7.5 KB

  1. # File format ($ symbol means the beginning of a line):
  2. #
  3. # $ # this message
  4. # $ # =======================
  5. # $ # comments (all commentaries should starts with some number of spaces and # symbol)
  6. # $ IGNORE_FILES {file1.ext1} {file2.ext2} - (optional) ignore listed files when generating license macro and credits
  7. # $ RENAME {original license id} TO {new license id} # user comments - (optional) use {new license id} instead {original license id} in ya.make files
  8. # $ # user comments
  9. # $
  10. # ${action} {license id} {license text hash}
  11. # $BELONGS ./ya/make/file/relative/path/1/ya.make ./ya/make/2/ya.make
  12. # ${all_file_action} filename
  13. # $ # user commentaries (many lines)
  14. # $ generated description - files with this license, license text... (some number of lines that starts with some number of spaces, do not modify)
  15. # ${action} {license spdx} {license text hash}
  16. # $BELONGS ./ya/make/file/relative/path/3/ya.make
  17. # ${all_file_action} filename
  18. # $ # user commentaries
  19. # $ generated description
  20. # $ ...
  21. #
  22. # You can modify action, all_file_action and add commentaries
  23. # Available actions:
  24. # keep - keep license in contrib and use in credits
  25. # skip - skip license
  26. # remove - remove all files with this license
  27. # rename - save license text/links into licenses texts file, but not store SPDX into LINCENSE macro. You should store correct license id into devtools.license.spdx.txt file
  28. #
  29. # {all file action} records will be generated when license text contains filename that exists on filesystem (in contrib directory)
  30. # We suppose that that files can contain some license info
  31. # Available all file actions:
  32. # FILE_IGNORE - ignore file (do nothing)
  33. # FILE_INCLUDE - include all file data into licenses text file
  34. # =======================
  35. KEEP BSD-3-Clause 04b93f082c65a3df60786e0930d03f02
  36. BELONGS ya.make
  37. License text:
  38. licensed, readline replacement usable in Apache2 or BSD licensed
  39. Scancode info:
  40. Original SPDX id: BSD-3-Clause
  41. Score : 90.00
  42. Match type : REFERENCE
  43. Links :,
  44. Files with this license:
  45. [18:18]
  46. KEEP Unicode-Mappings 21a868edc7974974e055dab130756d20
  47. BELONGS ya.make
  48. Note: matched license text is too long. Read it in the source files.
  49. Scancode info:
  50. Original SPDX id: LicenseRef-scancode-unicode-mappings
  51. Score : 99.00
  52. Match type : NOTICE
  53. Links :
  54. Files with this license:
  55. src/ConvertUTF.cpp [4:20]
  56. src/ConvertUTF.h [4:20]
  57. KEEP BSD-3-Clause 31940786ca83a3f366a65af410fa9459
  58. BELONGS ya.make
  59. License text:
  60. * BSD license source code
  61. Scancode info:
  62. Original SPDX id: BSD-3-Clause
  63. Score : 99.00
  64. Match type : REFERENCE
  65. Links :,
  66. Files with this license:
  67. [28:28]
  68. SKIP GPL-1.0-or-later AND BSD-3-Clause 5b4628a9879051bf53405e8459042598
  69. BELONGS ya.make
  70. License text:
  71. readline, which is GPL, this library uses a BSD license and can be
  72. Scancode info:
  73. Original SPDX id: GPL-1.0-or-later
  74. Score : 50.00
  75. Match type : REFERENCE
  76. Links :,
  77. Files with this license:
  78. [9:9]
  79. Scancode info:
  80. Original SPDX id: BSD-3-Clause
  81. Score : 90.00
  82. Match type : NOTICE
  83. Links :,
  84. Files with this license:
  85. [9:9]
  86. KEEP BSD-3-Clause 5c0488fc7f7fc95dd8b53236c1e55be8
  87. BELONGS ya.make
  88. Note: matched license text is too long. Read it in the source files.
  89. Scancode info:
  90. Original SPDX id: BSD-3-Clause
  91. Score : 99.53
  92. Match type : TEXT
  93. Links :,
  94. Files with this license:
  95. include/replxx.h [11:33]
  96. include/replxx.hxx [6:28]
  97. src/replxx_impl.hxx [6:28]
  98. KEEP Custom-wcwidth 69056019a7e11459c6ebbd30becd17b0
  99. BELONGS ya.make
  100. License text:
  101. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
  102. for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted. The author
  103. disclaims all warranties with regard to this software.
  104. Scancode info:
  105. Original SPDX id: LicenseRef-scancode-other-permissive
  106. Score : 100.00
  107. Match type : TEXT
  108. Links :
  109. Files with this license:
  110. [37:39]
  111. KEEP BSD-3-Clause 6bdf777cfafff6bcdcf8a4ae223c43a9
  112. BELONGS ya.make
  113. Note: matched license text is too long. Read it in the source files.
  114. Scancode info:
  115. Original SPDX id: BSD-3-Clause
  116. Score : 99.53
  117. Match type : TEXT
  118. Links :,
  119. Files with this license:
  120. src/replxx.cxx [8:30]
  121. KEEP BSD-3-Clause 7509a43352899e3a7449208cffac698a
  122. BELONGS ya.make
  123. License text:
  124. 10gen Inc. The goal is to create a zero-config, BSD
  125. licensed, readline replacement usable in Apache2 or BSD licensed
  126. Scancode info:
  127. Original SPDX id: BSD-3-Clause
  128. Score : 90.00
  129. Match type : REFERENCE
  130. Links :,
  131. Files with this license:
  132. [17:18]
  133. KEEP BSD-3-Clause bdfa90f639457994e7e6f12df1967399
  134. BELONGS ya.make
  135. Note: matched license text is too long. Read it in the source files.
  136. Scancode info:
  137. Original SPDX id: BSD-3-Clause
  138. Score : 99.53
  139. Match type : TEXT
  140. Links :,
  141. Files with this license:
  142. [7:29]
  143. KEEP Custom-wcwidth eaa0c2df898c773a2a32283de646baf0
  144. BELONGS ya.make
  145. License text:
  146. * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
  147. * for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted. The author
  148. * disclaims all warranties with regard to this software.
  149. Scancode info:
  150. Original SPDX id: LicenseRef-scancode-other-permissive
  151. Score : 100.00
  152. Match type : TEXT
  153. Links :
  154. Files with this license:
  155. src/wcwidth.cpp [55:57]
  156. KEEP Unicode-Mappings f86e25cc5b91d6b6b61d8dda1f95a9f6
  157. BELONGS ya.make
  158. Note: matched license text is too long. Read it in the source files.
  159. Scancode info:
  160. Original SPDX id: LicenseRef-scancode-unicode-mappings
  161. Score : 99.00
  162. Match type : NOTICE
  163. Links :
  164. Files with this license:
  165. [47:63]