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- from typing import Optional, Sequence, Dict, Any
- from clickhouse_connect.driver import Client
- from clickhouse_connect.driver.summary import QuerySummary
- from clickhouse_connect.driver.binding import quote_identifier
- def insert_file(client: Client,
- table: str,
- file_path: str,
- fmt: Optional[str] = None,
- column_names: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
- database: Optional[str] = None,
- settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
- compression: Optional[str] = None) -> QuerySummary:
- if not database and table[0] not in ('`', "'") and table.find('.') > 0:
- full_table = table
- elif database:
- full_table = f'{quote_identifier(database)}.{quote_identifier(table)}'
- else:
- full_table = quote_identifier(table)
- if not fmt:
- fmt = 'CSV' if column_names else 'CSVWithNames'
- if compression is None:
- if file_path.endswith('.gzip') or file_path.endswith('.gz'):
- compression = 'gzip'
- with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
- return client.raw_insert(full_table,
- column_names=column_names,
- insert_block=file,
- fmt=fmt,
- settings=settings,
- compression=compression)