123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368 |
- - case_sensitive: false
- includes:
- - accctrl.h
- - aclapi.h
- - activation.h
- - activscp.h
- - adhoc.h
- - afunix.h
- - apiset.h
- - apisetcconv.h
- - atltime.h
- - audioclient.h
- - authz.h
- - basetsd.h
- - basetyps.h
- - bcrypt.h
- - bits.h
- - capi.h
- - cet.h
- - cfg.h
- - combaseapi.h
- - comdef.h
- - commctrl.h
- - commdlg.h
- - common.ver
- - compressapi.h
- - concurrencysal.h
- - conio.h
- - consoleapi.h
- - corecrt.h
- - corecrt_terminate.h
- - cpl.h
- - crtdbg.h
- - cryptuiapi.h
- - d2d1.h
- - d2d1_2.h
- - d3d10.h
- - d3d10_1.h
- - d3d11.h
- - d3d11_1.h
- - d3d9.h
- - d3dcompiler.h
- - datetimeapi.h
- - dbgeng.h
- - dbghelp.h
- - dbt.h
- - dcomp.h
- - debugapi.h
- - devguid.h
- - dinput.h
- - direct.h
- - directxmath.h
- - dispex.h
- - dos.h
- - downloadmgr.h
- - driverspecs.h
- - dshow.h
- - dsound.h
- - dsparse.h
- - dv.h
- - dvdmedia.h
- - dwmapi.h
- - dwrite.h
- - dxgi.h
- - dxgi1_2.h
- - dxgi1_3.h
- - dxgidebug.h
- - dxprogrammablecapture.h
- - dxva.h
- - dxva2api.h
- - effects.h
- - encdec.h
- - errhandlingapi.h
- - eventtoken.h
- - evntprov.h
- - evntrace.h
- - exdisp.h
- - exdispid.h
- - fci.h
- - fibersapi.h
- - fileapi.h
- - filter.h
- - fltuser.h
- - fltuserstructures.h
- - fttypes.h
- - functiondiscoverykeys_devpkey.h
- - fwpmu.h
- - gb18030.h
- - gdiplus.h
- - gdiplusimagecodec.h
- - gl/gl.h
- - gl/glu.h
- - guiddef.h
- - handleapi.h
- - heapapi.h
- - htmlhelp.h
- - http.h
- - hvsocket.h
- - imagehlp.h
- - ime_cmodes.h
- - imm.h
- - in6addr.h
- - inaddr.h
- - initguid.h
- - inspectable.h
- - instance.h
- - interlockedapi.h
- - intsafe.h
- - io.h
- - ioapiset.h
- - ipexport.h
- - iphlpapi.h
- - ipifcons.h
- - iptypes.h
- - iwscapi.h
- - jobapi.h
- - journal.h
- - kbd.h
- - kernelspecs.h
- - ksmedia.h
- - ktmtypes.h
- - libloaderapi.h
- - lm.h
- - lmcons.h
- - lmerr.h
- - lmstats.h
- - mbctype.h
- - mbstring.h
- - mcx.h
- - memoryapi.h
- - mfapi.h
- - mi.h
- - minmax.h
- - minwinbase.h
- - minwindef.h
- - mlang.h
- - mmdeviceapi.h
- - mmsystem.h
- - mq.h
- - mshtmdid.h
- - mshtmhst.h
- - mshtml.h
- - msi.h
- - msidefs.h
- - msiquery.h
- - msp.h
- - msputils.h
- - mstcpip.h
- - mswsock.h
- - mtx.h
- - namedpipeapi.h
- - namespaceapi.h
- - netioapi.h
- - new.h
- - npapi.h
- - ntdddisk.h
- - ntddk.h
- - ntddndis.h
- - ntdef.h
- - ntsecapi.h
- - ntstatus.h
- - ntverp.h
- - oaidl.idl
- - objbase.h
- - objectarray.h
- - objidl.h
- - objsafe.h
- - ocidl.h
- - ocidl.idl
- - odbcss.h
- - ole.h
- - ole2.h
- - oleacc.h
- - oleauto.h
- - olectl.h
- - packon.h
- - packoff.h
- - pathcch.h
- - p2p.h
- - pdh.h
- - pdhmsg.h
- - perflib.h
- - persist.h
- - poppack.h
- - powerbase.h
- - powrprof.h
- - process.h
- - processenv.h
- - processsnapshot.h
- - processthreadsapi.h
- - processtopologyapi.h
- - profileapi.h
- - projectedfslib.h
- - propidl.h
- - provider.h
- - psapi.h
- - pshpack1.h
- - pshpack2.h
- - pshpack4.h
- - pshpack8.h
- - qos.h
- - ratings.h
- - realtimeapiset.h
- - reason.h
- - richedit.h
- - roapi.h
- - robuffer.h
- - rpc.h
- - rpcdce.h
- - rpcndr.h
- - safeint.h
- - sal.h
- - sapi.h
- - schannel.h
- - schedule.h
- - schnlsp.h
- - scsi.h
- - sddl.h
- - sdkddkver.h
- - sdv_driverspecs.h
- - security.h
- - securityappcontainer.h
- - securitybaseapi.h
- - sensors.h
- - setupapi.h
- - sfc.h
- - share.h
- - shellapi.h
- - shlguid.h
- - shlobj.h
- - shlwapi.h
- - shobjidl.h
- - specstrings.h
- - specstrings_strict.h
- - specstrings_undef.h
- - spellcheck.h
- - sperror.h
- - sspi.h
- - stralign.h
- - stringapiset.h
- - strsafe.h
- - suppress.h
- - synchapi.h
- - sys/locking.h
- - sys/utime.h
- - sysinfoapi.h
- - systemtopologyapi.h
- - tbs.h
- - tchar.h
- - tdi.h
- - threadpoolapiset.h
- - threadpoollegacyapiset.h
- - timezoneapi.h
- - tlhelp32.h
- - traffic.h
- - tune.h
- - tvout.h
- - unknwn.h
- - unknwn.idl
- - upnp.h
- - urlmon.h
- - urlmon.idl
- - usb.h
- - userenv.h
- - usp10.h
- - utilapiset.h
- - uxtheme.h
- - verrsrc.h
- - versionhelpers.h
- - vfw.h
- - w32api/winioctl.h
- - wbemidl.h
- - websocket.h
- - winapifamily.h
- - winbase.h
- - winber.h
- - wincon.h
- - wincrypt.h
- - windef.h
- - windns.h
- - windows.applicationmodel.core.h
- - windows.globalization.h
- - windows.graphics.display.h
- - windows.h
- - windows.storage.h
- - windows.storage.streams.h
- - windows.system.threading.h
- - windows.ui.xaml.h
- - windows.ui.xaml.media.dxinterop.h
- - windowsx.h
- - winerror.h
- - wingdi.h
- - winhttp.h
- - wininet.h
- - winioctl.h
- - winldap.h
- - winnetwk.h
- - winnls.h
- - winnt.h
- - winperf.h
- - winreg.h
- - winres.h
- - winresrc.h
- - winsdkver.h
- - winsock.h
- - winsock2.h
- - winstring.h
- - winsvc.h
- - winternl.h
- - winuser.h
- - winver.h
- - winwlx.h
- - wnnc.h
- - wow64apiset.h
- - ws2bth.h
- - ws2def.h
- - ws2ipdef.h
- - ws2spi.h
- - ws2tcpip.h
- - wscapi.h
- - wspiapi.h
- - wtsapi32.h
- - wtypes.h
- - xa.h
- - xaudio2.h
- - xinput.h
- - xmllite.h
- # These headers are Microsoft Visual C specific.
- - case_sensitive: false
- includes:
- - comdef.h
- - comutil.h
- - concrt.h
- - crtdefs.h
- - crtversion.h
- - eh.h
- - excpt.h
- - ppl.h
- - ppltasks.h
- - rtcapi.h
- - vadefs.h
- - varargs.h
- - vcruntime_exception.h
- - vcruntime_new.h
- - vcruntime_new_debug.h
- - vcruntime_typeinfo.h
- - yvals.h
- # These headers belong to UWP application development.
- - case_sensitive: false
- includes:
- - wrl.h
- - wrl/async.h
- - wrl/client.h
- - wrl/event.h
- - wrl/ftm.h
- - wrl/implements.h
- - wrl/wrappers/corewrappers.h
- # These headers are required to use Windows Graphics Capture API.
- - case_sensitive: false
- includes:
- - windows.graphics.capture.interop.h
- - windows.graphics.directx.direct3d11.interop.h
- - winrt/windows.foundation.metadata.h
- - winrt/windows.graphics.capture.h
- - winrt/windows.system.h