@@ -8,11 +8,13 @@ import pytest
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
+import contextlib
import io
import platform
import random
import ssl
import urllib.error
+import warnings
from yt_dlp.cookies import YoutubeDLCookieJar
from yt_dlp.dependencies import certifi
@@ -202,20 +204,58 @@ class TestNetworkingExceptions:
assert isinstance(error, HTTPError)
assert isinstance(error, urllib.error.HTTPError)
- assert error.code == 403
- assert error.getcode() == 403
- assert error.hdrs is error.response.headers
- assert error.info() is error.response.headers
- assert error.headers is error.response.headers
- assert error.filename == error.response.url
- assert error.url == error.response.url
- assert error.geturl() == error.response.url
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def raises_deprecation_warning():
+ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
+ warnings.simplefilter('always')
+ yield
+ if len(w) == 0:
+ pytest.fail('Did not raise DeprecationWarning')
+ if len(w) > 1:
+ pytest.fail(f'Raised multiple warnings: {w}')
+ if not issubclass(w[-1].category, DeprecationWarning):
+ pytest.fail(f'Expected DeprecationWarning, got {w[-1].category}')
+ w.clear()
+ with raises_deprecation_warning():
+ assert error.code == 403
+ with raises_deprecation_warning():
+ assert error.getcode() == 403
+ with raises_deprecation_warning():
+ assert error.hdrs is error.response.headers
+ with raises_deprecation_warning():
+ assert error.info() is error.response.headers
+ with raises_deprecation_warning():
+ assert error.headers is error.response.headers
+ with raises_deprecation_warning():
+ assert error.filename == error.response.url
+ with raises_deprecation_warning():
+ assert error.url == error.response.url
+ with raises_deprecation_warning():
+ assert error.geturl() == error.response.url
# Passthrough file operations
- assert error.read() == b'test'
- assert not error.closed
- # Technically Response operations are also passed through, which should not be used.
- assert error.get_header('test') == 'test'
+ with raises_deprecation_warning():
+ assert error.read() == b'test'
+ with raises_deprecation_warning():
+ assert not error.closed
+ with raises_deprecation_warning():
+ # Technically Response operations are also passed through, which should not be used.
+ assert error.get_header('test') == 'test'
+ # Should not raise a warning
+ error.close()
platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy', reason='garbage collector works differently in pypy')