123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778 |
- import collections
- import json
- import os
- import six
- from hashlib import md5
- import ymake
- from _common import stripext, rootrel_arc_src, listid, pathid, lazy, get_no_lint_value
- PY_NAMESPACE_PREFIX = 'py/namespace'
- BUILTIN_PROTO = 'builtin_proto'
- def _split_macro_call(macro_call, data, item_size, chunk_size=1024):
- index = 0
- length = len(data)
- offset = item_size * chunk_size
- while index + 1 < length:
- macro_call(data[index : index + offset])
- index += offset
- def is_arc_src(src, unit):
- return (
- src.startswith('${ARCADIA_ROOT}/')
- or src.startswith('${CURDIR}/')
- or unit.resolve_arc_path(src).startswith('$S/')
- )
- def is_extended_source_search_enabled(path, unit):
- if not is_arc_src(path, unit):
- return False
- if unit.get('NO_EXTENDED_SOURCE_SEARCH') == 'yes':
- return False
- # contrib is unfriendly to extended source search
- if unit.resolve_arc_path(path).startswith('$S/contrib/'):
- return False
- return True
- def to_build_root(path, unit):
- if is_arc_src(path, unit):
- return '${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}/' + rootrel_arc_src(path, unit)
- return path
- def uniq_suffix(path, unit):
- upath = unit.path()
- if '/' not in path:
- return ''
- return '.{}'.format(pathid(upath)[:4])
- def pb2_arg(suf, path, mod, unit):
- return '{path}__int{py_ver}__{suf}={mod}{modsuf}'.format(
- path=stripext(to_build_root(path, unit)), suf=suf, mod=mod, modsuf=stripext(suf), py_ver=unit.get('_PYTHON_VER')
- )
- def proto_arg(path, mod, unit):
- return '{}.proto={}'.format(stripext(to_build_root(path, unit)), mod)
- def pb_cc_arg(suf, path, unit):
- return '{}{suf}'.format(stripext(to_build_root(path, unit)), suf=suf)
- def ev_cc_arg(path, unit):
- return '{}.ev.pb.cc'.format(stripext(to_build_root(path, unit)))
- def ev_arg(path, mod, unit):
- return '{}__int{}___ev_pb2.py={}_ev_pb2'.format(stripext(to_build_root(path, unit)), unit.get('_PYTHON_VER'), mod)
- def mangle(name):
- if '.' not in name:
- return name
- return ''.join('{}{}'.format(len(s), s) for s in name.split('.'))
- def parse_pyx_includes(filename, path, source_root, seen=None):
- def normpath(*args):
- return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(*args))
- abs_path = normpath(source_root, filename)
- seen = seen or set()
- if abs_path in seen:
- return
- seen.add(abs_path)
- if not os.path.exists(abs_path):
- # File might be missing, because it might be generated
- return
- with open(abs_path, 'rb') as f:
- # Don't parse cimports and etc - irrelevant for cython, it's linker work
- includes = [six.ensure_str(x) for x in ymake.parse_cython_includes(f.read())]
- abs_dirname = os.path.dirname(abs_path)
- # All includes are relative to the file which include
- path_dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
- file_dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
- for incfile in includes:
- abs_path = normpath(abs_dirname, incfile)
- if os.path.exists(abs_path):
- incname, incpath = normpath(file_dirname, incfile), normpath(path_dirname, incfile)
- yield (incname, incpath)
- # search for includes in the included files
- for e in parse_pyx_includes(incname, incpath, source_root, seen):
- yield e
- else:
- # There might be arcadia root or cython relative include.
- # Don't treat such file as missing, because there must be PEERDIR on py_library
- # which contains it.
- for path in [
- source_root,
- source_root + "/contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Includes",
- ]:
- if os.path.exists(normpath(path, incfile)):
- break
- else:
- ymake.report_configure_error("'{}' includes missing file: {} ({})".format(path, incfile, abs_path))
- def has_pyx(args):
- return any(arg.endswith('.pyx') for arg in args)
- def get_srcdir(path, unit):
- return rootrel_arc_src(path, unit)[: -len(path)].rstrip('/')
- @lazy
- def get_ruff_configs(unit):
- rel_config_path = rootrel_arc_src(unit.get('RUFF_CONFIG_PATHS_FILE'), unit)
- arc_config_path = unit.resolve_arc_path(rel_config_path)
- abs_config_path = unit.resolve(arc_config_path)
- with open(abs_config_path, 'r') as fd:
- return list(json.load(fd).values())
- def add_python_lint_checks(unit, py_ver, files):
- @lazy
- def get_resolved_files():
- resolved_files = []
- for path in files:
- resolved = unit.resolve_arc_path([path])
- if resolved.startswith('$S'): # path was resolved as source file.
- resolved_files.append(resolved)
- return resolved_files
- upath = unit.path()[3:]
- no_lint_value = get_no_lint_value(unit)
- if no_lint_value == "none":
- no_lint_allowed_paths = (
- "contrib/",
- "devtools/",
- "junk/",
- # temporary allowed, TODO: remove
- "taxi/uservices/",
- "travel/",
- "market/report/lite/", # MARKETOUT-38662, deadline: 2021-08-12
- "passport/backend/oauth/", # PASSP-35982
- "sdg/sdc/contrib/", # SDC contrib
- "sdg/sdc/third_party/", # SDC contrib
- "testenv/", # CI-3229
- "yt/yt/", # YT-20053
- "yt/python/", # YT-20053
- "yt/python_py2/",
- )
- if not upath.startswith(no_lint_allowed_paths):
- ymake.report_configure_error("NO_LINT() is allowed only in " + ", ".join(no_lint_allowed_paths))
- if files and no_lint_value not in ("none", "none_internal"):
- resolved_files = get_resolved_files()
- if resolved_files:
- collected = json.loads(unit.get('PY_LINTER_FILES')) if unit.get('PY_LINTER_FILES') else []
- unit.set(['PY_LINTER_FILES', json.dumps(resolved_files + collected)])
- def is_py3(unit):
- return unit.get("PYTHON3") == "yes"
- def on_py_program(unit, *args):
- py_program(unit, is_py3(unit))
- def py_program(unit, py3):
- """
- Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py_srcs/#modulpyprogramimakrospymain
- """
- if py3:
- peers = ['library/python/runtime_py3/main']
- if unit.get('PYTHON_SQLITE3') != 'no':
- peers.append('contrib/tools/python3/Modules/_sqlite')
- else:
- peers = ['library/python/runtime/main']
- if unit.get('PYTHON_SQLITE3') != 'no':
- peers.append('contrib/tools/python/src/Modules/_sqlite')
- unit.onpeerdir(peers)
- if os.name == 'nt':
- unit.onwindows_long_path_manifest()
- if unit.get('MODULE_TYPE') == 'PROGRAM': # can not check DLL
- unit.onadd_check_py_imports()
- def onpy_srcs(unit, *args):
- """
- @usage PY_SRCS({| CYTHONIZE_PY} {| CYTHON_C} { | TOP_LEVEL | NAMESPACE ns} Files...)
- PY_SRCS() - is rule to build extended versions of Python interpreters and containing all application code in its executable file.
- It can be used to collect only the executables but not shared libraries, and, in particular, not to collect the modules that are imported using import directive.
- The main disadvantage is the lack of IDE support; There is also no readline yet.
- The application can be collect from any of the sources from which the C library, and with the help of PY_SRCS .py , .pyx,.proto and .swg files.
- At the same time extensions for Python on C language generating from .pyx and .swg, will be registered in Python's as built-in modules, and sources on .py are stored as static data:
- when the interpreter starts, the initialization code will add a custom loader of these modules to sys.meta_path.
- You can compile .py files as Cython sources with CYTHONIZE_PY directive (Use carefully, as build can get too slow). However, with it you won't have profiling info by default.
- To enable it, add "# cython: profile=True" line to the beginning of every cythonized source.
- By default .pyx files are collected as C++-extensions. To collect them as C (similar to BUILDWITH_CYTHON_C, but with the ability to specify namespace), you must specify the Directive CYTHON_C.
- Building with pyx automatically registers modules, you do not need to call PY_REGISTER for them
- __init__.py never required, but if present (and specified in PY_SRCS), it will be imported when you import package modules with __init__.py Oh.
- Example of library declaration with PY_SRCS():
- PY2_LIBRARY(mymodule)
- PY_SRCS(a.py sub/dir/b.py e.proto sub/dir/f.proto c.pyx sub/dir/d.pyx g.swg sub/dir/h.swg)
- END()
- PY_REGISTER honors Python2 and Python3 differences and adjusts itself to Python version of a current module
- Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/arcadia/python/pysrcs/#modulipylibrarypy3libraryimakrospysrcs
- """
- # Each file arg must either be a path, or "${...}/buildpath=modname", where
- # "${...}/buildpath" part will be used as a file source in a future macro,
- # and "modname" will be used as a module name.
- upath = unit.path()[3:]
- py3 = is_py3(unit)
- py_main_only = unit.get('PROCESS_PY_MAIN_ONLY')
- with_py = not unit.get('PYBUILD_NO_PY')
- with_pyc = not unit.get('PYBUILD_NO_PYC')
- in_proto_library = unit.get('PY_PROTO') or unit.get('PY3_PROTO')
- venv = unit.get(YA_IDE_VENV_VAR)
- need_gazetteer_peerdir = False
- trim = 0
- if (
- not upath.startswith('contrib/tools/python')
- and not upath.startswith('library/python/runtime')
- and unit.get('NO_PYTHON_INCLS') != 'yes'
- ):
- unit.onpeerdir(['contrib/libs/python'])
- unit_needs_main = unit.get('MODULE_TYPE') in ('PROGRAM', 'DLL')
- if unit_needs_main:
- py_program(unit, py3)
- py_namespace_value = unit.get('PY_NAMESPACE_VALUE')
- if py_namespace_value == ".":
- ns = ""
- else:
- ns = (unit.get('PY_NAMESPACE_VALUE') or upath.replace('/', '.')) + '.'
- cython_coverage = unit.get('CYTHON_COVERAGE') == 'yes'
- cythonize_py = False
- optimize_proto = unit.get('OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS_FLAG') == 'yes'
- cython_directives = []
- if cython_coverage:
- cython_directives += ['-X', 'linetrace=True']
- pyxs_c = []
- pyxs_c_h = []
- pyxs_c_api_h = []
- pyxs_cpp = []
- pyxs_cpp_h = []
- pyxs = pyxs_cpp
- swigs_c = []
- swigs_cpp = []
- swigs = swigs_cpp
- pys = []
- pyis = []
- protos = []
- evs = []
- fbss = []
- py_namespaces = {}
- dump_dir = unit.get('PYTHON_BUILD_DUMP_DIR')
- dump_output = None
- if dump_dir:
- import threading
- pid = os.getpid()
- tid = threading.current_thread().ident
- dump_name = '{}-{}.dump'.format(pid, tid)
- dump_output = open(os.path.join(dump_dir, dump_name), 'a')
- args = iter(args)
- for arg in args:
- # Namespace directives.
- if arg == 'TOP_LEVEL':
- ns = ''
- elif arg == 'NAMESPACE':
- ns = next(args) + '.'
- # Cython directives.
- elif arg == 'CYTHON_C':
- pyxs = pyxs_c
- elif arg == 'CYTHON_C_H':
- pyxs = pyxs_c_h
- elif arg == 'CYTHON_C_API_H':
- pyxs = pyxs_c_api_h
- elif arg == 'CYTHON_CPP':
- pyxs = pyxs_cpp
- elif arg == 'CYTHON_CPP_H':
- pyxs = pyxs_cpp_h
- elif arg == 'CYTHON_DIRECTIVE':
- cython_directives += ['-X', next(args)]
- elif arg == 'CYTHONIZE_PY':
- cythonize_py = True
- # SWIG.
- elif arg == 'SWIG_C':
- swigs = swigs_c
- elif arg == 'SWIG_CPP':
- swigs = swigs_cpp
- # Unsupported but legal PROTO_LIBRARY arguments.
- elif arg == 'GLOBAL' or not in_proto_library and arg.endswith('.gztproto'):
- pass
- elif arg == '_MR':
- # GLOB support: convert arcadia-root-relative paths to module-relative
- # srcs are assumed to start with ${ARCADIA_ROOT}
- trim = len(unit.path()) + 14
- # Sources.
- else:
- main_mod = arg == 'MAIN'
- if main_mod:
- arg = next(args)
- if '=' in arg:
- main_py = False
- path, mod = arg.split('=', 1)
- else:
- if trim:
- arg = arg[trim:]
- if arg.endswith('.gztproto'):
- need_gazetteer_peerdir = True
- path = '{}.proto'.format(arg[:-9])
- else:
- path = arg
- main_py = path == '__main__.py' or path.endswith('/__main__.py')
- if not py3 and unit_needs_main and main_py:
- mod = '__main__'
- else:
- if arg.startswith('../'):
- ymake.report_configure_error('PY_SRCS item starts with "../": {!r}'.format(arg))
- if arg.startswith('/'):
- ymake.report_configure_error('PY_SRCS item starts with "/": {!r}'.format(arg))
- continue
- mod_name = stripext(arg).replace('/', '.')
- if py3 and path.endswith('.py') and is_extended_source_search_enabled(path, unit):
- # Dig out real path from the file path. Unit.path is not enough because of SRCDIR and ADDINCL
- root_rel_path = rootrel_arc_src(path, unit)
- mod_root_path = root_rel_path[: -(len(path) + 1)]
- py_namespaces.setdefault(mod_root_path, set()).add(ns if ns else '.')
- mod = ns + mod_name
- if in_proto_library:
- mod = mod.replace('-', '_')
- if main_mod:
- py_main(unit, mod + ":main")
- elif py3 and unit_needs_main and main_py:
- py_main(unit, mod)
- if py_main_only:
- continue
- if py3 and mod == '__main__':
- ymake.report_configure_error('TOP_LEVEL __main__.py is not allowed in PY3_PROGRAM')
- pathmod = (path, mod)
- if dump_output is not None:
- dump_output.write(
- '{path}\t{module}\t{py3}\n'.format(
- path=rootrel_arc_src(path, unit), module=mod, py3=1 if py3 else 0
- )
- )
- if path.endswith('.py'):
- if cythonize_py:
- pyxs.append(pathmod)
- else:
- pys.append(pathmod)
- elif path.endswith('.pyx'):
- pyxs.append(pathmod)
- elif path.endswith('.proto'):
- protos.append(pathmod)
- elif path.endswith('.ev'):
- evs.append(pathmod)
- elif path.endswith('.swg'):
- swigs.append(pathmod)
- elif path.endswith('.pyi'):
- pyis.append(pathmod)
- elif path.endswith('.fbs'):
- fbss.append(pathmod)
- else:
- ymake.report_configure_error('in PY_SRCS: unrecognized arg {!r}'.format(path))
- if dump_output is not None:
- dump_output.close()
- if pyxs:
- py_files2res = set()
- cpp_files2res = set()
- # Include map stores files which were included in the processing pyx file,
- # to be able to find source code of the included file inside generated file
- # for currently processing pyx file.
- include_map = collections.defaultdict(set)
- if cython_coverage:
- def process_pyx(filename, path, out_suffix, with_ext):
- # skip generated files
- if not is_arc_src(path, unit):
- return
- # source file
- py_files2res.add((filename, path))
- # generated
- if with_ext is None:
- cpp_files2res.add(
- (
- os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + out_suffix,
- os.path.splitext(path)[0] + out_suffix,
- )
- )
- else:
- cpp_files2res.add((filename + with_ext + out_suffix, path + with_ext + out_suffix))
- # used includes
- for entry in parse_pyx_includes(filename, path, unit.resolve('$S')):
- py_files2res.add(entry)
- include_arc_rel = entry[0]
- include_map[filename].add(include_arc_rel)
- else:
- def process_pyx(filename, path, out_suffix, with_ext):
- pass
- obj_suff = unit.get('OBJ_SUF')
- assert obj_suff is not None
- for pyxs, cython, out_suffix, with_ext in [
- (pyxs_c, unit.on_buildwith_cython_c_dep, ".c", obj_suff),
- (pyxs_c_h, unit.on_buildwith_cython_c_h, ".c", None),
- (pyxs_c_api_h, unit.on_buildwith_cython_c_api_h, ".c", None),
- (pyxs_cpp, unit.on_buildwith_cython_cpp_dep, ".cpp", obj_suff),
- (pyxs_cpp_h, unit.on_buildwith_cython_cpp_h, ".cpp", None),
- ]:
- for path, mod in pyxs:
- filename = rootrel_arc_src(path, unit)
- cython_args = [path]
- dep = path
- if path.endswith('.py'):
- pxd = '/'.join(mod.split('.')) + '.pxd'
- if unit.resolve_arc_path(pxd):
- dep = pxd
- cython_args.append(dep)
- cython_args += [
- '--module-name',
- mod,
- '--init-suffix',
- mangle(mod),
- '--source-root',
- # set arcadia root relative __file__ for generated modules
- '-X',
- 'set_initial_path={}'.format(filename),
- ] + cython_directives
- cython(cython_args)
- py_register(unit, mod, py3)
- process_pyx(filename, path, out_suffix, with_ext)
- if cythonize_py:
- # Lint checks are not added for cythonized files by default, so we must add it here
- # as we are doing for regular pys.
- _23 = 3 if py3 else 2
- add_python_lint_checks(
- unit,
- _23,
- [path for path, mod in pyxs if path.endswith(".py")]
- + unit.get(['_PY_EXTRA_LINT_FILES_VALUE']).split(),
- )
- if py_files2res:
- # Compile original and generated sources into target for proper cython coverage calculation
- for files2res in (py_files2res, cpp_files2res):
- unit.onresource_files([x for name, path in files2res for x in ('DEST', name, path)])
- if include_map:
- data = []
- prefix = 'resfs/cython/include'
- for line in sorted(
- '{}/{}={}'.format(prefix, filename, ':'.join(sorted(files)))
- for filename, files in six.iteritems(include_map)
- ):
- data += ['-', line]
- unit.onresource(data)
- for swigs, on_swig_python in [
- (swigs_c, unit.on_swig_python_c),
- (swigs_cpp, unit.on_swig_python_cpp),
- ]:
- for path, mod in swigs:
- # Make output prefix basename match swig module name.
- prefix = path[: path.rfind('/') + 1] + mod.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
- swg_py = '{}/{}/{}.py'.format('${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}', upath, prefix)
- on_swig_python([path, prefix])
- onpy_register(unit, mod + '_swg')
- onpy_srcs(unit, swg_py + '=' + mod)
- if pys:
- pys_seen = set()
- pys_dups = {m for _, m in pys if (m in pys_seen or pys_seen.add(m))}
- if pys_dups:
- ymake.report_configure_error('Duplicate(s) is found in the PY_SRCS macro: {}'.format(pys_dups))
- res = []
- if py3:
- mod_list_md5 = md5()
- for path, mod in pys:
- mod_list_md5.update(six.ensure_binary(mod))
- if not (venv and is_extended_source_search_enabled(path, unit)):
- dest = 'py/' + mod.replace('.', '/') + '.py'
- if with_py:
- res += ['DEST', dest, path]
- if with_pyc:
- root_rel_path = rootrel_arc_src(path, unit)
- dst = path + uniq_suffix(path, unit)
- unit.on_py3_compile_bytecode([root_rel_path + '-', path, dst])
- res += ['DEST', dest + '.yapyc3', dst + '.yapyc3']
- if py_namespaces:
- # Note: Add md5 to key to prevent key collision if two or more PY_SRCS() used in the same ya.make
- ns_res = []
- for path, ns in sorted(py_namespaces.items()):
- key = '{}/{}/{}'.format(PY_NAMESPACE_PREFIX, mod_list_md5.hexdigest(), path)
- namespaces = ':'.join(sorted(ns))
- ns_res += ['-', '{}="{}"'.format(key, namespaces)]
- unit.onresource(ns_res)
- _split_macro_call(unit.onresource_files, res, (3 if with_py else 0) + (3 if with_pyc else 0))
- add_python_lint_checks(
- unit, 3, [path for path, mod in pys] + unit.get(['_PY_EXTRA_LINT_FILES_VALUE']).split()
- )
- else:
- for path, mod in pys:
- root_rel_path = rootrel_arc_src(path, unit)
- if with_py:
- key = '/py_modules/' + mod
- res += [
- path,
- key,
- '-',
- 'resfs/src/{}={}'.format(key, root_rel_path),
- ]
- if with_pyc:
- src = unit.resolve_arc_path(path) or path
- dst = path + uniq_suffix(path, unit)
- unit.on_py_compile_bytecode([root_rel_path + '-', src, dst])
- res += [dst + '.yapyc', '/py_code/' + mod]
- _split_macro_call(unit.onresource, res, (4 if with_py else 0) + (2 if with_pyc else 0))
- add_python_lint_checks(
- unit, 2, [path for path, mod in pys] + unit.get(['_PY_EXTRA_LINT_FILES_VALUE']).split()
- )
- if pyis:
- pyis_seen = set()
- pyis_dups = {m for _, m in pyis if (m in pyis_seen or pyis_seen.add(m))}
- if pyis_dups:
- pyis_dups = ', '.join(name for name in sorted(pyis_dups))
- ymake.report_configure_error('Duplicate(s) is found in the PY_SRCS macro: {}'.format(pyis_dups))
- res = []
- for path, mod in pyis:
- dest = 'py/' + mod.replace('.', '/') + '.pyi'
- res += ['DEST', dest, path]
- unit.onresource_files(res)
- use_vanilla_protoc = unit.get('USE_VANILLA_PROTOC') == 'yes'
- if use_vanilla_protoc:
- cpp_runtime_path = 'contrib/libs/protobuf_std'
- py_runtime_path = 'contrib/python/protobuf_std'
- builtin_proto_path = cpp_runtime_path + '/' + BUILTIN_PROTO
- else:
- cpp_runtime_path = 'contrib/libs/protobuf'
- py_runtime_path = 'contrib/python/protobuf'
- builtin_proto_path = cpp_runtime_path + '/' + BUILTIN_PROTO
- if protos:
- if not upath.startswith(py_runtime_path) and not upath.startswith(builtin_proto_path):
- if 'protobuf_old' not in upath:
- unit.onpeerdir(py_runtime_path)
- unit.onpeerdir(unit.get("PY_PROTO_DEPS").split())
- proto_paths = [path for path, mod in protos]
- unit.on_generate_py_protos_internal(proto_paths)
- unit.onpy_srcs(
- [
- pb2_arg(py_suf, path, mod, unit)
- for path, mod in protos
- for py_suf in unit.get("PY_PROTO_SUFFIXES").split()
- ]
- )
- if optimize_proto and need_gazetteer_peerdir:
- unit.onpeerdir(['kernel/gazetteer/proto'])
- if evs:
- unit.onpeerdir([cpp_runtime_path])
- unit.on_generate_py_evs_internal([path for path, mod in evs])
- unit.onpy_srcs([ev_arg(path, mod, unit) for path, mod in evs])
- if fbss:
- unit.onpeerdir(unit.get('_PY_FBS_DEPS').split())
- pysrc_base_name = listid(fbss)
- if py3:
- unit.onfbs_to_pysrc([pysrc_base_name] + [path for path, _ in fbss])
- unit.onsrcs(['GLOBAL', '{}.py3.fbs.pysrc'.format(pysrc_base_name)])
- else:
- unit.onfbs_to_py2src([pysrc_base_name] + [path for path, _ in fbss])
- unit.onsrcs(['GLOBAL', '{}.py2.fbs.pysrc'.format(pysrc_base_name)])
- def _check_test_srcs(*args):
- used = set(args) & {"NAMESPACE", "TOP_LEVEL", "__main__.py"}
- if used:
- param = list(used)[0]
- ymake.report_configure_error(
- 'in TEST_SRCS: you cannot use {} here - it would broke testing machinery'.format(param)
- )
- def ontest_srcs(unit, *args):
- _check_test_srcs(*args)
- if unit.get('PY3TEST_BIN' if is_py3(unit) else 'PYTEST_BIN') != 'no':
- unit.onpy_srcs(["NAMESPACE", "__tests__"] + list(args))
- def onpy_doctests(unit, *args):
- """
- @usage PY_DOCTESTS(Packages...)
- Add to the test doctests for specified Python packages
- The packages should be part of a test (listed as sources of the test or its PEERDIRs).
- """
- if unit.get('PY3TEST_BIN' if is_py3(unit) else 'PYTEST_BIN') != 'no':
- unit.onresource(['-', 'PY_DOCTEST_PACKAGES="{}"'.format(' '.join(args))])
- def py_register(unit, func, py3):
- if py3:
- unit.on_py3_register([func])
- else:
- unit.on_py_register([func])
- def onpy_register(unit, *args):
- """
- @usage: PY_REGISTER([package.]module_name)
- Python knows about which built-ins can be imported, due to their registration in the Assembly or at the start of the interpreter.
- All modules from the sources listed in PY_SRCS() are registered automatically.
- To register the modules from the sources in the SRCS(), you need to use PY_REGISTER().
- PY_REGISTER(module_name) initializes module globally via call to initmodule_name()
- PY_REGISTER(package.module_name) initializes module in the specified package
- It renames its init function with CFLAGS(-Dinitmodule_name=init7package11module_name)
- or CFLAGS(-DPyInit_module_name=PyInit_7package11module_name)
- Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/arcadia/python/pysrcs/#makrospyregister
- """
- py3 = is_py3(unit)
- for name in args:
- assert '=' not in name, name
- py_register(unit, name, py3)
- if '.' in name:
- shortname = name.rsplit('.', 1)[1]
- if py3:
- unit.oncflags(['-DPyInit_{}=PyInit_{}'.format(shortname, mangle(name))])
- else:
- unit.oncflags(['-Dinit{}=init{}'.format(shortname, mangle(name))])
- def py_main(unit, arg):
- if unit.get('IGNORE_PY_MAIN'):
- return
- unit_needs_main = unit.get('MODULE_TYPE') in ('PROGRAM', 'DLL')
- if unit_needs_main:
- py_program(unit, is_py3(unit))
- unit.onresource(['-', 'PY_MAIN={}'.format(arg)])
- def onpy_main(unit, arg):
- """
- @usage: PY_MAIN(package.module[:func])
- Specifies the module or function from which to start executing a python program
- Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/arcadia/python/pysrcs/#modulipyprogrampy3programimakrospymain
- """
- arg = arg.replace('/', '.')
- if ':' not in arg:
- arg += ':main'
- py_main(unit, arg)
- def onpy_constructor(unit, arg):
- """
- @usage: PY_CONSTRUCTOR(package.module[:func])
- Specifies the module or function which will be started before python's main()
- init() is expected in the target module if no function is specified
- Can be considered as __attribute__((constructor)) for python
- """
- if ':' not in arg:
- arg = arg + '=init'
- else:
- arg[arg.index(':')] = '='
- unit.onresource(['-', 'py/constructors/{}'.format(arg)])
- def onpy_enums_serialization(unit, *args):
- ns = ''
- args = iter(args)
- for arg in args:
- # Namespace directives.
- if arg == 'NAMESPACE':
- ns = next(args)
- else:
- unit.on_py_enum_serialization_to_json(arg)
- unit.on_py_enum_serialization_to_py(arg)
- filename = arg.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.py'
- if len(ns) != 0:
- onpy_srcs(unit, 'NAMESPACE', ns, filename)
- else:
- onpy_srcs(unit, filename)
- def oncpp_enums_serialization(unit, *args):
- args = iter(args)
- for arg in args:
- # Namespace directives.
- if arg == 'NAMESPACE':
- next(args)
- else:
- unit.ongenerate_enum_serialization_with_header(arg)