123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200 |
- from enum import StrEnum, IntEnum, _simple_enum
- __all__ = ['HTTPStatus', 'HTTPMethod']
- @_simple_enum(IntEnum)
- class HTTPStatus:
- """HTTP status codes and reason phrases
- Status codes from the following RFCs are all observed:
- * RFC 7231: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1), obsoletes 2616
- * RFC 6585: Additional HTTP Status Codes
- * RFC 3229: Delta encoding in HTTP
- * RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for WebDAV, obsoletes 2518
- * RFC 5842: Binding Extensions to WebDAV
- * RFC 7238: Permanent Redirect
- * RFC 2295: Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP
- * RFC 2774: An HTTP Extension Framework
- * RFC 7725: An HTTP Status Code to Report Legal Obstacles
- * RFC 7540: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2)
- * RFC 2324: Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0)
- * RFC 8297: An HTTP Status Code for Indicating Hints
- * RFC 8470: Using Early Data in HTTP
- """
- def __new__(cls, value, phrase, description=''):
- obj = int.__new__(cls, value)
- obj._value_ = value
- obj.phrase = phrase
- obj.description = description
- return obj
- @property
- def is_informational(self):
- return 100 <= self <= 199
- @property
- def is_success(self):
- return 200 <= self <= 299
- @property
- def is_redirection(self):
- return 300 <= self <= 399
- @property
- def is_client_error(self):
- return 400 <= self <= 499
- @property
- def is_server_error(self):
- return 500 <= self <= 599
- # informational
- CONTINUE = 100, 'Continue', 'Request received, please continue'
- SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = (101, 'Switching Protocols',
- 'Switching to new protocol; obey Upgrade header')
- PROCESSING = 102, 'Processing'
- EARLY_HINTS = 103, 'Early Hints'
- # success
- OK = 200, 'OK', 'Request fulfilled, document follows'
- CREATED = 201, 'Created', 'Document created, URL follows'
- ACCEPTED = (202, 'Accepted',
- 'Request accepted, processing continues off-line')
- 'Non-Authoritative Information', 'Request fulfilled from cache')
- NO_CONTENT = 204, 'No Content', 'Request fulfilled, nothing follows'
- RESET_CONTENT = 205, 'Reset Content', 'Clear input form for further input'
- PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206, 'Partial Content', 'Partial content follows'
- MULTI_STATUS = 207, 'Multi-Status'
- ALREADY_REPORTED = 208, 'Already Reported'
- IM_USED = 226, 'IM Used'
- # redirection
- MULTIPLE_CHOICES = (300, 'Multiple Choices',
- 'Object has several resources -- see URI list')
- MOVED_PERMANENTLY = (301, 'Moved Permanently',
- 'Object moved permanently -- see URI list')
- FOUND = 302, 'Found', 'Object moved temporarily -- see URI list'
- SEE_OTHER = 303, 'See Other', 'Object moved -- see Method and URL list'
- NOT_MODIFIED = (304, 'Not Modified',
- 'Document has not changed since given time')
- USE_PROXY = (305, 'Use Proxy',
- 'You must use proxy specified in Location to access this resource')
- TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = (307, 'Temporary Redirect',
- 'Object moved temporarily -- see URI list')
- PERMANENT_REDIRECT = (308, 'Permanent Redirect',
- 'Object moved permanently -- see URI list')
- # client error
- BAD_REQUEST = (400, 'Bad Request',
- 'Bad request syntax or unsupported method')
- UNAUTHORIZED = (401, 'Unauthorized',
- 'No permission -- see authorization schemes')
- PAYMENT_REQUIRED = (402, 'Payment Required',
- 'No payment -- see charging schemes')
- FORBIDDEN = (403, 'Forbidden',
- 'Request forbidden -- authorization will not help')
- NOT_FOUND = (404, 'Not Found',
- 'Nothing matches the given URI')
- METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = (405, 'Method Not Allowed',
- 'Specified method is invalid for this resource')
- NOT_ACCEPTABLE = (406, 'Not Acceptable',
- 'URI not available in preferred format')
- 'Proxy Authentication Required',
- 'You must authenticate with this proxy before proceeding')
- REQUEST_TIMEOUT = (408, 'Request Timeout',
- 'Request timed out; try again later')
- CONFLICT = 409, 'Conflict', 'Request conflict'
- GONE = (410, 'Gone',
- 'URI no longer exists and has been permanently removed')
- LENGTH_REQUIRED = (411, 'Length Required',
- 'Client must specify Content-Length')
- PRECONDITION_FAILED = (412, 'Precondition Failed',
- 'Precondition in headers is false')
- REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = (413, 'Request Entity Too Large',
- 'Entity is too large')
- REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG = (414, 'Request-URI Too Long',
- 'URI is too long')
- UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = (415, 'Unsupported Media Type',
- 'Entity body in unsupported format')
- 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable',
- 'Cannot satisfy request range')
- EXPECTATION_FAILED = (417, 'Expectation Failed',
- 'Expect condition could not be satisfied')
- IM_A_TEAPOT = (418, 'I\'m a Teapot',
- 'Server refuses to brew coffee because it is a teapot.')
- MISDIRECTED_REQUEST = (421, 'Misdirected Request',
- 'Server is not able to produce a response')
- UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY = 422, 'Unprocessable Entity'
- LOCKED = 423, 'Locked'
- FAILED_DEPENDENCY = 424, 'Failed Dependency'
- TOO_EARLY = 425, 'Too Early'
- UPGRADE_REQUIRED = 426, 'Upgrade Required'
- PRECONDITION_REQUIRED = (428, 'Precondition Required',
- 'The origin server requires the request to be conditional')
- TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = (429, 'Too Many Requests',
- 'The user has sent too many requests in '
- 'a given amount of time ("rate limiting")')
- 'Request Header Fields Too Large',
- 'The server is unwilling to process the request because its header '
- 'fields are too large')
- 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons',
- 'The server is denying access to the '
- 'resource as a consequence of a legal demand')
- # server errors
- INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = (500, 'Internal Server Error',
- 'Server got itself in trouble')
- NOT_IMPLEMENTED = (501, 'Not Implemented',
- 'Server does not support this operation')
- BAD_GATEWAY = (502, 'Bad Gateway',
- 'Invalid responses from another server/proxy')
- SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = (503, 'Service Unavailable',
- 'The server cannot process the request due to a high load')
- GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = (504, 'Gateway Timeout',
- 'The gateway server did not receive a timely response')
- HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = (505, 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
- 'Cannot fulfill request')
- VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES = 506, 'Variant Also Negotiates'
- INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = 507, 'Insufficient Storage'
- LOOP_DETECTED = 508, 'Loop Detected'
- NOT_EXTENDED = 510, 'Not Extended'
- 'Network Authentication Required',
- 'The client needs to authenticate to gain network access')
- @_simple_enum(StrEnum)
- class HTTPMethod:
- """HTTP methods and descriptions
- Methods from the following RFCs are all observed:
- * RFC 7231: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1), obsoletes 2616
- * RFC 5789: PATCH Method for HTTP
- """
- def __new__(cls, value, description):
- obj = str.__new__(cls, value)
- obj._value_ = value
- obj.description = description
- return obj
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s.%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._name_)
- CONNECT = 'CONNECT', 'Establish a connection to the server.'
- DELETE = 'DELETE', 'Remove the target.'
- GET = 'GET', 'Retrieve the target.'
- HEAD = 'HEAD', 'Same as GET, but only retrieve the status line and header section.'
- OPTIONS = 'OPTIONS', 'Describe the communication options for the target.'
- PATCH = 'PATCH', 'Apply partial modifications to a target.'
- POST = 'POST', 'Perform target-specific processing with the request payload.'
- PUT = 'PUT', 'Replace the target with the request payload.'
- TRACE = 'TRACE', 'Perform a message loop-back test along the path to the target.'