123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188 |
- if (HAVE_CUDA)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Build with CUDA requires at least cmake 3.17.0")
- endif()
- enable_language(CUDA)
- include(global_flags)
- include(common)
- function(quote_if_contains_spaces OutVar Var)
- if (Var MATCHES ".*[ ].*")
- set(${OutVar} "\"${Var}\"" PARENT_SCOPE)
- else()
- set(${OutVar} ${Var} PARENT_SCOPE)
- endif()
- endfunction()
- function(get_cuda_flags_from_cxx_flags OutCudaFlags CxxFlags)
- # OutCudaFlags is an output string
- # CxxFlags is a string
- set(skipList
- -gline-tables-only
- # clang coverage
- -fprofile-instr-generate
- -fcoverage-mapping
- /Zc:inline # disable unreferenced functions (kernel registrators) remove
- -Wno-c++17-extensions
- -flto
- -faligned-allocation
- -fsized-deallocation
- # While it might be reasonable to compile host part of .cu sources with these optimizations enabled,
- # nvcc passes these options down towards cicc which lacks x86_64 extensions support.
- -msse2
- -msse3
- -mssse3
- -msse4.1
- -msse4.2
- )
- set(skipPrefixRegexp
- "(-fsanitize=|-fsanitize-coverage=|-fsanitize-blacklist=|--system-header-prefix|(/|-)std(:|=)c\\+\\+).*"
- )
- string(FIND "${CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER}" clang hostCompilerIsClangPos)
- string(COMPARE NOTEQUAL ${hostCompilerIsClangPos} -1 isHostCompilerClang)
- function(separate_arguments_with_special_symbols Output Src)
- string(REPLACE ";" "$<SEMICOLON>" LocalOutput "${Src}")
- separate_arguments(LocalOutput NATIVE_COMMAND ${LocalOutput})
- set(${Output} ${LocalOutput} PARENT_SCOPE)
- endfunction()
- separate_arguments_with_special_symbols(Separated_CxxFlags "${CxxFlags}")
- if (MSVC)
- set(flagPrefixSymbol "/")
- else()
- set(flagPrefixSymbol "-")
- endif()
- set(localCudaCommonFlags "") # non host compiler options
- set(localCudaCompilerOptions "")
- while (Separated_CxxFlags)
- list(POP_FRONT Separated_CxxFlags cxxFlag)
- if ((cxxFlag IN_LIST skipList) OR (cxxFlag MATCHES ${skipPrefixRegexp}))
- continue()
- endif()
- if ((cxxFlag STREQUAL -fopenmp=libomp) AND (NOT isHostCompilerClang))
- list(APPEND localCudaCompilerOptions -fopenmp)
- continue()
- endif()
- if ((NOT isHostCompilerClang) AND (cxxFlag MATCHES "^\-\-target=.*"))
- continue()
- endif()
- if (cxxFlag MATCHES "^${flagPrefixSymbol}(D[^ ]+)=(.+)")
- set(key ${CMAKE_MATCH_1})
- quote_if_contains_spaces(safeValue "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}")
- list(APPEND localCudaCommonFlags "-${key}=${safeValue}")
- continue()
- endif()
- if (cxxFlag MATCHES "^${flagPrefixSymbol}([DI])(.*)")
- set(key ${CMAKE_MATCH_1})
- if (CMAKE_MATCH_2)
- set(value ${CMAKE_MATCH_2})
- set(sep "")
- else()
- list(POP_FRONT Separated_CxxFlags value)
- set(sep " ")
- endif()
- quote_if_contains_spaces(safeValue "${value}")
- list(APPEND localCudaCommonFlags "-${key}${sep}${safeValue}")
- continue()
- endif()
- list(APPEND localCudaCompilerOptions ${cxxFlag})
- endwhile()
- if (isHostCompilerClang)
- # nvcc concatenates the sources for clang, and clang reports unused
- # things from .h files as if they they were defined in a .cpp file.
- list(APPEND localCudaCommonFlags -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-parameter)
- list(APPEND localCudaCompilerOptions "--target=${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_TARGET}")
- endif()
- endif()
- list(APPEND localCudaCompilerOptions "--sysroot=${CMAKE_SYSROOT}")
- endif()
- list(JOIN localCudaCommonFlags " " joinedLocalCudaCommonFlags)
- string(REPLACE "$<SEMICOLON>" ";" joinedLocalCudaCommonFlags "${joinedLocalCudaCommonFlags}")
- list(JOIN localCudaCompilerOptions , joinedLocalCudaCompilerOptions)
- set(${OutCudaFlags} "${joinedLocalCudaCommonFlags} --compiler-options ${joinedLocalCudaCompilerOptions}" PARENT_SCOPE)
- endfunction()
- get_cuda_flags_from_cxx_flags(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}")
- # Allow __host__, __device__ annotations in lambda declaration.
- " --expt-extended-lambda"
- # Allow host code to invoke __device__ constexpr functions and vice versa
- " --expt-relaxed-constexpr"
- )
- set(NVCC_STD_VER 14)
- if(MSVC)
- set(NVCC_STD "/std:c++${NVCC_STD_VER}")
- else()
- set(NVCC_STD "-std=c++${NVCC_STD_VER}")
- endif()
- string(APPEND CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS " --compiler-options ${NVCC_STD}")
- if(MSVC)
- # default CMake flags differ from our configuration
- set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS_DEBUG "-D_DEBUG --compiler-options /Z7,/Ob0,/Od")
- set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL "-DNDEBUG --compiler-options /O1,/Ob1")
- set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS_RELEASE "-DNDEBUG --compiler-options /Ox,/Ob2,/Oi")
- set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "-DNDEBUG --compiler-options /Z7,/Ox,/Ob1")
- endif()
- # use versions from contrib, standard libraries from CUDA distibution are incompatible with MSVC and libcxx
- ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/libs/nvidia/thrust
- ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/libs/nvidia/cub
- )
- find_package(CUDAToolkit REQUIRED)
- string(APPEND CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS " --threads 0")
- endif()
- enable_language(CUDA)
- function(target_cuda_flags Tgt)
- set_property(TARGET ${Tgt} APPEND PROPERTY
- )
- endfunction()
- function(target_cuda_cflags Tgt)
- if (NOT ("${ARGN}" STREQUAL ""))
- string(JOIN "," OPTIONS ${ARGN})
- set_property(TARGET ${Tgt} APPEND PROPERTY
- CUDA_FLAGS --compiler-options ${OPTIONS}
- )
- endif()
- endfunction()
- function(target_cuda_sources Tgt Scope)
- # add include directories on per-CMakeLists file level because some non-CUDA source files may want to include calls to CUDA libs
- include_directories(${CUDA_EXTRA_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES})
- set_source_files_properties(${ARGN} PROPERTIES
- )
- target_sources(${Tgt} ${Scope} ${ARGN})
- endfunction()
- endif()