@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
import collections
import contextlib
+import copy
import datetime
import errno
import fileinput
import functools
+import http.cookiejar
import io
import itertools
import json
@@ -25,7 +27,7 @@ import unicodedata
from .cache import Cache
from .compat import urllib # isort: split
from .compat import compat_os_name, compat_shlex_quote
-from .cookies import load_cookies
+from .cookies import LenientSimpleCookie, load_cookies
from .downloader import FFmpegFD, get_suitable_downloader, shorten_protocol_name
from .downloader.rtmp import rtmpdump_version
from .extractor import gen_extractor_classes, get_info_extractor
@@ -673,6 +675,9 @@ class YoutubeDL:
if auto_init and auto_init != 'no_verbose_header':
+ self.__header_cookies = []
+ self._load_cookies(traverse_obj(self.params.get('http_headers'), 'cookie', casesense=False)) # compat
def check_deprecated(param, option, suggestion):
if self.params.get(param) is not None:
self.report_warning(f'{option} is deprecated. Use {suggestion} instead')
@@ -1625,8 +1630,60 @@ class YoutubeDL:
+ def _load_cookies(self, data, *, from_headers=True):
+ """Loads cookies from a `Cookie` header
+ This tries to work around the security vulnerability of passing cookies to every domain.
+ See: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/security/advisories/GHSA-v8mc-9377-rwjj
+ The unscoped cookies are saved for later to be stored in the jar with a limited scope.
+ @param data The Cookie header as string to load the cookies from
+ @param from_headers If `False`, allows Set-Cookie syntax in the cookie string (at least a domain will be required)
+ """
+ for cookie in LenientSimpleCookie(data).values():
+ if from_headers and any(cookie.values()):
+ raise ValueError('Invalid syntax in Cookie Header')
+ domain = cookie.get('domain') or ''
+ expiry = cookie.get('expires')
+ if expiry == '': # 0 is valid
+ expiry = None
+ prepared_cookie = http.cookiejar.Cookie(
+ cookie.get('version') or 0, cookie.key, cookie.value, None, False,
+ domain, True, True, cookie.get('path') or '', bool(cookie.get('path')),
+ cookie.get('secure') or False, expiry, False, None, None, {})
+ if domain:
+ self.cookiejar.set_cookie(prepared_cookie)
+ elif from_headers:
+ self.deprecated_feature(
+ 'Passing cookies as a header is a potential security risk; '
+ 'they will be scoped to the domain of the downloaded urls. '
+ 'Please consider loading cookies from a file or browser instead.')
+ self.__header_cookies.append(prepared_cookie)
+ else:
+ self.report_error('Unscoped cookies are not allowed; please specify some sort of scoping',
+ tb=False, is_error=False)
+ def _apply_header_cookies(self, url):
+ """Applies stray header cookies to the provided url
+ This loads header cookies and scopes them to the domain provided in `url`.
+ While this is not ideal, it helps reduce the risk of them being sent
+ to an unintended destination while mostly maintaining compatibility.
+ """
+ parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
+ if not parsed.hostname:
+ return
+ for cookie in map(copy.copy, self.__header_cookies):
+ cookie.domain = f'.{parsed.hostname}'
+ self.cookiejar.set_cookie(cookie)
def __extract_info(self, url, ie, download, extra_info, process):
+ self._apply_header_cookies(url)
ie_result = ie.extract(url)
except UserNotLive as e:
@@ -2414,9 +2471,24 @@ class YoutubeDL:
if 'Youtubedl-No-Compression' in res: # deprecated
res.pop('Youtubedl-No-Compression', None)
res['Accept-Encoding'] = 'identity'
- cookies = self.cookiejar.get_cookie_header(info_dict['url'])
+ cookies = self.cookiejar.get_cookies_for_url(info_dict['url'])
if cookies:
- res['Cookie'] = cookies
+ encoder = LenientSimpleCookie()
+ values = []
+ for cookie in cookies:
+ _, value = encoder.value_encode(cookie.value)
+ values.append(f'{cookie.name}={value}')
+ if cookie.domain:
+ values.append(f'Domain={cookie.domain}')
+ if cookie.path:
+ values.append(f'Path={cookie.path}')
+ if cookie.secure:
+ values.append('Secure')
+ if cookie.expires:
+ values.append(f'Expires={cookie.expires}')
+ if cookie.version:
+ values.append(f'Version={cookie.version}')
+ info_dict['cookies'] = '; '.join(values)
if 'X-Forwarded-For' not in res:
x_forwarded_for_ip = info_dict.get('__x_forwarded_for_ip')
@@ -3423,6 +3495,8 @@ class YoutubeDL:
infos = [self.sanitize_info(info, self.params.get('clean_infojson', True))
for info in variadic(json.loads('\n'.join(f)))]
for info in infos:
+ self._load_cookies(info.get('cookies'), from_headers=False)
+ self._load_cookies(traverse_obj(info.get('http_headers'), 'Cookie', casesense=False)) # compat
self.__download_wrapper(self.process_ie_result)(info, download=True)
except (DownloadError, EntryNotInPlaylist, ReExtractInfo) as e: