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This is a simple library for block data compression (this means data is compressed/uncompressed by whole blocks in memory). It's a lite-version of the library/cpp/codecs. Lite here means that it provide only well-known compression algorithms, without the possibility of learning.

There are two possible ways to work with it.

Codec by name

Use NBlockCodec::Codec to obtain the codec by name. The codec can be asked to compress or decompress something and in various ways.

To get a full list of codecs there is a function NBlockCodecs::ListAllCodecs().


Use stream.h to obtain simple streams over block codecs (buffer data, compress them by blocks, write to the resulting stream).

Using codec plugins

If you don't want your code to bloat from unused codecs, you can use the small version of the library: library/cpp/blockcodecs/core. In that case, you need to manually set PEERDIR()s to needed codecs (i.e. PEERDIR(library/cpp/blockcodecs/codecs/lzma)).