123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460 |
- #pragma once
- #include <yql/essentials/ast/yql_expr.h>
- #include <yql/essentials/utils/yql_panic.h>
- #include <yql/essentials/core/issue/yql_issue.h>
- #include <library/cpp/threading/future/future.h>
- #include <util/generic/hash.h>
- #include <util/datetime/base.h>
- #include <functional>
- namespace NYql {
- class IGraphTransformer {
- public:
- struct TStatus {
- #define YQL_GT_STATUS_MAP(xx) \
- xx(Ok, 0) \
- xx(Repeat, 1) \
- xx(Async, 2) \
- xx(Error, 3)
- enum ELevel {
- };
- union {
- ui32 Raw;
- struct {
- ui32 Level : 4;
- ui32 HasRestart : 1;
- ui32 Padding : 27;
- };
- };
- bool operator== (const TStatus& other) const {
- return Raw == other.Raw;
- }
- bool operator!= (const TStatus& other) const {
- return Raw != other.Raw;
- }
- bool operator== (ELevel other) const {
- return Level == other;
- }
- bool operator!= (ELevel other) const {
- return Level != other;
- }
- TStatus(ELevel level, bool hasRestart = false)
- : Level(level)
- , HasRestart(hasRestart)
- , Padding(0)
- {}
- [[nodiscard]]
- TStatus Combine(TStatus other) const {
- const bool hasRestart = HasRestart || other.HasRestart;
- return TStatus((TStatus::ELevel)Max(Level, other.Level), hasRestart);
- }
- void Out(IOutputStream &out) const {
- out << (TStatus::ELevel)Level;
- if (HasRestart) {
- out << ", with restart";
- }
- }
- };
- struct TStatistics {
- TDuration TransformDuration;
- TDuration WaitDuration;
- i32 NewExprNodes;
- i32 NewTypeNodes;
- i32 NewConstraintNodes;
- ui32 Repeats;
- ui32 Restarts;
- TVector<std::pair<TString, TStatistics>> Stages;
- TStatistics()
- : TransformDuration(TDuration::Zero())
- , WaitDuration(TDuration::Zero())
- , NewExprNodes(0)
- , NewTypeNodes(0)
- , NewConstraintNodes(0)
- , Repeats(0)
- , Restarts(0)
- , Stages() {}
- static TStatistics NotPresent() { return TStatistics(); }
- static TStatistics Zero() { return TStatistics(); }
- };
- virtual ~IGraphTransformer() {}
- virtual TStatus Transform(TExprNode::TPtr input, TExprNode::TPtr& output, TExprContext& ctx) = 0;
- virtual NThreading::TFuture<void> GetAsyncFuture(const TExprNode& input) = 0;
- virtual TStatus ApplyAsyncChanges(TExprNode::TPtr input, TExprNode::TPtr& output, TExprContext& ctx) = 0;
- virtual void Rewind() = 0;
- virtual TStatistics GetStatistics() const { return TStatistics::NotPresent(); }
- };
- class TGraphTransformerBase : public IGraphTransformer {
- private:
- class TTransformScope {
- public:
- TTransformScope(TStatistics& statistics, const TExprContext* exprCtx)
- : Statistics_(statistics)
- , ExprCtx_(exprCtx)
- , TransformStart_(TInstant::Now())
- , ExprNodesSize_(exprCtx ? exprCtx->ExprNodes.size() : 0)
- , TypeNodesSize_(exprCtx ? exprCtx->TypeNodes.size() : 0)
- , ConstraintNodesSize_(exprCtx ? exprCtx->ConstraintNodes.size() : 0)
- {
- }
- ~TTransformScope() {
- Statistics_.TransformDuration += TInstant::Now() - TransformStart_;
- if (ExprCtx_) {
- Statistics_.NewExprNodes += ExprCtx_->ExprNodes.size() - ExprNodesSize_;
- Statistics_.NewTypeNodes += ExprCtx_->TypeNodes.size() - TypeNodesSize_;
- Statistics_.NewConstraintNodes += ExprCtx_->ConstraintNodes.size() - ConstraintNodesSize_;
- }
- }
- TStatus HandleStatus(const TStatus& status) {
- if (status == TStatus::Repeat) {
- Statistics_.Repeats++;
- }
- if (status.HasRestart) {
- Statistics_.Restarts++;
- }
- return status;
- }
- private:
- TStatistics& Statistics_;
- const TExprContext* ExprCtx_;
- TInstant TransformStart_;
- i64 ExprNodesSize_;
- i64 TypeNodesSize_;
- i64 ConstraintNodesSize_;
- };
- public:
- TGraphTransformerBase()
- : Statistics_(TStatistics::Zero())
- , AsyncStart_() {}
- TStatus Transform(TExprNode::TPtr input, TExprNode::TPtr& output, TExprContext& ctx) final {
- TTransformScope scope(Statistics_, &ctx);
- return scope.HandleStatus(DoTransform(input, output, ctx));
- }
- NThreading::TFuture<void> GetAsyncFuture(const TExprNode& input) final {
- TTransformScope scope(Statistics_, nullptr);
- AsyncStart_ = TInstant::Now();
- return DoGetAsyncFuture(input);
- }
- TStatus ApplyAsyncChanges(TExprNode::TPtr input, TExprNode::TPtr& output, TExprContext& ctx) final {
- TTransformScope scope(Statistics_, &ctx);
- Statistics_.WaitDuration += TInstant::Now() - AsyncStart_;
- return scope.HandleStatus(DoApplyAsyncChanges(input, output, ctx));
- }
- virtual TStatistics GetStatistics() const override { return Statistics_; }
- public:
- virtual TStatus DoTransform(TExprNode::TPtr input, TExprNode::TPtr& output, TExprContext& ctx) = 0;
- virtual NThreading::TFuture<void> DoGetAsyncFuture(const TExprNode& input) = 0;
- virtual TStatus DoApplyAsyncChanges(TExprNode::TPtr input, TExprNode::TPtr& output, TExprContext& ctx) = 0;
- protected:
- mutable TStatistics Statistics_;
- private:
- TInstant AsyncStart_;
- };
- TAutoPtr<IGraphTransformer> MakeSharedTransformerProxy(const std::shared_ptr<IGraphTransformer>& inner);
- struct TTransformStage {
- TString Name;
- EYqlIssueCode IssueCode;
- TString IssueMessage;
- TTransformStage(const TAutoPtr<IGraphTransformer>& transformer, const TString& name, EYqlIssueCode issueCode, const TString& issueMessage = {})
- : Name(name)
- , IssueCode(issueCode)
- , IssueMessage(issueMessage)
- , RawTransformer_(transformer.Get())
- , Transformer_(transformer)
- {}
- TTransformStage(IGraphTransformer& transformer, const TString& name, EYqlIssueCode issueCode, const TString& issueMessage = {})
- : Name(name)
- , IssueCode(issueCode)
- , IssueMessage(issueMessage)
- , RawTransformer_(&transformer)
- {}
- IGraphTransformer& GetTransformer() const
- {
- return *RawTransformer_;
- }
- private:
- IGraphTransformer* const RawTransformer_;
- const TAutoPtr<IGraphTransformer> Transformer_;
- };
- TAutoPtr<IGraphTransformer> CreateCompositeGraphTransformer(const TVector<TTransformStage>& stages, bool useIssueScopes);
- TAutoPtr<IGraphTransformer> CreateCompositeGraphTransformerWithNoArgChecks(const TVector<TTransformStage>& stages, bool useIssueScopes);
- TAutoPtr<IGraphTransformer> CreateChoiceGraphTransformer(
- const std::function<bool(const TExprNode::TPtr& input, TExprContext& ctx)>& condition,
- const TTransformStage& left,
- const TTransformStage& right);
- IGraphTransformer::TStatus SyncTransform(IGraphTransformer& transformer, TExprNode::TPtr& root, TExprContext& ctx);
- IGraphTransformer::TStatus InstantTransform(IGraphTransformer& transformer, TExprNode::TPtr& root, TExprContext& ctx, bool breakOnRestart = false);
- NThreading::TFuture<IGraphTransformer::TStatus> AsyncTransform(IGraphTransformer& transformer, TExprNode::TPtr& root, TExprContext& ctx, bool applyAsyncChanges);
- void AsyncTransform(IGraphTransformer& transformer, TExprNode::TPtr& root, TExprContext& ctx, bool applyAsyncChanges,
- std::function<void(const IGraphTransformer::TStatus&)> asyncCallback);
- IGraphTransformer::TStatus AsyncTransformStep(IGraphTransformer& transformer, TExprNode::TPtr& root,
- TExprContext& ctx, bool applyAsyncChanges);
- template <typename T>
- void HandleFutureException(const NThreading::TFuture<T>& future) {
- if (future.HasException()) {
- try {
- future.TryRethrow();
- } catch (...) {
- throw yexception() << "Unexpected future exception: " << CurrentExceptionMessage();
- }
- }
- }
- class TSyncTransformerBase : public TGraphTransformerBase {
- public:
- NThreading::TFuture<void> DoGetAsyncFuture(const TExprNode& input) final {
- Y_UNUSED(input);
- YQL_ENSURE(false, "Not supported");
- }
- TStatus DoApplyAsyncChanges(TExprNode::TPtr input, TExprNode::TPtr& output, TExprContext& ctx) final {
- Y_UNUSED(input);
- Y_UNUSED(output);
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- YQL_ENSURE(false, "Not supported");
- }
- };
- class TNullTransformer final: public TSyncTransformerBase {
- public:
- TStatus DoTransform(TExprNode::TPtr input, TExprNode::TPtr& output, TExprContext& ctx) final {
- output = input;
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok;
- }
- void Rewind() final {
- }
- };
- template <typename TFunctor>
- class TFunctorTransformer: public TSyncTransformerBase {
- public:
- TFunctorTransformer(TFunctor functor)
- : Functor_(std::move(functor)) {}
- TStatus DoTransform(TExprNode::TPtr input, TExprNode::TPtr& output, TExprContext& ctx) override {
- TStatus status = Functor_(input, output, ctx);
- YQL_ENSURE(status.Level != IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Async);
- return status;
- }
- void Rewind() override {
- }
- private:
- TFunctor Functor_;
- };
- template <typename TFunctor>
- class TSinglePassFunctorTransformer final: public TFunctorTransformer<TFunctor> {
- using TBase = TFunctorTransformer<TFunctor>;
- public:
- TSinglePassFunctorTransformer(TFunctor functor)
- : TFunctorTransformer<TFunctor>(std::move(functor))
- {}
- IGraphTransformer::TStatus DoTransform(TExprNode::TPtr input, TExprNode::TPtr& output, TExprContext& ctx) final {
- if (Pass_) {
- output = input;
- return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok;
- }
- IGraphTransformer::TStatus status = TBase::DoTransform(input, output, ctx);
- if (IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok == status.Level) {
- Pass_ = true;
- }
- return status;
- }
- void Rewind() final {
- Pass_ = false;
- }
- private:
- bool Pass_ = false;
- };
- template <typename TFunctor>
- THolder<IGraphTransformer> CreateFunctorTransformer(TFunctor functor) {
- return MakeHolder<TFunctorTransformer<TFunctor>>(std::move(functor));
- }
- template <typename TFunctor>
- THolder<IGraphTransformer> CreateSinglePassFunctorTransformer(TFunctor functor) {
- return MakeHolder<TSinglePassFunctorTransformer<TFunctor>>(std::move(functor));
- }
- typedef std::function<IGraphTransformer::TStatus(const TExprNode::TPtr&, TExprNode::TPtr&, TExprContext&)> TAsyncTransformCallback;
- typedef NThreading::TFuture<TAsyncTransformCallback> TAsyncTransformCallbackFuture;
- template <typename TDerived>
- class TAsyncCallbackTransformer : public TGraphTransformerBase {
- public:
- // CallbackTransform should return std::pair<TStatus, TAsyncTransformCallbackFuture>
- TStatus DoTransform(TExprNode::TPtr input, TExprNode::TPtr& output, TExprContext& ctx) final {
- auto pair = static_cast<TDerived*>(this)->CallbackTransform(input, output, ctx);
- if (pair.first == TStatus::Async) {
- YQL_ENSURE(Callbacks_.emplace(input.Get(), pair.second).second);
- }
- return pair.first;
- }
- NThreading::TFuture<void> DoGetAsyncFuture(const TExprNode& input) final {
- const auto it = Callbacks_.find(&input);
- YQL_ENSURE(it != Callbacks_.cend());
- return it->second.IgnoreResult();
- }
- TStatus DoApplyAsyncChanges(TExprNode::TPtr input, TExprNode::TPtr& output, TExprContext& ctx) final {
- const auto it = Callbacks_.find(input.Get());
- YQL_ENSURE(it != Callbacks_.cend());
- auto& future = it->second;
- YQL_ENSURE(future.HasValue());
- const auto status = future.GetValue()(input, output, ctx);
- Callbacks_.erase(it);
- return status;
- }
- void Rewind() override {
- Callbacks_.clear();
- }
- private:
- TNodeMap<TAsyncTransformCallbackFuture> Callbacks_;
- };
- template <bool AlwaysRaiseIssues = true, typename TFuture, typename TCallback>
- std::pair<IGraphTransformer::TStatus, TAsyncTransformCallbackFuture>
- WrapFutureCallback(const TFuture& future, const TCallback& callback, const TString& message = "") {
- return std::make_pair(IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Async, future.Apply(
- [callback, message](const TFuture& completedFuture) {
- return TAsyncTransformCallback([completedFuture, callback, message](const TExprNode::TPtr& input,
- TExprNode::TPtr& output, TExprContext& ctx)
- {
- output = input;
- const auto& res = completedFuture.GetValue();
- TIssueScopeGuard issueScope(ctx.IssueManager, [&]() {
- return MakeIntrusive<TIssue>(
- ctx.GetPosition(input->Pos()),
- message.empty()
- ? TStringBuilder() << "Execution of node: " << input->Content()
- : message);
- });
- if constexpr (AlwaysRaiseIssues)
- res.ReportIssues(ctx.IssueManager);
- if (!res.Success()) {
- if constexpr (!AlwaysRaiseIssues)
- res.ReportIssues(ctx.IssueManager);
- input->SetState(TExprNode::EState::Error);
- return IGraphTransformer::TStatus(IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error);
- }
- else {
- return callback(res, input, output, ctx);
- }
- });
- }));
- }
- template <typename TFuture, typename TResultExtractor>
- std::pair<IGraphTransformer::TStatus, TAsyncTransformCallbackFuture>
- WrapFuture(const TFuture& future, const TResultExtractor& extractor, const TString& message = "") {
- return WrapFutureCallback(future, [extractor](const NThreading::TFutureType<TFuture>& res, const TExprNode::TPtr& input, TExprNode::TPtr& /*output*/, TExprContext& ctx) {
- input->SetState(TExprNode::EState::ExecutionComplete);
- input->SetResult(extractor(res, input, ctx));
- return IGraphTransformer::TStatus(IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok);
- }, message);
- }
- template <typename TFuture, typename TResultExtractor>
- std::pair<IGraphTransformer::TStatus, TAsyncTransformCallbackFuture>
- WrapModifyFuture(const TFuture& future, const TResultExtractor& extractor, const TString& message = "") {
- return WrapFutureCallback(future, [extractor](const NThreading::TFutureType<TFuture>& res, const TExprNode::TPtr& input, TExprNode::TPtr& output, TExprContext& ctx) {
- TExprNode::TPtr resultNode = extractor(res, input, output, ctx);
- input->SetState(TExprNode::EState::ExecutionComplete);
- output->SetResult(std::move(resultNode));
- if (input != output) {
- return IGraphTransformer::TStatus(IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Repeat, true);
- }
- return IGraphTransformer::TStatus(IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok);
- }, message);
- }
- inline std::pair<IGraphTransformer::TStatus, TAsyncTransformCallbackFuture> SyncStatus(IGraphTransformer::TStatus status) {
- return std::make_pair(status, TAsyncTransformCallbackFuture());
- }
- inline std::pair<IGraphTransformer::TStatus, TAsyncTransformCallbackFuture> SyncError() {
- return SyncStatus(IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error);
- }
- inline std::pair<IGraphTransformer::TStatus, TAsyncTransformCallbackFuture> SyncOk() {
- return SyncStatus(IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok);
- }
- inline std::pair<IGraphTransformer::TStatus, TAsyncTransformCallbackFuture> SyncRepeat() {
- return SyncStatus(IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Repeat);
- }
- typedef std::unordered_map<TExprNode::TPtr, ui64, TExprNode::TPtrHash> TSyncMap;
- }
- template<>
- inline void Out<NYql::IGraphTransformer::TStatus>(
- IOutputStream &out, const NYql::IGraphTransformer::TStatus& status)
- {
- status.Out(out);
- }