robot-piglet e6190f5d36 Intermediate changes 3 months ago
Automat b8cf9e88f4 add kikimr_configure 10 months ago
Flask 38934cfb0b Intermediate changes 4 months ago
Flask-Cors bb9c10437b Intermediate changes 4 months ago
Jinja2 113478c6a7 Update contrib/python/Jinja2/py3 to 3.1.4 4 months ago
MarkupSafe 74819c4157 Extend support pyi files 6 months ago
Pillow 299dc21a6f Fix separator in CUDA_ARCHITECTURES 8 months ago
PyHamcrest e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
PyJWT 3cdeda6fa6 YDB Import 603 3 months ago
PySocks 0e578a4c44 Change "ya.make" 10 months ago
PyYAML e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
Pygments bcd5bcc390 Intermediate changes 4 months ago
Twisted d83e7ea91c Intermediate changes 6 months ago
Werkzeug 74819c4157 Extend support pyi files 6 months ago
aiohttp 74819c4157 Extend support pyi files 6 months ago
aiosignal 74819c4157 Extend support pyi files 6 months ago
allure-pytest 84d127b9b7 Add allure support to ydb github export 4 months ago
allure-python-commons 84d127b9b7 Add allure support to ydb github export 4 months ago
anyio 4106eea04f Intermediate changes 3 months ago
appnope 1ac13c847b Library import 16 (#2433) 6 months ago
argcomplete 43f5db849a Intermediate changes 5 months ago
asn1crypto c2b2dfd982 YQ Connector: move tests from yql to ydb (OSS) 10 months ago
asttokens b6522f79bc Update contrib/python/asttokens to 2.4.1 10 months ago
async-timeout b2b2bb5997 KIKIMR-19900 switch arcadia to python ydb sdk from contrib 9 months ago
atomicwrites e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
attrs 74819c4157 Extend support pyi files 6 months ago
beniget 95043960ea Intermediate changes 4 months ago
blinker 7e5f63a2ba Intermediate changes 4 months ago
boto e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
boto3 f291b670b0 Update contrib/python/boto3/py3 to 1.29.6 9 months ago
botocore e8eb833d0f Add NO_LINT 5 months ago
cachetools 79203d60c5 Intermediate changes 6 months ago
certifi 825052956d Split certifi on py2/py3 11 months ago
cffi 8ca7961c8f Intermediate changes 5 months ago
chardet 3cdeda6fa6 YDB Import 603 3 months ago
charset-normalizer 6880ae99d2 Update contrib/python/charset-normalizer to 3.3.0 11 months ago
click e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
clickhouse-connect 30bcb2b086 Intermediate changes 3 months ago
colorama 5b5537f4fa Intermediate changes 1 year ago
constantly b8cf9e88f4 add kikimr_configure 10 months ago
contextlib2 74819c4157 Extend support pyi files 6 months ago
contourpy 535850f0ad Intermediate changes 5 months ago
cookies e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
cppy 213cda016d Update kiwisolver to 1.2.0 9 months ago
cryptography 8788a47c2b Intermediate changes 4 months ago
cycler 77eb2d3fdc KIKIMR-19287: add task_stats_drawing script 10 months ago
decorator e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
docker d024de4c41 Change "devtools/contrib/piglet/projects/ydblib/config.yaml" 3 months ago
executing c8e964ecf0 Update contrib/python/executing to 2.0.1 10 months ago
fonttools b52a8ab5cd Intermediate changes 3 months ago
freezegun 187743291b Intermediate changes 4 months ago
frozenlist 74819c4157 Extend support pyi files 6 months ago
funcsigs e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
future 788be0726a Intermediate changes 5 months ago
gast 95043960ea Intermediate changes 4 months ago
google-auth 7b7bf69020 Intermediate changes 3 months ago
grpcio e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
h11 d28c55ab25 Intermediate changes 10 months ago
httpcore 30aa997daf Intermediate changes 5 months ago
httplib2 dab291146f Library import 5, delete go dependencies (#832) 8 months ago
httpx a5bc35bb65 Intermediate changes 6 months ago
hyperlink b8cf9e88f4 add kikimr_configure 10 months ago
hypothesis 56398575db Intermediate changes 3 months ago
idna 3b6497ad5e Intermediate changes 5 months ago
importlib-metadata 51e5eb32e4 Intermediate changes 5 months ago
importlib-resources e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
incremental b8cf9e88f4 add kikimr_configure 10 months ago
iniconfig e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
ipdb e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
ipython b52a8ab5cd Intermediate changes 3 months ago
ipython-genutils e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
itsdangerous 492446437a Intermediate changes 4 months ago
jedi e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
jmespath e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
jsonschema d67bfb4b4b Import libs 4 (#758) 9 months ago
kiwisolver e3a0c1b6b1 Update kiwisolver to 1.3.2 9 months ago
kubernetes 0cb3f820fa Intermediate changes 3 months ago
lz4 8ca7961c8f Intermediate changes 5 months ago
matplotlib 9b68961445 Intermediate changes 5 months ago
matplotlib-inline 03f7adb942 Intermediate changes 5 months ago
mock e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
monotonic 0e578a4c44 Change "ya.make" 10 months ago
more-itertools da76f0a36e Intermediate changes 3 months ago
moto e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
multidict 74819c4157 Extend support pyi files 6 months ago
mypy-protobuf 4fe4177cf3 Provide protoc-gen-mypy with LICENSE 1 year ago
numpy 908385834c Intermediate changes 5 months ago
oauth2client 0e578a4c44 Change "ya.make" 10 months ago
oauthlib 0e578a4c44 Change "ya.make" 10 months ago
olefile 3db912211e Intermediate changes 5 months ago
packaging e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
pandas 74819c4157 Extend support pyi files 6 months ago
parameterized e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
parso 19be936dfe Intermediate changes 5 months ago
patch 46c0bf4583 Intermediate changes 4 months ago
pathlib2 7bf454679e Fix reimport for pathlib2 11 months ago
pexpect d67bfb4b4b Import libs 4 (#758) 9 months ago
pg8000 729cf21763 Intermediate changes 4 months ago
pickleshare e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
pip 3442e8e68c devtools/contrib/piglet/projects/ydblib/config.yaml Added pip dep 5 months ago
pluggy 878465276c Intermediate changes 4 months ago
ply 95043960ea Intermediate changes 4 months ago
prettytable 2b21072ba9 Add contrib/python/prettytable 4 months ago
prompt-toolkit da76f0a36e Intermediate changes 3 months ago
protobuf 509c9fc9e7 Update protobuf to 3.20.2 and pyprotobuf to 3.20.3 3 months ago
psutil 26e7194f09 Intermediate changes 4 months ago
ptyprocess e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
pure-eval e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
py 74819c4157 Extend support pyi files 6 months ago
py3c c2b2dfd982 YQ Connector: move tests from yql to ydb (OSS) 10 months ago
pyOpenSSL 0e578a4c44 Change "ya.make" 10 months ago
pyarrow e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
pyasn1 e6da679c7d Intermediate changes 5 months ago
pyasn1-modules e6da679c7d Intermediate changes 5 months ago
pycparser 7930380b35 Intermediate changes 5 months ago
pyparsing dd2d6a2c7b Intermediate changes 6 months ago
pyrsistent 74819c4157 Extend support pyi files 6 months ago
pytest e95f266d2a Library import 6 (#888) 8 months ago
pytest-localserver 0e578a4c44 Change "ya.make" 10 months ago
pytest-mock aec95948f1 Intermediate changes 5 months ago
python-dateutil 5f76bcc9d8 Intermediate changes 6 months ago
pythran f34ee6ebd8 Intermediate changes 3 months ago
pytz f8d4b4599b Intermediate changes 7 months ago
requests e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
requests-mock 3fddd05c70 Intermediate changes 5 months ago
requests-oauthlib b84a31609a Intermediate changes 5 months ago
responses 0cb3f820fa Intermediate changes 3 months ago
retry 3cdeda6fa6 YDB Import 603 3 months ago
rsa 0e578a4c44 Change "ya.make" 10 months ago
ruamel.yaml 0e578a4c44 Change "ya.make" 10 months ago
ruamel.yaml.clib 8ca7961c8f Intermediate changes 5 months ago
s3transfer b89a30a0ba Update contrib/python/s3transfer/py3 to 0.8.0 9 months ago
scipy 68034ebc09 Update nixpkgs revision 23.05 -> 24.05 3 months ago
scramp fd4fb70767 Intermediate changes 5 months ago
setuptools 6396521932 Intermediate changes 3 months ago
simplegeneric 009bb02994 Split simplegeneric on py2/py3 1 year ago
simplejson 0f9ffd1ffe Intermediate changes 4 months ago
six f07eadcca1 Split six on py2/py3 11 months ago
sniffio a7a431a1c2 Intermediate changes 6 months ago
sortedcontainers f924835060 Intermediate changes 1 year ago
stack-data 86f79c5885 Update contrib/python/stack-data to 0.6.3 11 months ago
tenacity 26e7194f09 Intermediate changes 4 months ago
toml 74819c4157 Extend support pyi files 6 months ago
tornado 2f065b3fa5 hive metastore & thrift targets have been removed 4 months ago
traitlets df380d8d58 Intermediate changes 4 months ago
types-protobuf d502666ab3 Update contrib/python/types-protobuf to 4 months ago
typing-extensions b41b2afa94 Intermediate changes 3 months ago
tzdata d27411915c Intermediate changes 7 months ago
urllib3 e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
wcwidth 055fb42475 Intermediate changes 7 months ago
websocket-client 4196c19bc0 Intermediate changes 4 months ago
xmltodict e0e3e1717e add ydb deps 1 year ago
yarl 74819c4157 Extend support pyi files 6 months ago
ydb e6190f5d36 Intermediate changes 3 months ago
zope.interface c3763910c6 Intermediate changes 3 months ago
zstandard 323ccf76cc Update contrib/libs/zstd to 1.5.6 6 months ago