1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592602612622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792802812822832842852862872882892902912922932942952962972982993003013023033043053063073083093103113123133143153163173183193203213223233243253263273283293303313323333343353363373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523533543553563573583593603613623633643653663673683693703713723733743753763773783793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064074084094104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794804814824834844854864874884894904914924934944954964974984995005015025035045055065075085095105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365375385395405415425435445455465475485495505515525535545555565575585595605615625635645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785795805815825835845855865875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096106116126136146156166176186196206216226236246256266276286296306316326336346356366376386396406416426436446456466476486496506516526536546556566576586596606616626636646656666676686696706716726736746756766776786796806816826836846856866876886896906916926936946956966976986997007017027037047057067077087097107117127137147157167177187197207217227237247257267277287297307317327337347357367377387397407417427437447457467477487497507517527537547557567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837847857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098108118128138148158168178188198208218228238248258268278288298308318328338348358368378388398408418428438448458468478488498508518528538548558568578588598608618628638648658668678688698708718728738748758768778788798808818828838848858868878888898908918928938948958968978988999009019029039049059069079089099109119129139149159169179189199209219229239249259269279289299309319329339349359369379389399409419429439449459469479489499509519529539549559569579589599609619629639649659669679689699709719729739749759769779789799809819829839849859869879889899909919929939949959969979989991000100110021003100410051006100710081009101010111012101310141015101610171018101910201021102210231024102510261027102810291030103110321033103410351036103710381039104010411042104310441045104610471048104910501051105210531054105510561057105810591060106110621063 |
- -*- Autoconf -*-
- # Language-independent M4 Macros for Bison.
- # Copyright (C) 2002, 2004-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- ## ---------------- ##
- ## Identification. ##
- ## ---------------- ##
- # b4_copyright(TITLE, [YEARS])
- # ----------------------------
- # If YEARS are not defined, use b4_copyright_years.
- m4_define([b4_copyright],
- [b4_comment([A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison b4_version.])
- b4_comment([$1
- ]m4_dquote(m4_text_wrap([Copyright (C)
- ]m4_ifval([$2], [[$2]], [m4_defn([b4_copyright_years])])[
- Free Software Foundation, Inc.]))[
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.])
- b4_comment([As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
- part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
- under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
- parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
- as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
- the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
- special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
- Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
- License without this special exception.
- This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
- version 2.2 of Bison.])])
- ## -------- ##
- ## Output. ##
- ## -------- ##
- # b4_output_begin(FILE)
- # ---------------------
- # Enable output, i.e., send to diversion 0, expand after "#", and
- # generate the tag to output into FILE. Must be followed by EOL.
- m4_define([b4_output_begin],
- [m4_changecom()
- m4_divert_push(0)dnl
- @output(m4_unquote([$1])@)@dnl
- ])
- # b4_output_end()
- # ---------------
- # Output nothing, restore # as comment character (no expansions after #).
- m4_define([b4_output_end],
- [m4_divert_pop(0)
- m4_changecom([#])
- ])
- # b4_divert_kill(CODE)
- # --------------------
- # Expand CODE for its side effects, discard its output.
- m4_define([b4_divert_kill],
- [m4_divert_text([KILL], [$1])])
- # b4_define_silent(MACRO, CODE)
- # -----------------------------
- # Same as m4_define, but throw away the expansion of CODE.
- m4_define([b4_define_silent],
- [m4_define([$1], [b4_divert_kill([$2])])])
- ## ---------------- ##
- ## Error handling. ##
- ## ---------------- ##
- # The following error handling macros print error directives that should not
- # become arguments of other macro invocations since they would likely then be
- # mangled. Thus, they print to stdout directly.
- # b4_cat(TEXT)
- # ------------
- # Write TEXT to stdout. Precede the final newline with an @ so that it's
- # escaped. For example:
- #
- # b4_cat([[@complain(invalid input@)]])
- m4_define([b4_cat],
- [m4_syscmd([cat <<'_m4eof'
- ]m4_bpatsubst(m4_dquote($1), [_m4eof], [_m4@`eof])[@
- _m4eof
- ])dnl
- m4_if(m4_sysval, [0], [], [m4_fatal([$0: cannot write to stdout])])])
- # b4_error(KIND, START, END, FORMAT, [ARG1], [ARG2], ...)
- # -------------------------------------------------------
- # Write @KIND(START@,END@,FORMAT@,ARG1@,ARG2@,...@) to stdout.
- #
- # For example:
- #
- # b4_error([[complain]], [[input.y:2.3]], [[input.y:5.4]],
- # [[invalid %s]], [[foo]])
- m4_define([b4_error],
- [b4_cat([[@complain][(]$1[@,]$2[@,]$3[@,]$4[]]dnl
- [m4_if([$#], [4], [],
- [m4_foreach([b4_arg],
- m4_dquote(m4_shift(m4_shift(m4_shift(m4_shift($@))))),
- [[@,]b4_arg])])[@)]])])
- # b4_warn(FORMAT, [ARG1], [ARG2], ...)
- # ------------------------------------
- # Write @warn(FORMAT@,ARG1@,ARG2@,...@) to stdout.
- #
- # For example:
- #
- # b4_warn([[invalid value for '%s': %s]], [[foo]], [[3]])
- #
- # As a simple test suite, this:
- #
- # m4_divert(-1)
- # m4_define([asdf], [ASDF])
- # m4_define([fsa], [FSA])
- # m4_define([fdsa], [FDSA])
- # b4_warn_at([[[asdf), asdf]]], [[[fsa), fsa]]], [[[fdsa), fdsa]]])
- # b4_warn_at([[asdf), asdf]], [[fsa), fsa]], [[fdsa), fdsa]])
- # b4_warn_at()
- # b4_warn_at(1)
- # b4_warn_at(1, 2)
- #
- # Should produce this without newlines:
- #
- # @warn_at([asdf), asdf]@,@,@,[fsa), fsa]@,[fdsa), fdsa]@)
- # @warn(asdf), asdf@,@,@,fsa), fsa@,fdsa), fdsa@)
- # @warn(@)
- # @warn(1@)
- # @warn(1@,2@)
- m4_define([b4_warn],
- [b4_error([[warn]], [], [], $@)])
- # b4_warn_at(START, END, FORMAT, [ARG1], [ARG2], ...)
- # ---------------------------------------------------
- # Write @warn(START@,END@,FORMAT@,ARG1@,ARG2@,...@) to stdout.
- #
- # For example:
- #
- # b4_warn_at([[input.y:2.3]], [[input.y:5.4]], [[invalid %s]], [[foo]])
- m4_define([b4_warn_at],
- [b4_error([[warn]], $@)])
- # b4_complain(FORMAT, [ARG1], [ARG2], ...)
- # ----------------------------------------
- # Bounce to b4_complain_at.
- #
- # See b4_warn example.
- m4_define([b4_complain],
- [b4_error([[complain]], [], [], $@)])
- # b4_complain_at(START, END, FORMAT, [ARG1], [ARG2], ...)
- # -------------------------------------------------------
- # Write @complain(START@,END@,FORMAT@,ARG1@,ARG2@,...@) to stdout.
- #
- # See b4_warn_at example.
- m4_define([b4_complain_at],
- [b4_error([[complain]], $@)])
- # b4_fatal(FORMAT, [ARG1], [ARG2], ...)
- # -------------------------------------
- # Bounce to b4_fatal_at.
- #
- # See b4_warn example.
- m4_define([b4_fatal],
- [b4_error([[fatal]], [], [], $@)dnl
- m4_exit(1)])
- # b4_fatal_at(START, END, FORMAT, [ARG1], [ARG2], ...)
- # ----------------------------------------------------
- # Write @fatal(START@,END@,FORMAT@,ARG1@,ARG2@,...@) to stdout and exit.
- #
- # See b4_warn_at example.
- m4_define([b4_fatal_at],
- [b4_error([[fatal]], $@)dnl
- m4_exit(1)])
- ## ------------ ##
- ## Data Types. ##
- ## ------------ ##
- # b4_ints_in(INT1, INT2, LOW, HIGH)
- # ---------------------------------
- # Return 1 iff both INT1 and INT2 are in [LOW, HIGH], 0 otherwise.
- m4_define([b4_ints_in],
- [m4_eval([$3 <= $1 && $1 <= $4 && $3 <= $2 && $2 <= $4])])
- # b4_subtract(LHS, RHS)
- # ---------------------
- # Evaluate LHS - RHS if they are integer literals, otherwise expand
- # to (LHS) - (RHS).
- m4_define([b4_subtract],
- [m4_bmatch([$1$2], [^[0123456789]*$],
- [m4_eval([$1 - $2])],
- [($1) - ($2)])])
- # b4_join(ARG1, ...)
- # _b4_join(ARG1, ...)
- # -------------------
- # Join with comma, skipping empty arguments.
- # b4_join calls itself recursively until it sees the first non-empty
- # argument, then calls _b4_join which prepends each non-empty argument
- # with a comma.
- m4_define([b4_join],
- [m4_if([$#$1],
- [1], [],
- [m4_ifval([$1],
- [$1[]_$0(m4_shift($@))],
- [$0(m4_shift($@))])])])
- # _b4_join(ARGS1, ...)
- # --------------------
- m4_define([_b4_join],
- [m4_if([$#$1],
- [1], [],
- [m4_ifval([$1], [, $1])[]$0(m4_shift($@))])])
- # b4_integral_parser_tables_map(MACRO)
- # -------------------------------------
- # Map MACRO on all the integral tables. MACRO is expected to have
- m4_define([b4_integral_parser_tables_map],
- [$1([pact], [b4_pact],
- [[YYPACT[STATE-NUM] -- Index in YYTABLE of the portion describing
- $1([defact], [b4_defact],
- [[YYDEFACT[STATE-NUM] -- Default reduction number in state STATE-NUM.
- Performed when YYTABLE does not specify something else to do. Zero
- means the default is an error.]])
- $1([pgoto], [b4_pgoto], [[YYPGOTO[NTERM-NUM].]])
- $1([defgoto], [b4_defgoto], [[YYDEFGOTO[NTERM-NUM].]])
- $1([table], [b4_table],
- [[YYTABLE[YYPACT[STATE-NUM]] -- What to do in state STATE-NUM. If
- positive, shift that token. If negative, reduce the rule whose
- number is the opposite. If YYTABLE_NINF, syntax error.]])
- $1([check], [b4_check])
- $1([stos], [b4_stos],
- [[YYSTOS[STATE-NUM] -- The (internal number of the) accessing
- symbol of state STATE-NUM.]])
- $1([r1], [b4_r1],
- [[YYR1[YYN] -- Symbol number of symbol that rule YYN derives.]])
- $1([r2], [b4_r2],
- [[YYR2[YYN] -- Number of symbols on the right hand side of rule YYN.]])
- ])
- # b4_parser_tables_declare
- # b4_parser_tables_define
- # ------------------------
- # Define/declare the (deterministic) parser tables.
- m4_define([b4_parser_tables_declare],
- [b4_integral_parser_tables_map([b4_integral_parser_table_declare])])
- m4_define([b4_parser_tables_define],
- [b4_integral_parser_tables_map([b4_integral_parser_table_define])])
- ## ------------------ ##
- ## Decoding options. ##
- ## ------------------ ##
- # b4_flag_if(FLAG, IF-TRUE, IF-FALSE)
- # -----------------------------------
- # Run IF-TRUE if b4_FLAG_flag is 1, IF-FALSE if FLAG is 0, otherwise fail.
- m4_define([b4_flag_if],
- [m4_case(b4_$1_flag,
- [0], [$3],
- [1], [$2],
- [m4_fatal([invalid $1 value: ]b4_$1_flag)])])
- # b4_define_flag_if(FLAG)
- # -----------------------
- # Define "b4_FLAG_if(IF-TRUE, IF-FALSE)" that depends on the
- # value of the Boolean FLAG.
- m4_define([b4_define_flag_if],
- [_b4_define_flag_if($[1], $[2], [$1])])
- # _b4_define_flag_if($1, $2, FLAG)
- # --------------------------------
- # Work around the impossibility to define macros inside macros,
- # because issuing '[$1]' is not possible in M4. GNU M4 should provide
- # $$1 a la M5/TeX.
- m4_define([_b4_define_flag_if],
- [m4_if([$1$2], $[1]$[2], [],
- [m4_fatal([$0: Invalid arguments: $@])])dnl
- m4_define([b4_$3_if],
- [b4_flag_if([$3], [$1], [$2])])])
- # -----------------------------
- # Expand IF-TRUE, if FLAG is true, IF-FALSE otherwise.
- b4_define_flag_if([defines]) # Whether headers are requested.
- b4_define_flag_if([glr]) # Whether a GLR parser is requested.
- b4_define_flag_if([nondeterministic]) # Whether conflicts should be handled.
- b4_define_flag_if([token_table]) # Whether yytoken_table is demanded.
- b4_define_flag_if([yacc]) # Whether POSIX Yacc is emulated.
- ## --------- ##
- ## Symbols. ##
- ## --------- ##
- # In order to unify the handling of the various aspects of symbols
- # (tag, type_name, whether terminal, etc.), bison.exe defines one
- # macro per (token, field), where field can has_id, id, etc.: see
- # src/output.c:prepare_symbols_definitions().
- #
- # The various FIELDS are:
- #
- # - has_id: 0 or 1.
- # Whether the symbol has an id.
- # - id: string
- # If has_id, the id. Guaranteed to be usable as a C identifier.
- # Prefixed by api.token.prefix if defined.
- # - tag: string.
- # A representat of the symbol. Can be 'foo', 'foo.id', '"foo"' etc.
- # - user_number: integer
- # The assigned (external) number as used by yylex.
- # - is_token: 0 or 1
- # Whether this is a terminal symbol.
- # - number: integer
- # The internalized number (used after yytranslate).
- # - has_type: 0, 1
- # Whether has a semantic value.
- # - type_tag: string
- # When api.value.type=union, the generated name for the union member.
- # yytype_INT etc. for symbols that has_id, otherwise yytype_1 etc.
- # - type
- # If it has a semantic value, its type tag, or, if variant are used,
- # its type.
- # In the case of api.value.type=union, type is the real type (e.g. int).
- # - has_printer: 0, 1
- # - printer: string
- # - printer_file: string
- # - printer_line: integer
- # If the symbol has a printer, everything about it.
- # - has_destructor, destructor, destructor_file, destructor_line
- # Likewise.
- #
- # The following macros provide access to these values.
- # b4_symbol_(NUM, FIELD)
- # ----------------------
- # Recover a FIELD about symbol #NUM. Thanks to m4_indir, fails if
- # undefined.
- m4_define([b4_symbol_],
- [m4_indir([b4_symbol($1, $2)])])
- # b4_symbol(NUM, FIELD)
- # ---------------------
- # Recover a FIELD about symbol #NUM. Thanks to m4_indir, fails if
- # undefined. If FIELD = id, prepend the token prefix.
- m4_define([b4_symbol],
- [m4_case([$2],
- [id], [m4_do([b4_percent_define_get([api.token.prefix])],
- [b4_symbol_([$1], [id])])],
- [b4_symbol_($@)])])
- # b4_symbol_if(NUM, FIELD, IF-TRUE, IF-FALSE)
- # -------------------------------------------
- # If FIELD about symbol #NUM is 1 expand IF-TRUE, if is 0, expand IF-FALSE.
- # Otherwise an error.
- m4_define([b4_symbol_if],
- [m4_case(b4_symbol([$1], [$2]),
- [1], [$3],
- [0], [$4],
- [m4_fatal([$0: field $2 of $1 is not a Boolean:] b4_symbol([$1], [$2]))])])
- # b4_symbol_tag_comment(SYMBOL-NUM)
- # ---------------------------------
- # Issue a comment giving the tag of symbol NUM.
- m4_define([b4_symbol_tag_comment],
- [b4_comment([b4_symbol([$1], [tag])])
- ])
- # b4_symbol_action_location(SYMBOL-NUM, KIND)
- # -------------------------------------------
- # Report the location of the KIND action as FILE:LINE.
- m4_define([b4_symbol_action_location],
- [b4_symbol([$1], [$2_file]):b4_syncline([b4_symbol([$1], [$2_line])])])
- # b4_symbol_action(SYMBOL-NUM, KIND)
- # ----------------------------------
- # Run the action KIND (destructor or printer) for SYMBOL-NUM.
- # Same as in C, but using references instead of pointers.
- m4_define([b4_symbol_action],
- [b4_symbol_if([$1], [has_$2],
- [b4_dollar_pushdef([(*yyvaluep)],
- b4_symbol_if([$1], [has_type],
- [m4_dquote(b4_symbol([$1], [type]))]),
- [(*yylocationp)])dnl
- b4_symbol_case_([$1])[]dnl
- b4_syncline([b4_symbol([$1], [$2_line])], ["b4_symbol([$1], [$2_file])"])
- b4_symbol([$1], [$2])
- b4_syncline([@oline@], [@ofile@])
- break;
- b4_dollar_popdef[]dnl
- ])])
- # b4_symbol_destructor(SYMBOL-NUM)
- # b4_symbol_printer(SYMBOL-NUM)
- # --------------------------------
- m4_define([b4_symbol_destructor], [b4_symbol_action([$1], [destructor])])
- m4_define([b4_symbol_printer], [b4_symbol_action([$1], [printer])])
- # b4_symbol_actions(KIND, [TYPE = yytype])
- # ----------------------------------------
- # Emit the symbol actions for KIND ("printer" or "destructor").
- # Dispatch on TYPE.
- m4_define([b4_symbol_actions],
- [m4_pushdef([b4_actions_], m4_expand([b4_symbol_foreach([b4_symbol_$1])]))dnl
- m4_ifval(m4_defn([b4_actions_]),
- [switch (m4_default([$2], [yytype]))
- {
- m4_defn([b4_actions_])
- default:
- break;
- }dnl
- ],
- [YYUSE (m4_default([$2], [yytype]));])dnl
- m4_popdef([b4_actions_])dnl
- ])
- # b4_symbol_case_(SYMBOL-NUM)
- # ---------------------------
- # Issue a "case NUM" for SYMBOL-NUM.
- m4_define([b4_symbol_case_],
- [case b4_symbol([$1], [number]): b4_symbol_tag_comment([$1])])
- ])
- # b4_symbol_foreach(MACRO)
- # ------------------------
- # Invoke MACRO(SYMBOL-NUM) for each SYMBOL-NUM.
- m4_define([b4_symbol_foreach],
- [m4_map([$1], m4_defn([b4_symbol_numbers]))])
- # b4_symbol_map(MACRO)
- # --------------------
- # Return a list (possibly empty elements) of MACRO invoked for each
- m4_define([b4_symbol_map],
- [m4_map_args_sep([$1(], [)], [,], b4_symbol_numbers)])
- # b4_token_visible_if(NUM, IF-TRUE, IF-FALSE)
- # -------------------------------------------
- # Whether NUM denotes a token that has an exported definition (i.e.,
- # shows in enum yytokentype).
- m4_define([b4_token_visible_if],
- [b4_symbol_if([$1], [is_token],
- [b4_symbol_if([$1], [has_id], [$2], [$3])],
- [$3])])
- # b4_token_has_definition(NUM)
- # ----------------------------
- # 1 if NUM is visible, nothing otherwise.
- m4_define([b4_token_has_definition],
- [b4_token_visible_if([$1], [1])])
- # b4_any_token_visible_if([IF-TRUE], [IF-FALSE])
- # ----------------------------------------------
- # Whether there is a token that needs to be defined.
- m4_define([b4_any_token_visible_if],
- [m4_ifval(b4_symbol_foreach([b4_token_has_definition]),
- [$1], [$2])])
- # b4_token_format(FORMAT, NUM)
- # ----------------------------
- m4_define([b4_token_format],
- [b4_token_visible_if([$2],
- [m4_quote(m4_format([$1],
- [b4_symbol([$2], [id])],
- [b4_symbol([$2], [user_number])]))])])
- ## ------- ##
- ## Types. ##
- ## ------- ##
- # b4_type_action_(NUMS)
- # ---------------------
- # Run actions for the symbol NUMS that all have the same type-name.
- # Skip NUMS that have no type-name.
- #
- # To specify the action to run, define b4_dollar_dollar(NUMBER,
- # TAG, TYPE).
- m4_define([b4_type_action_],
- [b4_symbol_if([$1], [has_type],
- [m4_map([ b4_symbol_case_], [$@])[]dnl
- b4_dollar_dollar([b4_symbol([$1], [number])],
- [b4_symbol([$1], [tag])],
- [b4_symbol([$1], [type])]);
- break;
- ])])
- # b4_type_foreach(MACRO)
- # ----------------------
- # Invoke MACRO(SYMBOL-NUMS) for each set of SYMBOL-NUMS for each type set.
- m4_define([b4_type_foreach],
- [m4_map([$1], m4_defn([b4_type_names]))])
- ## ----------- ##
- ## Synclines. ##
- ## ----------- ##
- # b4_basename(NAME)
- # -----------------
- # Similar to POSIX basename; the differences don't matter here.
- # Beware that NAME is not evaluated.
- m4_define([b4_basename],
- [m4_bpatsubst([$1], [^.*/\([^/]+\)/*$], [\1])])
- # b4_syncline(LINE, FILE)
- # -----------------------
- m4_define([b4_syncline],
- [b4_flag_if([synclines],
- [b4_sync_start([$1], [$2]) b4_sync_end([__line__],
- [b4_basename(m4_quote(__file__))])[]dnl
- ])])
- # b4_sync_start(LINE, FILE)
- # -----------------------
- # Syncline for the new place. Typically a directive for the compiler.
- m4_define([b4_sync_start], [b4_comment([$2:$1])])
- # b4_sync_end(LINE, FILE)
- # -----------------------
- # Syncline for the current place, which ends. Typically a comment
- # left for the reader.
- m4_define([b4_sync_end], [b4_comment([$2:$1])])
- # b4_user_code(USER-CODE)
- # -----------------------
- # Emit code from the user, ending it with synclines.
- m4_define([b4_user_code],
- [$1
- b4_syncline([@oline@], [@ofile@])])
- # b4_define_user_code(MACRO)
- # --------------------------
- # From b4_MACRO, build b4_user_MACRO that includes the synclines.
- m4_define([b4_define_user_code],
- [m4_define([b4_user_$1],
- [b4_user_code([b4_$1])])])
- # b4_user_actions
- # b4_user_initial_action
- # b4_user_post_prologue
- # b4_user_pre_prologue
- # b4_user_union_members
- # ----------------------
- # Macros that issue user code, ending with synclines.
- b4_define_user_code([actions])
- b4_define_user_code([initial_action])
- b4_define_user_code([post_prologue])
- b4_define_user_code([pre_prologue])
- b4_define_user_code([union_members])
- # b4_check_user_names(WHAT, USER-LIST, BISON-NAMESPACE)
- # -----------------------------------------------------
- # Complain if any name of type WHAT is used by the user (as recorded in
- # USER-LIST) but is not used by Bison (as recorded by macros in the
- # namespace BISON-NAMESPACE).
- #
- # USER-LIST must expand to a list specifying all user occurrences of all names
- # of type WHAT. Each item in the list must be a triplet specifying one
- # occurrence: name, start boundary, and end boundary. Empty string names are
- # fine. An empty list is fine.
- #
- # For example, to define b4_foo_user_names to be used for USER-LIST with three
- # name occurrences and with correct quoting:
- #
- # m4_define([b4_foo_user_names],
- # [[[[[[bar]], [[parser.y:1.7]], [[parser.y:1.16]]]],
- # [[[[bar]], [[parser.y:5.7]], [[parser.y:5.16]]]],
- # [[[[baz]], [[parser.y:8.7]], [[parser.y:8.16]]]]]])
- #
- # The macro BISON-NAMESPACE(bar) must be defined iff the name bar of type WHAT
- # is used by Bison (in the front-end or in the skeleton). Empty string names
- # are fine, but it would be ugly for Bison to actually use one.
- #
- # For example, to use b4_foo_bison_names for BISON-NAMESPACE and define that
- # the names bar and baz are used by Bison:
- #
- # m4_define([b4_foo_bison_names(bar)])
- # m4_define([b4_foo_bison_names(baz)])
- #
- # To invoke b4_check_user_names with TYPE foo, with USER-LIST
- # b4_foo_user_names, with BISON-NAMESPACE b4_foo_bison_names, and with correct
- # quoting:
- #
- # b4_check_user_names([[foo]], [b4_foo_user_names],
- # [[b4_foo_bison_names]])
- m4_define([b4_check_user_names],
- [m4_foreach([b4_occurrence], $2,
- [m4_pushdef([b4_occurrence], b4_occurrence)dnl
- m4_pushdef([b4_user_name], m4_car(b4_occurrence))dnl
- m4_pushdef([b4_start], m4_car(m4_shift(b4_occurrence)))dnl
- m4_pushdef([b4_end], m4_shift(m4_shift(b4_occurrence)))dnl
- m4_ifndef($3[(]m4_quote(b4_user_name)[)],
- [b4_complain_at([b4_start], [b4_end],
- [[%s '%s' is not used]],
- [$1], [b4_user_name])])[]dnl
- m4_popdef([b4_occurrence])dnl
- m4_popdef([b4_user_name])dnl
- m4_popdef([b4_start])dnl
- m4_popdef([b4_end])dnl
- ])])
- ## --------------------- ##
- ## b4_percent_define_*. ##
- ## --------------------- ##
- # b4_percent_define_use(VARIABLE)
- # -------------------------------
- # Declare that VARIABLE was used.
- m4_define([b4_percent_define_use],
- [m4_define([b4_percent_define_bison_variables(]$1[)])dnl
- ])
- # b4_percent_define_get(VARIABLE, [DEFAULT])
- # ------------------------------------------
- # Mimic muscle_percent_define_get in ../src/muscle-tab.h. That is, if
- # the %define variable VARIABLE is defined, emit its value. Contrary
- # to its C counterpart, return DEFAULT otherwise. Also, record
- # Bison's usage of VARIABLE by defining
- # b4_percent_define_bison_variables(VARIABLE).
- #
- # For example:
- #
- # b4_percent_define_get([[foo]])
- m4_define([b4_percent_define_get],
- [b4_percent_define_use([$1])dnl
- b4_percent_define_ifdef_([$1],
- [m4_indir([b4_percent_define(]$1[)])],
- [$2])])
- # b4_percent_define_get_loc(VARIABLE)
- # -----------------------------------
- # Mimic muscle_percent_define_get_loc in ../src/muscle-tab.h exactly. That is,
- # if the %define variable VARIABLE is undefined, complain fatally since that's
- # a Bison or skeleton error. Otherwise, return its definition location in a
- # form approriate for the first two arguments of b4_warn_at, b4_complain_at, or
- # b4_fatal_at. Don't record this as a Bison usage of VARIABLE as there's no
- # reason to suspect that the user-supplied value has yet influenced the output.
- #
- # For example:
- #
- # b4_complain_at(b4_percent_define_get_loc([[foo]]), [[invalid foo]])
- m4_define([b4_percent_define_get_loc],
- [m4_ifdef([b4_percent_define_loc(]$1[)],
- [m4_pushdef([b4_loc], m4_indir([b4_percent_define_loc(]$1[)]))dnl
- b4_loc[]dnl
- m4_popdef([b4_loc])],
- [b4_fatal([[$0: undefined %%define variable '%s']], [$1])])])
- # b4_percent_define_get_kind(VARIABLE)
- # ------------------------------------
- # Get the kind (code, keyword, string) of VARIABLE, i.e., how its
- # value was defined (braces, not delimiters, quotes).
- #
- # If the %define variable VARIABLE is undefined, complain fatally
- # since that's a Bison or skeleton error. Don't record this as a
- # Bison usage of VARIABLE as there's no reason to suspect that the
- # user-supplied value has yet influenced the output.
- m4_define([b4_percent_define_get_kind],
- [m4_ifdef([b4_percent_define_kind(]$1[)],
- [m4_indir([b4_percent_define_kind(]$1[)])],
- [b4_fatal([[$0: undefined %%define variable '%s']], [$1])])])
- # b4_percent_define_get_syncline(VARIABLE)
- # ----------------------------------------
- # Mimic muscle_percent_define_get_syncline in ../src/muscle-tab.h exactly.
- # That is, if the %define variable VARIABLE is undefined, complain fatally
- # since that's a Bison or skeleton error. Otherwise, return its definition
- # location as a b4_syncline invocation. Don't record this as a Bison usage of
- # VARIABLE as there's no reason to suspect that the user-supplied value has yet
- # influenced the output.
- #
- # For example:
- #
- # b4_percent_define_get_syncline([[foo]])
- m4_define([b4_percent_define_get_syncline],
- [m4_ifdef([b4_percent_define_syncline(]$1[)],
- [m4_indir([b4_percent_define_syncline(]$1[)])],
- [b4_fatal([[$0: undefined %%define variable '%s']], [$1])])])
- # b4_percent_define_ifdef_(VARIABLE, IF-TRUE, [IF-FALSE])
- # ------------------------------------------------------
- # If the %define variable VARIABLE is defined, expand IF-TRUE, else expand
- # IF-FALSE. Don't record usage of VARIABLE.
- #
- # For example:
- #
- # b4_percent_define_ifdef_([[foo]], [[it's defined]], [[it's undefined]])
- m4_define([b4_percent_define_ifdef_],
- [m4_ifdef([b4_percent_define(]$1[)],
- [$2],
- [$3])])
- # b4_percent_define_ifdef(VARIABLE, IF-TRUE, [IF-FALSE])
- # ------------------------------------------------------
- # Mimic muscle_percent_define_ifdef in ../src/muscle-tab.h exactly. That is,
- # if the %define variable VARIABLE is defined, expand IF-TRUE, else expand
- # IF-FALSE. Also, record Bison's usage of VARIABLE by defining
- # b4_percent_define_bison_variables(VARIABLE).
- #
- # For example:
- #
- # b4_percent_define_ifdef([[foo]], [[it's defined]], [[it's undefined]])
- m4_define([b4_percent_define_ifdef],
- [b4_percent_define_ifdef_([$1],
- [b4_percent_define_use([$1])$2],
- [$3])])
- ## --------- ##
- ## Options. ##
- ## --------- ##
- # b4_percent_define_flag_if(VARIABLE, IF-TRUE, [IF-FALSE])
- # --------------------------------------------------------
- # Mimic muscle_percent_define_flag_if in ../src/muscle-tab.h exactly. That is,
- # if the %define variable VARIABLE is defined to "" or "true", expand IF-TRUE.
- # If it is defined to "false", expand IF-FALSE. Complain if it is undefined
- # (a Bison or skeleton error since the default value should have been set
- # already) or defined to any other value (possibly a user error). Also, record
- # Bison's usage of VARIABLE by defining
- # b4_percent_define_bison_variables(VARIABLE).
- #
- # For example:
- #
- # b4_percent_define_flag_if([[foo]], [[it's true]], [[it's false]])
- m4_define([b4_percent_define_flag_if],
- [b4_percent_define_ifdef([$1],
- [m4_case(b4_percent_define_get([$1]),
- [], [$2], [true], [$2], [false], [$3],
- [m4_expand_once([b4_complain_at(b4_percent_define_get_loc([$1]),
- [[invalid value for %%define Boolean variable '%s']],
- [$1])],
- [[b4_percent_define_flag_if($1)]])])],
- [b4_fatal([[$0: undefined %%define variable '%s']], [$1])])])
- # b4_percent_define_default(VARIABLE, DEFAULT, [KIND = keyword])
- # --------------------------------------------------------------
- # Mimic muscle_percent_define_default in ../src/muscle-tab.h exactly. That is,
- # if the %define variable VARIABLE is undefined, set its value to DEFAULT.
- # Don't record this as a Bison usage of VARIABLE as there's no reason to
- # suspect that the value has yet influenced the output.
- #
- # For example:
- #
- # b4_percent_define_default([[foo]], [[default value]])
- m4_define([b4_percent_define_default],
- [b4_percent_define_ifdef_([$1], [],
- [m4_define([b4_percent_define(]$1[)], [$2])dnl
- m4_define([b4_percent_define_kind(]$1[)],
- [m4_default([$3], [keyword])])dnl
- m4_define([b4_percent_define_loc(]$1[)],
- [[[[<skeleton default value>:-1.-1]],
- [[<skeleton default value>:-1.-1]]]])dnl
- m4_define([b4_percent_define_syncline(]$1[)], [[]])])])
- # b4_percent_define_if_define(NAME, [VARIABLE = NAME])
- # ----------------------------------------------------
- # Define b4_NAME_if that executes its $1 or $2 depending whether
- # VARIABLE was %defined. The characters '.' and `-' in VARIABLE are mapped
- # to '_'.
- m4_define([b4_percent_define_if_define_],
- [m4_define(m4_bpatsubst([b4_$1_if], [[-.]], [_]),
- [b4_percent_define_flag_if(m4_default([$2], [$1]),
- [$3], [$4])])])
- m4_define([b4_percent_define_if_define],
- [b4_percent_define_default([m4_default([$2], [$1])], [[false]])
- b4_percent_define_if_define_([$1], [$2], $[1], $[2])])
- # b4_percent_define_check_kind(VARIABLE, KIND, [DIAGNOSTIC = complain])
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- m4_define([b4_percent_define_check_kind],
- [b4_percent_define_ifdef_([$1],
- [m4_if(b4_percent_define_get_kind([$1]), [$2], [],
- [b4_error([m4_default([$3], [complain])],
- b4_percent_define_get_loc([$1]),
- [m4_case([$2],
- [code], [[%%define variable '%s' requires '{...}' values]],
- [keyword], [[%%define variable '%s' requires keyword values]],
- [string], [[%%define variable '%s' requires '"..."' values]])],
- [$1])])])dnl
- ])
- # b4_percent_define_check_values(VALUES)
- # --------------------------------------
- # Mimic muscle_percent_define_check_values in ../src/muscle-tab.h exactly
- # except that the VALUES structure is more appropriate for M4. That is, VALUES
- # is a list of sublists of strings. For each sublist, the first string is the
- # name of a %define variable, and all remaining strings in that sublist are the
- # valid values for that variable. Complain if such a variable is undefined (a
- # Bison error since the default value should have been set already) or defined
- # to any other value (possibly a user error). Don't record this as a Bison
- # usage of the variable as there's no reason to suspect that the value has yet
- # influenced the output.
- #
- # For example:
- #
- # b4_percent_define_check_values([[[[foo]], [[foo-value1]], [[foo-value2]]]],
- # [[[[bar]], [[bar-value1]]]])
- m4_define([b4_percent_define_check_values],
- [m4_foreach([b4_sublist], m4_quote($@),
- [_b4_percent_define_check_values(b4_sublist)])])
- m4_define([_b4_percent_define_check_values],
- [b4_percent_define_ifdef_([$1],
- [b4_percent_define_check_kind(]$1[, [keyword], [deprecated])dnl
- m4_pushdef([b4_good_value], [0])dnl
- m4_if($#, 1, [],
- [m4_foreach([b4_value], m4_dquote(m4_shift($@)),
- [m4_if(m4_indir([b4_percent_define(]$1[)]), b4_value,
- [m4_define([b4_good_value], [1])])])])dnl
- m4_if(b4_good_value, [0],
- [b4_complain_at(b4_percent_define_get_loc([$1]),
- [[invalid value for %%define variable '%s': '%s']],
- [$1],
- m4_dquote(m4_indir([b4_percent_define(]$1[)])))
- m4_foreach([b4_value], m4_dquote(m4_shift($@)),
- [b4_error([[note]], b4_percent_define_get_loc([$1]), []
- [[accepted value: '%s']],
- m4_dquote(b4_value))])])dnl
- m4_popdef([b4_good_value])],
- [b4_fatal([[$0: undefined %%define variable '%s']], [$1])])])
- # b4_percent_code_get([QUALIFIER])
- # --------------------------------
- # If any %code blocks for QUALIFIER are defined, emit them beginning with a
- # comment and ending with synclines and a newline. If QUALIFIER is not
- # specified or empty, do this for the unqualified %code blocks. Also, record
- # Bison's usage of QUALIFIER (if specified) by defining
- # b4_percent_code_bison_qualifiers(QUALIFIER).
- #
- # For example, to emit any unqualified %code blocks followed by any %code
- # blocks for the qualifier foo:
- #
- # b4_percent_code_get
- # b4_percent_code_get([[foo]])
- m4_define([b4_percent_code_get],
- [m4_pushdef([b4_macro_name], [[b4_percent_code(]$1[)]])dnl
- m4_ifval([$1], [m4_define([b4_percent_code_bison_qualifiers(]$1[)])])dnl
- m4_ifdef(b4_macro_name,
- [b4_comment([m4_if([$#], [0], [[Unqualified %code]],
- [["%code ]$1["]])[ blocks.]])
- b4_user_code([m4_indir(b4_macro_name)])
- ])dnl
- m4_popdef([b4_macro_name])])
- # b4_percent_code_ifdef(QUALIFIER, IF-TRUE, [IF-FALSE])
- # -----------------------------------------------------
- # If any %code blocks for QUALIFIER (or unqualified %code blocks if
- # QUALIFIER is empty) are defined, expand IF-TRUE, else expand IF-FALSE.
- # Also, record Bison's usage of QUALIFIER (if specified) by defining
- # b4_percent_code_bison_qualifiers(QUALIFIER).
- m4_define([b4_percent_code_ifdef],
- [m4_ifdef([b4_percent_code(]$1[)],
- [m4_ifval([$1], [m4_define([b4_percent_code_bison_qualifiers(]$1[)])])$2],
- [$3])])
- ## ------------------ ##
- ## Common variables. ##
- ## ------------------ ##
- # b4_parse_assert_if([IF-ASSERTIONS-ARE-USED], [IF-NOT])
- # b4_parse_trace_if([IF-DEBUG-TRACES-ARE-ENABLED], [IF-NOT])
- # b4_token_ctor_if([IF-YYLEX-RETURNS-A-TOKEN], [IF-NOT])
- # ----------------------------------------------
- b4_percent_define_if_define([token_ctor], [api.token.constructor])
- b4_percent_define_if_define([locations]) # Whether locations are tracked.
- b4_percent_define_if_define([parse.assert])
- b4_percent_define_if_define([parse.trace])
- # b4_bison_locations_if([IF-TRUE])
- # --------------------------------
- # Expand IF-TRUE if using locations, and using the default location
- # type.
- m4_define([b4_bison_locations_if],
- [b4_locations_if([b4_percent_define_ifdef([[api.location.type]], [], [$1])])])
- # b4_error_verbose_if([IF-ERRORS-ARE-VERBOSE], [IF-NOT])
- # ------------------------------------------------------
- # Map %define parse.error "(simple|verbose)" to b4_error_verbose_if and
- # b4_error_verbose_flag.
- b4_percent_define_default([[parse.error]], [[simple]])
- b4_percent_define_check_values([[[[parse.error]],
- [[simple]], [[verbose]]]])
- m4_define([b4_error_verbose_flag],
- [m4_case(b4_percent_define_get([[parse.error]]),
- [simple], [[0]],
- [verbose], [[1]])])
- b4_define_flag_if([error_verbose])
- # yytoken_table is needed to support verbose errors.
- b4_error_verbose_if([m4_define([b4_token_table_flag], [1])])
- # b4_variant_if([IF-VARIANT-ARE-USED], [IF-NOT])
- # ----------------------------------------------
- b4_percent_define_if_define([variant])
- m4_define([b4_variant_flag], [[0]])
- b4_percent_define_ifdef([[api.value.type]],
- [m4_case(b4_percent_define_get_kind([[api.value.type]]), [keyword],
- [m4_case(b4_percent_define_get([[api.value.type]]), [variant],
- [m4_define([b4_variant_flag], [[1]])])])])
- b4_define_flag_if([variant])
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------- ##
- ## After processing the skeletons, check that all the user's ##
- ## %define variables and %code qualifiers were used by Bison. ##
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------- ##
- m4_define([b4_check_user_names_wrap],
- [m4_ifdef([b4_percent_]$1[_user_]$2[s],
- [b4_check_user_names([[%]$1 $2],
- [b4_percent_]$1[_user_]$2[s],
- [[b4_percent_]$1[_bison_]$2[s]])])])
- m4_wrap_lifo([
- b4_check_user_names_wrap([[define]], [[variable]])
- b4_check_user_names_wrap([[code]], [[qualifier]])
- ])
- ## ---------------- ##
- ## Default values. ##
- ## ---------------- ##
- # m4_define_default([b4_lex_param], []) dnl breaks other skeletons
- m4_define_default([b4_pre_prologue], [])
- m4_define_default([b4_post_prologue], [])
- m4_define_default([b4_epilogue], [])
- m4_define_default([b4_parse_param], [])
- # The initial column and line.
- m4_define_default([b4_location_initial_column], [1])
- m4_define_default([b4_location_initial_line], [1])
- ## --------------- ##
- ## Sanity checks. ##
- ## --------------- ##
- # api.location.prefix={...} (Java and C++).
- b4_percent_define_check_kind([api.location.type], [code], [deprecated])
- # api.position.prefix={...} (Java).
- b4_percent_define_check_kind([api.position.type], [code], [deprecated])
- # api.prefix >< %name-prefix.
- b4_percent_define_check_kind([api.prefix], [code], [deprecated])
- b4_percent_define_ifdef([api.prefix],
- [m4_ifdef([b4_prefix],
- [b4_complain_at(b4_percent_define_get_loc([api.prefix]),
- [['%s' and '%s' cannot be used together]],
- [%name-prefix],
- [%define api.prefix])])])
- # api.token.prefix={...}
- # Make it a warning for those who used betas of Bison 3.0.
- b4_percent_define_check_kind([api.token.prefix], [code], [deprecated])
- # api.value.type >< %union.
- b4_percent_define_ifdef([api.value.type],
- [m4_ifdef([b4_union_members],
- [b4_complain_at(b4_percent_define_get_loc([api.value.type]),
- [['%s' and '%s' cannot be used together]],
- [%union],
- [%define api.value.type])])])
- # api.value.type=union >< %yacc.
- b4_percent_define_ifdef([api.value.type],
- [m4_if(b4_percent_define_get([api.value.type]), [union],
- [b4_yacc_if(dnl
- [b4_complain_at(b4_percent_define_get_loc([api.value.type]),
- [['%s' and '%s' cannot be used together]],
- [%yacc],
- [%define api.value.type "union"])])])])