123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354 |
- from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union
- from warnings import warn
- from .api import from_bytes
- from .constant import CHARDET_CORRESPONDENCE
- def detect(
- byte_str: bytes, should_rename_legacy: bool = False, **kwargs: Any
- ) -> Dict[str, Optional[Union[str, float]]]:
- """
- chardet legacy method
- Detect the encoding of the given byte string. It should be mostly backward-compatible.
- Encoding name will match Chardet own writing whenever possible. (Not on encoding name unsupported by it)
- This function is deprecated and should be used to migrate your project easily, consult the documentation for
- further information. Not planned for removal.
- :param byte_str: The byte sequence to examine.
- :param should_rename_legacy: Should we rename legacy encodings
- to their more modern equivalents?
- """
- if len(kwargs):
- warn(
- f"charset-normalizer disregard arguments '{','.join(list(kwargs.keys()))}' in legacy function detect()"
- )
- if not isinstance(byte_str, (bytearray, bytes)):
- raise TypeError( # pragma: nocover
- "Expected object of type bytes or bytearray, got: "
- "{0}".format(type(byte_str))
- )
- if isinstance(byte_str, bytearray):
- byte_str = bytes(byte_str)
- r = from_bytes(byte_str).best()
- encoding = r.encoding if r is not None else None
- language = r.language if r is not None and r.language != "Unknown" else ""
- confidence = 1.0 - r.chaos if r is not None else None
- # Note: CharsetNormalizer does not return 'UTF-8-SIG' as the sig get stripped in the detection/normalization process
- # but chardet does return 'utf-8-sig' and it is a valid codec name.
- if r is not None and encoding == "utf_8" and r.bom:
- encoding += "_sig"
- if should_rename_legacy is False and encoding in CHARDET_CORRESPONDENCE:
- encoding = CHARDET_CORRESPONDENCE[encoding]
- return {
- "encoding": encoding,
- "language": language,
- "confidence": confidence,
- }