123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828 |
- package NYql;
- option java_package = "ru.yandex.yql.proto";
- import "yql/essentials/protos/clickhouse.proto";
- /////////////////////////////// common ///////////////////////////////
- message TActivationByHour {
- required uint32 Hour = 1;
- required uint32 Percentage = 2;
- }
- message TActivationPercentage {
- optional uint32 Percentage = 1 [default = 0];
- repeated TActivationByHour ByHour = 2;
- repeated string IncludeUsers = 3;
- repeated string ExcludeUsers = 4;
- optional bool ExcludeRobots = 5 [default = true];
- repeated string Tags = 6;
- repeated string IncludeGroups = 7;
- repeated string ExcludeGroups = 8;
- repeated string IncludeRevisions = 9;
- repeated string ExcludeRevisions = 10;
- }
- message TAttr {
- required string Name = 1;
- required string Value = 2;
- optional TActivationPercentage Activation = 3;
- }
- message TRemoteFilePattern {
- required string Pattern = 1; // regexp to match
- required string Cluster = 2; // replacement string for YT server
- required string Path = 3; // replacement string for remote file path
- }
- enum EYtLogLevel {
- YL_NONE = -1;
- YL_FATAL = 0;
- YL_ERROR = 1;
- YL_INFO = 2;
- YL_DEBUG = 3;
- };
- enum EHostScheme {
- HS_HTTP = 0;
- HS_HTTPS = 1;
- };
- enum ETokenType {
- IAM = 0;
- OAUTH = 1;
- };
- /////////////////////////////// HTTP GATEWAY //////////////////////
- message TExplicitDNSRecord {
- enum ProtocolVersion {
- ANY = 0;
- IPV4 = 1;
- IPV6 = 2;
- };
- optional string Address = 1 [default = ""];
- optional uint32 Port = 2 [default = 443];
- optional string ExpectedIP = 3 [default = ""];
- optional ProtocolVersion Protocol = 4 [default = ANY];
- }
- message TDnsResolverConfig {
- optional uint32 RefreshMs = 1 [default = 60000];
- repeated TExplicitDNSRecord ExplicitDNSRecord = 100;
- }
- message THttpGatewayConfig {
- optional uint32 MaxInFlightCount = 1;
- optional uint64 MaxSimulatenousDownloadsSize = 2;
- optional uint32 BuffersSizePerStream = 3;
- optional uint64 ConnectionTimeoutSeconds = 4;
- optional uint64 BytesPerSecondLimit = 5;
- optional uint64 DownloadBufferBytesLimit = 6;
- optional uint64 RequestTimeoutSeconds = 7;
- optional uint64 LowSpeedTimeSeconds = 8;
- optional uint64 LowSpeedBytesLimit = 9;
- optional TDnsResolverConfig DnsResolverConfig = 10;
- optional uint64 MaxRetries = 11;
- }
- /////////////////////////////// YT ///////////////////////////////
- message TYtClusterConfig {
- optional string Name = 1; // Short cluster name
- optional string Cluster = 2; // Real cluster server name with port
- optional bool Default = 3 [default = false]; // Default cluster
- optional string YTToken = 4; // token to use at YT servers
- optional string YTName = 5; // YT cluster name
- optional bool EnabledYtQlQueries = 6 [default = true]; // Allow to handle YtQl queries
- repeated TAttr Settings = 100;
- }
- message TFileWithMd5 {
- optional string File = 1;
- optional string Md5 = 2;
- }
- message TYtGatewayConfig {
- optional uint32 GatewayThreads = 1 [default = 0]; // Number of gateway MtpQueue threads. The adaptive MtpQueue will be used for 0 value
- optional EYtLogLevel YtLogLevel = 2 [default = YL_ERROR]; // The verbosity level of YT log
- optional string PerfToolsPath = 4; // Path to perftools libraries
- optional bool PerfToolsFromPackage = 5; // Use perftools from package
- optional string MrJobBin = 6; // Path to mrjob executable. If not set then main executable will be used
- optional string MrJobBinMd5 = 13; // MD5 checksum of mrjob executable. Should not be specified directly
- optional string MrJobUdfsDir = 7; // Path to linux udfs. If not set then loaded into main executable will be used
- optional bool ExecuteUdfLocallyIfPossible = 8; // Turns on local execution mode for calc job with UDF.
- optional bool LocalChainTest = 9 [default = false]; // Chain local execution jobs for test purpose.
- optional string YtDebugLogFile = 10; // File for full YT debug log
- optional uint64 YtDebugLogSize = 11 [default = 0]; // Max YT debug log size
- optional bool YtDebugLogAlwaysWrite = 12 [default = false]; // Write YT debug log always or on error only
- optional string LocalChainFile = 14; // File to dump table contet in test mode
- repeated TFileWithMd5 MrJobSystemLibsWithMd5 = 15; // Paths to linux dynamic libraries required for running mrjob.
- repeated TRemoteFilePattern RemoteFilePatterns = 100;
- repeated TYtClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 101; // Accepted cluster shortcuts. All names not from this list will be rejected
- repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 102;
- }
- /////////////////////////////// Grut ///////////////////////////////
- message TYtOrmClusterConfig {
- optional string Name = 1; // Examples: grut_testing, grut_stable, grut_dev
- optional string Cluster = 2; // Examples: sas, vla, etc
- optional bool Enabled = 3 [default = true]; // Allow to handle YTORM queries
- optional string EndpointSetId = 4; // Examples: grut-stable.object_api, grut-testing.object_api, etc
- }
- message TYtOrmGatewayConfig {
- repeated TYtOrmClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1;
- }
- /////////////////////////////// Kikimr ///////////////////////////////
- message THostPort {
- required string Host = 1;
- required uint32 Port = 2;
- optional uint64 TotalTimeoutMs = 3;
- }
- message TKikimrGrpcData {
- repeated string Locators = 1;
- optional uint64 TimeoutMs = 2;
- optional uint64 MaxMessageSizeBytes = 3;
- optional uint32 MaxInFlight = 4;
- optional bool EnableEndpointDiscovery = 5;
- optional bool UseLegacyApi = 6;
- }
- message TKikimrClusterConfig {
- optional string Name = 1;
- optional bool Default = 2 [default = false];
- repeated THostPort MessageBus = 3;
- optional TKikimrGrpcData Grpc = 4;
- optional string Database = 5;
- optional uint32 TvmId = 6 [default = 0];
- optional string Token = 7;
- optional string ProxyUrl = 8;
- optional string Location = 9;
- optional bool IsFromMvp = 10;
- optional ETokenType TokenType = 11;
- repeated TAttr Settings = 101;
- }
- message TKikimrGatewayConfig {
- repeated TKikimrClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1;
- repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 2;
- }
- /////////////////////////////// Kikimr MVP ///////////////////////////////
- message TKikimrMvpProxyConfig {
- optional string Host = 1;
- optional uint32 Port = 2;
- optional string BasePath = 3;
- optional uint32 TvmId = 4 [default = 0];
- }
- message TKikimrMvpGatewayConfig {
- repeated TKikimrMvpProxyConfig ProxyMapping = 1;
- }
- ///////////////////////////// Ydb /////////////////////////////
- message TYdbClusterConfig {
- optional string Name = 1;
- optional string Endpoint = 2;
- optional string Token = 3;
- optional TKikimrGrpcData Grpc = 4;
- optional uint32 TvmId = 5 [default = 0];
- optional string Database = 6;
- optional string Id = 7;
- optional bool Secure = 8;
- optional string ServiceAccountId = 9;
- optional string ServiceAccountIdSignature = 10;
- optional bool AddBearerToToken = 11; // whether to use prefix "Bearer " in token
- repeated TAttr Settings = 100;
- }
- message TYdbGatewayConfig {
- repeated TYdbClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1;
- optional string DefaultEndpoint = 2;
- optional string DefaultToken = 3;
- repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 4;
- }
- ///////////////////////////// ClickHouse /////////////////////////////
- message TClickHouseClusterConfig {
- optional string Name = 1;
- optional bool Default = 2 [default = false];
- optional string Cluster = 3;
- optional string CHToken = 4;
- repeated TAttr Settings = 101;
- optional EHostScheme HostScheme = 5;
- optional uint32 HostPort = 6;
- optional string CHTokenYavSecretId = 7;
- optional string CHTokenYavVersionId = 8;
- optional string CHTokenYavKey = 9;
- optional NYql.NProto.TClickHouseRunnerConfig Runner = 10;
- optional uint32 NativeHostPort = 11 [default = 9000];
- optional bool NativeSecure = 12 [default = false];
- optional string Id = 13;
- repeated string GroupAllowed = 14;
- }
- message TClickHouseGatewayConfig {
- repeated TClickHouseClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1;
- repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 2;
- }
- ///////////////////////////// RTMR /////////////////////////////
- enum EYfArtifactType {
- AT_NONE = 0;
- AT_FILE = 1;
- AT_LAYER = 2;
- };
- enum ERtmrOperationType {
- OT_NONE = 0;
- OT_LF_PARSE = 1;
- OT_YDB_OUT = 2;
- OT_PQ_OUT = 4;
- };
- message TYfArtifactLink {
- optional EYfArtifactType Type = 1;
- optional string Url = 2; // in any format suitable for file storage
- optional string TargetFilePath = 3; // ignored for Type=AT_LAYER
- };
- message TRtmrOperationArtifactsInfo {
- optional ERtmrOperationType Type = 1;
- repeated TYfArtifactLink Links = 2;
- };
- message TRtmrPqConsumerInfo {
- optional string Cluster = 1;
- optional string Consumer = 2;
- }
- message TRtmrClusterConfig {
- optional string Name = 1;
- optional bool Default = 2 [default = false];
- optional string Cluster = 3;
- optional string RemoteName = 4;
- optional string YfCluster = 5;
- optional string S3TokenPath = 6;
- optional string S3FileCachePath = 7;
- optional uint32 TvmId = 8 [default = 0];
- optional string TvmSecretPath = 9;
- repeated string Users = 10;
- optional bool UploadViaYfClient = 11 [default = false];
- optional string MdsTorrentUrl = 12;
- repeated TRtmrOperationArtifactsInfo ArtifactOverrides = 13; // override CommonArtifacts by ERtmrOperationType
- optional string PqConsumer = 14;
- repeated TRtmrPqConsumerInfo PqConsumerMapping = 15;
- optional uint32 MaxPqPartitions = 16;
- optional uint32 PreviewCollectTimeoutMs = 17;
- optional string SbdTvmSecretFile = 18;
- optional uint64 SbdTvmClientId = 19;
- optional uint64 SbdTvmServerId = 20 [default = 2021848];
- repeated TAttr Settings = 101;
- }
- message TRtmrGatewayConfig {
- repeated TRtmrClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1;
- repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 2;
- optional string YqlRtmrDynLib = 3; // path to libyql-dynlib.so
- optional bool UseFakeYfUpload = 4 [default = false]; // use in tests only to speedup upload
- repeated string Artifacts = 5; /// default artifacts to put into every function
- repeated TRtmrOperationArtifactsInfo CommonArtifacts = 6; // common artifacts for all clusters
- optional uint32 MaxPqPartitions = 7 [default = 10];
- optional uint32 PreviewCollectTimeoutMs = 8 [default = 2000];
- optional bool KeepActiveProcess = 9 [default = false];
- }
- ///////////////////////////// Pq //////////////////////////////
- message TPqClusterConfig {
- enum EClusterType {
- }
- optional string Name = 1;
- optional EClusterType ClusterType = 2 [default = CT_PERS_QUEUE];
- optional string Endpoint = 3;
- optional string ConfigManagerEndpoint = 4;
- optional string Token = 5;
- optional string Database = 6 [default = "/Root"];
- optional uint32 TvmId = 7 [default = 0];
- optional bool UseSsl = 8; // grpcs
- optional string ServiceAccountId = 9;
- optional string ServiceAccountIdSignature = 10;
- optional bool AddBearerToToken = 11; // whether to use prefix "Bearer " in token
- optional string DatabaseId = 12;
- repeated TAttr Settings = 100;
- optional bool SharedReading = 101;
- optional string ReconnectPeriod = 102; // disabled by default, example of a parameter: 5m
- optional string ReadGroup = 103;
- }
- message TPqGatewayConfig {
- repeated TPqClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1;
- optional string DefaultToken = 2;
- repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 100;
- }
- ///////////////////////////// Stat /////////////////////////////
- message TStatClusterConfig {
- optional string Name = 1; // Short cluster name
- optional string Cluster = 2; // Real cluster server name with port
- optional bool Default = 3 [default = false]; // Default cluster
- optional string StatToken = 4; // token to use in communication with Statface
- optional string StatName = 5; // Stat cluster name
- repeated TAttr Settings = 100;
- }
- message TStatGatewayConfig {
- optional uint32 GatewayThreads = 1 [default = 0]; // Number of gateway MtpQueue threads. The adaptive MtpQueue will be used for 0 value
- repeated TStatClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 101; // Accepted cluster shortcuts. All names not from this list will be rejected
- repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 102;
- }
- ///////////////////////////// CHYT /////////////////////////////
- message TChytClusterConfig {
- optional string Name = 1; // Short cluster name
- optional string YtCluster = 2; // Name of the corresponding YT cluster.
- }
- message TChytGatewayConfig {
- repeated TChytClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1;
- }
- ///////////////////////////// S3 /////////////////////////////
- message TS3ClusterConfig {
- optional string Name = 1; // Short cluster name
- optional string Url = 2;
- optional string Token = 3;
- optional string ServiceAccountId = 4;
- optional string ServiceAccountIdSignature = 5;
- repeated TAttr Settings = 100;
- }
- message TS3FormatSizeLimit {
- optional string Name = 1; // Format name i.e. csv_with_names
- optional uint64 FileSizeLimit = 2; // Max allowed size for this format
- }
- message TS3GatewayConfig {
- repeated TS3ClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1;
- optional uint64 FileSizeLimit = 2; // Global limit
- repeated TS3FormatSizeLimit FormatSizeLimit = 6; // Format limits (override FileSizeLimit)
- optional uint64 BlockFileSizeLimit = 10; // Global limit for block readers (overrides FormatSizeLimit)
- optional uint64 MaxFilesPerQuery = 3;
- optional uint64 MaxReadSizePerQuery = 4;
- optional uint64 MaxDiscoveryFilesPerQuery = 5;
- optional uint64 MaxInflightListsPerQuery = 7;
- optional uint64 MaxDirectoriesAndFilesPerQuery = 8;
- optional uint64 MinDesiredDirectoriesOfFilesPerQuery = 9;
- optional bool AllowConcurrentListings = 11 [default = false];
- optional uint64 ListingCallbackThreadCount = 12;
- optional uint64 ListingCallbackPerThreadQueueSize = 13;
- optional uint64 RegexpCacheSize = 14;
- optional uint64 GeneratorPathsLimit = 15;
- optional uint64 MaxListingResultSizePerPartition = 16;
- optional uint64 RowsInBatch = 17; // Default = 1000
- optional uint64 MaxInflight = 18; // Default = 20
- optional uint64 DataInflight = 19; // Default = 200 MB
- optional bool AllowLocalFiles = 20;
- repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 100;
- }
- ///////////////////////////// Solomon /////////////////////////////
- message TSolomonClusterConfig {
- enum ESolomonClusterType {
- }
- message TShardPath {
- required string Project = 1; // CloudId for YC
- required string Cluster = 2; // FolderId for YC
- }
- optional string Name = 1;
- optional string Cluster = 2;
- optional bool UseSsl = 3;
- optional ESolomonClusterType ClusterType = 4 [default = SCT_SOLOMON];
- optional string Token = 5;
- optional string ServiceAccountId = 6;
- optional string ServiceAccountIdSignature = 7;
- optional TShardPath Path = 8;
- repeated TAttr Settings = 100;
- }
- message TSolomonGatewayConfig {
- repeated TSolomonClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1;
- repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 2;
- }
- message TFileStorageAdditionalConfig {
- message TUrlPattern {
- required string Pattern = 1;
- optional string Alias = 2;
- }
- message TSchemeTranslate {
- required string Pattern = 1; // regexp to match
- required string TargetUrl = 2; // replacement string for target URL
- }
- repeated TUrlPattern AllowedUrls = 2; // Whitelist of url regexps; disabled if empty
- repeated TUrlPattern ExternalAllowedUrls = 3; // Whitelist of url regexps for external users; disabled if empty
- repeated TSchemeTranslate CustomSchemes = 4;
- }
- /////////////////////////////// Postgresql /////////////////////////////
- message TPostgresqlClusterConfig {
- optional string Name = 1;
- optional string Cluster = 2;
- optional string PGtoken = 3;
- optional string TargetServerType = 4;
- optional uint64 MaxResultBufferSize = 5 [default = 1000000]; // Zero value disables adaptiveFetch
- }
- message TPostgresqlGatewayConfig {
- repeated TPostgresqlClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1;
- optional uint64 MaxResultBufferSize = 2 [default = 1000000]; // Zero value disables adaptiveFetch by default
- }
- /////////////////////////////// Mysql /////////////////////////////
- message TMysqlClusterConfig {
- optional string Name = 1;
- optional string Cluster = 2;
- optional string MysqlToken = 3;
- }
- message TMysqlGatewayConfig {
- repeated TMysqlClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 1;
- }
- /////////////////////////////// Dq /////////////////////////////////////
- message TDqGatewayConfig {
- message TDefaultAutoByHourPercentage {
- required uint32 Hour = 1;
- required uint32 Percentage = 2;
- }
- optional uint32 DefaultAutoPercentage = 1 [default = 0]; // Probability of 'DqEngine="auto"'
- repeated TDefaultAutoByHourPercentage DefaultAutoByHour = 2;
- repeated string NoDefaultAutoForUsers = 3;
- repeated string DefaultAnalyzeQueryForUsers = 4;
- repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 102;
- optional uint32 WithHiddenPercentage = 5 [default = 0]; // Depricated. TODO: remove
- repeated TDefaultAutoByHourPercentage WithHiddenByHour = 6; // Depricated. TODO: remove
- repeated string NoWithHiddenForUsers = 7; // Depricated. TODO: remove
- repeated string WithHiddenForUsers = 8; // Depricated. TODO: remove
- optional TActivationPercentage HiddenActivation = 9;
- }
- /////////////////////////////// Yql Core ///////////////////////////////
- message TCoreAttr {
- required string Name = 1;
- repeated string Args = 2;
- optional TActivationPercentage Activation = 3;
- }
- message TYqlCoreConfig {
- repeated TCoreAttr Flags = 1;
- optional TActivationPercentage QPlayerActivation = 2;
- }
- /////////////////////////////// Sql Core ///////////////////////////////
- message TWarnAsErrorByHourPercentage {
- required uint32 Hour = 1;
- required uint32 Percentage = 2;
- }
- message TSqlCoreConfig {
- optional uint32 V0SyntaxWarnAsErrorPercentage = 1 [default = 0]; // Probability of 'deprecated syntax'
- // warning to become an error
- repeated TWarnAsErrorByHourPercentage V0SyntaxWarnAsErrorByHour = 2;
- repeated string NoV0SyntaxErrorForUsers = 3;
- repeated string TranslationFlags = 4;
- }
- /////////////////////////////// Db Tool ///////////////////////////////
- message TUserException {
- required string Login = 1;
- optional uint32 ExpireDays = 2 [default = 0]; // 0 - don't delete history at all
- }
- message TDbToolConfig {
- optional uint32 DefaultExpireDays = 1;
- optional string RobotPattern = 2;
- repeated string DeleteQueryRunner = 3;
- repeated TUserException UserException = 4;
- }
- /////////// Generic gateway for the external data sources ////////////
- // TGenericEndpoint represents the network address of a generic data source instance
- message TGenericEndpoint {
- optional string host = 1;
- optional uint32 port = 2;
- }
- // TGenericCredentials represents various ways of user authentication in the data source instance
- message TGenericCredentials {
- message TBasic {
- optional string username = 1;
- optional string password = 2;
- }
- message TToken {
- optional string type = 1;
- optional string value = 2;
- }
- oneof payload {
- TBasic basic = 1;
- TToken token = 2;
- }
- }
- // EGenericDataSourceKind enumerates the external data sources
- // supported by the federated query system
- enum EGenericDataSourceKind {
- S3 = 3;
- YDB = 4;
- MYSQL = 5;
- ORACLE = 8;
- LOGGING = 9;
- MONGO_DB = 10;
- }
- // EGenericProtocol generalizes various kinds of network protocols supported by different databases.
- enum EGenericProtocol {
- }
- // TPostgreSQLDataSourceOptions represents settings specific to PostgreSQL
- message TPostgreSQLDataSourceOptions {
- // PostgreSQL schema
- optional string schema = 1;
- }
- // TClickhouseDataSourceOptions represents settings specific to Clickhouse
- message TClickhouseDataSourceOptions {
- }
- // TS3DataSourceOptions represents settings specific to S3 (Simple Storage Service)
- message TS3DataSourceOptions {
- // the region where data is stored
- optional string region = 1;
- // the bucket the object belongs to
- optional string bucket = 2;
- }
- // TGreenplumDataSourceOptions represents settings specific to Greenplum
- message TGreenplumDataSourceOptions {
- // Greenplum schema
- optional string schema = 1;
- }
- // TOracleDataSourceOptions represents settings specific to Oracle
- message TOracleDataSourceOptions {
- // Oracle service_name - alias to SID of oracle INSTANCE, or SID, or PDB.
- // More about connection options in Oracle docs:
- // https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/other-databases/essbase/21/essoa/connection-string-formats.html
- optional string service_name = 1;
- }
- // TLoggingDataSourceOptions represents settings specific to Logging
- message TLoggingDataSourceOptions {
- optional string folder_id = 1;
- }
- // TMongoDbDataSourceOptions represents settings specific to MongoDB
- message TMongoDbDataSourceOptions {
- enum EReadingMode {
- // Returns each top level field of the document deserialized into the corresponding YQL type; if the type of some field is ambiguous / inconsistent across several documents it is returned serialized as an YQL Utf8 value
- TABLE = 1;
- };
- // Ways of dealing with values read in ReadSplit whose types are inconsistent with types that were deduced in DescribeTable
- enum EUnexpectedTypeDisplayMode {
- };
- // Ways of dealing with unsupported data types
- enum EUnsupportedTypeDisplayMode {
- };
- optional EReadingMode reading_mode = 1;
- optional EUnexpectedTypeDisplayMode unexpected_type_display_mode = 2;
- optional EUnsupportedTypeDisplayMode unsupported_type_display_mode = 3;
- }
- // TGenericDataSourceInstance helps to identify the instance of a data source to redirect request to.
- message TGenericDataSourceInstance {
- // Data source kind
- optional EGenericDataSourceKind kind = 1;
- // Network address
- optional TGenericEndpoint endpoint = 2;
- // Database name
- optional string database = 3;
- // Credentials to access database
- optional TGenericCredentials credentials = 4;
- // If true, Connector server will use secure connections to access remote data sources.
- // Certificates will be obtained from the standard system paths.
- optional bool use_tls = 5;
- // Allows to specify network protocol that should be used between
- // during the connection between Connector and the remote data source
- optional EGenericProtocol protocol = 6;
- // Options specific to various data sources
- oneof options {
- TPostgreSQLDataSourceOptions pg_options = 7;
- TClickhouseDataSourceOptions ch_options = 8;
- TS3DataSourceOptions s3_options = 9;
- TGreenplumDataSourceOptions gp_options = 10;
- TOracleDataSourceOptions oracle_options = 11;
- TLoggingDataSourceOptions logging_options = 12;
- TMongoDbDataSourceOptions mongodb_options = 13;
- }
- }
- message TGenericClusterConfig {
- // Cluster name
- optional string Name = 1;
- // Data source kind
- optional EGenericDataSourceKind Kind = 8;
- // Location represents the network address of a data source instance we want to connect
- oneof Location {
- // Endpoint must be used for on-premise deployments.
- TGenericEndpoint Endpoint = 9;
- // DatabaseId must be used when the data source is deployed in cloud.
- // Data source FQDN and port will be resolved by MDB service.
- string DatabaseId = 4;
- }
- // Credentials used to access data source instance
- optional TGenericCredentials Credentials = 10;
- // Credentials used to access managed databases APIs.
- // When working with external data source instances deployed in clouds,
- // one should either set (ServiceAccountId, ServiceAccountIdSignature) pair
- // that will be resolved into IAM Token via Token Accessor,
- // or provide IAM Token directly.
- optional string ServiceAccountId = 6;
- optional string ServiceAccountIdSignature = 7;
- optional string Token = 11;
- // If true, the generic provider will ask connector server to use secure connections
- // to access remote data sources.
- optional bool UseSsl = 12;
- // Name of a particular database within a database cluster
- optional string DatabaseName = 13;
- // Transport protocol used to establish a network connection with database
- optional EGenericProtocol Protocol = 14;
- // Data source options specific to various data sources
- map<string, string> DataSourceOptions = 15;
- reserved 2, 3, 5;
- }
- message TGenericConnectorConfig {
- // There are two options to configure Connector network address:
- // 1. Set address statically via `Endpoint.Host` and `Endpoint.Port`;
- // 2. Ask YDB to set `Endpoint.Port` to the value of expression `./ydbd --ic-port + OffsetFromIcPort`,
- // while Connector's hostname will still be taken from `Endpoint.Host` (with 'localhost' as a default value).
- optional TGenericEndpoint Endpoint = 3;
- optional uint32 OffsetFromIcPort = 6;
- // If true, Connector GRPC Client will use TLS encryption.
- optional bool UseSsl = 4;
- // Path to the custom CA certificate to verify Connector's certs.
- // If empty, the default system CA certificate pool will be used.
- optional string SslCaCrt = 5;
- reserved 1, 2;
- }
- message TGenericGatewayConfig {
- // Connector service network endpoint
- // TODO: replace with map<DataSourceKind, TGenericConnectorConfig>
- optional TGenericConnectorConfig Connector = 5;
- // Database clusters supported by this particular instance
- repeated TGenericClusterConfig ClusterMapping = 3;
- // MDB API endpoint (no need to fill in case of on-prem deployment).
- optional string MdbGateway = 4;
- // YDB MVP API endpoint (no need to fill in case of on-prem deployment).
- // Expected format:
- // [http|https]://host:port/ydbc/cloud-prod/
- optional string YdbMvpEndpoint = 7;
- repeated TAttr DefaultSettings = 6;
- reserved 1, 2;
- }
- /////////////////////////////// Db Resolver ///////////////////////////////////
- message TDbResolverConfig {
- // Ydb / Yds MVP endpoint.
- // Expected format:
- // [http|https]://host:port/ydbc/cloud-prod/
- optional string YdbMvpEndpoint = 2;
- }
- /////////////////////////////// Revision filter ///////////////////////////////
- message TRevisionException {
- repeated string Revisions = 1;
- repeated string IncludeUsers = 2;
- repeated string ExcludeUsers = 3;
- }
- message TRevisionFilterConfig {
- repeated TRevisionException RevisionException = 1;
- }
- /////////////////////////////// Root ///////////////////////////////
- message TGatewaysConfig {
- optional TYtGatewayConfig Yt = 1;
- optional TKikimrGatewayConfig Kikimr = 2;
- optional TClickHouseGatewayConfig ClickHouse = 3;
- optional TRtmrGatewayConfig Rtmr = 4;
- optional TKikimrMvpGatewayConfig KikimrMvp = 5;
- optional TStatGatewayConfig Stat = 6;
- optional TChytGatewayConfig Chyt = 7;
- optional TSolomonGatewayConfig Solomon = 8;
- optional TFileStorageAdditionalConfig Fs = 9;
- optional TYqlCoreConfig YqlCore = 10;
- optional TPostgresqlGatewayConfig Postgresql = 11;
- optional TSqlCoreConfig SqlCore = 12;
- optional TDqGatewayConfig Dq = 13;
- optional TMysqlGatewayConfig Mysql = 14;
- optional TYdbGatewayConfig Ydb = 15;
- optional TPqGatewayConfig Pq = 16;
- optional TS3GatewayConfig S3 = 17;
- optional THttpGatewayConfig HttpGateway = 18;
- optional TYtOrmGatewayConfig YtOrm = 19;
- optional TDbToolConfig DbTool = 20;
- optional TGenericGatewayConfig Generic = 21;
- optional TRevisionFilterConfig RevisionFilter = 22;
- optional TDbResolverConfig DbResolver = 23;
- }