@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
import copy
import json
-from test.helper import FakeYDL, assertRegexpMatches
+from test.helper import FakeYDL, assertRegexpMatches, try_rm
from yt_dlp import YoutubeDL
from yt_dlp.compat import compat_os_name
from yt_dlp.extractor import YoutubeIE
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ from yt_dlp.utils import (
+from yt_dlp.utils.traversal import traverse_obj
TEST_URL = 'http://localhost/sample.mp4'
@@ -1227,10 +1229,10 @@ class TestYoutubeDL(unittest.TestCase):
_test_url = 'https://yt.dlp/test'
- def test(encoded_cookies, cookies, headers=False, round_trip=None, error=None):
+ def test(encoded_cookies, cookies, *, headers=False, round_trip=None, error_re=None):
def _test():
- ydl._load_cookies(encoded_cookies, from_headers=headers)
+ ydl._load_cookies(encoded_cookies, autoscope=headers)
if headers:
data = {'url': _test_url}
@@ -1245,14 +1247,14 @@ class TestYoutubeDL(unittest.TestCase):
ydl.__dict__['_YoutubeDL__header_cookies'] = []
with self.subTest(msg=encoded_cookies):
- if not error:
+ if not error_re:
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, error):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, error_re):
test('test=value; Domain=.yt.dlp', [cookie('test', 'value', domain='.yt.dlp')])
- test('test=value', [cookie('test', 'value')], error='Unscoped cookies are not allowed')
+ test('test=value', [cookie('test', 'value')], error_re=r'Unscoped cookies are not allowed')
test('cookie1=value1; Domain=.yt.dlp; Path=/test; cookie2=value2; Domain=.yt.dlp; Path=/', [
cookie('cookie1', 'value1', domain='.yt.dlp', path='/test'),
cookie('cookie2', 'value2', domain='.yt.dlp', path='/')])
@@ -1265,9 +1267,76 @@ class TestYoutubeDL(unittest.TestCase):
round_trip='name=""; Domain=.yt.dlp')
test('test=value', [cookie('test', 'value', domain='.yt.dlp')], headers=True)
- test('cookie1=value; Domain=.yt.dlp; cookie2=value', [], headers=True, error='Invalid syntax')
+ test('cookie1=value; Domain=.yt.dlp; cookie2=value', [], headers=True, error_re=r'Invalid syntax')
ydl.deprecated_feature = ydl.report_error
- test('test=value', [], headers=True, error='Passing cookies as a header is a potential security risk')
+ test('test=value', [], headers=True, error_re=r'Passing cookies as a header is a potential security risk')
+ def test_infojson_cookies(self):
+ TEST_FILE = 'test_infojson_cookies.info.json'
+ TEST_URL = 'https://example.com/example.mp4'
+ COOKIES = 'a=b; Domain=.example.com; c=d; Domain=.example.com'
+ COOKIE_HEADER = {'Cookie': 'a=b; c=d'}
+ ydl = FakeYDL()
+ ydl.process_info = lambda x: ydl._write_info_json('test', x, TEST_FILE)
+ def make_info(info_header_cookies=False, fmts_header_cookies=False, cookies_field=False):
+ fmt = {'url': TEST_URL}
+ if fmts_header_cookies:
+ fmt['http_headers'] = COOKIE_HEADER
+ if cookies_field:
+ fmt['cookies'] = COOKIES
+ return _make_result([fmt], http_headers=COOKIE_HEADER if info_header_cookies else None)
+ def test(initial_info, note):
+ result = {}
+ result['processed'] = ydl.process_ie_result(initial_info)
+ self.assertTrue(ydl.cookiejar.get_cookies_for_url(TEST_URL),
+ msg=f'No cookies set in cookiejar after initial process when {note}')
+ ydl.cookiejar.clear()
+ with open(TEST_FILE) as infojson:
+ result['loaded'] = ydl.sanitize_info(json.load(infojson), True)
+ result['final'] = ydl.process_ie_result(result['loaded'].copy(), download=False)
+ self.assertTrue(ydl.cookiejar.get_cookies_for_url(TEST_URL),
+ msg=f'No cookies set in cookiejar after final process when {note}')
+ ydl.cookiejar.clear()
+ for key in ('processed', 'loaded', 'final'):
+ info = result[key]
+ self.assertIsNone(
+ traverse_obj(info, ((None, ('formats', 0)), 'http_headers', 'Cookie'), casesense=False, get_all=False),
+ msg=f'Cookie header not removed in {key} result when {note}')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ traverse_obj(info, ((None, ('formats', 0)), 'cookies'), get_all=False), COOKIES,
+ msg=f'No cookies field found in {key} result when {note}')
+ test({'url': TEST_URL, 'http_headers': COOKIE_HEADER, 'id': '1', 'title': 'x'}, 'no formats field')
+ test(make_info(info_header_cookies=True), 'info_dict header cokies')
+ test(make_info(fmts_header_cookies=True), 'format header cookies')
+ test(make_info(info_header_cookies=True, fmts_header_cookies=True), 'info_dict and format header cookies')
+ test(make_info(info_header_cookies=True, fmts_header_cookies=True, cookies_field=True), 'all cookies fields')
+ test(make_info(cookies_field=True), 'cookies format field')
+ test({'url': TEST_URL, 'cookies': COOKIES, 'id': '1', 'title': 'x'}, 'info_dict cookies field only')
+ try_rm(TEST_FILE)
+ def test_add_headers_cookie(self):
+ def check_for_cookie_header(result):
+ return traverse_obj(result, ((None, ('formats', 0)), 'http_headers', 'Cookie'), casesense=False, get_all=False)
+ ydl = FakeYDL({'http_headers': {'Cookie': 'a=b'}})
+ ydl._apply_header_cookies(_make_result([])['webpage_url']) # Scope to input webpage URL: .example.com
+ fmt = {'url': 'https://example.com/video.mp4'}
+ result = ydl.process_ie_result(_make_result([fmt]), download=False)
+ self.assertIsNone(check_for_cookie_header(result), msg='http_headers cookies in result info_dict')
+ self.assertEqual(result.get('cookies'), 'a=b; Domain=.example.com', msg='No cookies were set in cookies field')
+ self.assertIn('a=b', ydl.cookiejar.get_cookie_header(fmt['url']), msg='No cookies were set in cookiejar')
+ fmt = {'url': 'https://wrong.com/video.mp4'}
+ result = ydl.process_ie_result(_make_result([fmt]), download=False)
+ self.assertIsNone(check_for_cookie_header(result), msg='http_headers cookies for wrong domain')
+ self.assertFalse(result.get('cookies'), msg='Cookies set in cookies field for wrong domain')
+ self.assertFalse(ydl.cookiejar.get_cookie_header(fmt['url']), msg='Cookies set in cookiejar for wrong domain')
if __name__ == '__main__':