123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736 |
- #include "raw_batch_request.h"
- #include "raw_requests.h"
- #include "rpc_parameters_serialization.h"
- #include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/common/helpers.h>
- #include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/common/retry_lib.h>
- #include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/logging/yt_log.h>
- #include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/client.h>
- #include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/errors.h>
- #include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/serialize.h>
- #include <library/cpp/yson/node/node.h>
- #include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/http/context.h>
- #include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/http/retry_request.h>
- #include <util/generic/guid.h>
- #include <util/generic/scope.h>
- #include <util/string/builder.h>
- #include <exception>
- namespace NYT::NDetail::NRawClient {
- using NThreading::TFuture;
- using NThreading::TPromise;
- using NThreading::NewPromise;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static TString RequestInfo(const TNode& request)
- {
- return ::TStringBuilder()
- << request["command"].AsString() << ' ' << NodeToYsonString(request["parameters"]);
- }
- static void EnsureNothing(const TMaybe<TNode>& node)
- {
- Y_ENSURE(!node, "Internal error: expected to have no response, but got response of type " << node->GetType());
- }
- static void EnsureSomething(const TMaybe<TNode>& node)
- {
- Y_ENSURE(node, "Internal error: expected to have response of any type, but got no response.");
- }
- static void EnsureType(const TNode& node, TNode::EType type)
- {
- Y_ENSURE(node.GetType() == type, "Internal error: unexpected response type. "
- << "Expected: " << type << ", actual: " << node.GetType());
- }
- static void EnsureType(const TMaybe<TNode>& node, TNode::EType type)
- {
- Y_ENSURE(node, "Internal error: expected to have response of type " << type << ", but got no response.");
- EnsureType(*node, type);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <typename TReturnType>
- class TResponseParserBase
- : public THttpRawBatchRequest::IResponseItemParser
- {
- public:
- using TFutureResult = TFuture<TReturnType>;
- public:
- TResponseParserBase()
- : Result_(NewPromise<TReturnType>())
- { }
- void SetException(std::exception_ptr e) override
- {
- Result_.SetException(std::move(e));
- }
- TFuture<TReturnType> GetFuture()
- {
- return Result_.GetFuture();
- }
- protected:
- TPromise<TReturnType> Result_;
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TGetResponseParser
- : public TResponseParserBase<TNode>
- {
- public:
- void SetResponse(TMaybe<TNode> node) override
- {
- EnsureSomething(node);
- Result_.SetValue(std::move(*node));
- }
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TVoidResponseParser
- : public TResponseParserBase<void>
- {
- public:
- void SetResponse(TMaybe<TNode> node) override
- {
- EnsureNothing(node);
- Result_.SetValue();
- }
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TListResponseParser
- : public TResponseParserBase<TNode::TListType>
- {
- public:
- void SetResponse(TMaybe<TNode> node) override
- {
- EnsureType(node, TNode::List);
- Result_.SetValue(std::move(node->AsList()));
- }
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TExistsResponseParser
- : public TResponseParserBase<bool>
- {
- public:
- void SetResponse(TMaybe<TNode> node) override
- {
- EnsureType(node, TNode::Bool);
- Result_.SetValue(std::move(node->AsBool()));
- }
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TGuidResponseParser
- : public TResponseParserBase<TGUID>
- {
- public:
- void SetResponse(TMaybe<TNode> node) override
- {
- EnsureType(node, TNode::String);
- Result_.SetValue(GetGuid(node->AsString()));
- }
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TCanonizeYPathResponseParser
- : public TResponseParserBase<TRichYPath>
- {
- public:
- explicit TCanonizeYPathResponseParser(TString pathPrefix, const TRichYPath& original)
- : OriginalNode_(PathToNode(original))
- , PathPrefix_(std::move(pathPrefix))
- { }
- void SetResponse(TMaybe<TNode> node) override
- {
- EnsureType(node, TNode::String);
- for (const auto& item : OriginalNode_.GetAttributes().AsMap()) {
- node->Attributes()[item.first] = item.second;
- }
- TRichYPath result;
- Deserialize(result, *node);
- result.Path_ = AddPathPrefix(result.Path_, PathPrefix_);
- Result_.SetValue(result);
- }
- private:
- TNode OriginalNode_;
- TString PathPrefix_;
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TGetOperationResponseParser
- : public TResponseParserBase<TOperationAttributes>
- {
- public:
- void SetResponse(TMaybe<TNode> node) override
- {
- EnsureType(node, TNode::Map);
- Result_.SetValue(ParseOperationAttributes(*node));
- }
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TTableColumnarStatisticsParser
- : public TResponseParserBase<TVector<TTableColumnarStatistics>>
- {
- public:
- void SetResponse(TMaybe<TNode> node) override
- {
- EnsureType(node, TNode::List);
- TVector<TTableColumnarStatistics> statistics;
- Deserialize(statistics, *node);
- Result_.SetValue(std::move(statistics));
- }
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TTablePartitionsParser
- : public TResponseParserBase<TMultiTablePartitions>
- {
- public:
- void SetResponse(TMaybe<TNode> node) override
- {
- EnsureType(node, TNode::Map);
- TMultiTablePartitions partitions;
- Deserialize(partitions, *node);
- Result_.SetValue(std::move(partitions));
- }
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TGetFileFromCacheParser
- : public TResponseParserBase<TMaybe<TYPath>>
- {
- public:
- void SetResponse(TMaybe<TNode> node) override
- {
- EnsureType(node, TNode::String);
- if (node->AsString().empty()) {
- Result_.SetValue(Nothing());
- } else {
- Result_.SetValue(node->AsString());
- }
- }
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TYPathParser
- : public TResponseParserBase<TYPath>
- {
- public:
- void SetResponse(TMaybe<TNode> node) override
- {
- EnsureType(node, TNode::String);
- Result_.SetValue(node->AsString());
- }
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TCheckPermissionParser
- : public TResponseParserBase<TCheckPermissionResponse>
- {
- public:
- void SetResponse(TMaybe<TNode> node) override
- {
- EnsureType(node, TNode::Map);
- Result_.SetValue(ParseCheckPermissionResponse(*node));
- }
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- THttpRawBatchRequest::TBatchItem::TBatchItem(TNode parameters, ::TIntrusivePtr<IResponseItemParser> responseParser)
- : Parameters(std::move(parameters))
- , ResponseParser(std::move(responseParser))
- , NextTry()
- { }
- THttpRawBatchRequest::TBatchItem::TBatchItem(const TBatchItem& batchItem, TInstant nextTry)
- : Parameters(batchItem.Parameters)
- , ResponseParser(batchItem.ResponseParser)
- , NextTry(nextTry)
- { }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- THttpRawBatchRequest::THttpRawBatchRequest(const TClientContext& context, IRequestRetryPolicyPtr retryPolicy)
- : Context_(context)
- , RequestRetryPolicy_(std::move(retryPolicy))
- { }
- THttpRawBatchRequest::~THttpRawBatchRequest() = default;
- void THttpRawBatchRequest::ExecuteBatch(const TExecuteBatchOptions& options)
- {
- if (IsExecuted()) {
- ythrow yexception() << "Cannot execute batch request since it is already executed";
- }
- MarkExecuted();
- };
- const auto concurrency = options.Concurrency_.GetOrElse(50);
- const auto batchPartMaxSize = options.BatchPartMaxSize_.GetOrElse(concurrency * 5);
- if (!RequestRetryPolicy_) {
- RequestRetryPolicy_ = CreateDefaultRequestRetryPolicy(Context_.Config);
- }
- while (BatchSize()) {
- auto parameters = TNode::CreateMap();
- TInstant nextTry;
- FillParameterList(batchPartMaxSize, ¶meters["requests"], &nextTry);
- if (nextTry) {
- SleepUntil(nextTry);
- }
- parameters["concurrency"] = concurrency;
- auto body = NodeToYsonString(parameters);
- THttpHeader header("POST", "execute_batch");
- header.AddMutationId();
- TResponseInfo result;
- try {
- result = RequestWithRetry<TResponseInfo>(
- RequestRetryPolicy_,
- [this, &header, &body] (TMutationId& mutationId) {
- auto response = RequestWithoutRetry(Context_, mutationId, header, body);
- return TResponseInfo{
- .RequestId = response->GetRequestId(),
- .Response = response->GetResponse(),
- .HttpCode = response->GetStatusCode(),
- };
- });
- } catch (const std::exception& e) {
- SetErrorResult(std::current_exception());
- throw;
- }
- ParseResponse(std::move(result), RequestRetryPolicy_.Get());
- }
- }
- bool THttpRawBatchRequest::IsExecuted() const
- {
- return Executed_;
- }
- void THttpRawBatchRequest::MarkExecuted()
- {
- Executed_ = true;
- }
- template <typename TResponseParser>
- typename TResponseParser::TFutureResult THttpRawBatchRequest::AddRequest(
- const TString& command,
- TNode parameters,
- TMaybe<TNode> input)
- {
- return AddRequest(command, parameters, input, MakeIntrusive<TResponseParser>());
- }
- template <typename TResponseParser>
- typename TResponseParser::TFutureResult THttpRawBatchRequest::AddRequest(
- const TString& command,
- TNode parameters,
- TMaybe<TNode> input,
- ::TIntrusivePtr<TResponseParser> parser)
- {
- Y_ENSURE(!Executed_, "Cannot add request: batch request is already executed");
- TNode request;
- request["command"] = command;
- request["parameters"] = std::move(parameters);
- if (input) {
- request["input"] = std::move(*input);
- }
- BatchItemList_.emplace_back(std::move(request), parser);
- return parser->GetFuture();
- }
- void THttpRawBatchRequest::AddRequest(TBatchItem batchItem)
- {
- Y_ENSURE(!Executed_, "Cannot add request: batch request is already executed");
- BatchItemList_.push_back(batchItem);
- }
- TFuture<TNodeId> THttpRawBatchRequest::Create(
- const TTransactionId& transaction,
- const TYPath& path,
- ENodeType type,
- const TCreateOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TGuidResponseParser>(
- "create",
- SerializeParamsForCreate(transaction, Context_.Config->Prefix, path, type, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<void> THttpRawBatchRequest::Remove(
- const TTransactionId& transaction,
- const TYPath& path,
- const TRemoveOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TVoidResponseParser>(
- "remove",
- SerializeParamsForRemove(transaction, Context_.Config->Prefix, path, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<bool> THttpRawBatchRequest::Exists(
- const TTransactionId& transaction,
- const TYPath& path,
- const TExistsOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TExistsResponseParser>(
- "exists",
- SerializeParamsForExists(transaction, Context_.Config->Prefix, path, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<TNode> THttpRawBatchRequest::Get(
- const TTransactionId& transaction,
- const TYPath& path,
- const TGetOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TGetResponseParser>(
- "get",
- SerializeParamsForGet(transaction, Context_.Config->Prefix, path, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<void> THttpRawBatchRequest::Set(
- const TTransactionId& transaction,
- const TYPath& path,
- const TNode& node,
- const TSetOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TVoidResponseParser>(
- "set",
- SerializeParamsForSet(transaction, Context_.Config->Prefix, path, options),
- node);
- }
- TFuture<TNode::TListType> THttpRawBatchRequest::List(
- const TTransactionId& transaction,
- const TYPath& path,
- const TListOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TListResponseParser>(
- "list",
- SerializeParamsForList(transaction, Context_.Config->Prefix, path, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<TNodeId> THttpRawBatchRequest::Copy(
- const TTransactionId& transaction,
- const TYPath& sourcePath,
- const TYPath& destinationPath,
- const TCopyOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TGuidResponseParser>(
- "copy",
- SerializeParamsForCopy(transaction, Context_.Config->Prefix, sourcePath, destinationPath, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<TNodeId> THttpRawBatchRequest::Move(
- const TTransactionId& transaction,
- const TYPath& sourcePath,
- const TYPath& destinationPath,
- const TMoveOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TGuidResponseParser>(
- "move",
- SerializeParamsForMove(transaction, Context_.Config->Prefix, sourcePath, destinationPath, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<TNodeId> THttpRawBatchRequest::Link(
- const TTransactionId& transaction,
- const TYPath& targetPath,
- const TYPath& linkPath,
- const TLinkOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TGuidResponseParser>(
- "link",
- SerializeParamsForLink(transaction, Context_.Config->Prefix, targetPath, linkPath, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<TLockId> THttpRawBatchRequest::Lock(
- const TTransactionId& transaction,
- const TYPath& path,
- ELockMode mode,
- const TLockOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TGuidResponseParser>(
- "lock",
- SerializeParamsForLock(transaction, Context_.Config->Prefix, path, mode, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<void> THttpRawBatchRequest::Unlock(
- const TTransactionId& transaction,
- const TYPath& path,
- const TUnlockOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TVoidResponseParser>(
- "unlock",
- SerializeParamsForUnlock(transaction, Context_.Config->Prefix, path, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<TMaybe<TYPath>> THttpRawBatchRequest::GetFileFromCache(
- const TTransactionId& transactionId,
- const TString& md5Signature,
- const TYPath& cachePath,
- const TGetFileFromCacheOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TGetFileFromCacheParser>(
- "get_file_from_cache",
- SerializeParamsForGetFileFromCache(transactionId, md5Signature, cachePath, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<TYPath> THttpRawBatchRequest::PutFileToCache(
- const TTransactionId& transactionId,
- const TYPath& filePath,
- const TString& md5Signature,
- const TYPath& cachePath,
- const TPutFileToCacheOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TYPathParser>(
- "put_file_to_cache",
- SerializeParamsForPutFileToCache(transactionId, Context_.Config->Prefix, filePath, md5Signature, cachePath, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<TCheckPermissionResponse> THttpRawBatchRequest::CheckPermission(
- const TString& user,
- EPermission permission,
- const TYPath& path,
- const TCheckPermissionOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TCheckPermissionParser>(
- "check_permission",
- SerializeParamsForCheckPermission(user, permission, Context_.Config->Prefix, path, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<TOperationAttributes> THttpRawBatchRequest::GetOperation(
- const TOperationId& operationId,
- const TGetOperationOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TGetOperationResponseParser>(
- "get_operation",
- SerializeParamsForGetOperation(operationId, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<void> THttpRawBatchRequest::AbortOperation(const TOperationId& operationId)
- {
- return AddRequest<TVoidResponseParser>(
- "abort_op",
- SerializeParamsForAbortOperation(operationId),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<void> THttpRawBatchRequest::CompleteOperation(const TOperationId& operationId)
- {
- return AddRequest<TVoidResponseParser>(
- "complete_op",
- SerializeParamsForCompleteOperation(operationId),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<void> THttpRawBatchRequest::SuspendOperation(
- const TOperationId& operationId,
- const TSuspendOperationOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TVoidResponseParser>(
- "suspend_operation",
- SerializeParamsForSuspendOperation(operationId, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<void> THttpRawBatchRequest::ResumeOperation(
- const TOperationId& operationId,
- const TResumeOperationOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TVoidResponseParser>(
- "resume_operation",
- SerializeParamsForResumeOperation(operationId, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<void> THttpRawBatchRequest::UpdateOperationParameters(
- const TOperationId& operationId,
- const TUpdateOperationParametersOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TVoidResponseParser>(
- "update_op_parameters",
- SerializeParamsForUpdateOperationParameters(operationId, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<TRichYPath> THttpRawBatchRequest::CanonizeYPath(const TRichYPath& path)
- {
- TRichYPath result = path;
- // Out of the symbols in the canonization branch below, only '<' can appear in the beggining of a valid rich YPath.
- if (!result.Path_.StartsWith("<")) {
- result.Path_ = AddPathPrefix(result.Path_, Context_.Config->Prefix);
- }
- if (result.Path_.find_first_of("<>{}[]") != TString::npos) {
- return AddRequest<TCanonizeYPathResponseParser>(
- "parse_ypath",
- SerializeParamsForParseYPath(result),
- Nothing(),
- MakeIntrusive<TCanonizeYPathResponseParser>(Context_.Config->Prefix, result));
- }
- return NThreading::MakeFuture(result);
- }
- TFuture<TVector<TTableColumnarStatistics>> THttpRawBatchRequest::GetTableColumnarStatistics(
- const TTransactionId& transaction,
- const TVector<TRichYPath>& paths,
- const TGetTableColumnarStatisticsOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TTableColumnarStatisticsParser>(
- "get_table_columnar_statistics",
- SerializeParamsForGetTableColumnarStatistics(transaction, paths, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- TFuture<TMultiTablePartitions> THttpRawBatchRequest::GetTablePartitions(
- const TTransactionId& transaction,
- const TVector<TRichYPath>& paths,
- const TGetTablePartitionsOptions& options)
- {
- return AddRequest<TTablePartitionsParser>(
- "partition_tables",
- SerializeParamsForGetTablePartitions(transaction, paths, options),
- Nothing());
- }
- void THttpRawBatchRequest::FillParameterList(size_t maxSize, TNode* result, TInstant* nextTry) const
- {
- Y_ABORT_UNLESS(result);
- Y_ABORT_UNLESS(nextTry);
- *nextTry = TInstant();
- maxSize = Min(maxSize, BatchItemList_.size());
- *result = TNode::CreateList();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < maxSize; ++i) {
- YT_LOG_DEBUG("ExecuteBatch preparing: %v",
- RequestInfo(BatchItemList_[i].Parameters));
- result->Add(BatchItemList_[i].Parameters);
- if (BatchItemList_[i].NextTry > *nextTry) {
- *nextTry = BatchItemList_[i].NextTry;
- }
- }
- }
- void THttpRawBatchRequest::ParseResponse(
- const TResponseInfo& requestResult,
- const IRequestRetryPolicyPtr& retryPolicy,
- TInstant now)
- {
- TNode node = NodeFromYsonString(requestResult.Response);
- return ParseResponse(node, requestResult.RequestId, retryPolicy, now);
- }
- void THttpRawBatchRequest::ParseResponse(
- TNode node,
- const TString& requestId,
- const IRequestRetryPolicyPtr& retryPolicy,
- TInstant now)
- {
- EnsureType(node, TNode::List);
- auto& responseList = node.AsList();
- const auto size = responseList.size();
- Y_ENSURE(size <= BatchItemList_.size(),
- "Size of server response exceeds size of batch request;"
- " size of batch: " << BatchItemList_.size() <<
- " size of server response: " << size << '.');
- for (size_t i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
- try {
- EnsureType(responseList[i], TNode::Map);
- auto& responseNode = responseList[i].AsMap();
- const auto outputIt = responseNode.find("output");
- if (outputIt != responseNode.end()) {
- BatchItemList_[i].ResponseParser->SetResponse(std::move(outputIt->second));
- } else {
- const auto errorIt = responseNode.find("error");
- if (errorIt == responseNode.end()) {
- BatchItemList_[i].ResponseParser->SetResponse(Nothing());
- } else {
- TErrorResponse error(400, requestId);
- error.SetError(TYtError(errorIt->second));
- if (auto curInterval = IsRetriable(error) ? retryPolicy->OnRetriableError(error) : Nothing()) {
- "Batch subrequest (%s) failed, will retry, error: %s",
- RequestInfo(BatchItemList_[i].Parameters),
- error.what());
- AddRequest(TBatchItem(BatchItemList_[i], now + *curInterval));
- } else {
- "Batch subrequest (%s) failed, error: %s",
- RequestInfo(BatchItemList_[i].Parameters),
- error.what());
- BatchItemList_[i].ResponseParser->SetException(std::make_exception_ptr(error));
- }
- }
- }
- } catch (const std::exception& e) {
- // We don't expect other exceptions, so we don't catch (...)
- BatchItemList_[i].ResponseParser->SetException(std::current_exception());
- }
- }
- BatchItemList_.erase(BatchItemList_.begin(), BatchItemList_.begin() + size);
- }
- void THttpRawBatchRequest::SetErrorResult(std::exception_ptr e) const
- {
- for (const auto& batchItem : BatchItemList_) {
- batchItem.ResponseParser->SetException(e);
- }
- }
- size_t THttpRawBatchRequest::BatchSize() const
- {
- return BatchItemList_.size();
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- } // namespace NYT::NDetail::NRawClient