@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import zlib
from email.message import Message
from http.cookiejar import CookieJar
+from test.conftest import validate_and_send
from test.helper import FakeYDL, http_server_port, verify_address_availability
from yt_dlp.cookies import YoutubeDLCookieJar
from yt_dlp.dependencies import brotli, requests, urllib3
@@ -50,11 +51,14 @@ from yt_dlp.networking.exceptions import (
+from yt_dlp.networking.impersonate import (
+ ImpersonateRequestHandler,
+ ImpersonateTarget,
+from yt_dlp.utils import YoutubeDLError
from yt_dlp.utils._utils import _YDLLogger as FakeLogger
from yt_dlp.utils.networking import HTTPHeaderDict
-from test.conftest import validate_and_send
TEST_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
@@ -1113,6 +1117,10 @@ class FakeResponse(Response):
class FakeRH(RequestHandler):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **params):
+ self.params = params
+ super().__init__(*args, **params)
def _validate(self, request):
@@ -1271,15 +1279,10 @@ class TestYoutubeDLNetworking:
('', {'all': '__noproxy__'}),
(None, {'http': '', 'https': ''}) # env, set https
- def test_proxy(self, proxy, expected):
- old_http_proxy = os.environ.get('HTTP_PROXY')
- try:
- os.environ['HTTP_PROXY'] = '' # ensure that provided proxies override env
- with FakeYDL({'proxy': proxy}) as ydl:
- assert ydl.proxies == expected
- finally:
- if old_http_proxy:
- os.environ['HTTP_PROXY'] = old_http_proxy
+ def test_proxy(self, proxy, expected, monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setenv('HTTP_PROXY', '')
+ with FakeYDL({'proxy': proxy}) as ydl:
+ assert ydl.proxies == expected
def test_compat_request(self):
with FakeRHYDL() as ydl:
@@ -1331,6 +1334,95 @@ class TestYoutubeDLNetworking:
with pytest.raises(SSLError, match='testerror'):
+ def test_unsupported_impersonate_target(self):
+ class FakeImpersonationRHYDL(FakeYDL):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ class HTTPRH(RequestHandler):
+ def _send(self, request: Request):
+ pass
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._request_director = self.build_request_director([HTTPRH])
+ with FakeImpersonationRHYDL() as ydl:
+ with pytest.raises(
+ RequestError,
+ match=r'Impersonate target "test" is not available'
+ ):
+ ydl.urlopen(Request('http://', extensions={'impersonate': ImpersonateTarget('test', None, None, None)}))
+ def test_unsupported_impersonate_extension(self):
+ class FakeHTTPRHYDL(FakeYDL):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ class IRH(ImpersonateRequestHandler):
+ def _send(self, request: Request):
+ pass
+ _SUPPORTED_IMPERSONATE_TARGET_MAP = {ImpersonateTarget('abc',): 'test'}
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._request_director = self.build_request_director([IRH])
+ with FakeHTTPRHYDL() as ydl:
+ with pytest.raises(
+ RequestError,
+ match=r'Impersonate target "test" is not available'
+ ):
+ ydl.urlopen(Request('http://', extensions={'impersonate': ImpersonateTarget('test', None, None, None)}))
+ def test_raise_impersonate_error(self):
+ with pytest.raises(
+ YoutubeDLError,
+ match=r'Impersonate target "test" is not available'
+ ):
+ FakeYDL({'impersonate': ImpersonateTarget('test', None, None, None)})
+ def test_pass_impersonate_param(self, monkeypatch):
+ class IRH(ImpersonateRequestHandler):
+ def _send(self, request: Request):
+ pass
+ _SUPPORTED_IMPERSONATE_TARGET_MAP = {ImpersonateTarget('abc'): 'test'}
+ # Bypass the check on initialize
+ brh = FakeYDL.build_request_director
+ monkeypatch.setattr(FakeYDL, 'build_request_director', lambda cls, handlers, preferences=None: brh(cls, handlers=[IRH]))
+ with FakeYDL({
+ 'impersonate': ImpersonateTarget('abc', None, None, None)
+ }) as ydl:
+ rh = self.build_handler(ydl, IRH)
+ assert rh.impersonate == ImpersonateTarget('abc', None, None, None)
+ def test_get_impersonate_targets(self):
+ handlers = []
+ for target_client in ('abc', 'xyz', 'asd'):
+ class TestRH(ImpersonateRequestHandler):
+ def _send(self, request: Request):
+ pass
+ _SUPPORTED_IMPERSONATE_TARGET_MAP = {ImpersonateTarget(target_client,): 'test'}
+ RH_KEY = target_client
+ RH_NAME = target_client
+ handlers.append(TestRH)
+ with FakeYDL() as ydl:
+ ydl._request_director = ydl.build_request_director(handlers)
+ assert set(ydl._get_available_impersonate_targets()) == {
+ (ImpersonateTarget('xyz'), 'xyz'),
+ (ImpersonateTarget('abc'), 'abc'),
+ (ImpersonateTarget('asd'), 'asd')
+ }
+ assert ydl._impersonate_target_available(ImpersonateTarget('abc'))
+ assert ydl._impersonate_target_available(ImpersonateTarget())
+ assert not ydl._impersonate_target_available(ImpersonateTarget('zxy'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('proxy_key,proxy_url,expected', [
('http', '__noproxy__', None),
('no', ',foo.bar', ',foo.bar'),
@@ -1341,23 +1433,17 @@ class TestYoutubeDLNetworking:
('http', 'socks4://example.com', 'socks4://example.com'),
('unrelated', '/bad/proxy', '/bad/proxy'), # clean_proxies should ignore bad proxies
- def test_clean_proxy(self, proxy_key, proxy_url, expected):
+ def test_clean_proxy(self, proxy_key, proxy_url, expected, monkeypatch):
# proxies should be cleaned in urlopen()
with FakeRHYDL() as ydl:
req = ydl.urlopen(Request('test://', proxies={proxy_key: proxy_url})).request
assert req.proxies[proxy_key] == expected
# and should also be cleaned when building the handler
- env_key = f'{proxy_key.upper()}_PROXY'
- old_env_proxy = os.environ.get(env_key)
- try:
- os.environ[env_key] = proxy_url # ensure that provided proxies override env
- with FakeYDL() as ydl:
- rh = self.build_handler(ydl)
- assert rh.proxies[proxy_key] == expected
- finally:
- if old_env_proxy:
- os.environ[env_key] = old_env_proxy
+ monkeypatch.setenv(f'{proxy_key.upper()}_PROXY', proxy_url)
+ with FakeYDL() as ydl:
+ rh = self.build_handler(ydl)
+ assert rh.proxies[proxy_key] == expected
def test_clean_proxy_header(self):
with FakeRHYDL() as ydl:
@@ -1629,3 +1715,71 @@ class TestResponse:
assert res.geturl() == res.url
assert res.info() is res.headers
assert res.getheader('test') == res.get_header('test')
+class TestImpersonateTarget:
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('target_str,expected', [
+ ('abc', ImpersonateTarget('abc', None, None, None)),
+ ('abc-120_esr', ImpersonateTarget('abc', '120_esr', None, None)),
+ ('abc-120:xyz', ImpersonateTarget('abc', '120', 'xyz', None)),
+ ('abc-120:xyz-5.6', ImpersonateTarget('abc', '120', 'xyz', '5.6')),
+ ('abc:xyz', ImpersonateTarget('abc', None, 'xyz', None)),
+ ('abc:', ImpersonateTarget('abc', None, None, None)),
+ ('abc-120:', ImpersonateTarget('abc', '120', None, None)),
+ (':xyz', ImpersonateTarget(None, None, 'xyz', None)),
+ (':xyz-6.5', ImpersonateTarget(None, None, 'xyz', '6.5')),
+ (':', ImpersonateTarget(None, None, None, None)),
+ ('', ImpersonateTarget(None, None, None, None)),
+ ])
+ def test_target_from_str(self, target_str, expected):
+ assert ImpersonateTarget.from_str(target_str) == expected
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('target_str', [
+ '-120', ':-12.0', '-12:-12', '-:-',
+ '::', 'a-c-d:', 'a-c-d:e-f-g', 'a:b:'
+ ])
+ def test_target_from_invalid_str(self, target_str):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ ImpersonateTarget.from_str(target_str)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('target,expected', [
+ (ImpersonateTarget('abc', None, None, None), 'abc'),
+ (ImpersonateTarget('abc', '120', None, None), 'abc-120'),
+ (ImpersonateTarget('abc', '120', 'xyz', None), 'abc-120:xyz'),
+ (ImpersonateTarget('abc', '120', 'xyz', '5'), 'abc-120:xyz-5'),
+ (ImpersonateTarget('abc', None, 'xyz', None), 'abc:xyz'),
+ (ImpersonateTarget('abc', '120', None, None), 'abc-120'),
+ (ImpersonateTarget('abc', '120', 'xyz', None), 'abc-120:xyz'),
+ (ImpersonateTarget('abc', None, 'xyz'), 'abc:xyz'),
+ (ImpersonateTarget(None, None, 'xyz', '6.5'), ':xyz-6.5'),
+ (ImpersonateTarget('abc', ), 'abc'),
+ (ImpersonateTarget(None, None, None, None), ''),
+ ])
+ def test_str(self, target, expected):
+ assert str(target) == expected
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('args', [
+ ('abc', None, None, '5'),
+ ('abc', '120', None, '5'),
+ (None, '120', None, None),
+ (None, '120', None, '5'),
+ (None, None, None, '5'),
+ (None, '120', 'xyz', '5'),
+ ])
+ def test_invalid_impersonate_target(self, args):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ ImpersonateTarget(*args)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('target1,target2,is_in,is_eq', [
+ (ImpersonateTarget('abc', None, None, None), ImpersonateTarget('abc', None, None, None), True, True),
+ (ImpersonateTarget('abc', None, None, None), ImpersonateTarget('abc', '120', None, None), True, False),
+ (ImpersonateTarget('abc', None, 'xyz', 'test'), ImpersonateTarget('abc', '120', 'xyz', None), True, False),
+ (ImpersonateTarget('abc', '121', 'xyz', 'test'), ImpersonateTarget('abc', '120', 'xyz', 'test'), False, False),
+ (ImpersonateTarget('abc'), ImpersonateTarget('abc', '120', 'xyz', 'test'), True, False),
+ (ImpersonateTarget('abc', '120', 'xyz', 'test'), ImpersonateTarget('abc'), True, False),
+ (ImpersonateTarget(), ImpersonateTarget('abc', '120', 'xyz'), True, False),
+ (ImpersonateTarget(), ImpersonateTarget(), True, True),
+ ])
+ def test_impersonate_target_in(self, target1, target2, is_in, is_eq):
+ assert (target1 in target2) is is_in
+ assert (target1 == target2) is is_eq