123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307 |
- """Pen calculating area, center of mass, variance and standard-deviation,
- covariance and correlation, and slant, of glyph shapes."""
- from math import sqrt, degrees, atan
- from fontTools.pens.basePen import BasePen, OpenContourError
- from fontTools.pens.momentsPen import MomentsPen
- __all__ = ["StatisticsPen", "StatisticsControlPen"]
- class StatisticsBase:
- def __init__(self):
- self._zero()
- def _zero(self):
- self.area = 0
- self.meanX = 0
- self.meanY = 0
- self.varianceX = 0
- self.varianceY = 0
- self.stddevX = 0
- self.stddevY = 0
- self.covariance = 0
- self.correlation = 0
- self.slant = 0
- def _update(self):
- # XXX The variance formulas should never produce a negative value,
- # but due to reasons I don't understand, both of our pens do.
- # So we take the absolute value here.
- self.varianceX = abs(self.varianceX)
- self.varianceY = abs(self.varianceY)
- self.stddevX = stddevX = sqrt(self.varianceX)
- self.stddevY = stddevY = sqrt(self.varianceY)
- # Correlation(X,Y) = Covariance(X,Y) / ( stddev(X) * stddev(Y) )
- # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearson_product-moment_correlation_coefficient
- if stddevX * stddevY == 0:
- correlation = float("NaN")
- else:
- # XXX The above formula should never produce a value outside
- # the range [-1, 1], but due to reasons I don't understand,
- # (probably the same issue as above), it does. So we clamp.
- correlation = self.covariance / (stddevX * stddevY)
- correlation = max(-1, min(1, correlation))
- self.correlation = correlation if abs(correlation) > 1e-3 else 0
- slant = (
- self.covariance / self.varianceY if self.varianceY != 0 else float("NaN")
- )
- self.slant = slant if abs(slant) > 1e-3 else 0
- class StatisticsPen(StatisticsBase, MomentsPen):
- """Pen calculating area, center of mass, variance and
- standard-deviation, covariance and correlation, and slant,
- of glyph shapes.
- Note that if the glyph shape is self-intersecting, the values
- are not correct (but well-defined). Moreover, area will be
- negative if contour directions are clockwise."""
- def __init__(self, glyphset=None):
- MomentsPen.__init__(self, glyphset=glyphset)
- StatisticsBase.__init__(self)
- def _closePath(self):
- MomentsPen._closePath(self)
- self._update()
- def _update(self):
- area = self.area
- if not area:
- self._zero()
- return
- # Center of mass
- # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_of_mass#A_continuous_volume
- self.meanX = meanX = self.momentX / area
- self.meanY = meanY = self.momentY / area
- # Var(X) = E[X^2] - E[X]^2
- self.varianceX = self.momentXX / area - meanX * meanX
- self.varianceY = self.momentYY / area - meanY * meanY
- # Covariance(X,Y) = (E[X.Y] - E[X]E[Y])
- self.covariance = self.momentXY / area - meanX * meanY
- StatisticsBase._update(self)
- class StatisticsControlPen(StatisticsBase, BasePen):
- """Pen calculating area, center of mass, variance and
- standard-deviation, covariance and correlation, and slant,
- of glyph shapes, using the control polygon only.
- Note that if the glyph shape is self-intersecting, the values
- are not correct (but well-defined). Moreover, area will be
- negative if contour directions are clockwise."""
- def __init__(self, glyphset=None):
- BasePen.__init__(self, glyphset)
- StatisticsBase.__init__(self)
- self._nodes = []
- def _moveTo(self, pt):
- self._nodes.append(complex(*pt))
- def _lineTo(self, pt):
- self._nodes.append(complex(*pt))
- def _qCurveToOne(self, pt1, pt2):
- for pt in (pt1, pt2):
- self._nodes.append(complex(*pt))
- def _curveToOne(self, pt1, pt2, pt3):
- for pt in (pt1, pt2, pt3):
- self._nodes.append(complex(*pt))
- def _closePath(self):
- self._update()
- def _endPath(self):
- p0 = self._getCurrentPoint()
- if p0 != self.__startPoint:
- raise OpenContourError("Glyph statistics not defined on open contours.")
- def _update(self):
- nodes = self._nodes
- n = len(nodes)
- # Triangle formula
- self.area = (
- sum(
- (p0.real * p1.imag - p1.real * p0.imag)
- for p0, p1 in zip(nodes, nodes[1:] + nodes[:1])
- )
- / 2
- )
- # Center of mass
- # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_of_mass#A_system_of_particles
- sumNodes = sum(nodes)
- self.meanX = meanX = sumNodes.real / n
- self.meanY = meanY = sumNodes.imag / n
- if n > 1:
- # Var(X) = (sum[X^2] - sum[X]^2 / n) / (n - 1)
- # https://www.statisticshowto.com/probability-and-statistics/descriptive-statistics/sample-variance/
- self.varianceX = varianceX = (
- sum(p.real * p.real for p in nodes)
- - (sumNodes.real * sumNodes.real) / n
- ) / (n - 1)
- self.varianceY = varianceY = (
- sum(p.imag * p.imag for p in nodes)
- - (sumNodes.imag * sumNodes.imag) / n
- ) / (n - 1)
- # Covariance(X,Y) = (sum[X.Y] - sum[X].sum[Y] / n) / (n - 1)
- self.covariance = covariance = (
- sum(p.real * p.imag for p in nodes)
- - (sumNodes.real * sumNodes.imag) / n
- ) / (n - 1)
- else:
- self.varianceX = varianceX = 0
- self.varianceY = varianceY = 0
- self.covariance = covariance = 0
- StatisticsBase._update(self)
- def _test(glyphset, upem, glyphs, quiet=False, *, control=False):
- from fontTools.pens.transformPen import TransformPen
- from fontTools.misc.transform import Scale
- wght_sum = 0
- wght_sum_perceptual = 0
- wdth_sum = 0
- slnt_sum = 0
- slnt_sum_perceptual = 0
- for glyph_name in glyphs:
- glyph = glyphset[glyph_name]
- if control:
- pen = StatisticsControlPen(glyphset=glyphset)
- else:
- pen = StatisticsPen(glyphset=glyphset)
- transformer = TransformPen(pen, Scale(1.0 / upem))
- glyph.draw(transformer)
- area = abs(pen.area)
- width = glyph.width
- wght_sum += area
- wght_sum_perceptual += pen.area * width
- wdth_sum += width
- slnt_sum += pen.slant
- slnt_sum_perceptual += pen.slant * width
- if quiet:
- continue
- print()
- print("glyph:", glyph_name)
- for item in [
- "area",
- "momentX",
- "momentY",
- "momentXX",
- "momentYY",
- "momentXY",
- "meanX",
- "meanY",
- "varianceX",
- "varianceY",
- "stddevX",
- "stddevY",
- "covariance",
- "correlation",
- "slant",
- ]:
- print("%s: %g" % (item, getattr(pen, item)))
- if not quiet:
- print()
- print("font:")
- print("weight: %g" % (wght_sum * upem / wdth_sum))
- print("weight (perceptual): %g" % (wght_sum_perceptual / wdth_sum))
- print("width: %g" % (wdth_sum / upem / len(glyphs)))
- slant = slnt_sum / len(glyphs)
- print("slant: %g" % slant)
- print("slant angle: %g" % -degrees(atan(slant)))
- slant_perceptual = slnt_sum_perceptual / wdth_sum
- print("slant (perceptual): %g" % slant_perceptual)
- print("slant (perceptual) angle: %g" % -degrees(atan(slant_perceptual)))
- def main(args):
- """Report font glyph shape geometricsl statistics"""
- if args is None:
- import sys
- args = sys.argv[1:]
- import argparse
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- "fonttools pens.statisticsPen",
- description="Report font glyph shape geometricsl statistics",
- )
- parser.add_argument("font", metavar="font.ttf", help="Font file.")
- parser.add_argument("glyphs", metavar="glyph-name", help="Glyph names.", nargs="*")
- parser.add_argument(
- "-y",
- metavar="<number>",
- help="Face index into a collection to open. Zero based.",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-c",
- "--control",
- action="store_true",
- help="Use the control-box pen instead of the Green therem.",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", help="Only report font-wide statistics."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--variations",
- metavar="AXIS=LOC",
- default="",
- help="List of space separated locations. A location consist in "
- "the name of a variation axis, followed by '=' and a number. E.g.: "
- "wght=700 wdth=80. The default is the location of the base master.",
- )
- options = parser.parse_args(args)
- glyphs = options.glyphs
- fontNumber = int(options.y) if options.y is not None else 0
- location = {}
- for tag_v in options.variations.split():
- fields = tag_v.split("=")
- tag = fields[0].strip()
- v = int(fields[1])
- location[tag] = v
- from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
- font = TTFont(options.font, fontNumber=fontNumber)
- if not glyphs:
- glyphs = font.getGlyphOrder()
- _test(
- font.getGlyphSet(location=location),
- font["head"].unitsPerEm,
- glyphs,
- quiet=options.quiet,
- control=options.control,
- )
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- import sys
- main(sys.argv[1:])