123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353 |
- #include "yql_udf_index.h"
- #include <yql/essentials/minikql/mkql_function_registry.h>
- namespace NYql {
- namespace {
- TVector<TResourceInfo::TPtr> ConvertResolveResultToResources(const TResolveResult& resolveResult, const TMap<TString, TString>& pathsWithMd5, bool isTrusted) {
- THashMap<TString, size_t> importIndex; // module => Imports index
- THashMap<TString, size_t> packageIndex; // package => Imports index
- THashMap<TString, TVector<TFunctionInfo>> functionIndex; // package => vector of functions
- for (size_t i = 0; i < resolveResult.ImportsSize(); ++i) {
- auto& import = resolveResult.GetImports(i);
- if (!import.ModulesSize()) {
- continue;
- }
- for (auto& m : import.GetModules()) {
- importIndex.emplace(m, i);
- }
- const TString package = import.GetModules(0);
- packageIndex.emplace(package, i);
- functionIndex.emplace(package, TVector<TFunctionInfo>());
- }
- for (auto& udf : resolveResult.GetUdfs()) {
- const TString module = TString(NKikimr::NMiniKQL::ModuleName(TStringBuf(udf.GetName())));
- const auto& import = resolveResult.GetImports(importIndex.at(module));
- const TString package = import.GetModules(0);
- TFunctionInfo newFunction;
- newFunction.Name = udf.GetName();
- newFunction.IsTypeAwareness = udf.GetIsTypeAwareness();
- newFunction.ArgCount = udf.GetArgCount();
- newFunction.OptionalArgCount = udf.GetOptionalArgCount();
- if (udf.HasCallableType()) {
- newFunction.CallableType = udf.GetCallableType();
- }
- if (udf.HasRunConfigType()) {
- newFunction.RunConfigType = udf.GetRunConfigType();
- }
- if (udf.HasIsStrict()) {
- newFunction.IsStrict = udf.GetIsStrict();
- }
- if (udf.HasSupportsBlocks()) {
- newFunction.SupportsBlocks = udf.GetSupportsBlocks();
- }
- functionIndex[package].push_back(newFunction);
- }
- TVector<TResourceInfo::TPtr> result;
- result.reserve(functionIndex.size());
- for (auto& p : functionIndex) {
- const auto& import = resolveResult.GetImports(packageIndex.at(p.first));
- auto info = MakeIntrusive<TResourceInfo>();
- info->IsTrusted = isTrusted;
- auto md5 = pathsWithMd5.FindPtr(import.GetFileAlias());
- info->Link = TDownloadLink::File(import.GetFileAlias(), md5 ? *md5 : "");
- info->Modules.insert(import.GetModules().begin(), import.GetModules().end());
- info->SetFunctions(p.second);
- result.push_back(info);
- }
- return result;
- }
- void AddResolveResultToRegistry(const TResolveResult& resolveResult, const TMap<TString, TString>& pathsWithMd5, bool isTrusted, TUdfIndex::EOverrideMode mode, TUdfIndex& registry) {
- auto resources = ConvertResolveResultToResources(resolveResult, pathsWithMd5, isTrusted);
- registry.RegisterResources(resources, mode);
- }
- }
- TUdfIndex::TUdfIndex() {
- }
- void TUdfIndex::SetCaseSentiveSearch(bool caseSensitive) {
- CaseSensitive_ = caseSensitive;
- }
- TUdfIndex::TUdfIndex(const TMap<TString, TResourceInfo::TPtr>& resources, bool caseSensitive)
- : Resources_(resources)
- , CaseSensitive_(caseSensitive)
- {
- for (const auto& x : Resources_) {
- ICaseModules_[to_lower(x.first)].insert(x.first);
- }
- }
- bool TUdfIndex::ContainsModuleStrict(const TString& moduleName) const {
- return Resources_.contains(moduleName);
- }
- bool TUdfIndex::CanonizeModule(TString& moduleName) const {
- if (Resources_.contains(moduleName)) {
- return true;
- }
- if (CaseSensitive_) {
- return false;
- }
- auto p = ICaseModules_.FindPtr(to_lower(moduleName));
- if (!p) {
- return false;
- }
- Y_ENSURE(p->size() > 0);
- if (p->size() > 1) {
- return false;
- }
- moduleName = *p->begin();
- return true;
- }
- TUdfIndex::EStatus TUdfIndex::ContainsModule(const TString& moduleName) const {
- if (Resources_.contains(moduleName)) {
- return EStatus::Found;
- }
- if (CaseSensitive_) {
- return EStatus::NotFound;
- }
- auto p = ICaseModules_.FindPtr(to_lower(moduleName));
- if (!p) {
- return EStatus::NotFound;
- }
- Y_ENSURE(p->size() > 0);
- return p->size() > 1 ? EStatus::Ambigious : EStatus::Found;
- }
- bool TUdfIndex::ContainsAnyModule(const TSet<TString>& modules) const {
- return AnyOf(modules, [this](auto& m) {
- return Resources_.contains(m);
- });
- }
- TUdfIndex::EStatus TUdfIndex::FindFunction(const TString& moduleName, const TString& functionName, TFunctionInfo& function) const {
- auto r = Resources_.FindPtr(moduleName);
- if (!r) {
- if (CaseSensitive_) {
- return EStatus::NotFound;
- }
- auto p = ICaseModules_.FindPtr(to_lower(moduleName));
- if (!p) {
- return EStatus::NotFound;
- }
- Y_ENSURE(p->size() > 0);
- if (p->size() > 1) {
- return EStatus::Ambigious;
- }
- r = Resources_.FindPtr(*p->begin());
- Y_ENSURE(r);
- }
- auto f = (*r)->Functions.FindPtr(functionName);
- if (!f) {
- if (CaseSensitive_) {
- return EStatus::NotFound;
- }
- auto p = (*r)->ICaseFuncNames.FindPtr(to_lower(functionName));
- if (!p) {
- return EStatus::NotFound;
- }
- Y_ENSURE(p->size() > 0);
- if (p->size() > 1) {
- return EStatus::Ambigious;
- }
- f = (*r)->Functions.FindPtr(*p->begin());
- Y_ENSURE(f);
- }
- function = *f;
- return EStatus::Found;
- }
- TResourceInfo::TPtr TUdfIndex::FindResourceByModule(const TString& moduleName) const {
- auto p = Resources_.FindPtr(moduleName);
- if (!p) {
- if (CaseSensitive_) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- auto n = ICaseModules_.FindPtr(to_lower(moduleName));
- if (!n) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- Y_ENSURE(n->size() > 0);
- if (n->size() > 1) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- p = Resources_.FindPtr(*n->begin());
- Y_ENSURE(p);
- }
- return *p;
- }
- TSet<TResourceInfo::TPtr> TUdfIndex::FindResourcesByModules(const TSet<TString>& modules) const {
- TSet<TResourceInfo::TPtr> result;
- for (auto& m : modules) {
- auto r = FindResourceByModule(m);
- if (r) {
- result.insert(r);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- void TUdfIndex::UnregisterResource(TResourceInfo::TPtr resource) {
- for (auto& m : resource->Modules) {
- Resources_.erase(m);
- auto& names = ICaseModules_[to_lower(m)];
- names.erase(m);
- if (names.empty()) {
- ICaseModules_.erase(to_lower(m));
- }
- }
- // resource pointer should be alive here to avoid problems with erase
- }
- void TUdfIndex::RegisterResource(const TResourceInfo::TPtr& resource, EOverrideMode mode) {
- Y_ENSURE(resource);
- if (resource->Modules.empty()) {
- // quite strange, but let's ignore
- return;
- }
- // detect conflict first
- if (ContainsAnyModule(resource->Modules)) {
- switch (mode) {
- case EOverrideMode::PreserveExisting:
- return;
- case EOverrideMode::RaiseError:
- // todo: specify module name(s) in intersection
- ythrow yexception() << "Conflict during resource " << resource->Link.Path << " registration";
- case EOverrideMode::ReplaceWithNew: {
- // we have to find resources and remove all related modules:
- // 1. find resources by newModules
- // 2. remove all functions related to found resources
- auto existingResources = FindResourcesByModules(resource->Modules);
- Y_ENSURE(!existingResources.empty());
- for (auto& r : existingResources) {
- UnregisterResource(r);
- }
- break;
- }
- } // switch
- }
- for (auto& m : resource->Modules) {
- Resources_.emplace(m, resource);
- ICaseModules_[to_lower(m)].insert(m);
- }
- }
- TIntrusivePtr<TUdfIndex> TUdfIndex::Clone() const {
- return new TUdfIndex(Resources_, CaseSensitive_);
- }
- void TUdfIndex::RegisterResources(const TVector<TResourceInfo::TPtr>& resources, EOverrideMode mode) {
- for (auto& r : resources) {
- RegisterResource(r, mode);
- }
- }
- void LoadRichMetadataToUdfIndex(const IUdfResolver& resolver, const TVector<TString>& paths, bool isTrusted, TUdfIndex::EOverrideMode mode, TUdfIndex& registry) {
- TMap<TString, TString> pathsWithMd5;
- for (const auto& path : paths) {
- pathsWithMd5[path] = "";
- }
- LoadRichMetadataToUdfIndex(resolver, pathsWithMd5, isTrusted, mode, registry);
- }
- void LoadRichMetadataToUdfIndex(const IUdfResolver& resolver, const TMap<TString, TString>& pathsWithMd5, bool isTrusted, TUdfIndex::EOverrideMode mode, TUdfIndex& registry) {
- TVector<TString> paths;
- paths.reserve(pathsWithMd5.size());
- for (const auto& p : pathsWithMd5) {
- paths.push_back(p.first);
- }
- const TResolveResult resolveResult = LoadRichMetadata(resolver, paths);
- AddResolveResultToRegistry(resolveResult, pathsWithMd5, isTrusted, mode, registry);
- }
- void LoadRichMetadataToUdfIndex(const IUdfResolver& resolver, const TVector<TUserDataBlock>& blocks, bool isTrusted, TUdfIndex::EOverrideMode mode, TUdfIndex& registry) {
- TVector<TUserDataBlock> blocksResolve;
- blocksResolve.reserve(blocks.size());
- // we can work with file path only
- TMap<TString, TString> pathsWithMd5;
- for (auto& b : blocks) {
- TString path;
- switch (b.Type) {
- case EUserDataType::URL:
- if (!b.FrozenFile) {
- ythrow yexception() << "DataBlock for " << b.Data << " is not frozen";
- }
- path = b.FrozenFile->GetPath().GetPath();
- pathsWithMd5.emplace(path, b.FrozenFile->GetMd5());
- break;
- case EUserDataType::PATH:
- {
- TString md5;
- if (b.FrozenFile) {
- md5 = b.FrozenFile->GetMd5();
- }
- path = b.Data;
- pathsWithMd5.emplace(b.Data, md5);
- break;
- }
- default:
- ythrow yexception() << "Unsupport data block type for " << b.Data;
- }
- TUserDataBlock br;
- br.Type = EUserDataType::PATH;
- br.Data = path;
- br.Usage.Set(EUserDataBlockUsage::Udf);
- br.CustomUdfPrefix = b.CustomUdfPrefix;
- blocksResolve.emplace_back(br);
- }
- const TResolveResult resolveResult = LoadRichMetadata(resolver, blocksResolve);
- AddResolveResultToRegistry(resolveResult, pathsWithMd5, isTrusted, mode, registry);
- }
- void LoadRichMetadataToUdfIndex(const IUdfResolver& resolver, const TUserDataBlock& block, TUdfIndex::EOverrideMode mode, TUdfIndex& registry) {
- TVector<TUserDataBlock> blocks({ block });
- const bool isTrusted = false;
- LoadRichMetadataToUdfIndex(resolver, blocks, isTrusted, mode, registry);
- }
- } // namespace NYql