123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613 |
- #pragma once
- #include "public.h"
- #include <yt/yt/core/misc/error.h>
- #include <yt/yt/core/misc/property.h>
- #include <yt/yt/core/misc/range.h>
- #include <yt/yt/core/yson/public.h>
- #include <yt/yt/core/ytree/public.h>
- #include <util/digest/multi.h>
- namespace NYT::NTableClient {
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- constexpr int PrimaryLockIndex = 0;
- ((None) (0))
- ((SharedWeak) (1))
- ((SharedStrong) (2))
- ((Exclusive) (3))
- ((SharedWrite) (4))
- );
- // COMPAT(gritukan)
- constexpr ELockType MaxOldLockType = ELockType::Exclusive;
- bool IsReadLock(ELockType lock);
- bool IsWriteLock(ELockType lock);
- ELockType GetStrongestLock(ELockType lhs, ELockType rhs);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TLegacyLockMask
- {
- public:
- explicit TLegacyLockMask(TLegacyLockBitmap value = 0);
- ELockType Get(int index) const;
- void Set(int index, ELockType lock);
- void Enrich(int columnCount);
- TLegacyLockBitmap GetBitmap() const;
- TLegacyLockMask(const TLegacyLockMask& other) = default;
- TLegacyLockMask& operator= (const TLegacyLockMask& other) = default;
- static constexpr int BitsPerType = 2;
- static constexpr TLegacyLockBitmap TypeMask = (1 << BitsPerType) - 1;
- static constexpr int MaxCount = 8 * sizeof(TLegacyLockBitmap) / BitsPerType;
- private:
- TLegacyLockBitmap Data_;
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TLockMask
- {
- public:
- TLockMask() = default;
- TLockMask(TLockBitmap bitmap, int size);
- ELockType Get(int index) const;
- void Set(int index, ELockType lock);
- void Enrich(int size);
- int GetSize() const;
- TLockBitmap GetBitmap() const;
- // COMPAT(gritukan)
- TLegacyLockMask ToLegacyMask() const;
- bool HasNewLocks() const;
- // NB: Has linear complexity.
- bool IsNone() const;
- static constexpr int BitsPerType = 4;
- static_assert(static_cast<int>(TEnumTraits<ELockType>::GetMaxValue()) < (1 << BitsPerType));
- static constexpr ui64 LockMask = (1 << BitsPerType) - 1;
- static constexpr int LocksPerWord = 8 * sizeof(TLockBitmap::value_type) / BitsPerType;
- static_assert(IsPowerOf2(LocksPerWord));
- // Size of the lock mask should fit into ui16 for wire protocol.
- static constexpr int MaxSize = (1 << 16) - 1;
- private:
- TLockBitmap Bitmap_;
- int Size_ = 0;
- void Reserve(int size);
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- bool operator == (const TLockMask& lhs, const TLockMask& rhs);
- TLockMask MaxMask(TLockMask lhs, TLockMask rhs);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TColumnSchema
- {
- public:
- // Keep in sync with hasher below.
- DEFINE_BYREF_RO_PROPERTY(TColumnStableName, StableName);
- DEFINE_BYREF_RO_PROPERTY(TLogicalTypePtr, LogicalType);
- DEFINE_BYREF_RO_PROPERTY(std::optional<ESortOrder>, SortOrder);
- DEFINE_BYREF_RO_PROPERTY(std::optional<TString>, Lock);
- DEFINE_BYREF_RO_PROPERTY(std::optional<TString>, Expression);
- DEFINE_BYREF_RO_PROPERTY(std::optional<TString>, Aggregate);
- DEFINE_BYREF_RO_PROPERTY(std::optional<TString>, Group);
- DEFINE_BYREF_RO_PROPERTY(std::optional<i64>, MaxInlineHunkSize);
- public:
- TColumnSchema();
- TColumnSchema(
- TString name,
- EValueType type,
- std::optional<ESortOrder> sortOrder = {});
- TColumnSchema(
- TString name,
- ESimpleLogicalValueType type,
- std::optional<ESortOrder> sortOrder = {});
- TColumnSchema(
- TString name,
- TLogicalTypePtr type,
- std::optional<ESortOrder> sortOrder = {});
- TColumnSchema(const TColumnSchema&) = default;
- TColumnSchema(TColumnSchema&&) = default;
- TColumnSchema& operator=(const TColumnSchema&) = default;
- TColumnSchema& operator=(TColumnSchema&&) = default;
- TColumnSchema& SetStableName(TColumnStableName stableName);
- TColumnSchema& SetName(TString name);
- TColumnSchema& SetLogicalType(TLogicalTypePtr valueType);
- TColumnSchema& SetSimpleLogicalType(ESimpleLogicalValueType type);
- TColumnSchema& SetSortOrder(std::optional<ESortOrder> value);
- TColumnSchema& SetLock(std::optional<TString> value);
- TColumnSchema& SetExpression(std::optional<TString> value);
- TColumnSchema& SetAggregate(std::optional<TString> value);
- TColumnSchema& SetGroup(std::optional<TString> value);
- TColumnSchema& SetRequired(bool value);
- TColumnSchema& SetMaxInlineHunkSize(std::optional<i64> value);
- EValueType GetWireType() const;
- i64 GetMemoryUsage() const;
- // Check if column has plain old v1 type.
- bool IsOfV1Type() const;
- // Check if column has specified v1 type.
- bool IsOfV1Type(ESimpleLogicalValueType type) const;
- ESimpleLogicalValueType CastToV1Type() const;
- bool IsRenamed() const;
- TString GetDiagnosticNameString() const;
- private:
- ESimpleLogicalValueType V1Type_;
- EValueType WireType_;
- bool IsOfV1Type_;
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TDeletedColumn
- {
- public:
- TDeletedColumn();
- explicit TDeletedColumn(TColumnStableName stableName);
- DEFINE_BYREF_RO_PROPERTY(TColumnStableName, StableName);
- TDeletedColumn& SetStableName(TColumnStableName stableName);
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void FormatValue(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const TColumnSchema& schema, TStringBuf spec);
- void Serialize(const TColumnSchema& schema, NYson::IYsonConsumer* consumer);
- void ToProto(NProto::TColumnSchema* protoSchema, const TColumnSchema& schema);
- void FromProto(TColumnSchema* schema, const NProto::TColumnSchema& protoSchema);
- void ToProto(NProto::TDeletedColumn* protoSchema, const TDeletedColumn& schema);
- void FromProto(TDeletedColumn* schema, const NProto::TDeletedColumn& protoSchema);
- void PrintTo(const TColumnSchema& columnSchema, std::ostream* os);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class TTableSchema final
- {
- public:
- class TNameMapping
- {
- public:
- explicit TNameMapping(const TTableSchema& schema);
- bool IsDeleted(const TColumnStableName& stableName) const;
- TString StableNameToName(const TColumnStableName& stableName) const;
- TColumnStableName NameToStableName(TStringBuf name) const;
- private:
- const TTableSchema& Schema_;
- };
- public:
- const std::vector<TColumnSchema>& Columns() const;
- const std::vector<TDeletedColumn>& DeletedColumns() const;
- //! Strict schema forbids columns not specified in the schema.
- DEFINE_BYVAL_RO_PROPERTY(bool, Strict, false);
- DEFINE_BYVAL_RO_PROPERTY(bool, UniqueKeys, false);
- DEFINE_BYVAL_RO_PROPERTY(ETableSchemaModification, SchemaModification, ETableSchemaModification::None);
- //! Constructs an empty non-strict schema.
- TTableSchema() = default;
- TTableSchema(TTableSchema&&) = default;
- TTableSchema& operator=(TTableSchema&&) = default;
- TTableSchema(const TTableSchema&) = default;
- TTableSchema& operator=(const TTableSchema&) = default;
- //! Constructs a schema with given columns and strictness flag.
- //! No validation is performed.
- explicit TTableSchema(
- std::vector<TColumnSchema> columns,
- bool strict = true,
- bool uniqueKeys = false,
- ETableSchemaModification schemaModification = ETableSchemaModification::None,
- std::vector<TDeletedColumn> deletedColumns = {});
- const TColumnSchema* FindColumnByStableName(const TColumnStableName& stableName) const;
- const TDeletedColumn* FindDeletedColumn(const TColumnStableName& stableName) const;
- int GetColumnIndex(const TColumnSchema& column) const;
- int GetColumnIndex(TStringBuf name) const;
- int GetColumnIndexOrThrow(TStringBuf name) const;
- TNameMapping GetNameMapping() const;
- const TColumnSchema* FindColumn(TStringBuf name) const;
- const TColumnSchema& GetColumn(TStringBuf name) const;
- const TColumnSchema& GetColumnOrThrow(TStringBuf name) const;
- std::vector<TString> GetColumnNames() const;
- TTableSchemaPtr Filter(
- const TColumnFilter& columnFilter,
- bool discardSortOrder = false) const;
- TTableSchemaPtr Filter(
- const THashSet<TString>& columnNames,
- bool discardSortOrder = false) const;
- TTableSchemaPtr Filter(
- const std::optional<std::vector<TString>>& columnNames,
- bool discardSortOrder = false) const;
- bool HasComputedColumns() const;
- bool HasAggregateColumns() const;
- bool HasHunkColumns() const;
- bool HasTimestampColumn() const;
- bool HasTtlColumn() const;
- bool IsSorted() const;
- bool IsUniqueKeys() const;
- bool HasRenamedColumns() const;
- bool IsEmpty() const;
- std::optional<int> GetTtlColumnIndex() const;
- std::vector<TColumnStableName> GetKeyColumnStableNames() const;
- TKeyColumns GetKeyColumnNames() const;
- TKeyColumns GetKeyColumns() const;
- int GetColumnCount() const;
- int GetKeyColumnCount() const;
- int GetValueColumnCount() const;
- std::vector<TColumnStableName> GetColumnStableNames() const;
- const THunkColumnIds& GetHunkColumnIds() const;
- TSortColumns GetSortColumns(const std::optional<TNameMapping>& nameMapping = std::nullopt) const;
- bool HasNontrivialSchemaModification() const;
- //! Constructs a non-strict schema from #keyColumns assigning all components EValueType::Any type.
- //! #keyColumns could be empty, in which case an empty non-strict schema is returned.
- //! The resulting schema is validated.
- static TTableSchemaPtr FromKeyColumns(const TKeyColumns& keyColumns);
- //! Same as above, but infers key column sort orders from #sortColumns.
- static TTableSchemaPtr FromSortColumns(const TSortColumns& sortColumns);
- //! Returns schema with `UniqueKeys' set to given value.
- TTableSchemaPtr SetUniqueKeys(bool uniqueKeys) const;
- //! Returns schema with `SchemaModification' set to given value.
- TTableSchemaPtr SetSchemaModification(ETableSchemaModification schemaModification) const;
- //! For sorted tables, return the current schema as-is.
- //! For ordered tables, prepends the current schema with |(tablet_index, row_index)| key columns.
- TTableSchemaPtr ToQuery() const;
- //! For sorted tables, return the current schema without computed columns.
- //! For ordered tables, prepends the current schema with |(tablet_index)| key column
- //! but without |$timestamp| column, if any.
- TTableSchemaPtr ToWrite() const;
- //! For sorted tables, return the current schema
- //! For ordered tables, prepends the current schema with |(tablet_index)| key column.
- TTableSchemaPtr WithTabletIndex() const;
- //! Returns the current schema as-is.
- //! For ordered tables, prepends the current schema with |(tablet_index)| key column.
- TTableSchemaPtr ToVersionedWrite() const;
- //! For sorted tables, returns the non-computed key columns.
- //! For ordered tables, returns an empty schema.
- TTableSchemaPtr ToLookup() const;
- //! For sorted tables, returns the non-computed key columns.
- //! For ordered tables, returns an empty schema.
- TTableSchemaPtr ToDelete() const;
- //! Returns just the key columns.
- TTableSchemaPtr ToKeys() const;
- //! Returns the schema with UniqueKeys set to |true|.
- TTableSchemaPtr ToUniqueKeys() const;
- //! Returns the schema with all column attributes unset except
- //! StableName, Name, Type and Required.
- TTableSchemaPtr ToStrippedColumnAttributes() const;
- //! Returns the schema with all column attributes unset except
- //! StableName, Name, Type, Required and SortOrder.
- TTableSchemaPtr ToSortedStrippedColumnAttributes() const;
- //! Returns (possibly reordered) schema sorted by column names.
- TTableSchemaPtr ToCanonical() const;
- //! Returns (possibly reordered) schema with set key columns.
- TTableSchemaPtr ToSorted(const TKeyColumns& keyColumns) const;
- TTableSchemaPtr ToSorted(const TSortColumns& sortColumns) const;
- //! Only applies to sorted replicated tables.
- //! Returns the ordered schema used in replication logs.
- TTableSchemaPtr ToReplicationLog() const;
- //! Only applies to sorted dynamic tables.
- //! Returns the static schema used for unversioned updates from bulk insert.
- //! Key columns remain unchanged. Additional column |($change_type)| is prepended.
- //! Each value column |name| is replaced with two columns |($value:name)| and |($flags:name)|.
- //! If |sorted| is |false|, sort order is removed from key columns.
- TTableSchemaPtr ToUnversionedUpdate(bool sorted = true) const;
- TTableSchemaPtr ToModifiedSchema(ETableSchemaModification schemaModification) const;
- TComparator ToComparator() const;
- TKeyColumnTypes GetKeyColumnTypes() const;
- void Save(TStreamSaveContext& context) const;
- void Load(TStreamLoadContext& context);
- i64 GetMemoryUsage() const;
- private:
- struct TColumnInfo
- {
- TColumnInfo(std::vector<TColumnSchema> columns, std::vector<TDeletedColumn> deletedColumns)
- : Columns(std::move(columns))
- , DeletedColumns(std::move(deletedColumns))
- {
- }
- std::vector<TColumnSchema> Columns;
- std::vector<TDeletedColumn> DeletedColumns;
- };
- std::shared_ptr<const TColumnInfo> ColumnInfo_;
- int KeyColumnCount_ = 0;
- bool HasComputedColumns_ = false;
- bool HasAggregateColumns_ = false;
- THunkColumnIds HunkColumnsIds_;
- THashMap<TStringBuf, int> StableNameToColumnIndex_;
- THashMap<TStringBuf, int> NameToColumnIndex_;
- THashMap<TStringBuf, int> StableNameToDeletedColumnIndex_;
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void FormatValue(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const TTableSchema& schema, TStringBuf spec);
- void FormatValue(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const TTableSchemaPtr& schema, TStringBuf spec);
- TString ToString(const TTableSchema& schema);
- TString ToString(const TTableSchemaPtr& schema);
- //! Returns serialized NTableClient.NProto.TTableSchemaExt.
- TString SerializeToWireProto(const TTableSchemaPtr& schema);
- void DeserializeFromWireProto(TTableSchemaPtr* schema, const TString& serializedProto);
- void Serialize(const TTableSchema& schema, NYson::IYsonConsumer* consumer);
- void Deserialize(TTableSchema& schema, NYTree::INodePtr node);
- void Deserialize(TTableSchema& schema, NYson::TYsonPullParserCursor* cursor);
- void Serialize(const TTableSchemaPtr& schema, NYson::IYsonConsumer* consumer);
- void Deserialize(TTableSchemaPtr& schema, NYTree::INodePtr node);
- void Deserialize(TTableSchemaPtr& schema, NYson::TYsonPullParserCursor* cursor);
- void ToProto(NProto::TTableSchemaExt* protoSchema, const TTableSchema& schema);
- void FromProto(TTableSchema* schema, const NProto::TTableSchemaExt& protoSchema);
- void FromProto(
- TTableSchema* schema,
- const NProto::TTableSchemaExt& protoSchema,
- const NProto::TKeyColumnsExt& keyColumnsExt);
- void ToProto(NProto::TTableSchemaExt* protoSchema, const TTableSchemaPtr& schema);
- void FromProto(TTableSchemaPtr* schema, const NProto::TTableSchemaExt& protoSchema);
- void FromProto(
- TTableSchemaPtr* schema,
- const NProto::TTableSchemaExt& protoSchema,
- const NProto::TKeyColumnsExt& keyColumnsExt);
- void PrintTo(const TTableSchema& tableSchema, std::ostream* os);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- bool operator == (const TColumnSchema& lhs, const TColumnSchema& rhs);
- bool operator == (const TDeletedColumn& lhs, const TDeletedColumn& rhs);
- bool operator == (const TTableSchema& lhs, const TTableSchema& rhs);
- // Compat function for https://st.yandex-team.ru/YT-10668 workaround.
- bool IsEqualIgnoringRequiredness(const TTableSchema& lhs, const TTableSchema& rhs);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static constexpr TStringBuf NonexistentColumnName = "$__YT_NONEXISTENT_COLUMN_NAME__";
- std::vector<TColumnStableName> MapNamesToStableNames(
- const TTableSchema& schema,
- std::vector<TString> names,
- const std::optional<TStringBuf>& missingColumnReplacement = std::nullopt);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void ValidateKeyColumns(const TKeyColumns& keyColumns);
- void ValidateColumnName(const TString& name);
- void ValidateColumnSchema(
- const TColumnSchema& columnSchema,
- bool isTableSorted = false,
- bool isTableDynamic = false,
- bool allowUnversionedUpdateColumns = false);
- void ValidateTableSchema(
- const TTableSchema& schema,
- bool isTableDynamic = false,
- bool allowUnversionedUpdateColumns = false);
- void ValidateNoDescendingSortOrder(const TTableSchema& schema);
- void ValidateNoRenamedColumns(const TTableSchema& schema);
- void ValidateColumnUniqueness(const TTableSchema& schema);
- void ValidatePivotKey(
- TUnversionedRow pivotKey,
- const TTableSchema& schema,
- TStringBuf keyType = "pivot",
- bool validateRequired = false);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- THashMap<TString, int> GetLocksMapping(
- const NTableClient::TTableSchema& schema,
- bool fullAtomicity,
- std::vector<int>* columnIndexToLockIndex = nullptr,
- std::vector<TString>* lockIndexToName = nullptr);
- TLockMask GetLockMask(
- const NTableClient::TTableSchema& schema,
- bool fullAtomicity,
- const std::vector<TString>& locks,
- ELockType lockType = ELockType::SharedWeak);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // NB: Need to place this into NProto for ADL to work properly since TKeyColumns is std::vector.
- namespace NProto {
- void ToProto(NProto::TKeyColumnsExt* protoKeyColumns, const TKeyColumns& keyColumns);
- void FromProto(TKeyColumns* keyColumns, const NProto::TKeyColumnsExt& protoKeyColumns);
- void ToProto(TColumnFilter* protoColumnFilter, const NTableClient::TColumnFilter& columnFilter);
- void FromProto(NTableClient::TColumnFilter* columnFilter, const TColumnFilter& protoColumnFilter);
- } // namespace NProto
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Incompatible < RequireValidation < FullyCompatible
- constexpr bool operator < (ESchemaCompatibility lhs, ESchemaCompatibility rhs);
- constexpr bool operator <= (ESchemaCompatibility lhs, ESchemaCompatibility rhs);
- constexpr bool operator > (ESchemaCompatibility lhs, ESchemaCompatibility rhs);
- constexpr bool operator >= (ESchemaCompatibility lhs, ESchemaCompatibility rhs);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- struct TTableSchemaHash
- {
- size_t operator() (const TTableSchema& schema) const;
- size_t operator() (const TTableSchemaPtr& schema) const;
- };
- struct TTableSchemaEquals
- {
- bool operator() (const TTableSchema& lhs, const TTableSchema& rhs) const;
- bool operator() (const TTableSchemaPtr& lhs, const TTableSchemaPtr& rhs) const;
- bool operator() (const TTableSchemaPtr& lhs, const TTableSchema& rhs) const;
- };
- struct TCellTaggedTableSchema
- {
- TCellTaggedTableSchema(TTableSchema tableSchema, NObjectClient::TCellTag cellTag);
- TTableSchema TableSchema;
- NObjectClient::TCellTag CellTag;
- };
- struct TCellTaggedTableSchemaPtr
- {
- TCellTaggedTableSchemaPtr(TTableSchemaPtr tableSchema, NObjectClient::TCellTag cellTag);
- TTableSchemaPtr TableSchema;
- NObjectClient::TCellTag CellTag;
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- struct TCellTaggedTableSchemaHash
- {
- size_t operator() (const TCellTaggedTableSchema& cellTaggedSchema) const;
- size_t operator() (const TCellTaggedTableSchemaPtr& cellTaggedSchemaPtr) const;
- };
- struct TCellTaggedTableSchemaEquals
- {
- bool operator() (const TCellTaggedTableSchema& lhs, const TCellTaggedTableSchema& rhs) const;
- bool operator() (const TCellTaggedTableSchemaPtr& lhs, const TCellTaggedTableSchemaPtr& rhs) const;
- bool operator() (const TCellTaggedTableSchemaPtr& lhs, const TCellTaggedTableSchema& rhs) const;
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- } // namespace NYT::NTableClient
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <>
- struct THash<NYT::NTableClient::TColumnStableName>
- {
- size_t operator()(const NYT::NTableClient::TColumnStableName& stableName) const;
- };
- template <>
- struct THash<NYT::NTableClient::TDeletedColumn>
- {
- size_t operator()(const NYT::NTableClient::TDeletedColumn& deletedColumn) const;
- };
- template <>
- struct THash<NYT::NTableClient::TColumnSchema>
- {
- size_t operator()(const NYT::NTableClient::TColumnSchema& columnSchema) const;
- };
- template <>
- struct THash<NYT::NTableClient::TTableSchema>
- {
- size_t operator()(const NYT::NTableClient::TTableSchema& tableSchema) const;
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define SCHEMA_INL_H_
- #include "schema-inl.h"
- #undef SCHEMA_INL_H_