
- current_row = []
- pixels.append(current_row)
- for x in range(stride):
- color = decompressed_data[1 + basePos + x]
- basex = y * stride + x
- left = 0
- up = 0
- if x > 2:
- left = _get_pixel(basex - 3)
- if y > 0:
- up = _get_pixel(basex - stride)
- if filter_type == 1: # Sub
- color = (color + left) & 0xff
- elif filter_type == 2: # Up
- color = (color + up) & 0xff
- elif filter_type == 3: # Average
- color = (color + ((left + up) >> 1)) & 0xff
- elif filter_type == 4: # Paeth
- a = left
- b = up
- c = 0
- if x > 2 and y > 0:
- c = _get_pixel(basex - stride - 3)
- p = a + b - c
- pa = abs(p - a)
- pb = abs(p - b)
- pc = abs(p - c)
- if pa <= pb and pa <= pc:
- color = (color + a) & 0xff
- elif pb <= pc:
- color = (color + b) & 0xff
- else:
- color = (color + c) & 0xff
- current_row.append(color)
- return width, height, pixels
- def register_socks_protocols():
- # "Register" SOCKS protocols
- # In Python < 2.6.5, urlsplit() suffers from bug https://bugs.python.org/issue7904
- # URLs with protocols not in urlparse.uses_netloc are not handled correctly
- for scheme in ('socks', 'socks4', 'socks4a', 'socks5'):
- if scheme not in urllib.parse.uses_netloc:
- urllib.parse.uses_netloc.append(scheme)
- def handle_youtubedl_headers(headers):
- filtered_headers = headers
- if 'Youtubedl-no-compression' in filtered_headers:
- filtered_headers = {k: v for k, v in filtered_headers.items() if k.lower() != 'accept-encoding'}
- del filtered_headers['Youtubedl-no-compression']
- return filtered_headers
- def request_to_url(req):
- if isinstance(req, urllib.request.Request):
- return req.get_full_url()
- else:
- return req
- def sanitized_Request(url, *args, **kwargs):
- from ..utils import extract_basic_auth, sanitize_url
- url, auth_header = extract_basic_auth(escape_url(sanitize_url(url)))
- if auth_header is not None:
- headers = args[1] if len(args) >= 2 else kwargs.setdefault('headers', {})
- headers['Authorization'] = auth_header
- return urllib.request.Request(url, *args, **kwargs)
- class YoutubeDLHandler(HTTPHandler):
- def __init__(self, params, *args, **kwargs):
- self._params = params
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- YoutubeDLHTTPSHandler = YoutubeDLHandler
- class YoutubeDLCookieProcessor(urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor):
- def __init__(self, cookiejar=None):
- urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor.__init__(self, cookiejar)
- def http_response(self, request, response):
- return urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor.http_response(self, request, response)
- https_request = urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor.http_request
- https_response = http_response
- def make_HTTPS_handler(params, **kwargs):
- return YoutubeDLHTTPSHandler(params, context=make_ssl_context(
- verify=not params.get('nocheckcertificate'),
- client_certificate=params.get('client_certificate'),
- client_certificate_key=params.get('client_certificate_key'),
- client_certificate_password=params.get('client_certificate_password'),
- legacy_support=params.get('legacyserverconnect'),
- use_certifi='no-certifi' not in params.get('compat_opts', []),
- ), **kwargs)
- def process_communicate_or_kill(p, *args, **kwargs):
- return Popen.communicate_or_kill(p, *args, **kwargs)