go_tool.py 33 KB

  1. import argparse
  2. import copy
  3. import json
  4. import os
  5. import re
  6. import shutil
  7. import subprocess
  8. import sys
  9. import tarfile
  10. import tempfile
  11. import threading
  12. import traceback
  13. from contextlib import contextmanager
  14. from functools import reduce
  15. import process_command_files as pcf
  16. import process_whole_archive_option as pwa
  17. arc_project_prefix = 'a.yandex-team.ru/'
  18. # FIXME: make version-independent
  19. std_lib_prefix = 'contrib/go/_std_1.22/src/'
  20. vendor_prefix = 'vendor/'
  21. vet_info_ext = '.vet.out'
  22. vet_report_ext = '.vet.txt'
  23. FIXED_CGO1_SUFFIX = '.fixed.cgo1.go'
  25. IGNORED_FLAGS = ['-fprofile-instr-generate', '-fcoverage-mapping']
  26. def get_trimpath_args(args):
  27. return ['-trimpath', args.trimpath] if args.trimpath else []
  28. def preprocess_cgo1(src_path, dst_path, source_root):
  29. with open(src_path, 'r') as f:
  30. content = f.read()
  31. content = content.replace('__ARCADIA_SOURCE_ROOT_PREFIX__', source_root)
  32. with open(dst_path, 'w') as f:
  33. f.write(content)
  34. def preprocess_args(args):
  35. # Temporary work around for noauto
  36. if args.cgo_srcs and len(args.cgo_srcs) > 0:
  37. cgo_srcs_set = set(args.cgo_srcs)
  38. args.srcs = [x for x in args.srcs if x not in cgo_srcs_set]
  39. args.pkg_root = os.path.join(args.toolchain_root, 'pkg')
  40. toolchain_tool_root = os.path.join(args.pkg_root, 'tool', '{}_{}'.format(args.host_os, args.host_arch))
  41. args.go_compile = os.path.join(toolchain_tool_root, 'compile')
  42. args.go_cgo = os.path.join(toolchain_tool_root, 'cgo')
  43. args.go_link = os.path.join(toolchain_tool_root, 'link')
  44. args.go_asm = os.path.join(toolchain_tool_root, 'asm')
  45. args.go_pack = os.path.join(toolchain_tool_root, 'pack')
  46. args.go_vet = os.path.join(toolchain_tool_root, 'vet') if args.vet is True else args.vet
  47. args.output = os.path.normpath(args.output)
  48. args.vet_report_output = vet_report_output_name(args.output, args.vet_report_ext)
  49. args.trimpath = None
  50. if args.debug_root_map:
  51. roots = {'build': args.build_root, 'source': args.source_root, 'tools': args.tools_root}
  52. replaces = []
  53. for root in args.debug_root_map.split(';'):
  54. src, dst = root.split('=', 1)
  55. assert src in roots
  56. replaces.append('{}=>{}'.format(roots[src], dst))
  57. del roots[src]
  58. assert len(replaces) > 0
  59. args.trimpath = ';'.join(replaces)
  60. args.build_root = os.path.normpath(args.build_root)
  61. args.build_root_dir = args.build_root + os.path.sep
  62. args.source_root = os.path.normpath(args.source_root)
  63. args.source_root_dir = args.source_root + os.path.sep
  64. args.output_root = os.path.normpath(args.output_root)
  65. args.import_map = {}
  66. args.module_map = {}
  67. if args.cgo_peers:
  68. args.cgo_peers = [x for x in args.cgo_peers if not x.endswith('.fake.pkg')]
  69. srcs = []
  70. for f in args.srcs:
  71. if f.endswith('.gosrc'):
  72. with tarfile.open(f, 'r') as tar:
  73. srcs.extend(os.path.join(args.output_root, src) for src in tar.getnames())
  74. tar.extractall(path=args.output_root)
  75. else:
  76. srcs.append(f)
  77. args.srcs = srcs
  78. assert args.mode == 'test' or args.test_srcs is None and args.xtest_srcs is None
  79. # add lexical oreder by basename for go sources
  80. args.srcs.sort(key=lambda x: os.path.basename(x))
  81. if args.test_srcs:
  82. args.srcs += sorted(args.test_srcs, key=lambda x: os.path.basename(x))
  83. del args.test_srcs
  84. if args.xtest_srcs:
  85. args.xtest_srcs.sort(key=lambda x: os.path.basename(x))
  86. # compute root relative module dir path
  87. assert args.output is None or args.output_root == os.path.dirname(args.output)
  88. assert args.output_root.startswith(args.build_root_dir)
  89. args.module_path = args.output_root[len(args.build_root_dir) :]
  90. args.source_module_dir = os.path.join(args.source_root, args.test_import_path or args.module_path) + os.path.sep
  91. assert len(args.module_path) > 0
  92. args.import_path, args.is_std = get_import_path(args.module_path)
  93. assert args.asmhdr is None or args.word == 'go'
  94. srcs = []
  95. for f in args.srcs:
  96. if f.endswith(FIXED_CGO1_SUFFIX) and f.startswith(args.build_root_dir):
  97. path = os.path.join(args.output_root, '{}.cgo1.go'.format(os.path.basename(f[: -len(FIXED_CGO1_SUFFIX)])))
  98. srcs.append(path)
  99. preprocess_cgo1(f, path, args.source_root)
  100. else:
  101. srcs.append(f)
  102. args.srcs = srcs
  103. if args.extldflags:
  104. tmp = [flag for flag in args.extldflags if flag not in IGNORED_FLAGS]
  105. args.extldflags = pwa.ProcessWholeArchiveOption(args.targ_os).construct_cmd(tmp)
  106. classify_srcs(args.srcs, args)
  107. def compare_versions(version1, version2):
  108. def last_index(version):
  109. index = version.find('beta')
  110. return len(version) if index < 0 else index
  111. v1 = tuple(x.zfill(8) for x in version1[: last_index(version1)].split('.'))
  112. v2 = tuple(x.zfill(8) for x in version2[: last_index(version2)].split('.'))
  113. if v1 == v2:
  114. return 0
  115. return 1 if v1 < v2 else -1
  116. def get_symlink_or_copyfile():
  117. os_symlink = getattr(os, 'symlink', None)
  118. if os_symlink is None or os.name == 'nt':
  119. os_symlink = shutil.copyfile
  120. return os_symlink
  121. def copy_args(args):
  122. return copy.copy(args)
  123. def get_vendor_index(import_path):
  124. index = import_path.rfind('/' + vendor_prefix)
  125. if index < 0:
  126. index = 0 if import_path.startswith(vendor_prefix) else index
  127. else:
  128. index = index + 1
  129. return index
  130. def get_import_path(module_path):
  131. assert len(module_path) > 0
  132. import_path = module_path.replace('\\', '/')
  133. is_std_module = import_path.startswith(std_lib_prefix)
  134. if is_std_module:
  135. import_path = import_path[len(std_lib_prefix) :]
  136. elif import_path.startswith(vendor_prefix):
  137. import_path = import_path[len(vendor_prefix) :]
  138. else:
  139. import_path = arc_project_prefix + import_path
  140. assert len(import_path) > 0
  141. return import_path, is_std_module
  142. def call(cmd, cwd, env=None):
  143. # sys.stderr.write('{}\n'.format(' '.join(cmd)))
  144. return subprocess.check_output(cmd, stdin=None, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=cwd, env=env, text=True)
  145. def classify_srcs(srcs, args):
  146. args.go_srcs = [x for x in srcs if x.endswith('.go')]
  147. args.asm_srcs = [x for x in srcs if x.endswith('.s')]
  148. args.objects = [x for x in srcs if x.endswith('.o') or x.endswith('.obj')]
  149. args.symabis = [x for x in srcs if x.endswith('.symabis')]
  150. args.sysos = [x for x in srcs if x.endswith('.syso')]
  151. def get_import_config_info(peers, gen_importmap, import_map={}, module_map={}):
  152. info = {'importmap': [], 'packagefile': [], 'standard': {}}
  153. if gen_importmap:
  154. for key, value in import_map.items():
  155. info['importmap'].append((key, value))
  156. for peer in peers:
  157. peer_import_path, is_std = get_import_path(os.path.dirname(peer))
  158. if gen_importmap:
  159. index = get_vendor_index(peer_import_path)
  160. if index >= 0:
  161. index += len(vendor_prefix)
  162. info['importmap'].append((peer_import_path[index:], peer_import_path))
  163. info['packagefile'].append((peer_import_path, os.path.join(args.build_root, peer)))
  164. if is_std:
  165. info['standard'][peer_import_path] = True
  166. for key, value in module_map.items():
  167. info['packagefile'].append((key, value))
  168. return info
  169. def create_import_config(peers, gen_importmap, import_map={}, module_map={}):
  170. lines = []
  171. info = get_import_config_info(peers, gen_importmap, import_map, module_map)
  172. for key in ('importmap', 'packagefile'):
  173. for item in info[key]:
  174. lines.append('{} {}={}'.format(key, *item))
  175. if len(lines) > 0:
  176. lines.append('')
  177. content = '\n'.join(lines)
  178. # sys.stderr.writelines('{}\n'.format(l) for l in lines)
  179. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f:
  180. f.write(content.encode('UTF-8'))
  181. return f.name
  182. return None
  183. def create_embed_config(args):
  184. data = {
  185. 'Patterns': {},
  186. 'Files': {},
  187. }
  188. for info in args.embed:
  189. embed_dir = os.path.normpath(info[0])
  190. assert embed_dir == args.source_module_dir[:-1] or embed_dir.startswith(
  191. (args.source_module_dir, args.build_root)
  192. )
  193. pattern = info[1]
  194. if pattern.endswith('/**/*'):
  195. pattern = pattern[:-3]
  196. files = {os.path.relpath(f, embed_dir).replace('\\', '/'): f for f in info[2:]}
  197. data['Patterns'][pattern] = list(files.keys())
  198. data['Files'].update(files)
  199. # sys.stderr.write('{}\n'.format(json.dumps(data, indent=4)))
  200. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.embedcfg') as f:
  201. f.write(json.dumps(data).encode('UTF-8'))
  202. return f.name
  203. def vet_info_output_name(path, ext=None):
  204. return '{}{}'.format(path, ext or vet_info_ext)
  205. def vet_report_output_name(path, ext=None):
  206. return '{}{}'.format(path, ext or vet_report_ext)
  207. def get_source_path(args):
  208. return args.test_import_path or args.module_path
  209. def gen_vet_info(args):
  210. import_path = args.real_import_path if hasattr(args, 'real_import_path') else args.import_path
  211. info = get_import_config_info(args.peers, True, args.import_map, args.module_map)
  212. import_map = dict(info['importmap'])
  213. # FIXME(snermolaev): it seems that adding import map for 'fake' package
  214. # does't make any harm (it needs to be revised later)
  215. import_map['unsafe'] = 'unsafe'
  216. for key, _ in info['packagefile']:
  217. if key not in import_map:
  218. import_map[key] = key
  219. data = {
  220. 'ID': import_path,
  221. 'Compiler': 'gc',
  222. 'Dir': os.path.join(args.source_root, get_source_path(args)),
  223. 'ImportPath': import_path,
  224. 'GoFiles': [x for x in args.go_srcs if x.endswith('.go')],
  225. 'NonGoFiles': [x for x in args.go_srcs if not x.endswith('.go')],
  226. 'ImportMap': import_map,
  227. 'PackageFile': dict(info['packagefile']),
  228. 'Standard': dict(info['standard']),
  229. 'PackageVetx': dict((key, vet_info_output_name(value)) for key, value in info['packagefile']),
  230. 'VetxOnly': False,
  231. 'VetxOutput': vet_info_output_name(args.output),
  232. 'SucceedOnTypecheckFailure': False,
  233. }
  234. # sys.stderr.write('{}\n'.format(json.dumps(data, indent=4)))
  235. return data
  236. def create_vet_config(args, info):
  237. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.cfg') as f:
  238. f.write(json.dumps(info).encode('UTF-8'))
  239. return f.name
  240. def decode_vet_report(json_report):
  241. report = ''
  242. if json_report:
  243. json_report = json_report.decode('UTF-8')
  244. try:
  245. full_diags = json.JSONDecoder().decode(json_report)
  246. except ValueError:
  247. report = json_report
  248. else:
  249. messages = []
  250. for _, module_diags in full_diags.items():
  251. for _, type_diags in module_diags.items():
  252. for diag in type_diags:
  253. messages.append('{}: {}'.format(diag['posn'], json.dumps(diag['message'])))
  254. report = '\n'.join(messages)
  255. return report
  256. def dump_vet_report(args, report):
  257. if report:
  258. report = report.replace(args.build_root, '$B')
  259. report = report.replace(args.source_root, '$S')
  260. with open(args.vet_report_output, 'w') as f:
  261. f.write(report)
  262. def read_vet_report(args):
  263. assert args
  264. report = ''
  265. if os.path.exists(args.vet_report_output):
  266. with open(args.vet_report_output, 'r') as f:
  267. report += f.read()
  268. return report
  269. def dump_vet_report_for_tests(args, *test_args_list):
  270. dump_vet_report(args, reduce(lambda x, y: x + read_vet_report(y), [_f for _f in test_args_list if _f], ''))
  271. def do_vet(args):
  272. assert args.vet
  273. info = gen_vet_info(args)
  274. vet_config = create_vet_config(args, info)
  275. cmd = [args.go_vet, '-json']
  276. if args.vet_flags:
  277. cmd.extend(args.vet_flags)
  278. cmd.append(vet_config)
  279. # sys.stderr.write('>>>> [{}]\n'.format(' '.join(cmd)))
  280. p_vet = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=None, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=args.source_root)
  281. vet_out, vet_err = p_vet.communicate()
  282. report = decode_vet_report(vet_out) if vet_out else ''
  283. dump_vet_report(args, report)
  284. if p_vet.returncode:
  285. raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode=p_vet.returncode, cmd=cmd, output=vet_err)
  286. def _do_compile_go(args):
  287. import_path, is_std_module = args.import_path, args.is_std
  288. cmd = [
  289. args.go_compile,
  290. '-o',
  291. args.output,
  292. '-p',
  293. import_path if import_path != "unsafe" else "",
  294. '-D',
  295. '""',
  296. ]
  297. if args.lang:
  298. cmd.append('-lang=go{}'.format(args.lang))
  299. cmd.extend(get_trimpath_args(args))
  300. compiling_runtime = False
  301. if is_std_module:
  302. cmd.append('-std')
  303. if import_path in ('runtime', 'internal/abi', 'internal/bytealg', 'internal/cpu') or import_path.startswith(
  304. 'runtime/internal/'
  305. ):
  306. cmd.append('-+')
  307. compiling_runtime = True
  308. import_config_name = create_import_config(args.peers, True, args.import_map, args.module_map)
  309. if import_config_name:
  310. cmd += ['-importcfg', import_config_name]
  311. else:
  312. if import_path == 'unsafe' or len(args.objects) > 0 or args.asmhdr:
  313. pass
  314. else:
  315. cmd.append('-complete')
  316. # if compare_versions('1.16', args.goversion) >= 0:
  317. if args.embed:
  318. embed_config_name = create_embed_config(args)
  319. cmd.extend(['-embedcfg', embed_config_name])
  320. if args.asmhdr:
  321. cmd += ['-asmhdr', args.asmhdr]
  322. # Use .symabis (starting from 1.12 version)
  323. if args.symabis:
  324. cmd += ['-symabis'] + args.symabis
  325. # If 1.12 <= version < 1.13 we have to pass -allabis for 'runtime' and 'runtime/internal/atomic'
  326. # if compare_versions('1.13', args.goversion) >= 0:
  327. # pass
  328. # elif import_path in ('runtime', 'runtime/internal/atomic'):
  329. # cmd.append('-allabis')
  330. compile_workers = '4'
  331. if args.compile_flags:
  332. if compiling_runtime:
  333. cmd.extend(x for x in args.compile_flags if x not in COMPILE_OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS)
  334. else:
  335. cmd.extend(args.compile_flags)
  336. if any([x in ('-race', '-shared') for x in args.compile_flags]):
  337. compile_workers = '1'
  338. cmd += ['-pack', '-c={}'.format(compile_workers)]
  339. cmd += args.go_srcs
  340. call(cmd, args.build_root)
  341. class VetThread(threading.Thread):
  342. def __init__(self, target, args):
  343. super(VetThread, self).__init__(target=target, args=args)
  344. self.exc_info = None
  345. def run(self):
  346. try:
  347. super(VetThread, self).run()
  348. except:
  349. self.exc_info = sys.exc_info()
  350. def join_with_exception(self, reraise_exception):
  351. self.join()
  352. if reraise_exception and self.exc_info:
  353. raise self.exc_info[0].with_traceback(self.exc_info[1], self.exc_info[2])
  354. def do_compile_go(args):
  355. raise_exception_from_vet = False
  356. if args.vet:
  357. run_vet = VetThread(target=do_vet, args=(args,))
  358. run_vet.start()
  359. try:
  360. _do_compile_go(args)
  361. raise_exception_from_vet = True
  362. finally:
  363. if args.vet:
  364. run_vet.join_with_exception(raise_exception_from_vet)
  365. def do_compile_asm(args):
  366. assert len(args.srcs) == 1 and len(args.asm_srcs) == 1
  367. cmd = [args.go_asm]
  368. cmd += get_trimpath_args(args)
  369. cmd += ['-I', args.output_root, '-I', os.path.join(args.pkg_root, 'include')]
  370. cmd += ['-D', 'GOOS_' + args.targ_os, '-D', 'GOARCH_' + args.targ_arch, '-o', args.output]
  371. # if compare_versions('1.16', args.goversion) >= 0:
  372. cmd += ['-p', args.import_path]
  373. if args.asm_flags:
  374. cmd += args.asm_flags
  375. cmd += args.asm_srcs
  376. call(cmd, args.build_root)
  377. def do_link_lib(args):
  378. if len(args.asm_srcs) > 0:
  379. asmargs = copy_args(args)
  380. asmargs.asmhdr = os.path.join(asmargs.output_root, 'go_asm.h')
  381. do_compile_go(asmargs)
  382. for src in asmargs.asm_srcs:
  383. asmargs.srcs = [src]
  384. asmargs.asm_srcs = [src]
  385. asmargs.output = os.path.join(asmargs.output_root, os.path.basename(src) + '.o')
  386. do_compile_asm(asmargs)
  387. args.objects.append(asmargs.output)
  388. else:
  389. do_compile_go(args)
  390. if args.objects or args.sysos:
  391. cmd = [args.go_pack, 'r', args.output] + args.objects + args.sysos
  392. call(cmd, args.build_root)
  393. def do_link_exe(args):
  394. assert args.extld is not None
  395. assert args.non_local_peers is not None
  396. compile_args = copy_args(args)
  397. compile_args.output = os.path.join(args.output_root, 'main.a')
  398. compile_args.real_import_path = compile_args.import_path
  399. compile_args.import_path = 'main'
  400. if args.vcs and os.path.isfile(compile_args.vcs):
  401. build_info = os.path.join('library', 'go', 'core', 'buildinfo')
  402. if any([x.startswith(build_info) for x in compile_args.peers]):
  403. compile_args.go_srcs.append(compile_args.vcs)
  404. do_link_lib(compile_args)
  405. cmd = [args.go_link, '-o', args.output]
  406. import_config_name = create_import_config(
  407. args.peers + args.non_local_peers, False, args.import_map, args.module_map
  408. )
  409. if import_config_name:
  410. cmd += ['-importcfg', import_config_name]
  411. if args.link_flags:
  412. cmd += args.link_flags
  413. extldflags = []
  414. if args.buildmode:
  415. cmd.append('-buildmode={}'.format(args.buildmode))
  416. elif args.mode in ('exe', 'test'):
  417. mode = '-buildmode=exe'
  418. if 'ld.lld' in str(args):
  419. if '-fPIE' in str(args) or '-fPIC' in str(args):
  420. # support explicit PIE
  421. mode = '-buildmode=pie'
  422. else:
  423. extldflags.append('-Wl,-no-pie')
  424. cmd.append(mode)
  425. elif args.mode == 'dll':
  426. cmd.append('-buildmode=c-shared')
  427. else:
  428. assert False, 'Unexpected mode: {}'.format(args.mode)
  429. cmd.append('-extld={}'.format(args.extld))
  430. if args.extldflags is not None:
  431. filter_musl = bool
  432. if args.musl:
  433. cmd.append('-linkmode=external')
  434. extldflags.append('-static')
  435. filter_musl = lambda x: x not in ('-lc', '-ldl', '-lm', '-lpthread', '-lrt')
  436. extldflags += [x for x in args.extldflags if filter_musl(x)]
  437. cgo_peers = []
  438. if args.cgo_peers is not None and len(args.cgo_peers) > 0:
  439. is_group = args.targ_os == 'linux'
  440. if is_group:
  441. cgo_peers.append('-Wl,--start-group')
  442. cgo_peers.extend(args.cgo_peers)
  443. if is_group:
  444. cgo_peers.append('-Wl,--end-group')
  445. try:
  446. index = extldflags.index('--cgo-peers')
  447. extldflags = extldflags[:index] + cgo_peers + extldflags[index + 1 :]
  448. except ValueError:
  449. extldflags.extend(cgo_peers)
  450. if len(extldflags) > 0:
  451. cmd.append('-extldflags={}'.format(' '.join(extldflags)))
  452. cmd.append(compile_args.output)
  453. call(cmd, args.build_root)
  454. def gen_cover_info(args):
  455. lines = []
  456. lines.extend(
  457. [
  458. """
  459. var (
  460. coverCounters = make(map[string][]uint32)
  461. coverBlocks = make(map[string][]testing.CoverBlock)
  462. )
  463. """,
  464. 'func init() {',
  465. ]
  466. )
  467. for var, file in (x.split(':') for x in args.cover_info):
  468. lines.append(
  469. ' coverRegisterFile("{file}", _cover0.{var}.Count[:], _cover0.{var}.Pos[:], _cover0.{var}.NumStmt[:])'.format(
  470. file=file, var=var
  471. )
  472. )
  473. lines.extend(
  474. [
  475. '}',
  476. """
  477. func coverRegisterFile(fileName string, counter []uint32, pos []uint32, numStmts []uint16) {
  478. if 3*len(counter) != len(pos) || len(counter) != len(numStmts) {
  479. panic("coverage: mismatched sizes")
  480. }
  481. if coverCounters[fileName] != nil {
  482. // Already registered.
  483. return
  484. }
  485. coverCounters[fileName] = counter
  486. block := make([]testing.CoverBlock, len(counter))
  487. for i := range counter {
  488. block[i] = testing.CoverBlock{
  489. Line0: pos[3*i+0],
  490. Col0: uint16(pos[3*i+2]),
  491. Line1: pos[3*i+1],
  492. Col1: uint16(pos[3*i+2]>>16),
  493. Stmts: numStmts[i],
  494. }
  495. }
  496. coverBlocks[fileName] = block
  497. }
  498. """,
  499. ]
  500. )
  501. return lines
  502. def filter_out_skip_tests(tests, skip_tests):
  503. skip_set = set()
  504. star_skip_set = set()
  505. for t in skip_tests:
  506. work_set = star_skip_set if '*' in t else skip_set
  507. work_set.add(t)
  508. re_star_tests = None
  509. if len(star_skip_set) > 0:
  510. re_star_tests = re.compile(re.sub(r'(\*)+', r'.\1', '^({})$'.format('|'.join(star_skip_set))))
  511. return [x for x in tests if not (x in skip_tests or re_star_tests and re_star_tests.match(x))]
  512. @contextmanager
  513. def create_strip_symlink():
  514. # This function creates symlink of llvm-strip as strip for golink needs.
  515. # We believe that cc-binaries path is a first element in PATH enviroment variable.
  516. tmpdir = None
  517. if os.getenv("CC") == "clang":
  518. tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
  519. cc_path = os.getenv("PATH").split(os.pathsep)[0]
  520. os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + tmpdir
  521. src_strip_path = os.path.join(cc_path, 'llvm-strip')
  522. dst_strip_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'strip')
  523. os.symlink(src_strip_path, dst_strip_path)
  524. try:
  525. yield
  526. finally:
  527. if tmpdir:
  528. shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
  529. def gen_test_main(args, test_lib_args, xtest_lib_args):
  530. assert args and (test_lib_args or xtest_lib_args)
  531. test_miner = args.test_miner
  532. test_module_path = test_lib_args.import_path if test_lib_args else xtest_lib_args.import_path
  533. is_cover = args.cover_info and len(args.cover_info) > 0
  534. # Prepare GOPATH
  535. # $BINDIR
  536. # |- __go__
  537. # |- src
  538. # |- pkg
  539. # |- ${TARGET_OS}_${TARGET_ARCH}
  540. go_path_root = os.path.join(args.output_root, '__go__')
  541. test_src_dir = os.path.join(go_path_root, 'src')
  542. target_os_arch = '_'.join([args.targ_os, args.targ_arch])
  543. test_pkg_dir = os.path.join(go_path_root, 'pkg', target_os_arch, os.path.dirname(test_module_path))
  544. os.makedirs(test_pkg_dir)
  545. my_env = os.environ.copy()
  546. my_env['GOROOT'] = ''
  547. my_env['GOPATH'] = go_path_root
  548. my_env['GOARCH'] = args.targ_arch
  549. my_env['GOOS'] = args.targ_os
  550. tests = []
  551. xtests = []
  552. os_symlink = get_symlink_or_copyfile()
  553. # Get the list of "internal" tests
  554. if test_lib_args:
  555. os.makedirs(os.path.join(test_src_dir, test_module_path))
  556. os_symlink(test_lib_args.output, os.path.join(test_pkg_dir, os.path.basename(test_module_path) + '.a'))
  557. cmd = [test_miner, '-benchmarks', '-tests', test_module_path]
  558. tests = [x for x in (call(cmd, test_lib_args.output_root, my_env) or '').strip().split('\n') if len(x) > 0]
  559. if args.skip_tests:
  560. tests = filter_out_skip_tests(tests, args.skip_tests)
  561. test_main_found = '#TestMain' in tests
  562. # Get the list of "external" tests
  563. if xtest_lib_args:
  564. xtest_module_path = xtest_lib_args.import_path
  565. os.makedirs(os.path.join(test_src_dir, xtest_module_path))
  566. os_symlink(xtest_lib_args.output, os.path.join(test_pkg_dir, os.path.basename(xtest_module_path) + '.a'))
  567. cmd = [test_miner, '-benchmarks', '-tests', xtest_module_path]
  568. xtests = [x for x in (call(cmd, xtest_lib_args.output_root, my_env) or '').strip().split('\n') if len(x) > 0]
  569. if args.skip_tests:
  570. xtests = filter_out_skip_tests(xtests, args.skip_tests)
  571. xtest_main_found = '#TestMain' in xtests
  572. test_main_package = None
  573. if test_main_found and xtest_main_found:
  574. assert False, 'multiple definition of TestMain'
  575. elif test_main_found:
  576. test_main_package = '_test'
  577. elif xtest_main_found:
  578. test_main_package = '_xtest'
  579. shutil.rmtree(go_path_root)
  580. lines = ['package main', '', 'import (']
  581. if test_main_package is None:
  582. lines.append(' "os"')
  583. lines.extend([' "testing"', ' "testing/internal/testdeps"'])
  584. lines.extend([' _ "{}library/go/test/yatest"'.format(args.arc_project_prefix)])
  585. if len(tests) > 0:
  586. lines.append(' _test "{}"'.format(test_module_path))
  587. elif test_lib_args:
  588. lines.append(' _ "{}"'.format(test_module_path))
  589. if len(xtests) > 0:
  590. lines.append(' _xtest "{}"'.format(xtest_module_path))
  591. elif xtest_lib_args:
  592. lines.append(' _ "{}"'.format(xtest_module_path))
  593. if is_cover:
  594. lines.append(' _cover0 "{}"'.format(test_module_path))
  595. lines.extend([')', ''])
  596. if compare_versions('1.18', args.goversion) < 0:
  597. kinds = ['Test', 'Benchmark', 'Example']
  598. else:
  599. kinds = ['Test', 'Benchmark', 'FuzzTarget', 'Example']
  600. var_names = []
  601. for kind in kinds:
  602. var_name = '{}s'.format(kind.lower())
  603. var_names.append(var_name)
  604. lines.append('var {} = []testing.Internal{}{{'.format(var_name, kind))
  605. for test in [x for x in tests if x.startswith(kind)]:
  606. lines.append(' {{"{test}", _test.{test}}},'.format(test=test))
  607. for test in [x for x in xtests if x.startswith(kind)]:
  608. lines.append(' {{"{test}", _xtest.{test}}},'.format(test=test))
  609. lines.extend(['}', ''])
  610. if is_cover:
  611. lines.extend(gen_cover_info(args))
  612. lines.append('func main() {')
  613. if is_cover:
  614. lines.extend(
  615. [
  616. ' testing.RegisterCover(testing.Cover{',
  617. ' Mode: "set",',
  618. ' Counters: coverCounters,',
  619. ' Blocks: coverBlocks,',
  620. ' CoveredPackages: "",',
  621. ' })',
  622. ]
  623. )
  624. lines.extend(
  625. [
  626. ' m := testing.MainStart(testdeps.TestDeps{{}}, {})'.format(', '.join(var_names)),
  627. '',
  628. ]
  629. )
  630. if test_main_package:
  631. lines.append(' {}.TestMain(m)'.format(test_main_package))
  632. else:
  633. lines.append(' os.Exit(m.Run())')
  634. lines.extend(['}', ''])
  635. content = '\n'.join(lines)
  636. # sys.stderr.write('{}\n'.format(content))
  637. return content
  638. def do_link_test(args):
  639. assert args.srcs or args.xtest_srcs
  640. assert args.test_miner is not None
  641. test_module_path = get_source_path(args)
  642. test_import_path, _ = get_import_path(test_module_path)
  643. test_lib_args = copy_args(args) if args.srcs else None
  644. xtest_lib_args = copy_args(args) if args.xtest_srcs else None
  645. if xtest_lib_args is not None:
  646. xtest_lib_args.embed = args.embed_xtest if args.embed_xtest else None
  647. ydx_file_name = None
  648. xtest_ydx_file_name = None
  649. need_append_ydx = test_lib_args and xtest_lib_args and args.ydx_file and args.vet_flags
  650. if need_append_ydx:
  651. def find_ydx_file_name(name, flags):
  652. for i, elem in enumerate(flags):
  653. if elem.endswith(name):
  654. return (i, elem)
  655. assert False, 'Unreachable code'
  656. idx, ydx_file_name = find_ydx_file_name(xtest_lib_args.ydx_file, xtest_lib_args.vet_flags)
  657. xtest_ydx_file_name = '{}_xtest'.format(ydx_file_name)
  658. xtest_lib_args.vet_flags = copy.copy(xtest_lib_args.vet_flags)
  659. xtest_lib_args.vet_flags[idx] = xtest_ydx_file_name
  660. if test_lib_args:
  661. test_lib_args.output = os.path.join(args.output_root, 'test.a')
  662. test_lib_args.vet_report_output = vet_report_output_name(test_lib_args.output)
  663. test_lib_args.module_path = test_module_path
  664. test_lib_args.import_path = test_import_path
  665. do_link_lib(test_lib_args)
  666. if xtest_lib_args:
  667. xtest_lib_args.srcs = xtest_lib_args.xtest_srcs
  668. classify_srcs(xtest_lib_args.srcs, xtest_lib_args)
  669. xtest_lib_args.output = os.path.join(args.output_root, 'xtest.a')
  670. xtest_lib_args.vet_report_output = vet_report_output_name(xtest_lib_args.output)
  671. xtest_lib_args.module_path = test_module_path + '_test'
  672. xtest_lib_args.import_path = test_import_path + '_test'
  673. if test_lib_args:
  674. xtest_lib_args.module_map[test_import_path] = test_lib_args.output
  675. need_append_ydx = args.ydx_file and args.srcs and args.vet_flags
  676. do_link_lib(xtest_lib_args)
  677. if need_append_ydx:
  678. with open(os.path.join(args.build_root, ydx_file_name), 'ab') as dst_file:
  679. with open(os.path.join(args.build_root, xtest_ydx_file_name), 'rb') as src_file:
  680. dst_file.write(src_file.read())
  681. test_main_content = gen_test_main(args, test_lib_args, xtest_lib_args)
  682. test_main_name = os.path.join(args.output_root, '_test_main.go')
  683. with open(test_main_name, "w") as f:
  684. f.write(test_main_content)
  685. test_args = copy_args(args)
  686. test_args.embed = None
  687. test_args.srcs = [test_main_name]
  688. if test_args.test_import_path is None:
  689. # it seems that we can do it unconditionally, but this kind
  690. # of mangling doesn't really looks good to me and we leave it
  691. # for pure GO_TEST module
  692. test_args.module_path = test_args.module_path + '___test_main__'
  693. test_args.import_path = test_args.import_path + '___test_main__'
  694. classify_srcs(test_args.srcs, test_args)
  695. if test_lib_args:
  696. test_args.module_map[test_lib_args.import_path] = test_lib_args.output
  697. if xtest_lib_args:
  698. test_args.module_map[xtest_lib_args.import_path] = xtest_lib_args.output
  699. if args.vet:
  700. dump_vet_report_for_tests(test_args, test_lib_args, xtest_lib_args)
  701. test_args.vet = False
  702. do_link_exe(test_args)
  703. if __name__ == '__main__':
  704. args = pcf.get_args(sys.argv[1:])
  705. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prefix_chars='+')
  706. parser.add_argument('++mode', choices=['dll', 'exe', 'lib', 'test'], required=True)
  707. parser.add_argument('++buildmode', choices=['c-shared', 'exe', 'pie'])
  708. parser.add_argument('++srcs', nargs='*', required=True)
  709. parser.add_argument('++cgo-srcs', nargs='*')
  710. parser.add_argument('++test_srcs', nargs='*')
  711. parser.add_argument('++xtest_srcs', nargs='*')
  712. parser.add_argument('++cover_info', nargs='*')
  713. parser.add_argument('++output', nargs='?', default=None)
  714. parser.add_argument('++source-root', default=None)
  715. parser.add_argument('++build-root', required=True)
  716. parser.add_argument('++tools-root', default=None)
  717. parser.add_argument('++output-root', required=True)
  718. parser.add_argument('++toolchain-root', required=True)
  719. parser.add_argument('++host-os', choices=['linux', 'darwin', 'windows'], required=True)
  720. parser.add_argument('++host-arch', choices=['amd64', 'arm64'], required=True)
  721. parser.add_argument('++targ-os', choices=['linux', 'darwin', 'windows'], required=True)
  722. parser.add_argument('++targ-arch', choices=['amd64', 'x86', 'arm64'], required=True)
  723. parser.add_argument('++peers', nargs='*')
  724. parser.add_argument('++non-local-peers', nargs='*')
  725. parser.add_argument('++cgo-peers', nargs='*')
  726. parser.add_argument('++asmhdr', nargs='?', default=None)
  727. parser.add_argument('++test-import-path', nargs='?')
  728. parser.add_argument('++test-miner', nargs='?')
  729. parser.add_argument('++arc-project-prefix', nargs='?', default=arc_project_prefix)
  730. parser.add_argument('++std-lib-prefix', nargs='?', default=std_lib_prefix)
  731. parser.add_argument('++vendor-prefix', nargs='?', default=vendor_prefix)
  732. parser.add_argument('++extld', nargs='?', default=None)
  733. parser.add_argument('++extldflags', nargs='+', default=None)
  734. parser.add_argument('++goversion', required=True)
  735. parser.add_argument('++lang', nargs='?', default=None)
  736. parser.add_argument('++asm-flags', nargs='*')
  737. parser.add_argument('++compile-flags', nargs='*')
  738. parser.add_argument('++link-flags', nargs='*')
  739. parser.add_argument('++vcs', nargs='?', default=None)
  740. parser.add_argument('++vet', nargs='?', const=True, default=False)
  741. parser.add_argument('++vet-flags', nargs='*', default=None)
  742. parser.add_argument('++vet-info-ext', default=vet_info_ext)
  743. parser.add_argument('++vet-report-ext', default=vet_report_ext)
  744. parser.add_argument('++musl', action='store_true')
  745. parser.add_argument('++skip-tests', nargs='*', default=None)
  746. parser.add_argument('++ydx-file', default='')
  747. parser.add_argument('++debug-root-map', default=None)
  748. parser.add_argument('++embed', action='append', nargs='*')
  749. parser.add_argument('++embed_xtest', action='append', nargs='*')
  750. args = parser.parse_args(args)
  751. arc_project_prefix = args.arc_project_prefix
  752. std_lib_prefix = args.std_lib_prefix
  753. vendor_prefix = args.vendor_prefix
  754. vet_info_ext = args.vet_info_ext
  755. vet_report_ext = args.vet_report_ext
  756. preprocess_args(args)
  757. try:
  758. os.unlink(args.output)
  759. except OSError:
  760. pass
  761. # We are going to support only 'lib', 'exe' and 'cgo' build modes currently
  762. # and as a result we are going to generate only one build node per module
  763. # (or program)
  764. dispatch = {'exe': do_link_exe, 'dll': do_link_exe, 'lib': do_link_lib, 'test': do_link_test}
  765. exit_code = 1
  766. try:
  767. with create_strip_symlink():
  768. dispatch[args.mode](args)
  769. exit_code = 0
  770. except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
  771. sys.stderr.write('{} returned non-zero exit code {}.\n{}\n'.format(' '.join(e.cmd), e.returncode, e.output))
  772. exit_code = e.returncode
  773. sys.exit(exit_code)