123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266 |
- // -*- C++ -*-
- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- //
- // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
- // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
- // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
- //
- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- #include <__assert>
- #include <__concepts/constructible.h>
- #include <__concepts/same_as.h>
- #include <__concepts/semiregular.h>
- #include <__config>
- #include <__iterator/concepts.h>
- #include <__iterator/iterator_traits.h>
- #include <__iterator/unreachable_sentinel.h>
- #include <__memory/addressof.h>
- #include <__ranges/iota_view.h>
- #include <__ranges/movable_box.h>
- #include <__ranges/view_interface.h>
- #include <__type_traits/is_object.h>
- #include <__type_traits/make_unsigned.h>
- #include <__type_traits/remove_cv.h>
- #include <__utility/forward.h>
- #include <__utility/in_place.h>
- #include <__utility/move.h>
- #include <__utility/piecewise_construct.h>
- #include <tuple>
- # pragma GCC system_header
- #endif
- #include <__undef_macros>
- #if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23
- namespace ranges {
- template <class _Tp>
- concept __integer_like_with_usable_difference_type =
- __signed_integer_like<_Tp> || (__integer_like<_Tp> && weakly_incrementable<_Tp>);
- template <class _Tp>
- struct __repeat_view_iterator_difference {
- using type = _IotaDiffT<_Tp>;
- };
- template <__signed_integer_like _Tp>
- struct __repeat_view_iterator_difference<_Tp> {
- using type = _Tp;
- };
- template <class _Tp>
- using __repeat_view_iterator_difference_t = typename __repeat_view_iterator_difference<_Tp>::type;
- namespace views::__drop {
- struct __fn;
- } // namespace views::__drop
- namespace views::__take {
- struct __fn;
- } // namespace views::__take
- template <move_constructible _Tp, semiregular _Bound = unreachable_sentinel_t>
- requires(is_object_v<_Tp> && same_as<_Tp, remove_cv_t<_Tp>> &&
- (__integer_like_with_usable_difference_type<_Bound> || same_as<_Bound, unreachable_sentinel_t>))
- class _LIBCPP_ABI_LLVM18_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS repeat_view : public view_interface<repeat_view<_Tp, _Bound>> {
- friend struct views::__take::__fn;
- friend struct views::__drop::__fn;
- class __iterator;
- public:
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI repeat_view()
- requires default_initializable<_Tp>
- = default;
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr explicit repeat_view(const _Tp& __value, _Bound __bound_sentinel = _Bound())
- requires copy_constructible<_Tp>
- : __value_(in_place, __value), __bound_(__bound_sentinel) {
- if constexpr (!same_as<_Bound, unreachable_sentinel_t>)
- _LIBCPP_ASSERT_UNCATEGORIZED(__bound_ >= 0, "The value of bound must be greater than or equal to 0");
- }
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr explicit repeat_view(_Tp&& __value, _Bound __bound_sentinel = _Bound())
- : __value_(in_place, std::move(__value)), __bound_(__bound_sentinel) {
- if constexpr (!same_as<_Bound, unreachable_sentinel_t>)
- _LIBCPP_ASSERT_UNCATEGORIZED(__bound_ >= 0, "The value of bound must be greater than or equal to 0");
- }
- template <class... _TpArgs, class... _BoundArgs>
- requires(constructible_from<_Tp, _TpArgs...> && constructible_from<_Bound, _BoundArgs...>)
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr explicit repeat_view(
- piecewise_construct_t, tuple<_TpArgs...> __value_args, tuple<_BoundArgs...> __bound_args = tuple<>{})
- : __value_(in_place, std::make_from_tuple<_Tp>(std::move(__value_args))),
- __bound_(std::make_from_tuple<_Bound>(std::move(__bound_args))) {
- if constexpr (!same_as<_Bound, unreachable_sentinel_t>)
- __bound_ >= 0, "The behavior is undefined if Bound is not unreachable_sentinel_t and bound is negative");
- }
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr __iterator begin() const { return __iterator(std::addressof(*__value_)); }
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr __iterator end() const
- requires(!same_as<_Bound, unreachable_sentinel_t>)
- {
- return __iterator(std::addressof(*__value_), __bound_);
- }
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr unreachable_sentinel_t end() const noexcept { return unreachable_sentinel; }
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr auto size() const
- requires(!same_as<_Bound, unreachable_sentinel_t>)
- {
- return std::__to_unsigned_like(__bound_);
- }
- private:
- _LIBCPP_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS __movable_box<_Tp> __value_;
- _LIBCPP_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS _Bound __bound_ = _Bound();
- };
- template <class _Tp, class _Bound>
- repeat_view(_Tp, _Bound) -> repeat_view<_Tp, _Bound>;
- // [range.repeat.iterator]
- template <move_constructible _Tp, semiregular _Bound>
- requires(is_object_v<_Tp> && same_as<_Tp, remove_cv_t<_Tp>> &&
- (__integer_like_with_usable_difference_type<_Bound> || same_as<_Bound, unreachable_sentinel_t>))
- class repeat_view<_Tp, _Bound>::__iterator {
- friend class repeat_view;
- using _IndexT = conditional_t<same_as<_Bound, unreachable_sentinel_t>, ptrdiff_t, _Bound>;
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr explicit __iterator(const _Tp* __value, _IndexT __bound_sentinel = _IndexT())
- : __value_(__value), __current_(__bound_sentinel) {}
- public:
- using iterator_concept = random_access_iterator_tag;
- using iterator_category = random_access_iterator_tag;
- using value_type = _Tp;
- using difference_type = __repeat_view_iterator_difference_t<_IndexT>;
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI __iterator() = default;
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr const _Tp& operator*() const noexcept { return *__value_; }
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr __iterator& operator++() {
- ++__current_;
- return *this;
- }
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr __iterator operator++(int) {
- auto __tmp = *this;
- ++*this;
- return __tmp;
- }
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr __iterator& operator--() {
- if constexpr (!same_as<_Bound, unreachable_sentinel_t>)
- _LIBCPP_ASSERT_UNCATEGORIZED(__current_ > 0, "The value of bound must be greater than or equal to 0");
- --__current_;
- return *this;
- }
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr __iterator operator--(int) {
- auto __tmp = *this;
- --*this;
- return __tmp;
- }
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr __iterator& operator+=(difference_type __n) {
- if constexpr (!same_as<_Bound, unreachable_sentinel_t>)
- _LIBCPP_ASSERT_UNCATEGORIZED(__current_ + __n >= 0, "The value of bound must be greater than or equal to 0");
- __current_ += __n;
- return *this;
- }
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr __iterator& operator-=(difference_type __n) {
- if constexpr (!same_as<_Bound, unreachable_sentinel_t>)
- _LIBCPP_ASSERT_UNCATEGORIZED(__current_ - __n >= 0, "The value of bound must be greater than or equal to 0");
- __current_ -= __n;
- return *this;
- }
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr const _Tp& operator[](difference_type __n) const noexcept { return *(*this + __n); }
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI friend constexpr bool operator==(const __iterator& __x, const __iterator& __y) {
- return __x.__current_ == __y.__current_;
- }
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI friend constexpr auto operator<=>(const __iterator& __x, const __iterator& __y) {
- return __x.__current_ <=> __y.__current_;
- }
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI friend constexpr __iterator operator+(__iterator __i, difference_type __n) {
- __i += __n;
- return __i;
- }
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI friend constexpr __iterator operator+(difference_type __n, __iterator __i) {
- __i += __n;
- return __i;
- }
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI friend constexpr __iterator operator-(__iterator __i, difference_type __n) {
- __i -= __n;
- return __i;
- }
- _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const __iterator& __x, const __iterator& __y) {
- return static_cast<difference_type>(__x.__current_) - static_cast<difference_type>(__y.__current_);
- }
- private:
- const _Tp* __value_ = nullptr;
- _IndexT __current_ = _IndexT();
- };
- // clang-format off
- namespace views {
- namespace __repeat {
- struct __fn {
- template <class _Tp>
- _LIBCPP_NODISCARD_EXT _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr auto operator()(_Tp&& __value) const
- noexcept(noexcept(ranges::repeat_view(std::forward<_Tp>(__value))))
- -> decltype( ranges::repeat_view(std::forward<_Tp>(__value)))
- { return ranges::repeat_view(std::forward<_Tp>(__value)); }
- template <class _Tp, class _Bound>
- _LIBCPP_NODISCARD_EXT _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr auto operator()(_Tp&& __value, _Bound&& __bound_sentinel) const
- noexcept(noexcept(ranges::repeat_view(std::forward<_Tp>(__value), std::forward<_Bound>(__bound_sentinel))))
- -> decltype( ranges::repeat_view(std::forward<_Tp>(__value), std::forward<_Bound>(__bound_sentinel)))
- { return ranges::repeat_view(std::forward<_Tp>(__value), std::forward<_Bound>(__bound_sentinel)); }
- };
- } // namespace __repeat
- // clang-format on
- inline namespace __cpo {
- inline constexpr auto repeat = __repeat::__fn{};
- } // namespace __cpo
- } // namespace views
- template <class _Tp>
- inline constexpr bool __is_repeat_specialization = false;
- template <class _Tp, class _Bound>
- inline constexpr bool __is_repeat_specialization<repeat_view<_Tp, _Bound>> = true;
- } // namespace ranges
- #endif // _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23