123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311 |
- #pragma once
- #include <util/generic/yexception.h>
- #include <util/stream/output.h>
- #include <util/string/builder.h>
- #include <util/system/yassert.h>
- #include <util/system/defaults.h>
- #include <library/cpp/monlib/dynamic_counters/counters.h>
- #include <type_traits>
- #include <stack>
- #include <vector>
- #include <unordered_set>
- #include <unordered_map>
- namespace NKikimr {
- struct TAlignedPagePoolCounters {
- explicit TAlignedPagePoolCounters(::NMonitoring::TDynamicCounterPtr countersRoot = nullptr, const TString& name = TString());
- ::NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr TotalBytesAllocatedCntr;
- ::NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr AllocationsCntr;
- ::NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr PoolsCntr;
- ::NMonitoring::TDynamicCounters::TCounterPtr LostPagesBytesFreeCntr;
- void Swap(TAlignedPagePoolCounters& other) {
- DoSwap(TotalBytesAllocatedCntr, other.TotalBytesAllocatedCntr);
- DoSwap(AllocationsCntr, other.AllocationsCntr);
- DoSwap(PoolsCntr, other.PoolsCntr);
- DoSwap(LostPagesBytesFreeCntr, other.LostPagesBytesFreeCntr);
- }
- };
- // NOTE: We intentionally avoid inheritance from std::exception here to make it harder
- // to catch this exception in UDFs code, so we can handle it in the host.
- class TMemoryLimitExceededException {
- public:
- virtual ~TMemoryLimitExceededException() = default;
- };
- class TSystemMmap {
- public:
- static void* Mmap(size_t size);
- static int Munmap(void* addr, size_t size);
- };
- class TFakeAlignedMmap {
- public:
- static std::function<void(size_t size)> OnMmap;
- static std::function<void(void* addr, size_t size)> OnMunmap;
- static void* Mmap(size_t size);
- static int Munmap(void* addr, size_t size);
- };
- class TFakeUnalignedMmap {
- public:
- static std::function<void(size_t size)> OnMmap;
- static std::function<void(void* addr, size_t size)> OnMunmap;
- static void* Mmap(size_t size);
- static int Munmap(void* addr, size_t size);
- };
- template<typename TMmap = TSystemMmap>
- class TAlignedPagePoolImpl {
- public:
- static constexpr ui64 POOL_PAGE_SIZE = 1ULL << 16; // 64k
- static constexpr ui64 PAGE_ADDR_MASK = ~(POOL_PAGE_SIZE - 1);
- static constexpr ui64 ALLOC_AHEAD_PAGES = 31;
- explicit TAlignedPagePoolImpl(const TSourceLocation& location,
- const TAlignedPagePoolCounters& counters = TAlignedPagePoolCounters())
- : Counters(counters)
- , DebugInfo(location)
- {
- if (Counters.PoolsCntr) {
- ++(*Counters.PoolsCntr);
- }
- }
- TAlignedPagePoolImpl(const TAlignedPagePoolImpl&) = delete;
- TAlignedPagePoolImpl(TAlignedPagePoolImpl&& other) = delete;
- TAlignedPagePoolImpl& operator = (const TAlignedPagePoolImpl&) = delete;
- TAlignedPagePoolImpl& operator = (TAlignedPagePoolImpl&& other) = delete;
- ~TAlignedPagePoolImpl();
- inline size_t GetAllocated() const noexcept {
- return TotalAllocated;
- }
- inline size_t GetUsed() const noexcept {
- return TotalAllocated - GetFreePageCount() * POOL_PAGE_SIZE;
- }
- inline size_t GetFreePageCount() const noexcept {
- return FreePages.size();
- }
- static inline const void* GetPageStart(const void* addr) noexcept {
- return reinterpret_cast<const void*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr) & PAGE_ADDR_MASK);
- }
- static inline void* GetPageStart(void* addr) noexcept {
- return reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr) & PAGE_ADDR_MASK);
- }
- void* GetPage();
- void ReturnPage(void* addr) noexcept;
- void Swap(TAlignedPagePoolImpl& other) {
- DoSwap(FreePages, other.FreePages);
- DoSwap(AllPages, other.AllPages);
- DoSwap(ActiveBlocks, other.ActiveBlocks);
- DoSwap(TotalAllocated, other.TotalAllocated);
- DoSwap(PeakAllocated, other.PeakAllocated);
- DoSwap(PeakUsed, other.PeakUsed);
- DoSwap(Limit, other.Limit);
- DoSwap(AllocCount, other.AllocCount);
- DoSwap(PageAllocCount, other.PageAllocCount);
- DoSwap(PageHitCount, other.PageHitCount);
- DoSwap(PageGlobalHitCount, other.PageGlobalHitCount);
- DoSwap(PageMissCount, other.PageMissCount);
- DoSwap(OffloadedAllocCount, other.OffloadedAllocCount);
- DoSwap(OffloadedBytes, other.OffloadedBytes);
- DoSwap(OffloadedActiveBytes, other.OffloadedActiveBytes);
- DoSwap(Counters, other.Counters);
- DoSwap(CheckLostMem, other.CheckLostMem);
- DoSwap(AllocNotifyCallback, other.AllocNotifyCallback);
- DoSwap(IncreaseMemoryLimitCallback, other.IncreaseMemoryLimitCallback);
- }
- void PrintStat(size_t usedPages, IOutputStream& out) const;
- TString GetDebugInfo() const {
- return ToString(DebugInfo);
- }
- void* GetBlock(size_t size);
- void ReturnBlock(void* ptr, size_t size) noexcept;
- size_t GetPeakAllocated() const noexcept {
- return PeakAllocated;
- }
- size_t GetPeakUsed() const noexcept {
- return PeakUsed;
- }
- ui64 GetAllocCount() const noexcept {
- return AllocCount;
- }
- ui64 GetPageAllocCount() const noexcept {
- return PageAllocCount;
- }
- ui64 GetPageHitCount() const noexcept {
- return PageHitCount;
- }
- ui64 GetPageGlobalHitCount() const noexcept {
- return PageGlobalHitCount;
- }
- ui64 GetPageMissCount() const noexcept {
- return PageMissCount;
- }
- ui64 GetOffloadedAllocCount() const noexcept {
- return OffloadedAllocCount;
- }
- ui64 GetOffloadedBytes() const noexcept {
- return OffloadedBytes;
- }
- void OffloadAlloc(ui64 size);
- void OffloadFree(ui64 size) noexcept;
- static void DoCleanupGlobalFreeList(ui64 targetSize = 4 * 64 * 1024 * 1024);
- static ui64 GetGlobalPagePoolSize();
- ui64 GetLimit() const noexcept {
- return Limit;
- }
- void SetLimit(size_t limit) noexcept {
- Limit = limit;
- }
- void ReleaseFreePages();
- void DisableStrictAllocationCheck() noexcept {
- CheckLostMem = false;
- }
- using TAllocNotifyCallback = std::function<void()>;
- void SetAllocNotifyCallback(TAllocNotifyCallback&& callback, ui64 notifyBytes = 0) {
- AllocNotifyCallback = std::move(callback);
- AllocNotifyBytes = notifyBytes;
- AllocNotifyCurrentBytes = 0;
- }
- using TIncreaseMemoryLimitCallback = std::function<void(ui64 currentLimit, ui64 required)>;
- void SetIncreaseMemoryLimitCallback(TIncreaseMemoryLimitCallback&& callback) {
- IncreaseMemoryLimitCallback = std::move(callback);
- }
- static void ResetGlobalsUT();
- void SetMaximumLimitValueReached(bool isReached) noexcept {
- IsMaximumLimitValueReached = isReached;
- }
- bool GetMaximumLimitValueReached() const noexcept {
- return IsMaximumLimitValueReached;
- }
- bool IsMemoryYellowZoneEnabled() const noexcept {
- return IsMemoryYellowZoneReached;
- }
- void ForcefullySetMemoryYellowZone(bool isEnabled) noexcept {
- IsMemoryYellowZoneReached = isEnabled;
- IsMemoryYellowZoneForcefullyChanged = true;
- }
- protected:
- void* Alloc(size_t size);
- void Free(void* ptr, size_t size) noexcept;
- void UpdatePeaks() {
- PeakAllocated = Max(PeakAllocated, GetAllocated());
- PeakUsed = Max(PeakUsed, GetUsed());
- UpdateMemoryYellowZone();
- }
- void UpdateMemoryYellowZone();
- bool TryIncreaseLimit(ui64 required);
- protected:
- std::stack<void*, std::vector<void*>> FreePages;
- std::unordered_set<void*> AllPages;
- std::unordered_map<void*, size_t> ActiveBlocks;
- size_t TotalAllocated = 0;
- size_t PeakAllocated = 0;
- size_t PeakUsed = 0;
- size_t Limit = 0;
- ui64 AllocCount = 0;
- ui64 PageAllocCount = 0;
- ui64 PageHitCount = 0;
- ui64 PageGlobalHitCount = 0;
- ui64 PageMissCount = 0;
- ui64 OffloadedAllocCount = 0;
- ui64 OffloadedBytes = 0;
- ui64 OffloadedActiveBytes = 0;
- TAlignedPagePoolCounters Counters;
- bool CheckLostMem = true;
- TAllocNotifyCallback AllocNotifyCallback;
- ui64 AllocNotifyBytes = 0;
- ui64 AllocNotifyCurrentBytes = 0;
- TIncreaseMemoryLimitCallback IncreaseMemoryLimitCallback;
- const TSourceLocation DebugInfo;
- // Indicates when memory limit is almost reached.
- bool IsMemoryYellowZoneReached = false;
- // Indicates that memory yellow zone was enabled or disabled forcefully.
- // If the value of this variable is true, then the limits specified below will not be applied and
- // changing the value can only be done manually.
- bool IsMemoryYellowZoneForcefullyChanged = false;
- // This theshold is used to determine is memory limit is almost reached.
- // If TIncreaseMemoryLimitCallback is set this thresholds should be ignored.
- // The yellow zone turns on when memory consumption reaches 80% and turns off when consumption drops below 50%.
- const ui8 EnableMemoryYellowZoneThreshold = 80;
- const ui8 DisableMemoryYellowZoneThreshold = 50;
- // This flag indicates that value of memory limit reached it's maximum.
- // Next TryIncreaseLimit call most likely will return false.
- bool IsMaximumLimitValueReached = false;
- };
- using TAlignedPagePool = TAlignedPagePoolImpl<>;
- template<typename TMmap = TSystemMmap>
- void* GetAlignedPage(ui64 size);
- template<typename TMmap = TSystemMmap>
- void ReleaseAlignedPage(void* mem, ui64 size);
- template<typename TMmap = TSystemMmap>
- i64 GetTotalMmapedBytes();
- template<typename TMmap = TSystemMmap>
- i64 GetTotalFreeListBytes();
- } // NKikimr