import enum import functools import json import os import re import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import uuid from .fragment import FragmentFD from ..networking import Request from ..postprocessor.ffmpeg import EXT_TO_OUT_FORMATS, FFmpegPostProcessor from ..utils import ( Popen, RetryManager, _configuration_args, check_executable, classproperty, cli_bool_option, cli_option, cli_valueless_option, determine_ext, encodeArgument, encodeFilename, find_available_port, remove_end, traverse_obj, ) class Features(enum.Enum): TO_STDOUT = MULTIPLE_FORMATS = class ExternalFD(FragmentFD): SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS = ('http', 'https', 'ftp', 'ftps') SUPPORTED_FEATURES = () _CAPTURE_STDERR = True def real_download(self, filename, info_dict): self.report_destination(filename) tmpfilename = self.temp_name(filename) self._cookies_tempfile = None try: started = time.time() retval = self._call_downloader(tmpfilename, info_dict) except KeyboardInterrupt: if not info_dict.get('is_live'): raise # Live stream downloading cancellation should be considered as # correct and expected termination thus all postprocessing # should take place retval = 0 self.to_screen(f'[{self.get_basename()}] Interrupted by user') finally: if self._cookies_tempfile: self.try_remove(self._cookies_tempfile) if retval == 0: status = { 'filename': filename, 'status': 'finished', 'elapsed': time.time() - started, } if filename != '-': fsize = os.path.getsize(encodeFilename(tmpfilename)) self.try_rename(tmpfilename, filename) status.update({ 'downloaded_bytes': fsize, 'total_bytes': fsize, }) self._hook_progress(status, info_dict) return True else: self.to_stderr('\n') self.report_error('%s exited with code %d' % ( self.get_basename(), retval)) return False @classmethod def get_basename(cls): return cls.__name__[:-2].lower() @classproperty def EXE_NAME(cls): return cls.get_basename() @functools.cached_property def exe(self): return self.EXE_NAME @classmethod def available(cls, path=None): path = check_executable( cls.EXE_NAME if path in (None, cls.get_basename()) else path, [cls.AVAILABLE_OPT]) if not path: return False cls.exe = path return path @classmethod def supports(cls, info_dict): return all(( not info_dict.get('to_stdout') or Features.TO_STDOUT in cls.SUPPORTED_FEATURES, '+' not in info_dict['protocol'] or Features.MULTIPLE_FORMATS in cls.SUPPORTED_FEATURES, not traverse_obj(info_dict, ('hls_aes', ...), 'extra_param_to_segment_url', 'extra_param_to_key_url'), all(proto in cls.SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS for proto in info_dict['protocol'].split('+')), )) @classmethod def can_download(cls, info_dict, path=None): return cls.available(path) and cls.supports(info_dict) def _option(self, command_option, param): return cli_option(self.params, command_option, param) def _bool_option(self, command_option, param, true_value='true', false_value='false', separator=None): return cli_bool_option(self.params, command_option, param, true_value, false_value, separator) def _valueless_option(self, command_option, param, expected_value=True): return cli_valueless_option(self.params, command_option, param, expected_value) def _configuration_args(self, keys=None, *args, **kwargs): return _configuration_args( self.get_basename(), self.params.get('external_downloader_args'), self.EXE_NAME, keys, *args, **kwargs) def _write_cookies(self): if not self.ydl.cookiejar.filename: tmp_cookies = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.cookies', delete=False) tmp_cookies.close() self._cookies_tempfile = self.to_screen(f'[download] Writing temporary cookies file to "{self._cookies_tempfile}"') # real_download resets _cookies_tempfile; if it's None then save() will write to cookiejar.filename return self.ydl.cookiejar.filename or self._cookies_tempfile def _call_downloader(self, tmpfilename, info_dict): """ Either overwrite this or implement _make_cmd """ cmd = [encodeArgument(a) for a in self._make_cmd(tmpfilename, info_dict)] self._debug_cmd(cmd) if 'fragments' not in info_dict: _, stderr, returncode = self._call_process(cmd, info_dict) if returncode and stderr: self.to_stderr(stderr) return returncode skip_unavailable_fragments = self.params.get('skip_unavailable_fragments', True) retry_manager = RetryManager(self.params.get('fragment_retries'), self.report_retry, frag_index=None, fatal=not skip_unavailable_fragments) for retry in retry_manager: _, stderr, returncode = self._call_process(cmd, info_dict) if not returncode: break # TODO: Decide whether to retry based on error code # if stderr: self.to_stderr(stderr) retry.error = Exception() continue if not skip_unavailable_fragments and retry_manager.error: return -1 decrypt_fragment = self.decrypter(info_dict) dest, _ = self.sanitize_open(tmpfilename, 'wb') for frag_index, fragment in enumerate(info_dict['fragments']): fragment_filename = f'{tmpfilename}-Frag{frag_index}' try: src, _ = self.sanitize_open(fragment_filename, 'rb') except OSError as err: if skip_unavailable_fragments and frag_index > 1: self.report_skip_fragment(frag_index, err) continue self.report_error(f'Unable to open fragment {frag_index}; {err}') return -1 dest.write(decrypt_fragment(fragment, src.close() if not self.params.get('keep_fragments', False): self.try_remove(encodeFilename(fragment_filename)) dest.close() self.try_remove(encodeFilename(f'{tmpfilename}.frag.urls')) return 0 def _call_process(self, cmd, info_dict): return, text=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE if self._CAPTURE_STDERR else None) class CurlFD(ExternalFD): AVAILABLE_OPT = '-V' _CAPTURE_STDERR = False # curl writes the progress to stderr def _make_cmd(self, tmpfilename, info_dict): cmd = [self.exe, '--location', '-o', tmpfilename, '--compressed'] cookie_header = self.ydl.cookiejar.get_cookie_header(info_dict['url']) if cookie_header: cmd += ['--cookie', cookie_header] if info_dict.get('http_headers') is not None: for key, val in info_dict['http_headers'].items(): cmd += ['--header', f'{key}: {val}'] cmd += self._bool_option('--continue-at', 'continuedl', '-', '0') cmd += self._valueless_option('--silent', 'noprogress') cmd += self._valueless_option('--verbose', 'verbose') cmd += self._option('--limit-rate', 'ratelimit') retry = self._option('--retry', 'retries') if len(retry) == 2: if retry[1] in ('inf', 'infinite'): retry[1] = '2147483647' cmd += retry cmd += self._option('--max-filesize', 'max_filesize') cmd += self._option('--interface', 'source_address') cmd += self._option('--proxy', 'proxy') cmd += self._valueless_option('--insecure', 'nocheckcertificate') cmd += self._configuration_args() cmd += ['--', info_dict['url']] return cmd class AxelFD(ExternalFD): AVAILABLE_OPT = '-V' def _make_cmd(self, tmpfilename, info_dict): cmd = [self.exe, '-o', tmpfilename] if info_dict.get('http_headers') is not None: for key, val in info_dict['http_headers'].items(): cmd += ['-H', f'{key}: {val}'] cookie_header = self.ydl.cookiejar.get_cookie_header(info_dict['url']) if cookie_header: cmd += ['-H', f'Cookie: {cookie_header}', '--max-redirect=0'] cmd += self._configuration_args() cmd += ['--', info_dict['url']] return cmd class WgetFD(ExternalFD): AVAILABLE_OPT = '--version' def _make_cmd(self, tmpfilename, info_dict): cmd = [self.exe, '-O', tmpfilename, '-nv', '--compression=auto'] if self.ydl.cookiejar.get_cookie_header(info_dict['url']): cmd += ['--load-cookies', self._write_cookies()] if info_dict.get('http_headers') is not None: for key, val in info_dict['http_headers'].items(): cmd += ['--header', f'{key}: {val}'] cmd += self._option('--limit-rate', 'ratelimit') retry = self._option('--tries', 'retries') if len(retry) == 2: if retry[1] in ('inf', 'infinite'): retry[1] = '0' cmd += retry cmd += self._option('--bind-address', 'source_address') proxy = self.params.get('proxy') if proxy: for var in ('http_proxy', 'https_proxy'): cmd += ['--execute', f'{var}={proxy}'] cmd += self._valueless_option('--no-check-certificate', 'nocheckcertificate') cmd += self._configuration_args() cmd += ['--', info_dict['url']] return cmd class Aria2cFD(ExternalFD): AVAILABLE_OPT = '-v' SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS = ('http', 'https', 'ftp', 'ftps', 'dash_frag_urls', 'm3u8_frag_urls') @staticmethod def supports_manifest(manifest): UNSUPPORTED_FEATURES = [ r'#EXT-X-BYTERANGE', # playlists composed of byte ranges of media files [1] # 1. ] check_results = (not, manifest) for feature in UNSUPPORTED_FEATURES) return all(check_results) @staticmethod def _aria2c_filename(fn): return fn if os.path.isabs(fn) else f'.{os.path.sep}{fn}' def _call_downloader(self, tmpfilename, info_dict): # FIXME: Disabled due to if False and 'no-external-downloader-progress' not in self.params.get('compat_opts', []): info_dict['__rpc'] = { 'port': find_available_port() or 19190, 'secret': str(uuid.uuid4()), } return super()._call_downloader(tmpfilename, info_dict) def _make_cmd(self, tmpfilename, info_dict): cmd = [self.exe, '-c', '--no-conf', '--console-log-level=warn', '--summary-interval=0', '--download-result=hide', '--http-accept-gzip=true', '--file-allocation=none', '-x16', '-j16', '-s16'] if 'fragments' in info_dict: cmd += ['--allow-overwrite=true', '--allow-piece-length-change=true'] else: cmd += ['--min-split-size', '1M'] if self.ydl.cookiejar.get_cookie_header(info_dict['url']): cmd += [f'--load-cookies={self._write_cookies()}'] if info_dict.get('http_headers') is not None: for key, val in info_dict['http_headers'].items(): cmd += ['--header', f'{key}: {val}'] cmd += self._option('--max-overall-download-limit', 'ratelimit') cmd += self._option('--interface', 'source_address') cmd += self._option('--all-proxy', 'proxy') cmd += self._bool_option('--check-certificate', 'nocheckcertificate', 'false', 'true', '=') cmd += self._bool_option('--remote-time', 'updatetime', 'true', 'false', '=') cmd += self._bool_option('--show-console-readout', 'noprogress', 'false', 'true', '=') cmd += self._configuration_args() if '__rpc' in info_dict: cmd += [ '--enable-rpc', f'--rpc-listen-port={info_dict["__rpc"]["port"]}', f'--rpc-secret={info_dict["__rpc"]["secret"]}'] # aria2c strips out spaces from the beginning/end of filenames and paths. # We work around this issue by adding a "./" to the beginning of the # filename and relative path, and adding a "/" at the end of the path. # See: # # dn = os.path.dirname(tmpfilename) if dn: cmd += ['--dir', self._aria2c_filename(dn) + os.path.sep] if 'fragments' not in info_dict: cmd += ['--out', self._aria2c_filename(os.path.basename(tmpfilename))] cmd += ['--auto-file-renaming=false'] if 'fragments' in info_dict: cmd += ['--uri-selector=inorder'] url_list_file = f'{tmpfilename}.frag.urls' url_list = [] for frag_index, fragment in enumerate(info_dict['fragments']): fragment_filename = f'{os.path.basename(tmpfilename)}-Frag{frag_index}' url_list.append('{}\n\tout={}'.format(fragment['url'], self._aria2c_filename(fragment_filename))) stream, _ = self.sanitize_open(url_list_file, 'wb') stream.write('\n'.join(url_list).encode()) stream.close() cmd += ['-i', self._aria2c_filename(url_list_file)] else: cmd += ['--', info_dict['url']] return cmd def aria2c_rpc(self, rpc_port, rpc_secret, method, params=()): # Does not actually need to be UUID, just unique sanitycheck = str(uuid.uuid4()) d = json.dumps({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': sanitycheck, 'method': method, 'params': [f'token:{rpc_secret}', *params], }).encode() request = Request( f'http://localhost:{rpc_port}/jsonrpc', data=d, headers={ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': f'{len(d)}', }, proxies={'all': None}) with self.ydl.urlopen(request) as r: resp = json.load(r) assert resp.get('id') == sanitycheck, 'Something went wrong with RPC server' return resp['result'] def _call_process(self, cmd, info_dict): if '__rpc' not in info_dict: return super()._call_process(cmd, info_dict) send_rpc = functools.partial(self.aria2c_rpc, info_dict['__rpc']['port'], info_dict['__rpc']['secret']) started = time.time() fragmented = 'fragments' in info_dict frag_count = len(info_dict['fragments']) if fragmented else 1 status = { 'filename': info_dict.get('_filename'), 'status': 'downloading', 'elapsed': 0, 'downloaded_bytes': 0, 'fragment_count': frag_count if fragmented else None, 'fragment_index': 0 if fragmented else None, } self._hook_progress(status, info_dict) def get_stat(key, *obj, average=False): val = tuple(filter(None, map(float, traverse_obj(obj, (..., ..., key))))) or [0] return sum(val) / (len(val) if average else 1) with Popen(cmd, text=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) as p: # Add a small sleep so that RPC client can receive response, # or the connection stalls infinitely time.sleep(0.2) retval = p.poll() while retval is None: # We don't use tellStatus as we won't know the GID without reading stdout # Ref: active = send_rpc('aria2.tellActive') completed = send_rpc('aria2.tellStopped', [0, frag_count]) downloaded = get_stat('totalLength', completed) + get_stat('completedLength', active) speed = get_stat('downloadSpeed', active) total = frag_count * get_stat('totalLength', active, completed, average=True) if total < downloaded: total = None status.update({ 'downloaded_bytes': int(downloaded), 'speed': speed, 'total_bytes': None if fragmented else total, 'total_bytes_estimate': total, 'eta': (total - downloaded) / (speed or 1), 'fragment_index': min(frag_count, len(completed) + 1) if fragmented else None, 'elapsed': time.time() - started, }) self._hook_progress(status, info_dict) if not active and len(completed) >= frag_count: send_rpc('aria2.shutdown') retval = p.wait() break time.sleep(0.1) retval = p.poll() return '',, retval class HttpieFD(ExternalFD): AVAILABLE_OPT = '--version' EXE_NAME = 'http' def _make_cmd(self, tmpfilename, info_dict): cmd = ['http', '--download', '--output', tmpfilename, info_dict['url']] if info_dict.get('http_headers') is not None: for key, val in info_dict['http_headers'].items(): cmd += [f'{key}:{val}'] # httpie 3.1.0+ removes the Cookie header on redirect, so this should be safe for now. [1] # If we ever need cookie handling for redirects, we can export the cookiejar into a session. [2] # 1: # 2: cookie_header = self.ydl.cookiejar.get_cookie_header(info_dict['url']) if cookie_header: cmd += [f'Cookie:{cookie_header}'] return cmd class FFmpegFD(ExternalFD): SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS = ('http', 'https', 'ftp', 'ftps', 'm3u8', 'm3u8_native', 'rtsp', 'rtmp', 'rtmp_ffmpeg', 'mms', 'http_dash_segments') SUPPORTED_FEATURES = (Features.TO_STDOUT, Features.MULTIPLE_FORMATS) @classmethod def available(cls, path=None): # TODO: Fix path for ffmpeg # Fixme: This may be wrong when --ffmpeg-location is used return FFmpegPostProcessor().available def on_process_started(self, proc, stdin): """ Override this in subclasses """ pass @classmethod def can_merge_formats(cls, info_dict, params): return ( info_dict.get('requested_formats') and info_dict.get('protocol') and not params.get('allow_unplayable_formats') and 'no-direct-merge' not in params.get('compat_opts', []) and cls.can_download(info_dict)) def _call_downloader(self, tmpfilename, info_dict): ffpp = FFmpegPostProcessor(downloader=self) if not ffpp.available: self.report_error('m3u8 download detected but ffmpeg could not be found. Please install') return False ffpp.check_version() args = [ffpp.executable, '-y'] for log_level in ('quiet', 'verbose'): if self.params.get(log_level, False): args += ['-loglevel', log_level] break if not self.params.get('verbose'): args += ['-hide_banner'] args += traverse_obj(info_dict, ('downloader_options', 'ffmpeg_args', ...)) # These exists only for compatibility. Extractors should use # info_dict['downloader_options']['ffmpeg_args'] instead args += info_dict.get('_ffmpeg_args') or [] seekable = info_dict.get('_seekable') if seekable is not None: # setting -seekable prevents ffmpeg from guessing if the server # supports seeking(by adding the header `Range: bytes=0-`), which # can cause problems in some cases # # args += ['-seekable', '1' if seekable else '0'] env = None proxy = self.params.get('proxy') if proxy: if not re.match(r'[\da-zA-Z]+://', proxy): proxy = f'http://{proxy}' if proxy.startswith('socks'): self.report_warning( f'{self.get_basename()} does not support SOCKS proxies. Downloading is likely to fail. ' 'Consider adding --hls-prefer-native to your command.') # Since December 2015 ffmpeg supports -http_proxy option (see #;a=commit;h=b4eb1f29ebddd60c41a2eb39f5af701e38e0d3fd) # We could switch to the following code if we are able to detect version properly # args += ['-http_proxy', proxy] env = os.environ.copy() env['HTTP_PROXY'] = proxy env['http_proxy'] = proxy protocol = info_dict.get('protocol') if protocol == 'rtmp': player_url = info_dict.get('player_url') page_url = info_dict.get('page_url') app = info_dict.get('app') play_path = info_dict.get('play_path') tc_url = info_dict.get('tc_url') flash_version = info_dict.get('flash_version') live = info_dict.get('rtmp_live', False) conn = info_dict.get('rtmp_conn') if player_url is not None: args += ['-rtmp_swfverify', player_url] if page_url is not None: args += ['-rtmp_pageurl', page_url] if app is not None: args += ['-rtmp_app', app] if play_path is not None: args += ['-rtmp_playpath', play_path] if tc_url is not None: args += ['-rtmp_tcurl', tc_url] if flash_version is not None: args += ['-rtmp_flashver', flash_version] if live: args += ['-rtmp_live', 'live'] if isinstance(conn, list): for entry in conn: args += ['-rtmp_conn', entry] elif isinstance(conn, str): args += ['-rtmp_conn', conn] start_time, end_time = info_dict.get('section_start') or 0, info_dict.get('section_end') selected_formats = info_dict.get('requested_formats') or [info_dict] for i, fmt in enumerate(selected_formats): is_http = re.match(r'https?://', fmt['url']) cookies = self.ydl.cookiejar.get_cookies_for_url(fmt['url']) if is_http else [] if cookies: args.extend(['-cookies', ''.join( f'{}={cookie.value}; path={cookie.path}; domain={cookie.domain};\r\n' for cookie in cookies)]) if fmt.get('http_headers') and is_http: # Trailing \r\n after each HTTP header is important to prevent warning from ffmpeg/avconv: # [http @ 00000000003d2fa0] No trailing CRLF found in HTTP header. args.extend(['-headers', ''.join(f'{key}: {val}\r\n' for key, val in fmt['http_headers'].items())]) if start_time: args += ['-ss', str(start_time)] if end_time: args += ['-t', str(end_time - start_time)] args += [*self._configuration_args((f'_i{i + 1}', '_i')), '-i', fmt['url']] if not (start_time or end_time) or not self.params.get('force_keyframes_at_cuts'): args += ['-c', 'copy'] if info_dict.get('requested_formats') or protocol == 'http_dash_segments': for i, fmt in enumerate(selected_formats): stream_number = fmt.get('manifest_stream_number', 0) args.extend(['-map', f'{i}:{stream_number}']) if self.params.get('test', False): args += ['-fs', str(self._TEST_FILE_SIZE)] ext = info_dict['ext'] if protocol in ('m3u8', 'm3u8_native'): use_mpegts = (tmpfilename == '-') or self.params.get('hls_use_mpegts') if use_mpegts is None: use_mpegts = info_dict.get('is_live') if use_mpegts: args += ['-f', 'mpegts'] else: args += ['-f', 'mp4'] if (ffpp.basename == 'ffmpeg' and ffpp._features.get('needs_adtstoasc')) and (not info_dict.get('acodec') or info_dict['acodec'].split('.')[0] in ('aac', 'mp4a')): args += ['-bsf:a', 'aac_adtstoasc'] elif protocol == 'rtmp': args += ['-f', 'flv'] elif ext == 'mp4' and tmpfilename == '-': args += ['-f', 'mpegts'] elif ext == 'unknown_video': ext = determine_ext(remove_end(tmpfilename, '.part')) if ext == 'unknown_video': self.report_warning( 'The video format is unknown and cannot be downloaded by ffmpeg. ' 'Explicitly set the extension in the filename to attempt download in that format') else: self.report_warning(f'The video format is unknown. Trying to download as {ext} according to the filename') args += ['-f', EXT_TO_OUT_FORMATS.get(ext, ext)] else: args += ['-f', EXT_TO_OUT_FORMATS.get(ext, ext)] args += traverse_obj(info_dict, ('downloader_options', 'ffmpeg_args_out', ...)) args += self._configuration_args(('_o1', '_o', '')) args = [encodeArgument(opt) for opt in args] args.append(encodeFilename(ffpp._ffmpeg_filename_argument(tmpfilename), True)) self._debug_cmd(args) piped = any(fmt['url'] in ('-', 'pipe:') for fmt in selected_formats) with Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) as proc: if piped: self.on_process_started(proc, proc.stdin) try: retval = proc.wait() except BaseException as e: # would send the SIGKILL signal to ffmpeg and the # mp4 file couldn't be played, but if we ask ffmpeg to quit it # produces a file that is playable (this is mostly useful for live # streams). Note that Windows is not affected and produces playable # files (see if isinstance(e, KeyboardInterrupt) and sys.platform != 'win32' and not piped: proc.communicate_or_kill(b'q') else: proc.kill(timeout=None) raise return retval class AVconvFD(FFmpegFD): pass _BY_NAME = { klass.get_basename(): klass for name, klass in globals().items() if name.endswith('FD') and name not in ('ExternalFD', 'FragmentFD') } def list_external_downloaders(): return sorted(_BY_NAME.keys()) def get_external_downloader(external_downloader): """ Given the name of the executable, see whether we support the given downloader """ bn = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(external_downloader))[0] return _BY_NAME.get(bn) or next(( klass for klass in _BY_NAME.values() if klass.EXE_NAME in bn ), None)