123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254 |
- #include "match_recognize.h"
- #include "source.h"
- #include "context.h"
- namespace NSQLTranslationV1 {
- namespace {
- const auto VarDataName = "data";
- const auto VarMatchedVarsName = "vars";
- const auto VarLastRowIndexName = "lri";
- } //namespace {
- class TMatchRecognize: public TAstListNode {
- public:
- TMatchRecognize(
- TPosition pos,
- ISource* source,
- const TString& inputTable,
- std::pair<TPosition, TVector<TNamedFunction>>&& partitioners,
- std::pair<TPosition, TVector<TSortSpecificationPtr>>&& sortSpecs,
- std::pair<TPosition, TVector<TNamedFunction>>&& measures,
- std::pair<TPosition, ERowsPerMatch>&& rowsPerMatch,
- std::pair<TPosition, NYql::NMatchRecognize::TAfterMatchSkipTo>&& skipTo,
- std::pair<TPosition, NYql::NMatchRecognize::TRowPattern>&& pattern,
- std::pair<TPosition, TNodePtr>&& subset,
- std::pair<TPosition, TVector<TNamedFunction>>&& definitions
- ): TAstListNode(pos, {BuildAtom(pos, "block")})
- {
- Add(BuildBlockStatements(
- pos,
- source,
- inputTable,
- std::move(partitioners),
- std::move(sortSpecs),
- std::move(measures),
- std::move(rowsPerMatch),
- std::move(skipTo),
- std::move(pattern),
- std::move(subset),
- std::move(definitions)
- ));
- }
- private:
- TMatchRecognize(const TMatchRecognize& other)
- : TAstListNode(other.Pos)
- {
- Nodes = CloneContainer(other.Nodes);
- }
- TNodePtr BuildBlockStatements(
- TPosition pos,
- ISource* source,
- const TString& inputTable,
- std::pair<TPosition, TVector<TNamedFunction>>&& partitioners,
- std::pair<TPosition, TVector<TSortSpecificationPtr>>&& sortSpecs,
- std::pair<TPosition, TVector<TNamedFunction>>&& measures,
- std::pair<TPosition, ERowsPerMatch>&& rowsPerMatch,
- std::pair<TPosition, NYql::NMatchRecognize::TAfterMatchSkipTo>&& skipTo,
- std::pair<TPosition, NYql::NMatchRecognize::TRowPattern>&& pattern,
- std::pair<TPosition, TNodePtr>&& subset,
- std::pair<TPosition, TVector<TNamedFunction>>&& definitions
- ) {
- Y_UNUSED(pos);
- auto inputRowType = Y("ListItemType",Y("TypeOf", inputTable));
- auto patternNode = Pattern(pattern.first, pattern.second);
- auto partitionColumns = Y();
- for (const auto& p: partitioners.second){
- partitionColumns->Add(BuildQuotedAtom(p.callable->GetPos(), p.name));
- }
- partitionColumns = Q(partitionColumns);
- auto partitionKeySelector = Y();
- for (const auto& p: partitioners.second){
- partitionKeySelector->Add(p.callable);
- }
- partitionKeySelector = BuildLambda(partitioners.first, Y("row"), Q(partitionKeySelector));
- auto measureNames = Y();
- for (const auto& m: measures.second){
- measureNames->Add(BuildQuotedAtom(m.callable->GetPos(), m.name));
- }
- TNodePtr measuresNode = Y("MatchRecognizeMeasures", inputRowType, patternNode, Q(measureNames));
- for (const auto& m: measures.second){
- measuresNode->Add(BuildLambda(m.callable->GetPos(), Y(VarDataName, VarMatchedVarsName), m.callable));
- }
- auto defineNames = Y();
- for (const auto& d: definitions.second) {
- defineNames->Add(BuildQuotedAtom(d.callable->GetPos(), d.name));
- }
- TNodePtr defineNode = Y("MatchRecognizeDefines", inputRowType, patternNode, Q(defineNames));
- for (const auto& d: definitions.second) {
- defineNode->Add(BuildLambda(d.callable->GetPos(), Y(VarDataName, VarMatchedVarsName, VarLastRowIndexName), d.callable));
- }
- return Q(Y(
- Y("let", "input", inputTable),
- Y("let", "partitionKeySelector", partitionKeySelector),
- Y("let", "partitionColumns", partitionColumns),
- Y("let", "sortTraits", sortSpecs.second.empty()? Y("Void") : source->BuildSortSpec(sortSpecs.second, inputTable, true, false)),
- Y("let", "measures", measuresNode),
- Y("let", "rowsPerMatch", BuildQuotedAtom(rowsPerMatch.first, "RowsPerMatch_" + ToString(rowsPerMatch.second))),
- Y("let", "skipTo", BuildTuple(skipTo.first, {Q("AfterMatchSkip_" + ToString(skipTo.second.To)), Q(ToString(skipTo.second.Var))})),
- Y("let", "pattern", patternNode),
- Y("let", "subset", subset.second ? subset.second : Q("")),
- Y("let", "define", defineNode),
- Y("let", "res", Y("MatchRecognize",
- "input",
- "partitionKeySelector",
- "partitionColumns",
- "sortTraits",
- Y("MatchRecognizeParams",
- "measures",
- "rowsPerMatch",
- "skipTo",
- "pattern",
- "define"
- )
- )),
- Y("return", "res")
- ));
- }
- TPtr PatternFactor(const TPosition& pos, const NYql::NMatchRecognize::TRowPatternFactor& factor) {
- return BuildTuple(pos, {
- factor.Primary.index() == 0 ?
- BuildQuotedAtom(pos, std::get<0>(factor.Primary)) :
- Pattern(pos, std::get<1>(factor.Primary)),
- BuildQuotedAtom(pos, ToString(factor.QuantityMin)),
- BuildQuotedAtom(pos, ToString(factor.QuantityMax)),
- BuildQuotedAtom(pos, ToString(factor.Greedy)),
- BuildQuotedAtom(pos, ToString(factor.Output)),
- BuildQuotedAtom(pos, ToString(factor.Unused))
- });
- }
- TPtr PatternTerm(const TPosition& pos, const NYql::NMatchRecognize::TRowPatternTerm& term) {
- auto factors = Y();
- for (const auto& f: term)
- factors->Add(PatternFactor(pos, f));
- return Q(std::move(factors));
- }
- TPtr Pattern(const TPosition& pos, const NYql::NMatchRecognize::TRowPattern& pattern) {
- TNodePtr patternNode = Y("MatchRecognizePattern");
- for (const auto& t: pattern) {
- patternNode->Add(PatternTerm(pos, t));
- }
- return patternNode;
- }
- TPtr DoClone() const final{
- return new TMatchRecognize(*this);
- }
- };
- TNodePtr TMatchRecognizeBuilder::Build(TContext& ctx, TString&& inputTable, ISource* source){
- TNodePtr node = new TMatchRecognize(
- Pos,
- source,
- std::move(inputTable),
- std::move(Partitioners),
- std::move(SortSpecs),
- std::move(Measures),
- std::move(RowsPerMatch),
- std::move(SkipTo),
- std::move(Pattern),
- std::move(Subset),
- std::move(Definitions)
- );
- if (!node->Init(ctx, source))
- return nullptr;
- return node;
- }
- namespace {
- const auto DefaultNavigatingFunction = "MatchRecognizeDefaultNavigating";
- }
- bool TMatchRecognizeVarAccessNode::DoInit(TContext& ctx, ISource* src) {
- //If referenced var is the var that is currently being defined
- //then it's a reference to the last row in a partition
- Node = new TMatchRecognizeNavigate(ctx.Pos(), DefaultNavigatingFunction, TVector<TNodePtr>{this->Clone()});
- return Node->Init(ctx, src);
- }
- bool TMatchRecognizeNavigate::DoInit(TContext& ctx, ISource* src) {
- Y_UNUSED(src);
- if (Args.size() != 1) {
- ctx.Error(Pos) << "Exactly one argument is required in MATCH_RECOGNIZE navigation function";
- return false;
- }
- const auto varColumn = dynamic_cast<TMatchRecognizeVarAccessNode *>(Args[0].Get());
- if (not varColumn) {
- ctx.Error(Pos) << "Row pattern navigation operations are applicable to row pattern variable only";
- return false;
- }
- const auto varData = BuildAtom(ctx.Pos(), VarDataName);
- const auto varMatchedVars = BuildAtom(ctx.Pos(), VarMatchedVarsName);
- const auto varLastRowIndex = BuildAtom(ctx.Pos(), VarLastRowIndexName);
- const auto matchedRanges = Y("Member", varMatchedVars, Q(varColumn->GetVar()));
- TNodePtr navigatedRowIndex;
- if (DefaultNavigatingFunction == Name) {
- if (not varColumn->IsTheSameVar()) {
- ctx.Error(Pos) << "Row pattern navigation function is required";
- return false;
- }
- navigatedRowIndex = varLastRowIndex;
- }
- else if ("PREV" == Name) {
- if (not varColumn->IsTheSameVar()) {
- ctx.Error(Pos) << "PREV relative to matched vars is not implemented yet";
- return false;
- }
- navigatedRowIndex = Y(
- "-",
- varLastRowIndex,
- Y("Uint64", Q("1"))
- );
- } else if ("FIRST" == Name) {
- navigatedRowIndex = Y(
- "Member",
- Y("Head", matchedRanges),
- Q("From")
- );
- } else if ("LAST" == Name) {
- navigatedRowIndex = Y(
- "Member",
- Y("Last", matchedRanges),
- Q("To")
- );
- } else {
- ctx.Error(Pos) << "Internal logic error";
- return false;
- }
- Add("Member");
- Add(
- Y(
- "Lookup",
- Y("ToIndexDict", varData),
- navigatedRowIndex
- )
- ),
- Add(Q(varColumn->GetColumn()));
- return true;
- }
- } // namespace NSQLTranslationV1