disclaimer.jinja 812 B

  1. # This file was generated by the build system used internally in Yandex and called "ya"
  2. # (https://github.com/yandex/yatool).
  3. #
  4. # Configuration files of ya build system are usually named ya.make. If ya.make file is present
  5. # at the root of the repository, then this repository supports ya build.
  6. #
  7. # If the repository supports both CMake and ya build configurations, please modify both of them.
  8. #
  9. # If only CMake build configuration is supported then modify only CMake files and note that only
  10. # simple modifications are allowed like adding source-files to targets or adding simple properties
  11. # like target_include_directories. These modifications will be ported to original ya.make files
  12. # by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be easily ported back to the ya build
  13. # system may be rejected.