#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ yt-dlp --help | make_readme.py This must be run in a console of correct width """ # Allow direct execution import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) import functools import re from devscripts.utils import read_file, write_file README_FILE = 'README.md' OPTIONS_START = 'General Options:' OPTIONS_END = 'CONFIGURATION' EPILOG_START = 'See full documentation' ALLOWED_OVERSHOOT = 2 DISABLE_PATCH = object() def take_section(text, start=None, end=None, *, shift=0): return text[ text.index(start) + shift if start else None: text.index(end) + shift if end else None ] def apply_patch(text, patch): return text if patch[0] is DISABLE_PATCH else re.sub(*patch, text) options = take_section(sys.stdin.read(), f'\n {OPTIONS_START}', f'\n{EPILOG_START}', shift=1) max_width = max(map(len, options.split('\n'))) switch_col_width = len(re.search(r'(?m)^\s{5,}', options).group()) delim = f'\n{" " * switch_col_width}' PATCHES = ( ( # Standardize `--update` message r'(?m)^( -U, --update\s+).+(\n \s.+)*$', r'\1Update this program to the latest version', ), ( # Headings r'(?m)^ (\w.+\n)( (?=\w))?', r'## \1', ), ( # Fixup `--date` formatting rf'(?m)( --date DATE.+({delim}[^\[]+)*)\[.+({delim}.+)*$', (rf'\1[now|today|yesterday][-N[day|week|month|year]].{delim}' f'E.g. "--date today-2weeks" downloads only{delim}' 'videos uploaded on the same day two weeks ago'), ), ( # Do not split URLs rf'({delim[:-1]})? (?P