123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381 |
- import os
- import random
- import re
- import subprocess
- import six
- import yaml
- import logging
- import argparse
- import yatest.common
- from six.moves import input
- import build.plugins.lib.test_const as const
- import library.python.fs as fs
- import library.python.testing.recipe
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- class DockerComposeRecipeException(Exception):
- def __init__(self, msg):
- super(DockerComposeRecipeException, self).__init__("[[bad]]{}[[rst]]".format(msg))
- def start(argv):
- args = _parse_args(argv)
- yml_file, cwd = get_compose_file_and_cwd(argv)
- _verify_compose_file(yml_file)
- env = _setup_env()
- docker_compose = get_docker_compose()
- recipe_config = _get_recipe_config(args)
- deprecated_context = _get_docker_deprecated_context(args)
- docker_context = recipe_config.get('context', deprecated_context)
- if docker_context:
- context_map = _create_context(docker_context, os.path.dirname(yml_file), yatest.common.work_path("docker_context_root"))
- env.update(context_map)
- test_host_name = _get_test_host(args, recipe_config)
- if test_host_name:
- yml_file = _setup_test_host(test_host_name, yml_file, env)
- library.python.testing.recipe.set_env("DONT_CREATE_TEST_PROCESS_GROUP", "1") # XXX find out why docker-compose hangs in other case
- library.python.testing.recipe.set_env(
- "TEST_COMMAND_WRAPPER", " ".join([docker_compose, "-f", yml_file, "exec", "-T", test_host_name])
- )
- library.python.testing.recipe.set_env("DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE", yml_file)
- networks = _get_networks(recipe_config)
- if networks:
- subnets = set()
- for net_name, net_config in six.iteritems(networks):
- while True:
- subnet = "fc00:420:%04x::/32" % random.randrange(16**4)
- if subnet not in subnets:
- break
- subnets.add(subnet)
- net_args = ["docker", "network", "create", "--subnet", subnet]
- if net_config and net_config.get("ipv6", False):
- net_args.append("--ipv6")
- net_args.append(net_name)
- yatest.common.execute(net_args, cwd=cwd)
- yatest.common.execute([docker_compose, "-f", yml_file, "--log-level", "DEBUG", "--no-ansi", "up", "-d", "--build",
- "--force-recreate"],
- cwd=cwd, env=env)
- def stop(argv):
- if yatest.common.get_param("docker-pause"):
- library.python.testing.recipe.tty()
- try:
- input("\ndocker_compose will stop, press <Enter> to continue")
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
- docker_compose = get_docker_compose()
- yaml, cwd = get_compose_file_and_cwd(argv)
- args = _parse_args(argv)
- recipe_config = _get_recipe_config(args)
- failed_containers = []
- containers = _get_containers(yaml)
- try:
- containers_ids_res = yatest.common.execute([docker_compose, "-f", yaml, "--log-level", "DEBUG", "--no-ansi", "ps", "-q"], cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
- if containers_ids_res.exit_code != 0:
- raise DockerComposeRecipeException("'docker-compose ps' returned {}'".format(containers_ids_res.exit_code))
- containers_ids = str.splitlines(containers_ids_res.std_out)
- if len(containers_ids) == 0:
- raise DockerComposeRecipeException("'docker-compose ps' output is empty '{}'".format(containers_ids_res.std_out))
- for container_id in containers_ids:
- container_id_status_res = yatest.common.execute(["docker", "ps", "-a", "--filter", "id=" + container_id, "--format", "{{.Status}}\t{{.Names}}"], cwd=cwd)
- if container_id_status_res.exit_code != 0:
- raise DockerComposeRecipeException("'docker ps' returned {}'".format(container_id_status_res.exit_code))
- status_line, container_name = six.ensure_str(container_id_status_res.std_out).split('\t')
- if "Up" in status_line or "Exited (0)" in status_line:
- continue
- failed_containers.append(container_name)
- yatest.common.execute([docker_compose, "-f", yaml, "--log-level", "DEBUG", "--no-ansi", "stop"], cwd=cwd)
- _dump_container_logs(containers, _get_requested_paths(yaml, recipe_config))
- finally:
- if not yatest.common.context.test_debug:
- yatest.common.execute([get_docker_compose(), "-f", yaml, "--log-level", "DEBUG", "--no-ansi", "down", "--rmi", "local"], cwd=cwd)
- networks = _get_networks(recipe_config)
- if networks:
- for net_name in six.iterkeys(networks):
- yatest.common.execute(["docker", "network", "rm", net_name], cwd=cwd)
- if len(failed_containers) > 0:
- raise DockerComposeRecipeException("Has failed containers: {}".format(", ".join(failed_containers)))
- def get_compose_file_and_cwd(args):
- if "DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE" in os.environ:
- yaml_file = os.environ["DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE"]
- else:
- args = _parse_args(args)
- if args.compose_file and args.compose_file != "$DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE":
- yaml_file = yatest.common.source_path(args.compose_file)
- else:
- yaml_file = yatest.common.test_source_path("docker-compose.yml")
- return yaml_file, os.path.dirname(yaml_file)
- def get_docker_compose():
- docker_compose = yatest.common.build_path("library/recipes/docker_compose/bin/docker-compose")
- if not os.path.exists(docker_compose):
- raise DockerComposeRecipeException("cannot find docker_compose by build_path '{}'".format(docker_compose))
- os.chmod(docker_compose, 0o755)
- return docker_compose
- def _parse_args(argv):
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument("--recipe-config-file", help="Path recipe config yml file (Arcadia related)")
- parser.add_argument("--compose-file", help="Path to docker-compose.yml file (Arcadia related)")
- parser.add_argument("--context-file", help="Path to docker-context.yml file (Arcadia related)")
- parser.add_argument("--test-host", help="Name of service in docker-compose file that will host test execution")
- return parser.parse_args(argv)
- def _get_recipe_config(args):
- if args.recipe_config_file and args.recipe_config_file != "$RECIPE_CONFIG_FILE":
- config_path = yatest.common.source_path(args.recipe_config_file)
- if not os.path.exists(config_path):
- raise DockerComposeRecipeException("Cannot find specified recipe config file '{}'".format(args.recipe_config_file))
- with open(config_path) as f:
- return yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
- return {}
- def _get_docker_deprecated_context(args):
- # XXX: to be removed when all recipes use new config file
- if args.context_file and args.context_file != "$DOCKER_CONTEXT_FILE":
- context_file = yatest.common.source_path(args.context_file)
- if not os.path.exists(context_file):
- raise DockerComposeRecipeException("Cannot find context file by {}".format(context_file))
- with open(context_file) as f:
- return yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
- return None
- def _setup_env():
- env = os.environ.copy()
- env["CURRENT_USER"] = "{}:{}".format(os.getuid(), os.getgid())
- # Setup extra env.vars. to be able to pass coverage dir to the docker
- for name in const.COVERAGE_ENV_VARS:
- if name in env:
- env["{}_DIRNAME".format(name.rsplit('_', 1)[0])] = os.path.dirname(env[name])
- return env
- def _create_context(context, init_dir, context_root):
- def copy_files(src, dst):
- if os.path.isfile(src):
- fs.copy_file(src, dst)
- else:
- if not os.path.exists(dst):
- os.makedirs(dst)
- for name in os.listdir(src):
- copy_files(os.path.join(src, name), os.path.join(dst, name))
- context_map = {}
- fs.ensure_dir(context_root)
- for context_name in context:
- _verify_context_name(context_name)
- context_dir = os.path.join(context_root, context_name)
- copy_files(init_dir, context_dir)
- for item in context[context_name]:
- if len(item.keys()) != 1 or len(item.values()) != 1:
- raise DockerComposeRecipeException("Context item should be in form of <source>:<destination> item")
- source_path, target_path = next(iter(six.iteritems(item)))
- if source_path.startswith("build://"):
- source_path = yatest.common.build_path(source_path[len("build://"):])
- elif source_path.startswith("arcadia://"):
- source_path = yatest.common.source_path(source_path[len("arcadia://"):])
- else:
- raise DockerComposeRecipeException("Source path should start with 'build://' or 'arcadia://'")
- target_path = os.path.join(context_dir, target_path.lstrip("/"))
- fs.ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(target_path))
- copy_files(source_path, target_path)
- context_map[context_name] = context_dir
- return context_map
- def _verify_context_name(name):
- assert re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$", name), "Context name '{}' has incorrect symbols".format(name)
- def _verify_compose_file(file_path):
- with open(file_path) as f:
- data = yaml.safe_load(f)
- known_images = set()
- for service, settings in six.iteritems(data["services"]):
- if "image" in settings:
- image = settings["image"]
- if "build" not in settings and "@sha256" not in image and image not in known_images:
- message = "Using image without specified sha256 (e.g. redis:alpine@sha256:66ccc75f079ab9059c900e9545bbd271bff78a66f94b45827e6901f57fb973f1) and build section is not supported"
- logger.error(message)
- raise DockerComposeRecipeException(message)
- known_images.add(image)
- def _get_networks(config):
- return config.get("networks")
- def _get_test_host(args, config):
- def get_from_args():
- if args.test_host and args.test_host != "$DOCKER_TEST_HOST":
- return args.test_host
- return None
- return config.get('test-host', get_from_args())
- def _setup_test_host(test_host_name, yml_path, env):
- with open(yml_path) as f:
- data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
- for service, settings in six.iteritems(data["services"]):
- if service == test_host_name:
- overwritten_yml_path = yatest.common.work_path("docker_compose_for_test.yml")
- if "env" not in settings:
- settings["environment"] = []
- for env_key, env_value in six.iteritems(env):
- settings["environment"].append("{}={}".format(env_key, env_value))
- if "volumes" not in settings:
- settings["volumes"] = []
- if "command" in settings:
- raise DockerComposeRecipeException("Test hosting service '{}' has `command` section which is not supported by testing framework".format(test_host_name))
- settings["command"] = "sleep 3600"
- settings["tty"] = False
- if "user" in settings:
- raise DockerComposeRecipeException("Test hosting service '{}' has `user` section which is not supported by testing framework".format(test_host_name))
- settings["user"] = "$CURRENT_USER"
- if "build" in settings:
- conext = settings["build"].get("context")
- if conext == ".":
- settings["build"]["context"] = os.path.dirname(yml_path)
- bind_paths = [
- yatest.common.build_path(),
- os.environ.get("ORIGINAL_SOURCE_ROOT", yatest.common.source_path()),
- ]
- if yatest.common.runtime.context.test_tool_path:
- bind_paths.append(yatest.common.runtime.context.test_tool_path)
- for k in [
- ]:
- if k in os.environ:
- p = os.environ[k]
- if p not in bind_paths and os.path.exists(p):
- bind_paths.append(p)
- for bind_path in bind_paths:
- settings["volumes"].append({
- "type": "bind",
- "source": bind_path,
- "target": bind_path,
- })
- real_bind_path = os.path.realpath(bind_path)
- if real_bind_path != bind_path:
- settings["volumes"].append({
- "type": "bind",
- "source": real_bind_path,
- "target": real_bind_path,
- })
- with open(overwritten_yml_path, "w") as f:
- yaml.dump(data, f)
- return overwritten_yml_path
- raise DockerComposeRecipeException("Service with name '{}' was not found to be setup as a host for running test".format(test_host_name))
- def _dump_container_logs(containers, requested_paths):
- # add links to container logs
- container_logs = yatest.common.output_path("containers")
- if not os.path.exists(container_logs):
- os.makedirs(container_logs)
- for container_id, container_name in six.iteritems(containers):
- try:
- output_path = os.path.join(container_logs, container_name)
- os.makedirs(output_path)
- for output_type in ['std_out', 'std_err']:
- output_log_path = os.path.join(output_path, "container_{}.log".format(output_type))
- res = yatest.common.execute(["docker", "logs", container_id])
- with open(output_log_path, "w") as f:
- f.write(six.ensure_str(getattr(res, output_type)))
- for path in requested_paths.get(container_id, []):
- try:
- yatest.common.execute(["docker", "cp", "-L", "{}:{}".format(container_id, path), output_path])
- except yatest.common.ExecutionError:
- logging.exception("Error while copying %s from %s", path, container_name)
- except Exception:
- logger.exception("Error collecting container's log with name {} and id {}".format(container_name, container_id))
- def _get_requested_paths(yaml_path, config):
- requested_logs = {}
- if config:
- for service_name, logs in six.iteritems(config.get("save", {})):
- try:
- res = yatest.common.execute([get_docker_compose(), "-f", yaml_path, "ps", "-q", service_name])
- requested_logs[six.ensure_str(res.std_out).strip()] = logs
- except yatest.common.ExecutionError:
- logging.exception("Error while trying to find docker compose service by name: %s", service_name)
- return requested_logs
- def _get_containers(yaml_path):
- res = yatest.common.execute([get_docker_compose(), "-f", yaml_path, "ps", "-q"])
- return {container_id: _get_container_name(container_id) for container_id in filter(None, six.ensure_str(res.std_out).split("\n"))}
- def _get_container_name(container_id):
- res = yatest.common.execute(["docker", "inspect", "--format={{.Name}}", container_id])
- container_name = six.ensure_str(res.std_out).strip("/").strip()
- return container_name