123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660 |
- #include "context.h"
- #include <yql/essentials/providers/common/provider/yql_provider_names.h>
- #include <yql/essentials/utils/yql_panic.h>
- #include <yql/essentials/utils/yql_paths.h>
- #include <util/folder/pathsplit.h>
- #include <util/string/join.h>
- #include <util/stream/null.h>
- #ifdef GetMessage
- #undef GetMessage
- #endif
- using namespace NYql;
- namespace NSQLTranslationV1 {
- namespace {
- TNodePtr AddTablePathPrefix(TContext& ctx, TStringBuf prefixPath, const TDeferredAtom& path) {
- if (prefixPath.empty()) {
- return path.Build();
- }
- if (path.GetLiteral()) {
- return BuildQuotedAtom(path.Build()->GetPos(), BuildTablePath(prefixPath, *path.GetLiteral()));
- }
- auto pathNode = path.Build();
- pathNode = new TCallNodeImpl(pathNode->GetPos(), "String", { pathNode });
- auto prefixNode = BuildLiteralRawString(pathNode->GetPos(), TString(prefixPath));
- TNodePtr buildPathNode = new TCallNodeImpl(pathNode->GetPos(), "BuildTablePath", { prefixNode, pathNode });
- TDeferredAtom result;
- MakeTableFromExpression(ctx.Pos(), ctx, buildPathNode, result);
- return result.Build();
- }
- typedef bool TContext::*TPragmaField;
- THashMap<TStringBuf, TPragmaField> CTX_PRAGMA_FIELDS = {
- {"AnsiOptionalAs", &TContext::AnsiOptionalAs},
- {"WarnOnAnsiAliasShadowing", &TContext::WarnOnAnsiAliasShadowing},
- {"PullUpFlatMapOverJoin", &TContext::PragmaPullUpFlatMapOverJoin},
- {"FilterPushdownOverJoinOptionalSide", &TContext::FilterPushdownOverJoinOptionalSide},
- {"RotateJoinTree", &TContext::RotateJoinTree},
- {"DqEngineEnable", &TContext::DqEngineEnable},
- {"DqEngineForce", &TContext::DqEngineForce},
- {"RegexUseRe2", &TContext::PragmaRegexUseRe2},
- {"OrderedColumns", &TContext::OrderedColumns},
- {"BogousStarInGroupByOverJoin", &TContext::BogousStarInGroupByOverJoin},
- {"CoalesceJoinKeysOnQualifiedAll", &TContext::CoalesceJoinKeysOnQualifiedAll},
- {"UnorderedSubqueries", &TContext::UnorderedSubqueries},
- {"FlexibleTypes", &TContext::FlexibleTypes},
- {"AnsiCurrentRow", &TContext::AnsiCurrentRow},
- {"EmitStartsWith", &TContext::EmitStartsWith},
- {"AnsiLike", &TContext::AnsiLike},
- {"UseBlocks", &TContext::UseBlocks},
- {"EmitTableSource", &TContext::EmitTableSource},
- {"BlockEngineEnable", &TContext::BlockEngineEnable},
- {"BlockEngineForce", &TContext::BlockEngineForce},
- {"UnorderedResult", &TContext::UnorderedResult},
- {"CompactNamedExprs", &TContext::CompactNamedExprs},
- {"ValidateUnusedExprs", &TContext::ValidateUnusedExprs},
- {"AnsiImplicitCrossJoin", &TContext::AnsiImplicitCrossJoin},
- {"DistinctOverWindow", &TContext::DistinctOverWindow},
- {"EmitUnionMerge", &TContext::EmitUnionMerge},
- {"SeqMode", &TContext::SeqMode},
- };
- typedef TMaybe<bool> TContext::*TPragmaMaybeField;
- THashMap<TStringBuf, TPragmaMaybeField> CTX_PRAGMA_MAYBE_FIELDS = {
- {"AnsiRankForNullableKeys", &TContext::AnsiRankForNullableKeys},
- {"AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections", &TContext::AnsiInForEmptyOrNullableItemsCollections},
- {"EmitAggApply", &TContext::EmitAggApply},
- {"CompactGroupBy", &TContext::CompactGroupBy},
- };
- } // namespace
- TContext::TContext(const TLexers& lexers, const TParsers& parsers,
- const NSQLTranslation::TTranslationSettings& settings,
- const NSQLTranslation::TSQLHints& hints,
- TIssues& issues,
- const TString& query)
- : Lexers(lexers)
- , Parsers(parsers)
- , ClusterMapping(settings.ClusterMapping)
- , PathPrefix(settings.PathPrefix)
- , ClusterPathPrefixes(settings.ClusterPathPrefixes)
- , SQLHints(hints)
- , Settings(settings)
- , Query(query)
- , Pool(new TMemoryPool(4096))
- , Issues(issues)
- , IncrementMonCounterFunction(settings.IncrementCounter)
- , HasPendingErrors(false)
- , DqEngineEnable(Settings.DqDefaultAuto->Allow())
- , AnsiQuotedIdentifiers(settings.AnsiLexer)
- , BlockEngineEnable(Settings.BlockDefaultAuto->Allow())
- {
- for (auto lib : settings.Libraries) {
- Libraries.emplace(lib, TLibraryStuff());
- }
- Scoped = MakeIntrusive<TScopedState>();
- AllScopes.push_back(Scoped);
- Scoped->UnicodeLiterals = settings.UnicodeLiterals;
- if (settings.DefaultCluster) {
- Scoped->CurrCluster = TDeferredAtom({}, settings.DefaultCluster);
- auto provider = GetClusterProvider(settings.DefaultCluster);
- YQL_ENSURE(provider);
- Scoped->CurrService = *provider;
- }
- Position.File = settings.File;
- for (auto& flag: settings.Flags) {
- bool value = true;
- TStringBuf key = flag;
- auto ptr = CTX_PRAGMA_FIELDS.FindPtr(key);
- auto ptrMaybe = CTX_PRAGMA_MAYBE_FIELDS.FindPtr(key);
- if (!ptr && !ptrMaybe && key.SkipPrefix("Disable")) {
- value = false;
- ptr = CTX_PRAGMA_FIELDS.FindPtr(key);
- ptrMaybe = CTX_PRAGMA_MAYBE_FIELDS.FindPtr(key);
- }
- if (ptr) {
- this->*(*ptr) = value;
- } else if (ptrMaybe) {
- this->*(*ptrMaybe) = value;
- }
- }
- DiscoveryMode = (NSQLTranslation::ESqlMode::DISCOVERY == Settings.Mode);
- }
- TContext::~TContext()
- {
- for (auto& x: AllScopes) {
- x->Clear();
- }
- }
- const NYql::TPosition& TContext::Pos() const {
- return Position;
- }
- TString TContext::MakeName(const TString& name) {
- auto iter = GenIndexes.find(name);
- if (iter == GenIndexes.end()) {
- iter = GenIndexes.emplace(name, 0).first;
- }
- TStringBuilder str;
- str << name << iter->second;
- ++iter->second;
- return str;
- }
- void TContext::PushCurrentBlocks(TBlocks* blocks) {
- YQL_ENSURE(blocks);
- CurrentBlocks.push_back(blocks);
- }
- void TContext::PopCurrentBlocks() {
- YQL_ENSURE(!CurrentBlocks.empty());
- CurrentBlocks.pop_back();
- }
- TBlocks& TContext::GetCurrentBlocks() const {
- YQL_ENSURE(!CurrentBlocks.empty());
- return *CurrentBlocks.back();
- }
- IOutputStream& TContext::Error(NYql::TIssueCode code) {
- return Error(Pos(), code);
- }
- IOutputStream& TContext::Error(NYql::TPosition pos, NYql::TIssueCode code) {
- HasPendingErrors = true;
- return MakeIssue(TSeverityIds::S_ERROR, code, pos);
- }
- IOutputStream& TContext::Warning(NYql::TPosition pos, NYql::TIssueCode code) {
- return MakeIssue(TSeverityIds::S_WARNING, code, pos);
- }
- IOutputStream& TContext::Info(NYql::TPosition pos) {
- return MakeIssue(TSeverityIds::S_INFO, TIssuesIds::INFO, pos);
- }
- void TContext::SetWarningPolicyFor(NYql::TIssueCode code, NYql::EWarningAction action) {
- TString codePattern = ToString(code);
- TString actionString = ToString(action);
- TWarningRule rule;
- TString parseError;
- auto parseResult = TWarningRule::ParseFrom(codePattern, actionString, rule, parseError);
- YQL_ENSURE(parseResult == TWarningRule::EParseResult::PARSE_OK);
- WarningPolicy.AddRule(rule);
- }
- TVector<NSQLTranslation::TSQLHint> TContext::PullHintForToken(NYql::TPosition tokenPos) {
- TVector<NSQLTranslation::TSQLHint> result;
- auto it = SQLHints.find(tokenPos);
- if (it == SQLHints.end()) {
- return result;
- }
- result = std::move(it->second);
- SQLHints.erase(it);
- return result;
- }
- void TContext::WarnUnusedHints() {
- if (!SQLHints.empty()) {
- // warn about first unused hint
- auto firstUnused = SQLHints.begin();
- YQL_ENSURE(!firstUnused->second.empty());
- const NSQLTranslation::TSQLHint& hint = firstUnused->second.front();
- Warning(hint.Pos, TIssuesIds::YQL_UNUSED_HINT) << "Hint " << hint.Name << " will not be used";
- }
- }
- IOutputStream& TContext::MakeIssue(ESeverity severity, TIssueCode code, NYql::TPosition pos) {
- if (severity == TSeverityIds::S_WARNING) {
- auto action = WarningPolicy.GetAction(code);
- if (action == EWarningAction::ERROR) {
- severity = TSeverityIds::S_ERROR;
- HasPendingErrors = true;
- } else if (action == EWarningAction::DISABLE) {
- return Cnull;
- }
- }
- // we have the last cell for issue, let's fill it with our internal error
- if (severity >= TSeverityIds::S_WARNING) {
- const bool aboveHalf = Issues.Size() > Settings.MaxErrors / 2;
- if (aboveHalf) {
- return Cnull;
- }
- } else {
- if (Settings.MaxErrors == Issues.Size() + 1) {
- Issues.AddIssue(TIssue(NYql::TPosition(), TString(TStringBuf("Too many issues"))));
- Issues.back().SetCode(UNEXPECTED_ERROR, TSeverityIds::S_ERROR);
- }
- if (Settings.MaxErrors <= Issues.Size()) {
- ythrow NProtoAST::TTooManyErrors() << "Too many issues";
- }
- }
- Issues.AddIssue(TIssue(pos, TString()));
- auto& curIssue = Issues.back();
- curIssue.Severity = severity;
- curIssue.IssueCode = code;
- IssueMsgHolder.Reset(new TStringOutput(*Issues.back().MutableMessage()));
- return *IssueMsgHolder;
- }
- bool TContext::IsDynamicCluster(const TDeferredAtom& cluster) const {
- const TString* clusterPtr = cluster.GetLiteral();
- if (!clusterPtr) {
- return false;
- }
- TString unused;
- if (ClusterMapping.GetClusterProvider(*clusterPtr, unused)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (Settings.AssumeYdbOnClusterWithSlash && clusterPtr->StartsWith('/')) {
- return false;
- }
- return !Settings.DynamicClusterProvider.empty();
- }
- bool TContext::SetPathPrefix(const TString& value, TMaybe<TString> arg) {
- if (arg.Defined()) {
- if (*arg == YtProviderName
- || *arg == KikimrProviderName
- || *arg == RtmrProviderName
- )
- {
- ProviderPathPrefixes[*arg] = value;
- return true;
- }
- TString normalizedClusterName;
- if (!GetClusterProvider(*arg, normalizedClusterName)) {
- Error() << "Unknown cluster or provider: " << *arg;
- IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "BadPragmaValue");
- return false;
- }
- ClusterPathPrefixes[normalizedClusterName] = value;
- } else {
- PathPrefix = value;
- }
- return true;
- }
- TNodePtr TContext::GetPrefixedPath(const TString& service, const TDeferredAtom& cluster, const TDeferredAtom& path) {
- TStringBuf prefixPath = GetPrefixPath(service, cluster);
- if (prefixPath) {
- return AddTablePathPrefix(*this, prefixPath, path);
- }
- return path.Build();
- }
- TStringBuf TContext::GetPrefixPath(const TString& service, const TDeferredAtom& cluster) const {
- if (IsDynamicCluster(cluster)) {
- return {};
- }
- auto* clusterPrefix = cluster.GetLiteral()
- ? ClusterPathPrefixes.FindPtr(*cluster.GetLiteral())
- : nullptr;
- if (clusterPrefix && !clusterPrefix->empty()) {
- return *clusterPrefix;
- } else {
- auto* providerPrefix = ProviderPathPrefixes.FindPtr(service);
- if (providerPrefix && !providerPrefix->empty()) {
- return *providerPrefix;
- } else if (!PathPrefix.empty()) {
- return PathPrefix;
- }
- return {};
- }
- }
- TNodePtr TContext::UniversalAlias(const TString& baseName, TNodePtr&& node) {
- auto alias = MakeName(baseName);
- UniversalAliases.emplace(alias, node);
- return BuildAtom(node->GetPos(), alias, TNodeFlags::Default);
- }
- bool TContext::IsAlreadyDeclared(const TString& varName) const {
- return Variables.find(varName) != Variables.end() && !WeakVariables.contains(varName);
- }
- void TContext::DeclareVariable(const TString& varName, const TPosition& pos, const TNodePtr& typeNode, bool isWeak) {
- if (isWeak) {
- auto inserted = Variables.emplace(varName, std::make_pair(pos, typeNode));
- YQL_ENSURE(inserted.second);
- WeakVariables.insert(varName);
- } else {
- WeakVariables.erase(WeakVariables.find(varName));
- Variables[varName] = std::make_pair(pos, typeNode);
- }
- }
- bool TContext::AddExport(TPosition pos, const TString& name) {
- if (IsAnonymousName(name)) {
- Error(pos) << "Can not export anonymous name " << name;
- return false;
- }
- if (!Scoped->LookupNode(name)) {
- Error(pos) << "Unable to export unknown symbol: " << name;
- return false;
- }
- Exports.emplace(name);
- return true;
- }
- TString TContext::AddImport(const TVector<TString>& modulePath) {
- YQL_ENSURE(!modulePath.empty());
- TString path = JoinRange("/", modulePath.cbegin(), modulePath.cend());
- if (!path.StartsWith('/')) {
- path = Settings.FileAliasPrefix + path;
- }
- auto iter = ImportModuleAliases.find(path);
- if (iter == ImportModuleAliases.end()) {
- const TString alias = MakeName(TStringBuilder() << modulePath.back() << "_module");
- iter = ImportModuleAliases.emplace(path, alias).first;
- }
- return iter->second;
- }
- TString TContext::AddSimpleUdf(const TString& udf) {
- auto& name = SimpleUdfs[udf];
- if (name.empty()) {
- name = TStringBuilder() << "Udf" << SimpleUdfs.size();
- }
- return name;
- }
- void TContext::SetPackageVersion(const TString& packageName, ui32 version) {
- PackageVersions[packageName] = version;
- }
- void TScopedState::UseCluster(const TString& service, const TDeferredAtom& cluster) {
- YQL_ENSURE(!cluster.Empty());
- if (cluster.GetLiteral()) {
- if (!Local.UsedPlainClusters.insert(*cluster.GetLiteral()).second) {
- return;
- }
- } else {
- if (!Local.UsedExprClusters.insert(cluster.Build().Get()).second) {
- return;
- }
- }
- Local.UsedClusters.push_back({service, cluster});
- }
- void TScopedState::AddExprCluster(TNodePtr expr, TContext& ctx) {
- auto node = expr.Get();
- if (Local.ExprClustersMap.count(node)) {
- return;
- }
- auto name = ctx.MakeName("cluster");
- auto wrappedNode = expr->Y("EvaluateAtom", expr);
- Local.ExprClustersMap.insert({node, {name, wrappedNode}});
- Local.ExprClusters.push_back(expr);
- }
- const TVector<std::pair<TString, TDeferredAtom>>& TScopedState::GetUsedClusters() {
- return Local.UsedClusters;
- }
- TNodePtr TScopedState::WrapCluster(const TDeferredAtom& cluster, TContext& ctx) {
- auto node = cluster.Build();
- if (!cluster.GetLiteral()) {
- if (ctx.CompactNamedExprs) {
- return node->Y("EvaluateAtom", node);
- }
- AddExprCluster(node, ctx);
- auto exprIt = Local.ExprClustersMap.find(node.Get());
- YQL_ENSURE(exprIt != Local.ExprClustersMap.end());
- return node->AstNode(exprIt->second.first);
- }
- return node;
- }
- void TScopedState::Clear() {
- *this = TScopedState();
- }
- TNodePtr TScopedState::LookupNode(const TString& name) {
- auto mapIt = NamedNodes.find(name);
- if (mapIt == NamedNodes.end()) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- Y_DEBUG_ABORT_UNLESS(!mapIt->second.empty());
- mapIt->second.front()->IsUsed = true;
- return mapIt->second.front()->Node->Clone();
- }
- bool TContext::HasNonYtProvider(const ISource& source) const {
- TTableList tableList;
- source.GetInputTables(tableList);
- TSet<TString> clusters;
- for (auto& it: tableList) {
- if (it.Service != YtProviderName) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- for (auto& cl: Scoped->Local.UsedClusters) {
- if (cl.first != YtProviderName) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool TContext::UseUnordered(const ISource& source) const {
- return !HasNonYtProvider(source);
- }
- bool TContext::UseUnordered(const TTableRef& table) const {
- return YtProviderName == table.Service;
- }
- TMaybe<EColumnRefState> GetFunctionArgColumnStatus(TContext& ctx, const TString& module, const TString& func, size_t argIndex) {
- static const TSet<TStringBuf> denyForAllArgs = {
- "datatype",
- "optionaltype",
- "listtype",
- "streamtype",
- "dicttype",
- "tupletype",
- "resourcetype",
- "taggedtype",
- "varianttype",
- "callabletype",
- "optionalitemtype",
- "listitemtype",
- "streamitemtype",
- "dictkeytype",
- "dictpayloadtype",
- "tupleelementtype",
- "structmembertype",
- "callableresulttype",
- "callableargumenttype",
- "variantunderlyingtype",
- };
- static const TMap<std::pair<TStringBuf, size_t>, EColumnRefState> positionalArgsCustomStatus = {
- { {"frombytes", 1}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"enum", 0}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"asenum", 0}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"variant", 1}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"variant", 2}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"asvariant", 1}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"astagged", 1}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"ensuretype", 1}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"ensuretype", 2}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"ensureconvertibleto", 1}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"ensureconvertibleto", 2}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"nothing", 0}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"formattype", 0}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"instanceof", 0}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"pgtype", 0}, EColumnRefState::AsPgType },
- { {"pgconst", 0}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"pgconst", 1}, EColumnRefState::AsPgType },
- { {"pgcast", 1}, EColumnRefState::AsPgType },
- { {"unpickle", 0}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"typehandle", 0}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"listcreate", 0}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"setcreate", 0}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"dictcreate", 0}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"dictcreate", 1}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"weakfield", 1}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- { {"Yson::ConvertTo", 1}, EColumnRefState::Deny },
- };
- TString normalized;
- if (module.empty()) {
- normalized = to_lower(func);
- } else if (to_upper(module) == "YQL") {
- normalized = "YQL::" + func;
- } else {
- normalized = module + "::" + func;
- }
- if (normalized == "typeof" && argIndex == 0) {
- // TODO: more such cases?
- return ctx.GetTopLevelColumnReferenceState();
- }
- if (denyForAllArgs.contains(normalized)) {
- return EColumnRefState::Deny;
- }
- auto it = positionalArgsCustomStatus.find(std::make_pair(normalized, argIndex));
- if (it != positionalArgsCustomStatus.end()) {
- return it->second;
- }
- return {};
- }
- TTranslation::TTranslation(TContext& ctx)
- : Ctx(ctx)
- {
- }
- TContext& TTranslation::Context() {
- return Ctx;
- }
- IOutputStream& TTranslation::Error() {
- return Ctx.Error();
- }
- TNodePtr TTranslation::GetNamedNode(const TString& name) {
- if (name == "$_") {
- Ctx.Error() << "Unable to reference anonymous name " << name;
- return nullptr;
- }
- auto res = Ctx.Scoped->LookupNode(name);
- if (!res) {
- Ctx.Error() << "Unknown name: " << name;
- }
- return SafeClone(res);
- }
- TString TTranslation::PushNamedNode(TPosition namePos, const TString& name, const TNodeBuilderByName& builder) {
- TString resultName = name;
- if (IsAnonymousName(name)) {
- resultName = "$_yql_anonymous_name_" + ToString(Ctx.AnonymousNameIndex++);
- YQL_ENSURE(Ctx.Scoped->NamedNodes.find(resultName) == Ctx.Scoped->NamedNodes.end());
- }
- auto node = builder(resultName);
- auto mapIt = Ctx.Scoped->NamedNodes.find(resultName);
- if (mapIt == Ctx.Scoped->NamedNodes.end()) {
- auto result = Ctx.Scoped->NamedNodes.insert(std::make_pair(resultName, TDeque<TNodeWithUsageInfoPtr>()));
- Y_DEBUG_ABORT_UNLESS(result.second);
- mapIt = result.first;
- }
- mapIt->second.push_front(MakeIntrusive<TNodeWithUsageInfo>(node, namePos, Ctx.ScopeLevel));
- return resultName;
- }
- TString TTranslation::PushNamedNode(NYql::TPosition namePos, const TString &name, NSQLTranslationV1::TNodePtr node) {
- return PushNamedNode(namePos, name, [node](const TString&) { return node; });
- }
- TString TTranslation::PushNamedAtom(TPosition namePos, const TString& name) {
- auto buildAtom = [namePos](const TString& resultName) {
- return BuildAtom(namePos, resultName);
- };
- return PushNamedNode(namePos, name, buildAtom);
- }
- void TTranslation::PopNamedNode(const TString& name) {
- auto mapIt = Ctx.Scoped->NamedNodes.find(name);
- Y_DEBUG_ABORT_UNLESS(mapIt != Ctx.Scoped->NamedNodes.end());
- Y_DEBUG_ABORT_UNLESS(mapIt->second.size() > 0);
- auto& top = mapIt->second.front();
- if (!top->IsUsed && !Ctx.HasPendingErrors && !name.StartsWith("$_")) {
- Ctx.Warning(top->NamePos, TIssuesIds::YQL_UNUSED_SYMBOL) << "Symbol " << name << " is not used";
- }
- mapIt->second.pop_front();
- if (mapIt->second.empty()) {
- Ctx.Scoped->NamedNodes.erase(mapIt);
- }
- }
- void TTranslation::WarnUnusedNodes() const {
- if (Ctx.HasPendingErrors) {
- // result is not reliable in this case
- return;
- }
- for (const auto& [name, items]: Ctx.Scoped->NamedNodes) {
- if (name.StartsWith("$_")) {
- continue;
- }
- for (const auto& item : items) {
- if (!item->IsUsed && item->Level == Ctx.ScopeLevel) {
- Ctx.Warning(item->NamePos, TIssuesIds::YQL_UNUSED_SYMBOL) << "Symbol " << name << " is not used";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- TString GetDescription(const google::protobuf::Message& node, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* d) {
- const auto& field = node.GetReflection()->GetMessage(node, d);
- return field.GetReflection()->GetString(field, d->message_type()->FindFieldByName("Descr"));
- }
- TString TTranslation::AltDescription(const google::protobuf::Message& node, ui32 altCase, const google::protobuf::Descriptor* descr) const {
- return GetDescription(node, descr->FindFieldByNumber(altCase));
- }
- void TTranslation::AltNotImplemented(const TString& ruleName, ui32 altCase, const google::protobuf::Message& node, const google::protobuf::Descriptor* descr) {
- Error() << ruleName << ": alternative is not implemented yet: " << AltDescription(node, altCase, descr);
- }
- } // namespace NSQLTranslationV1