README.txt 1006 B

  1. Analysis Opportunities:
  2. //===---------------------------------------------------------------------===//
  3. In test/Transforms/LoopStrengthReduce/quadradic-exit-value.ll, the
  4. ScalarEvolution expression for %r is this:
  5. {1,+,3,+,2}<loop>
  6. Outside the loop, this could be evaluated simply as (%n * %n), however
  7. ScalarEvolution currently evaluates it as
  8. (-2 + (2 * (trunc i65 (((zext i64 (-2 + %n) to i65) * (zext i64 (-1 + %n) to i65)) /u 2) to i64)) + (3 * %n))
  9. In addition to being much more complicated, it involves i65 arithmetic,
  10. which is very inefficient when expanded into code.
  11. //===---------------------------------------------------------------------===//
  12. In formatValue in test/CodeGen/X86/lsr-delayed-fold.ll,
  13. ScalarEvolution is forming this expression:
  14. ((trunc i64 (-1 * %arg5) to i32) + (trunc i64 %arg5 to i32) + (-1 * (trunc i64 undef to i32)))
  15. This could be folded to
  16. (-1 * (trunc i64 undef to i32))
  17. //===---------------------------------------------------------------------===//