123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627 |
- # This file was generated by the build system used internally in the Yandex monorepo.
- # Only simple modifications are allowed (adding source-files to targets, adding simple properties
- # like target_include_directories). These modifications will be ported to original
- # ya.make files by maintainers. Any complex modifications which can't be ported back to the
- # original buildsystem will not be accepted.
- add_library(restricted-boost-lambda INTERFACE)
- target_include_directories(restricted-boost-lambda INTERFACE
- ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/restricted/boost/lambda/include
- )
- target_link_libraries(restricted-boost-lambda INTERFACE
- contrib-libs-linux-headers
- contrib-libs-cxxsupp
- restricted-boost-bind
- restricted-boost-config
- restricted-boost-core
- restricted-boost-detail
- restricted-boost-iterator
- restricted-boost-mpl
- restricted-boost-preprocessor
- restricted-boost-tuple
- restricted-boost-type_traits
- restricted-boost-utility
- )