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Update to ytdl-commit-8a158a9

[NHK] Use new API URL

Closes #2337, Closes #4063
pukkandan 2 years ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ yt-dlp is a [youtube-dl]( fork based on t
-* Based on **youtube-dl 2021.12.17 [commit/6508688](** ([exceptions]( and **youtube-dlc 2020.11.11-3 [commit/f9401f2](**: You get all the features and patches of [youtube-dlc]( in addition to the latest [youtube-dl](
+* Based on **youtube-dl 2021.12.17 [commit/8a158a9](**<!--([exceptions](> and **youtube-dlc 2020.11.11-3 [commit/f9401f2](**: You get all the features and patches of [youtube-dlc]( in addition to the latest [youtube-dl](
 * **[SponsorBlock Integration](#sponsorblock-options)**: You can mark/remove sponsor sections in youtube videos by utilizing the [SponsorBlock]( API

+ 3 - 3

@@ -102,9 +102,10 @@ def generator(test_case, tname):
         def print_skipping(reason):
             print('Skipping %s: %s' % (test_case['name'], reason))
+            self.skipTest(reason)
         if not ie.working():
             print_skipping('IE marked as not _WORKING')
-            return
         for tc in test_cases:
             info_dict = tc.get('info_dict', {})
@@ -118,11 +119,10 @@ def generator(test_case, tname):
         if 'skip' in test_case:
-            return
         for other_ie in other_ies:
             if not other_ie.working():
                 print_skipping('test depends on %sIE, marked as not WORKING' % other_ie.ie_key())
-                return
         params = get_params(test_case.get('params', {}))
         params['outtmpl'] = tname + '_' + params['outtmpl']

+ 71 - 32

@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ class BaseTestSubtitles(unittest.TestCase):
         self.DL = FakeYDL() = self.IE()
+        if not self.IE.working():
+            print('Skipping: %s marked as not _WORKING' % self.IE.ie_key())
+            self.skipTest('IE marked as not _WORKING')
     def getInfoDict(self):
         info_dict = self.DL.extract_info(self.url, download=False)
@@ -57,6 +60,21 @@ class BaseTestSubtitles(unittest.TestCase):
 class TestYoutubeSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
+    # Available subtitles for QRS8MkLhQmM:
+    # Language formats
+    # ru       vtt, ttml, srv3, srv2, srv1, json3
+    # fr       vtt, ttml, srv3, srv2, srv1, json3
+    # en       vtt, ttml, srv3, srv2, srv1, json3
+    # nl       vtt, ttml, srv3, srv2, srv1, json3
+    # de       vtt, ttml, srv3, srv2, srv1, json3
+    # ko       vtt, ttml, srv3, srv2, srv1, json3
+    # it       vtt, ttml, srv3, srv2, srv1, json3
+    # zh-Hant  vtt, ttml, srv3, srv2, srv1, json3
+    # hi       vtt, ttml, srv3, srv2, srv1, json3
+    # pt-BR    vtt, ttml, srv3, srv2, srv1, json3
+    # es-MX    vtt, ttml, srv3, srv2, srv1, json3
+    # ja       vtt, ttml, srv3, srv2, srv1, json3
+    # pl       vtt, ttml, srv3, srv2, srv1, json3
     url = 'QRS8MkLhQmM'
     IE = YoutubeIE
@@ -65,47 +83,60 @@ class TestYoutubeSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
         self.DL.params['allsubtitles'] = True
         subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
         self.assertEqual(len(subtitles.keys()), 13)
-        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['en']), '688dd1ce0981683867e7fe6fde2a224b')
-        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['it']), '31324d30b8430b309f7f5979a504a769')
+        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['en']), 'ae1bd34126571a77aabd4d276b28044d')
+        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['it']), '0e0b667ba68411d88fd1c5f4f4eab2f9')
         for lang in ['fr', 'de']:
             self.assertTrue(subtitles.get(lang) is not None, 'Subtitles for \'%s\' not extracted' % lang)
-    def test_youtube_subtitles_ttml_format(self):
+    def _test_subtitles_format(self, fmt, md5_hash, lang='en'):
         self.DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
-        self.DL.params['subtitlesformat'] = 'ttml'
+        self.DL.params['subtitlesformat'] = fmt
         subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
-        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['en']), 'c97ddf1217390906fa9fbd34901f3da2')
+        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles[lang]), md5_hash)
+    def test_youtube_subtitles_ttml_format(self):
+        self._test_subtitles_format('ttml', 'c97ddf1217390906fa9fbd34901f3da2')
     def test_youtube_subtitles_vtt_format(self):
-        self.DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
-        self.DL.params['subtitlesformat'] = 'vtt'
-        subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
-        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['en']), 'ae1bd34126571a77aabd4d276b28044d')
+        self._test_subtitles_format('vtt', 'ae1bd34126571a77aabd4d276b28044d')
-    def test_youtube_automatic_captions(self):
-        self.url = '8YoUxe5ncPo'
-        self.DL.params['writeautomaticsub'] = True
-        self.DL.params['subtitleslangs'] = ['it']
-        subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
-        self.assertTrue(subtitles['it'] is not None)
+    def test_youtube_subtitles_json3_format(self):
+        self._test_subtitles_format('json3', '688dd1ce0981683867e7fe6fde2a224b')
-    def test_youtube_no_automatic_captions(self):
-        self.url = 'QRS8MkLhQmM'
+    def _test_automatic_captions(self, url, lang):
+        self.url = url
         self.DL.params['writeautomaticsub'] = True
+        self.DL.params['subtitleslangs'] = [lang]
         subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
-        self.assertTrue(not subtitles)
+        self.assertTrue(subtitles[lang] is not None)
+    def test_youtube_automatic_captions(self):
+        # Available automatic captions for 8YoUxe5ncPo:
+        # Language formats (all in vtt, ttml, srv3, srv2, srv1, json3)
+        # gu, zh-Hans, zh-Hant, gd, ga, gl, lb, la, lo, tt, tr,
+        # lv, lt, tk, th, tg, te, fil, haw, yi, ceb, yo, de, da,
+        # el, eo, en, eu, et, es, ru, rw, ro, bn, be, bg, uk, jv,
+        # bs, ja, or, xh, co, ca, cy, cs, ps, pt, pa, vi, pl, hy,
+        # hr, ht, hu, hmn, hi, ha, mg, uz, ml, mn, mi, mk, ur,
+        # mt, ms, mr, ug, ta, my, af, sw, is, am,
+        #                                         *it*, iw, sv, ar,
+        # su, zu, az, id, ig, nl, no, ne, ny, fr, ku, fy, fa, fi,
+        # ka, kk, sr, sq, ko, kn, km, st, sk, si, so, sn, sm, sl,
+        # ky, sd
+        # ...
+        self._test_automatic_captions('8YoUxe5ncPo', 'it')
+    @unittest.skip('Video unavailable')
     def test_youtube_translated_subtitles(self):
-        # This video has a subtitles track, which can be translated
-        self.url = 'i0ZabxXmH4Y'
-        self.DL.params['writeautomaticsub'] = True
-        self.DL.params['subtitleslangs'] = ['it']
-        subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
-        self.assertTrue(subtitles['it'] is not None)
+        # This video has a subtitles track, which can be translated (#4555)
+        self._test_automatic_captions('Ky9eprVWzlI', 'it')
     def test_youtube_nosubtitles(self):
         self.DL.expect_warning('video doesn\'t have subtitles')
-        self.url = 'n5BB19UTcdA'
+        # Available automatic captions for 8YoUxe5ncPo:
+        # ...
+        # 8YoUxe5ncPo has no subtitles
+        self.url = '8YoUxe5ncPo'
         self.DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
         self.DL.params['allsubtitles'] = True
         subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
@@ -137,6 +168,7 @@ class TestDailymotionSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
+@unittest.skip('IE broken')
 class TestTedSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
     url = ''
     IE = TedTalkIE
@@ -162,12 +194,12 @@ class TestVimeoSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
         self.DL.params['allsubtitles'] = True
         subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
         self.assertEqual(set(subtitles.keys()), {'de', 'en', 'es', 'fr'})
-        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['en']), '8062383cf4dec168fc40a088aa6d5888')
-        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['fr']), 'b6191146a6c5d3a452244d853fde6dc8')
+        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['en']), '386cbc9320b94e25cb364b97935e5dd1')
+        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['fr']), 'c9b69eef35bc6641c0d4da8a04f9dfac')
     def test_nosubtitles(self):
         self.DL.expect_warning('video doesn\'t have subtitles')
-        self.url = ''
+        self.url = ''
         self.DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
         self.DL.params['allsubtitles'] = True
         subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
@@ -175,6 +207,7 @@ class TestVimeoSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
+@unittest.skip('IE broken')
 class TestWallaSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
     url = ''
     IE = WallaIE
@@ -197,6 +230,7 @@ class TestWallaSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
+@unittest.skip('IE broken')
 class TestCeskaTelevizeSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
     url = ''
     IE = CeskaTelevizeIE
@@ -219,6 +253,7 @@ class TestCeskaTelevizeSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
+@unittest.skip('IE broken')
 class TestLyndaSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
     url = ''
     IE = LyndaIE
@@ -232,6 +267,7 @@ class TestLyndaSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
+@unittest.skip('IE broken')
 class TestNPOSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
     url = ''
     IE = NPOIE
@@ -245,6 +281,7 @@ class TestNPOSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
+@unittest.skip('IE broken')
 class TestMTVSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
     url = ''
     IE = ComedyCentralIE
@@ -269,8 +306,8 @@ class TestNRKSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
         self.DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
         self.DL.params['allsubtitles'] = True
         subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
-        self.assertEqual(set(subtitles.keys()), {'no'})
-        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['no']), '544fa917d3197fcbee64634559221cc2')
+        self.assertEqual(set(subtitles.keys()), {'nb-ttv'})
+        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['nb-ttv']), '67e06ff02d0deaf975e68f6cb8f6a149')
@@ -295,6 +332,7 @@ class TestRaiPlaySubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
+@unittest.skip('IE broken - DRM only')
 class TestVikiSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
     url = ''
     IE = VikiIE
@@ -323,6 +361,7 @@ class TestThePlatformSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
+@unittest.skip('IE broken')
 class TestThePlatformFeedSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
     url = ''
     IE = ThePlatformFeedIE
@@ -360,7 +399,7 @@ class TestDemocracynowSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
         self.DL.params['allsubtitles'] = True
         subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
         self.assertEqual(set(subtitles.keys()), {'en'})
-        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['en']), 'acaca989e24a9e45a6719c9b3d60815c')
+        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['en']), 'a3cc4c0b5eadd74d9974f1c1f5101045')
     def test_subtitles_in_page(self):
         self.url = ''
@@ -368,7 +407,7 @@ class TestDemocracynowSubtitles(BaseTestSubtitles):
         self.DL.params['allsubtitles'] = True
         subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
         self.assertEqual(set(subtitles.keys()), {'en'})
-        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['en']), 'acaca989e24a9e45a6719c9b3d60815c')
+        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['en']), 'a3cc4c0b5eadd74d9974f1c1f5101045')

+ 14 - 4

@@ -401,10 +401,15 @@ def validate_options(opts):
     if opts.no_sponsorblock:
         opts.sponsorblock_mark = opts.sponsorblock_remove = set()
+    default_downloader = None
     for proto, path in opts.external_downloader.items():
-        if get_external_downloader(path) is None:
+        ed = get_external_downloader(path)
+        if ed is None:
             raise ValueError(
                 f'No such {format_field(proto, None, "%s ", ignore="default")}external downloader "{path}"')
+        elif ed and proto == 'default':
+            default_downloader = ed.get_basename()
     warnings, deprecation_warnings = [], []
     # Common mistake: -f best
@@ -415,13 +420,18 @@ def validate_options(opts):
             'If you know what you are doing and want only the best pre-merged format, use "-f b" instead to suppress this warning')))
     # --(postprocessor/downloader)-args without name
-    def report_args_compat(name, value, key1, key2=None):
+    def report_args_compat(name, value, key1, key2=None, where=None):
         if key1 in value and key2 not in value:
-            warnings.append(f'{name} arguments given without specifying name. The arguments will be given to all {name}s')
+            warnings.append(f'{name.title()} arguments given without specifying name. '
+                            f'The arguments will be given to {where or f"all {name}s"}')
             return True
         return False
-    report_args_compat('external downloader', opts.external_downloader_args, 'default')
+    if report_args_compat('external downloader', opts.external_downloader_args,
+                          'default', where=default_downloader) and default_downloader:
+        # Compat with youtube-dl's behavior. See
+        opts.external_downloader_args.setdefault(default_downloader, opts.external_downloader_args.pop('default'))
     if report_args_compat('post-processor', opts.postprocessor_args, 'default-compat', 'default'):
         opts.postprocessor_args['default'] = opts.postprocessor_args.pop('default-compat')
         opts.postprocessor_args.setdefault('sponskrub', [])

+ 1 - 0

@@ -752,6 +752,7 @@ from .kinja import KinjaEmbedIE
 from .kinopoisk import KinoPoiskIE
 from .konserthusetplay import KonserthusetPlayIE
 from .koo import KooIE
+from .kth import KTHIE
 from .krasview import KrasViewIE
 from .ku6 import Ku6IE
 from .kusi import KUSIIE

+ 5 - 0

@@ -677,6 +677,11 @@ class BilibiliAudioIE(BilibiliAudioBaseIE):
             'vcodec': 'none'
+        for a_format in formats:
+            a_format.setdefault('http_headers', {}).update({
+                'Referer': url,
+            })
         song = self._call_api('song/info', au_id)
         title = song['title']
         statistic = song.get('statistic') or {}

+ 1 - 1

@@ -382,5 +382,5 @@ class KalturaIE(InfoExtractor):
             'duration': info.get('duration'),
             'timestamp': info.get('createdAt'),
             'uploader_id': format_field(info, 'userId', ignore=('None', None)),
-            'view_count': info.get('plays'),
+            'view_count': int_or_none(info.get('plays')),

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+from ..utils import smuggle_url
+class KTHIE(InfoExtractor):
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://play\.kth\.se/(?:[^/]+/)+(?P<id>[a-z0-9_]+)'
+    _TEST = {
+        'url': '',
+        'md5': 'd83ada6d00ca98b73243a88efe19e8a6',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': '0_uoop6oz9',
+            'ext': 'mp4',
+            'title': 'md5:bd1d6931facb6828762a33e6ce865f37',
+            'thumbnail': 're:https?://.+/thumbnail/.+',
+            'duration': 3516,
+            'timestamp': 1647345358,
+            'upload_date': '20220315',
+            'uploader_id': 'md5:0ec23e33a89e795a4512930c8102509f',
+        }
+    }
+    def _real_extract(self, url):
+        video_id = self._match_id(url)
+        result = self.url_result(
+            smuggle_url('kaltura:308:%s' % video_id, {
+                'service_url': ''}),
+            'Kaltura')
+        return result

+ 140 - 104

@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
+import re
 from .common import InfoExtractor
+from ..compat import compat_urllib_parse_urlparse
 from ..utils import (
+    ExtractorError,
-    parse_duration,
+    merge_dicts,
+    parse_iso8601,
-    unified_strdate,
@@ -14,120 +18,139 @@ class NDRBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
     def _real_extract(self, url):
         mobj = self._match_valid_url(url)
         display_id = next(group for group in mobj.groups() if group)
-        id ='id')
         webpage = self._download_webpage(url, display_id)
-        return self._extract_embed(webpage, display_id, id)
+        return self._extract_embed(webpage, display_id, url)
 class NDRIE(NDRBaseIE):
     IE_NAME = 'ndr'
     IE_DESC = ' - Norddeutscher Rundfunk'
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?(?:daserste\.)?ndr\.de/(?:[^/]+/)*(?P<display_id>[^/?#]+),(?P<id>[\da-z]+)\.html'
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:\w+\.)*ndr\.de/(?:[^/]+/)*(?P<id>[^/?#]+),[\da-z]+\.html'
     _TESTS = [{
+        # httpVideo, same content id
         'url': ',hafengeburtstag988.html',
+        'md5': '6515bc255dc5c5f8c85bbc38e035a659',
         'info_dict': {
             'id': 'hafengeburtstag988',
+            'display_id': 'Party-Poette-und-Parade',
             'ext': 'mp4',
             'title': 'Party, Pötte und Parade',
-            'thumbnail': '',
             'description': 'md5:ad14f9d2f91d3040b6930c697e5f6b4c',
-            'series': None,
-            'channel': 'NDR Fernsehen',
-            'upload_date': '20150508',
+            'uploader': 'ndrtv',
+            'timestamp': 1431255671,
+            'upload_date': '20150510',
             'duration': 3498,
-    }, {
-        'url': ',hansa10312.html',
-        'only_matching': True
-    }, {
-        'url': ',kommunalwahl1296.html',
-        'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'kommunalwahl1296',
-            'ext': 'mp4',
-            'title': 'Die Spitzenrunde: Die Wahl aus Sicht der Landespolitik',
-            'thumbnail': '',
-            'description': 'md5:5c6e2ad744cef499135735a1036d7aa7',
-            'series': 'Hallo Niedersachsen',
-            'channel': 'NDR Fernsehen',
-            'upload_date': '20210913',
-            'duration': 438,
+        'params': {
+            'skip_download': True,
+        'expected_warnings': ['Unable to download f4m manifest'],
     }, {
-        'url': ',sendung1091858.html',
+        # httpVideo, different content id
+        'url': ',osna270.html',
+        'md5': '1043ff203eab307f0c51702ec49e9a71',
         'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'sendung1091858',
+            'id': 'osna272',
+            'display_id': '40-Osnabrueck-spielt-sich-in-einen-Rausch',
             'ext': 'mp4',
-            'title': 'Extra 3 vom 11.11.2020 mit Christian Ehring',
-            'thumbnail': '',
-            'description': 'md5:700f6de264010585012a72f97b0ac0c9',
-            'series': 'extra 3',
-            'channel': 'NDR Fernsehen',
-            'upload_date': '20201111',
-            'duration': 1749,
-        }
+            'title': 'Osnabrück - Wehen Wiesbaden: Die Highlights',
+            'description': 'md5:32e9b800b3d2d4008103752682d5dc01',
+            'uploader': 'ndrtv',
+            'timestamp': 1442059200,
+            'upload_date': '20150912',
+            'duration': 510,
+        },
+        'params': {
+            'skip_download': True,
+        },
+        'skip': 'No longer available',
     }, {
+        # httpAudio, same content id
         'url': ',audio51535.html',
+        'md5': 'bb3cd38e24fbcc866d13b50ca59307b8',
         'info_dict': {
             'id': 'audio51535',
+            'display_id': 'La-Valette-entgeht-der-Hinrichtung',
             'ext': 'mp3',
             'title': 'La Valette entgeht der Hinrichtung',
-            'thumbnail': '',
             'description': 'md5:22f9541913a40fe50091d5cdd7c9f536',
-            'upload_date': '20140729',
-            'duration': 884.0,
+            'uploader': 'ndrinfo',
+            'timestamp': 1631711863,
+            'upload_date': '20210915',
+            'duration': 884,
-        'expected_warnings': ['unable to extract json url'],
+        'params': {
+            'skip_download': True,
+        },
+    }, {
+        # with subtitles
+        'url': ',sendung1091858.html',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': 'extra18674',
+            'display_id': 'extra-3-Satiremagazin-mit-Christian-Ehring',
+            'ext': 'mp4',
+            'title': 'Extra 3 vom 11.11.2020 mit Christian Ehring',
+            'description': 'md5:700f6de264010585012a72f97b0ac0c9',
+            'uploader': 'ndrtv',
+            'upload_date': '20201207',
+            'timestamp': 1614349457,
+            'duration': 1749,
+            'subtitles': {
+                'de': [{
+                    'ext': 'ttml',
+                    'url': r're:^https://www\.ndr\.de.+',
+                }],
+            },
+        },
+        'params': {
+            'skip_download': True,
+        },
+        'expected_warnings': ['Unable to download f4m manifest'],
+    }, {
+        'url': ',festivalsommer116.html',
+        'only_matching': True,
-    def _extract_embed(self, webpage, display_id, id):
-        formats = []
-        base_url = ''
-        json_url = self._search_regex(r'<iframe[^>]+src=\"([^\"]+)_theme-ndrde[^\.]*\.html\"', webpage,
-                                      'json url', fatal=False)
-        if json_url:
-            data_json = self._download_json(base_url + json_url.replace('ardplayer_image', 'ardjson_image') + '.json',
-                                            id, fatal=False)
-            info_json = data_json.get('_info', {})
-            media_json = try_get(data_json, lambda x: x['_mediaArray'][0]['_mediaStreamArray'])
-            for media in media_json:
-                if media.get('_quality') == 'auto':
-                    formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats(media['_stream'], id))
-            subtitles = {}
-            sub_url = data_json.get('_subtitleUrl')
-            if sub_url:
-                subtitles.setdefault('de', []).append({
-                    'url': base_url + sub_url,
-                })
-            self._sort_formats(formats)
-            return {
-                'id': id,
-                'title': info_json.get('clipTitle'),
-                'thumbnail': base_url + data_json.get('_previewImage'),
-                'description': info_json.get('clipDescription'),
-                'series': info_json.get('seriesTitle') or None,
-                'channel': info_json.get('channelTitle'),
-                'upload_date': unified_strdate(info_json.get('clipDate')),
-                'duration': data_json.get('_duration'),
-                'formats': formats,
-                'subtitles': subtitles,
-            }
-        else:
-            json_url = base_url + self._search_regex(r'apiUrl\s?=\s?\'([^\']+)\'', webpage, 'json url').replace(
-                '_belongsToPodcast-', '')
-            data_json = self._download_json(json_url, id, fatal=False)
-            return {
-                'id': id,
-                'title': data_json.get('title'),
-                'thumbnail': base_url + data_json.get('poster'),
-                'description': data_json.get('summary'),
-                'upload_date': unified_strdate(data_json.get('publicationDate')),
-                'duration': parse_duration(data_json.get('duration')),
-                'formats': [{
-                    'url': try_get(data_json, (lambda x: x['audio'][0]['url'], lambda x: x['files'][0]['url'])),
-                    'vcodec': 'none',
-                    'ext': 'mp3',
-                }],
-            }
+    def _extract_embed(self, webpage, display_id, url):
+        embed_url = (
+            self._html_search_meta(
+                'embedURL', webpage, 'embed URL',
+                default=None)
+            or self._search_regex(
+                r'\bembedUrl["\']\s*:\s*(["\'])(?P<url>(?:(?!\1).)+)\1', webpage,
+                'embed URL', group='url', default=None)
+            or self._search_regex(
+                r'\bvar\s*sophoraID\s*=\s*(["\'])(?P<url>(?:(?!\1).)+)\1', webpage,
+                'embed URL', group='url', default=''))
+        # some more work needed if we only found sophoraID
+        if re.match(r'^[a-z]+\d+$', embed_url):
+            # get the initial part of the url path,. eg /panorama/archiv/2022/
+            parsed_url = compat_urllib_parse_urlparse(url)
+            path = self._search_regex(r'(.+/)%s' % display_id, parsed_url.path or '', 'embed URL', default='')
+            # find tell-tale image with the actual ID
+            ndr_id = self._search_regex(r'%s([a-z]+\d+)(?!\.)\b' % (path, ), webpage, 'embed URL', default=None)
+            # or try to use special knowledge!
+            NDR_INFO_URL_TPL = ''
+            embed_url = 'ndr:%s' % (ndr_id, ) if ndr_id else NDR_INFO_URL_TPL % (embed_url, )
+        if not embed_url:
+            raise ExtractorError('Unable to extract embedUrl')
+        description = self._search_regex(
+            r'<p[^>]+itemprop="description">([^<]+)</p>',
+            webpage, 'description', default=None) or self._og_search_description(webpage)
+        timestamp = parse_iso8601(
+            self._search_regex(
+                (r'<span[^>]+itemprop="(?:datePublished|uploadDate)"[^>]+content="(?P<cont>[^"]+)"',
+                 r'\bvar\s*pdt\s*=\s*(?P<q>["\'])(?P<cont>(?:(?!(?P=q)).)+)(?P=q)', ),
+                webpage, 'upload date', group='cont', default=None))
+        info = self._search_json_ld(webpage, display_id, default={})
+        return merge_dicts({
+            '_type': 'url_transparent',
+            'url': embed_url,
+            'display_id': display_id,
+            'description': description,
+            'timestamp': timestamp,
+        }, info)
 class NJoyIE(NDRBaseIE):
@@ -151,19 +174,19 @@ class NJoyIE(NDRBaseIE):
         'params': {
             'skip_download': True,
+        'skip': 'No longer available',
     }, {
         # httpVideo, different content id
         'url': ',felixjaehn168.html',
         'md5': '417660fffa90e6df2fda19f1b40a64d8',
         'info_dict': {
-            'id': 'dockville882',
+            'id': 'livestream283',
             'display_id': 'Das-frueheste-DJ-Set-des-Nordens-live-mit-Felix-Jaehn-',
-            'ext': 'mp4',
-            'title': '"Ich hab noch nie" mit Felix Jaehn',
-            'description': 'md5:85dd312d53be1b99e1f998a16452a2f3',
+            'ext': 'mp3',
+            'title': 'Das frueheste DJ Set des Nordens live mit Felix Jaehn',
+            'description': 'md5:681698f527b8601e511e7b79edde7d2c',
             'uploader': 'njoy',
-            'upload_date': '20150822',
-            'duration': 211,
+            'upload_date': '20210830',
         'params': {
             'skip_download': True,
@@ -173,18 +196,25 @@ class NJoyIE(NDRBaseIE):
         'only_matching': True,
-    def _extract_embed(self, webpage, display_id, id):
+    def _extract_embed(self, webpage, display_id, url=None):
+        # find tell-tale URL with the actual ID, or ...
         video_id = self._search_regex(
-            r'<iframe[^>]+id="pp_([\da-z]+)"', webpage, 'embed id')
-        description = self._search_regex(
-            r'<div[^>]+class="subline"[^>]*>[^<]+</div>\s*<p>([^<]+)</p>',
-            webpage, 'description', fatal=False)
+            (r'''\bsrc\s*=\s*["']?(?:/\w+)+/([a-z]+\d+)(?!\.)\b''',
+             r'<iframe[^>]+id="pp_([\da-z]+)"', ),
+            webpage, 'NDR id', default=None)
+        description = (
+            self._html_search_meta('description', webpage)
+            or self._search_regex(
+                r'<div[^>]+class="subline"[^>]*>[^<]+</div>\s*<p>([^<]+)</p>',
+                webpage, 'description', fatal=False))
         return {
             '_type': 'url_transparent',
             'ie_key': 'NDREmbedBase',
             'url': 'ndr:%s' % video_id,
             'display_id': display_id,
             'description': description,
+            'title': display_id.replace('-', ' ').strip(),
@@ -287,7 +317,7 @@ class NDREmbedBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
 class NDREmbedIE(NDREmbedBaseIE):
     IE_NAME = 'ndr:embed'
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?(?:daserste\.)?ndr\.de/(?:[^/]+/)*(?P<id>[\da-z]+)-(?:player|externalPlayer)\.html'
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:\w+\.)*ndr\.de/(?:[^/]+/)*(?P<id>[\da-z]+)-(?:(?:ard)?player|externalPlayer)\.html'
     _TESTS = [{
         'url': '',
         'md5': '8b9306142fe65bbdefb5ce24edb6b0a9',
@@ -300,6 +330,7 @@ class NDREmbedIE(NDREmbedBaseIE):
             'upload_date': '20150907',
             'duration': 132,
+        'skip': 'No longer available',
     }, {
         'url': '',
         'md5': '002085c44bae38802d94ae5802a36e78',
@@ -315,6 +346,7 @@ class NDREmbedIE(NDREmbedBaseIE):
         'params': {
             'skip_download': True,
+        'skip': 'No longer available',
     }, {
         'url': '',
         'md5': 'bb3cd38e24fbcc866d13b50ca59307b8',
@@ -324,7 +356,7 @@ class NDREmbedIE(NDREmbedBaseIE):
             'title': 'La Valette entgeht der Hinrichtung',
             'is_live': False,
             'uploader': 'ndrinfo',
-            'upload_date': '20140729',
+            'upload_date': '20210915',
             'duration': 884,
         'params': {
@@ -345,15 +377,17 @@ class NDREmbedIE(NDREmbedBaseIE):
         'params': {
             'skip_download': True,
+        'skip': 'No longer available',
     }, {
         # httpVideoLive
         'url': '',
         'info_dict': {
             'id': 'livestream217',
-            'ext': 'flv',
+            'ext': 'mp4',
             'title': r're:^NDR Fernsehen Niedersachsen \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}$',
             'is_live': True,
-            'upload_date': '20150910',
+            'upload_date': '20210409',
+            'uploader': 'ndrtv',
         'params': {
             'skip_download': True,
@@ -391,9 +425,10 @@ class NJoyEmbedIE(NDREmbedBaseIE):
             'ext': 'mp4',
             'title': 'Zehn Jahre Reeperbahn Festival - die Doku',
             'is_live': False,
-            'upload_date': '20150807',
+            'upload_date': '20200826',
             'duration': 1011,
+        'expected_warnings': ['Unable to download f4m manifest'],
     }, {
         # httpAudio
         'url': '',
@@ -410,6 +445,7 @@ class NJoyEmbedIE(NDREmbedBaseIE):
         'params': {
             'skip_download': True,
+        'skip': 'No longer available',
     }, {
         # httpAudioLive, no explicit ext
         'url': '',
@@ -419,7 +455,7 @@ class NJoyEmbedIE(NDREmbedBaseIE):
             'title': r're:^N-JOY Weltweit \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}$',
             'is_live': True,
             'uploader': 'njoy',
-            'upload_date': '20150810',
+            'upload_date': '20210830',
         'params': {
             'skip_download': True,

+ 17 - 3

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from ..utils import (
 class NhkBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
     _BASE_URL_REGEX = r'https?://www3\.nhk\.or\.jp/nhkworld/(?P<lang>[a-z]{2})/ondemand'
     _TYPE_REGEX = r'/(?P<type>video|audio)/'
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class NhkBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
     def _extract_episode_info(self, url, episode=None):
         fetch_episode = episode is None
         lang, m_type, episode_id = NhkVodIE._match_valid_url(url).groups()
-        if episode_id.isdigit():
+        if len(episode_id) == 7:
             episode_id = episode_id[:4] + '-' + episode_id[4:]
         is_video = m_type == 'video'
@@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ class NhkBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
 class NhkVodIE(NhkBaseIE):
-    _VALID_URL = r'%s%s(?P<id>\d{7}|[^/]+?-\d{8}-[0-9a-z]+)' % (NhkBaseIE._BASE_URL_REGEX, NhkBaseIE._TYPE_REGEX)
+    # the 7-character IDs can have alphabetic chars too: assume [a-z] rather than just [a-f], eg
+    _VALID_URL = r'%s%s(?P<id>[0-9a-z]{7}|[^/]+?-\d{8}-[0-9a-z]+)' % (NhkBaseIE._BASE_URL_REGEX, NhkBaseIE._TYPE_REGEX)
     # Content available only for a limited period of time. Visit
     # for working samples.
     _TESTS = [{
@@ -129,6 +130,19 @@ class NhkVodIE(NhkBaseIE):
     }, {
         'url': '',
         'only_matching': True,
+    }, {
+        # video, alphabetic character in ID #29670
+        'url': '',
+        'only_matching': True,
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': 'qfjay6cg',
+            'ext': 'mp4',
+            'title': 'DESIGN TALKS plus - Fishermen’s Finery',
+            'description': 'md5:8a8f958aaafb0d7cb59d38de53f1e448',
+            'thumbnail': r're:^https?:/(/[a-z0-9.-]+)+\.jpg\?w=1920&h=1080$',
+            'upload_date': '20210615',
+            'timestamp': 1623722008,
+        }
     def _real_extract(self, url):

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff