123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772 |
- """DEPRECATED: Input handling and transformation machinery.
- This module was deprecated in IPython 7.0, in favour of inputtransformer2.
- The first class in this module, :class:`InputSplitter`, is designed to tell when
- input from a line-oriented frontend is complete and should be executed, and when
- the user should be prompted for another line of code instead. The name 'input
- splitter' is largely for historical reasons.
- A companion, :class:`IPythonInputSplitter`, provides the same functionality but
- with full support for the extended IPython syntax (magics, system calls, etc).
- The code to actually do these transformations is in :mod:`IPython.core.inputtransformer`.
- :class:`IPythonInputSplitter` feeds the raw code to the transformers in order
- and stores the results.
- For more details, see the class docstrings below.
- """
- from warnings import warn
- warn('IPython.core.inputsplitter is deprecated since IPython 7 in favor of `IPython.core.inputtransformer2`',
- DeprecationWarning)
- # Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
- # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
- import ast
- import codeop
- import io
- import re
- import sys
- import tokenize
- import warnings
- from IPython.core.inputtransformer import (leading_indent,
- classic_prompt,
- ipy_prompt,
- cellmagic,
- assemble_logical_lines,
- help_end,
- escaped_commands,
- assign_from_magic,
- assign_from_system,
- assemble_python_lines,
- )
- # These are available in this module for backwards compatibility.
- from IPython.core.inputtransformer import (ESC_SHELL, ESC_SH_CAP, ESC_HELP,
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Utilities
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # FIXME: These are general-purpose utilities that later can be moved to the
- # general ward. Kept here for now because we're being very strict about test
- # coverage with this code, and this lets us ensure that we keep 100% coverage
- # while developing.
- # compiled regexps for autoindent management
- dedent_re = re.compile('|'.join([
- r'^\s+raise(\s.*)?$', # raise statement (+ space + other stuff, maybe)
- r'^\s+raise\([^\)]*\).*$', # wacky raise with immediate open paren
- r'^\s+return(\s.*)?$', # normal return (+ space + other stuff, maybe)
- r'^\s+return\([^\)]*\).*$', # wacky return with immediate open paren
- r'^\s+pass\s*$', # pass (optionally followed by trailing spaces)
- r'^\s+break\s*$', # break (optionally followed by trailing spaces)
- r'^\s+continue\s*$', # continue (optionally followed by trailing spaces)
- ]))
- ini_spaces_re = re.compile(r'^([ \t\r\f\v]+)')
- # regexp to match pure comment lines so we don't accidentally insert 'if 1:'
- # before pure comments
- comment_line_re = re.compile(r'^\s*\#')
- def num_ini_spaces(s):
- """Return the number of initial spaces in a string.
- Note that tabs are counted as a single space. For now, we do *not* support
- mixing of tabs and spaces in the user's input.
- Parameters
- ----------
- s : string
- Returns
- -------
- n : int
- """
- ini_spaces = ini_spaces_re.match(s)
- if ini_spaces:
- return ini_spaces.end()
- else:
- return 0
- # Fake token types for partial_tokenize:
- # The 2 classes below have the same API as TokenInfo, but don't try to look up
- # a token type name that they won't find.
- class IncompleteString:
- type = exact_type = INCOMPLETE_STRING
- def __init__(self, s, start, end, line):
- self.s = s
- self.start = start
- self.end = end
- self.line = line
- class InMultilineStatement:
- type = exact_type = IN_MULTILINE_STATEMENT
- def __init__(self, pos, line):
- self.s = ''
- self.start = self.end = pos
- self.line = line
- def partial_tokens(s):
- """Iterate over tokens from a possibly-incomplete string of code.
- This adds two special token types: INCOMPLETE_STRING and
- IN_MULTILINE_STATEMENT. These can only occur as the last token yielded, and
- represent the two main ways for code to be incomplete.
- """
- readline = io.StringIO(s).readline
- token = tokenize.TokenInfo(tokenize.NEWLINE, '', (1, 0), (1, 0), '')
- try:
- for token in tokenize.generate_tokens(readline):
- yield token
- except tokenize.TokenError as e:
- # catch EOF error
- lines = s.splitlines(keepends=True)
- end = len(lines), len(lines[-1])
- if 'multi-line string' in e.args[0]:
- l, c = start = token.end
- s = lines[l-1][c:] + ''.join(lines[l:])
- yield IncompleteString(s, start, end, lines[-1])
- elif 'multi-line statement' in e.args[0]:
- yield InMultilineStatement(end, lines[-1])
- else:
- raise
- def find_next_indent(code):
- """Find the number of spaces for the next line of indentation"""
- tokens = list(partial_tokens(code))
- if tokens[-1].type == tokenize.ENDMARKER:
- tokens.pop()
- if not tokens:
- return 0
- while (tokens[-1].type in {tokenize.DEDENT, tokenize.NEWLINE, tokenize.COMMENT}):
- tokens.pop()
- if tokens[-1].type == INCOMPLETE_STRING:
- # Inside a multiline string
- return 0
- # Find the indents used before
- prev_indents = [0]
- def _add_indent(n):
- if n != prev_indents[-1]:
- prev_indents.append(n)
- tokiter = iter(tokens)
- for tok in tokiter:
- if tok.type in {tokenize.INDENT, tokenize.DEDENT}:
- _add_indent(tok.end[1])
- elif (tok.type == tokenize.NL):
- try:
- _add_indent(next(tokiter).start[1])
- except StopIteration:
- break
- last_indent = prev_indents.pop()
- # If we've just opened a multiline statement (e.g. 'a = ['), indent more
- if tokens[-1].type == IN_MULTILINE_STATEMENT:
- if tokens[-2].exact_type in {tokenize.LPAR, tokenize.LSQB, tokenize.LBRACE}:
- return last_indent + 4
- return last_indent
- if tokens[-1].exact_type == tokenize.COLON:
- # Line ends with colon - indent
- return last_indent + 4
- if last_indent:
- # Examine the last line for dedent cues - statements like return or
- # raise which normally end a block of code.
- last_line_starts = 0
- for i, tok in enumerate(tokens):
- if tok.type == tokenize.NEWLINE:
- last_line_starts = i + 1
- last_line_tokens = tokens[last_line_starts:]
- names = [t.string for t in last_line_tokens if t.type == tokenize.NAME]
- if names and names[0] in {'raise', 'return', 'pass', 'break', 'continue'}:
- # Find the most recent indentation less than the current level
- for indent in reversed(prev_indents):
- if indent < last_indent:
- return indent
- return last_indent
- def last_blank(src):
- """Determine if the input source ends in a blank.
- A blank is either a newline or a line consisting of whitespace.
- Parameters
- ----------
- src : string
- A single or multiline string.
- """
- if not src: return False
- ll = src.splitlines()[-1]
- return (ll == '') or ll.isspace()
- last_two_blanks_re = re.compile(r'\n\s*\n\s*$', re.MULTILINE)
- last_two_blanks_re2 = re.compile(r'.+\n\s*\n\s+$', re.MULTILINE)
- def last_two_blanks(src):
- """Determine if the input source ends in two blanks.
- A blank is either a newline or a line consisting of whitespace.
- Parameters
- ----------
- src : string
- A single or multiline string.
- """
- if not src: return False
- # The logic here is tricky: I couldn't get a regexp to work and pass all
- # the tests, so I took a different approach: split the source by lines,
- # grab the last two and prepend '###\n' as a stand-in for whatever was in
- # the body before the last two lines. Then, with that structure, it's
- # possible to analyze with two regexps. Not the most elegant solution, but
- # it works. If anyone tries to change this logic, make sure to validate
- # the whole test suite first!
- new_src = '\n'.join(['###\n'] + src.splitlines()[-2:])
- return (bool(last_two_blanks_re.match(new_src)) or
- bool(last_two_blanks_re2.match(new_src)) )
- def remove_comments(src):
- """Remove all comments from input source.
- Note: comments are NOT recognized inside of strings!
- Parameters
- ----------
- src : string
- A single or multiline input string.
- Returns
- -------
- String with all Python comments removed.
- """
- return re.sub('#.*', '', src)
- def get_input_encoding():
- """Return the default standard input encoding.
- If sys.stdin has no encoding, 'ascii' is returned."""
- # There are strange environments for which sys.stdin.encoding is None. We
- # ensure that a valid encoding is returned.
- encoding = getattr(sys.stdin, 'encoding', None)
- if encoding is None:
- encoding = 'ascii'
- return encoding
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Classes and functions for normal Python syntax handling
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class InputSplitter(object):
- r"""An object that can accumulate lines of Python source before execution.
- This object is designed to be fed python source line-by-line, using
- :meth:`push`. It will return on each push whether the currently pushed
- code could be executed already. In addition, it provides a method called
- :meth:`push_accepts_more` that can be used to query whether more input
- can be pushed into a single interactive block.
- This is a simple example of how an interactive terminal-based client can use
- this tool::
- isp = InputSplitter()
- while isp.push_accepts_more():
- indent = ' '*isp.indent_spaces
- prompt = '>>> ' + indent
- line = indent + raw_input(prompt)
- isp.push(line)
- print 'Input source was:\n', isp.source_reset(),
- """
- # A cache for storing the current indentation
- # The first value stores the most recently processed source input
- # The second value is the number of spaces for the current indentation
- # If self.source matches the first value, the second value is a valid
- # current indentation. Otherwise, the cache is invalid and the indentation
- # must be recalculated.
- _indent_spaces_cache = None, None
- # String, indicating the default input encoding. It is computed by default
- # at initialization time via get_input_encoding(), but it can be reset by a
- # client with specific knowledge of the encoding.
- encoding = ''
- # String where the current full source input is stored, properly encoded.
- # Reading this attribute is the normal way of querying the currently pushed
- # source code, that has been properly encoded.
- source = ''
- # Code object corresponding to the current source. It is automatically
- # synced to the source, so it can be queried at any time to obtain the code
- # object; it will be None if the source doesn't compile to valid Python.
- code = None
- # Private attributes
- # List with lines of input accumulated so far
- _buffer = None
- # Command compiler
- _compile = None
- # Boolean indicating whether the current block is complete
- _is_complete = None
- # Boolean indicating whether the current block has an unrecoverable syntax error
- _is_invalid = False
- def __init__(self):
- """Create a new InputSplitter instance.
- """
- self._buffer = []
- self._compile = codeop.CommandCompiler()
- self.encoding = get_input_encoding()
- def reset(self):
- """Reset the input buffer and associated state."""
- self._buffer[:] = []
- self.source = ''
- self.code = None
- self._is_complete = False
- self._is_invalid = False
- def source_reset(self):
- """Return the input source and perform a full reset.
- """
- out = self.source
- self.reset()
- return out
- def check_complete(self, source):
- """Return whether a block of code is ready to execute, or should be continued
- This is a non-stateful API, and will reset the state of this InputSplitter.
- Parameters
- ----------
- source : string
- Python input code, which can be multiline.
- Returns
- -------
- status : str
- One of 'complete', 'incomplete', or 'invalid' if source is not a
- prefix of valid code.
- indent_spaces : int or None
- The number of spaces by which to indent the next line of code. If
- status is not 'incomplete', this is None.
- """
- self.reset()
- try:
- self.push(source)
- except SyntaxError:
- # Transformers in IPythonInputSplitter can raise SyntaxError,
- # which push() will not catch.
- return 'invalid', None
- else:
- if self._is_invalid:
- return 'invalid', None
- elif self.push_accepts_more():
- return 'incomplete', self.get_indent_spaces()
- else:
- return 'complete', None
- finally:
- self.reset()
- def push(self, lines:str) -> bool:
- """Push one or more lines of input.
- This stores the given lines and returns a status code indicating
- whether the code forms a complete Python block or not.
- Any exceptions generated in compilation are swallowed, but if an
- exception was produced, the method returns True.
- Parameters
- ----------
- lines : string
- One or more lines of Python input.
- Returns
- -------
- is_complete : boolean
- True if the current input source (the result of the current input
- plus prior inputs) forms a complete Python execution block. Note that
- this value is also stored as a private attribute (``_is_complete``), so it
- can be queried at any time.
- """
- assert isinstance(lines, str)
- self._store(lines)
- source = self.source
- # Before calling _compile(), reset the code object to None so that if an
- # exception is raised in compilation, we don't mislead by having
- # inconsistent code/source attributes.
- self.code, self._is_complete = None, None
- self._is_invalid = False
- # Honor termination lines properly
- if source.endswith('\\\n'):
- return False
- try:
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- warnings.simplefilter('error', SyntaxWarning)
- self.code = self._compile(source, symbol="exec")
- # Invalid syntax can produce any of a number of different errors from
- # inside the compiler, so we have to catch them all. Syntax errors
- # immediately produce a 'ready' block, so the invalid Python can be
- # sent to the kernel for evaluation with possible ipython
- # special-syntax conversion.
- except (SyntaxError, OverflowError, ValueError, TypeError,
- MemoryError, SyntaxWarning):
- self._is_complete = True
- self._is_invalid = True
- else:
- # Compilation didn't produce any exceptions (though it may not have
- # given a complete code object)
- self._is_complete = self.code is not None
- return self._is_complete
- def push_accepts_more(self):
- """Return whether a block of interactive input can accept more input.
- This method is meant to be used by line-oriented frontends, who need to
- guess whether a block is complete or not based solely on prior and
- current input lines. The InputSplitter considers it has a complete
- interactive block and will not accept more input when either:
- * A SyntaxError is raised
- * The code is complete and consists of a single line or a single
- non-compound statement
- * The code is complete and has a blank line at the end
- If the current input produces a syntax error, this method immediately
- returns False but does *not* raise the syntax error exception, as
- typically clients will want to send invalid syntax to an execution
- backend which might convert the invalid syntax into valid Python via
- one of the dynamic IPython mechanisms.
- """
- # With incomplete input, unconditionally accept more
- # A syntax error also sets _is_complete to True - see push()
- if not self._is_complete:
- #print("Not complete") # debug
- return True
- # The user can make any (complete) input execute by leaving a blank line
- last_line = self.source.splitlines()[-1]
- if (not last_line) or last_line.isspace():
- #print("Blank line") # debug
- return False
- # If there's just a single line or AST node, and we're flush left, as is
- # the case after a simple statement such as 'a=1', we want to execute it
- # straight away.
- if self.get_indent_spaces() == 0:
- if len(self.source.splitlines()) <= 1:
- return False
- try:
- code_ast = ast.parse(u''.join(self._buffer))
- except Exception:
- #print("Can't parse AST") # debug
- return False
- else:
- if len(code_ast.body) == 1 and \
- not hasattr(code_ast.body[0], 'body'):
- #print("Simple statement") # debug
- return False
- # General fallback - accept more code
- return True
- def get_indent_spaces(self):
- sourcefor, n = self._indent_spaces_cache
- if sourcefor == self.source:
- return n
- # self.source always has a trailing newline
- n = find_next_indent(self.source[:-1])
- self._indent_spaces_cache = (self.source, n)
- return n
- # Backwards compatibility. I think all code that used .indent_spaces was
- # inside IPython, but we can leave this here until IPython 7 in case any
- # other modules are using it. -TK, November 2017
- indent_spaces = property(get_indent_spaces)
- def _store(self, lines, buffer=None, store='source'):
- """Store one or more lines of input.
- If input lines are not newline-terminated, a newline is automatically
- appended."""
- if buffer is None:
- buffer = self._buffer
- if lines.endswith('\n'):
- buffer.append(lines)
- else:
- buffer.append(lines+'\n')
- setattr(self, store, self._set_source(buffer))
- def _set_source(self, buffer):
- return u''.join(buffer)
- class IPythonInputSplitter(InputSplitter):
- """An input splitter that recognizes all of IPython's special syntax."""
- # String with raw, untransformed input.
- source_raw = ''
- # Flag to track when a transformer has stored input that it hasn't given
- # back yet.
- transformer_accumulating = False
- # Flag to track when assemble_python_lines has stored input that it hasn't
- # given back yet.
- within_python_line = False
- # Private attributes
- # List with lines of raw input accumulated so far.
- _buffer_raw = None
- def __init__(self, line_input_checker=True, physical_line_transforms=None,
- logical_line_transforms=None, python_line_transforms=None):
- super(IPythonInputSplitter, self).__init__()
- self._buffer_raw = []
- self._validate = True
- if physical_line_transforms is not None:
- self.physical_line_transforms = physical_line_transforms
- else:
- self.physical_line_transforms = [
- leading_indent(),
- classic_prompt(),
- ipy_prompt(),
- cellmagic(end_on_blank_line=line_input_checker),
- ]
- self.assemble_logical_lines = assemble_logical_lines()
- if logical_line_transforms is not None:
- self.logical_line_transforms = logical_line_transforms
- else:
- self.logical_line_transforms = [
- help_end(),
- escaped_commands(),
- assign_from_magic(),
- assign_from_system(),
- ]
- self.assemble_python_lines = assemble_python_lines()
- if python_line_transforms is not None:
- self.python_line_transforms = python_line_transforms
- else:
- # We don't use any of these at present
- self.python_line_transforms = []
- @property
- def transforms(self):
- "Quick access to all transformers."
- return self.physical_line_transforms + \
- [self.assemble_logical_lines] + self.logical_line_transforms + \
- [self.assemble_python_lines] + self.python_line_transforms
- @property
- def transforms_in_use(self):
- """Transformers, excluding logical line transformers if we're in a
- Python line."""
- t = self.physical_line_transforms[:]
- if not self.within_python_line:
- t += [self.assemble_logical_lines] + self.logical_line_transforms
- return t + [self.assemble_python_lines] + self.python_line_transforms
- def reset(self):
- """Reset the input buffer and associated state."""
- super(IPythonInputSplitter, self).reset()
- self._buffer_raw[:] = []
- self.source_raw = ''
- self.transformer_accumulating = False
- self.within_python_line = False
- for t in self.transforms:
- try:
- t.reset()
- except SyntaxError:
- # Nothing that calls reset() expects to handle transformer
- # errors
- pass
- def flush_transformers(self):
- def _flush(transform, outs):
- """yield transformed lines
- always strings, never None
- transform: the current transform
- outs: an iterable of previously transformed inputs.
- Each may be multiline, which will be passed
- one line at a time to transform.
- """
- for out in outs:
- for line in out.splitlines():
- # push one line at a time
- tmp = transform.push(line)
- if tmp is not None:
- yield tmp
- # reset the transform
- tmp = transform.reset()
- if tmp is not None:
- yield tmp
- out = []
- for t in self.transforms_in_use:
- out = _flush(t, out)
- out = list(out)
- if out:
- self._store('\n'.join(out))
- def raw_reset(self):
- """Return raw input only and perform a full reset.
- """
- out = self.source_raw
- self.reset()
- return out
- def source_reset(self):
- try:
- self.flush_transformers()
- return self.source
- finally:
- self.reset()
- def push_accepts_more(self):
- if self.transformer_accumulating:
- return True
- else:
- return super(IPythonInputSplitter, self).push_accepts_more()
- def transform_cell(self, cell):
- """Process and translate a cell of input.
- """
- self.reset()
- try:
- self.push(cell)
- self.flush_transformers()
- return self.source
- finally:
- self.reset()
- def push(self, lines:str) -> bool:
- """Push one or more lines of IPython input.
- This stores the given lines and returns a status code indicating
- whether the code forms a complete Python block or not, after processing
- all input lines for special IPython syntax.
- Any exceptions generated in compilation are swallowed, but if an
- exception was produced, the method returns True.
- Parameters
- ----------
- lines : string
- One or more lines of Python input.
- Returns
- -------
- is_complete : boolean
- True if the current input source (the result of the current input
- plus prior inputs) forms a complete Python execution block. Note that
- this value is also stored as a private attribute (_is_complete), so it
- can be queried at any time.
- """
- assert isinstance(lines, str)
- # We must ensure all input is pure unicode
- # ''.splitlines() --> [], but we need to push the empty line to transformers
- lines_list = lines.splitlines()
- if not lines_list:
- lines_list = ['']
- # Store raw source before applying any transformations to it. Note
- # that this must be done *after* the reset() call that would otherwise
- # flush the buffer.
- self._store(lines, self._buffer_raw, 'source_raw')
- transformed_lines_list = []
- for line in lines_list:
- transformed = self._transform_line(line)
- if transformed is not None:
- transformed_lines_list.append(transformed)
- if transformed_lines_list:
- transformed_lines = '\n'.join(transformed_lines_list)
- return super(IPythonInputSplitter, self).push(transformed_lines)
- else:
- # Got nothing back from transformers - they must be waiting for
- # more input.
- return False
- def _transform_line(self, line):
- """Push a line of input code through the various transformers.
- Returns any output from the transformers, or None if a transformer
- is accumulating lines.
- Sets self.transformer_accumulating as a side effect.
- """
- def _accumulating(dbg):
- #print(dbg)
- self.transformer_accumulating = True
- return None
- for transformer in self.physical_line_transforms:
- line = transformer.push(line)
- if line is None:
- return _accumulating(transformer)
- if not self.within_python_line:
- line = self.assemble_logical_lines.push(line)
- if line is None:
- return _accumulating('acc logical line')
- for transformer in self.logical_line_transforms:
- line = transformer.push(line)
- if line is None:
- return _accumulating(transformer)
- line = self.assemble_python_lines.push(line)
- if line is None:
- self.within_python_line = True
- return _accumulating('acc python line')
- else:
- self.within_python_line = False
- for transformer in self.python_line_transforms:
- line = transformer.push(line)
- if line is None:
- return _accumulating(transformer)
- #print("transformers clear") #debug
- self.transformer_accumulating = False
- return line