22 KB

  1. import os
  2. import ymake
  3. import ytest
  4. from _common import get_norm_unit_path, rootrel_arc_src, to_yesno
  5. # 1 is 60 files per chunk for TIMEOUT(60) - default timeout for SIZE(SMALL)
  6. # 0.5 is 120 files per chunk for TIMEOUT(60) - default timeout for SIZE(SMALL)
  7. # 0.2 is 300 files per chunk for TIMEOUT(60) - default timeout for SIZE(SMALL)
  8. ESLINT_FILE_PROCESSING_TIME_DEFAULT = 0.2 # seconds per file
  9. class PluginLogger(object):
  10. def __init__(self):
  11. self.unit = None
  12. self.prefix = ""
  13. def reset(self, unit, prefix=""):
  14. self.unit = unit
  15. self.prefix = prefix
  16. def get_state(self):
  17. return (self.unit, self.prefix)
  18. def _stringify_messages(self, messages):
  19. parts = []
  20. for m in messages:
  21. if m is None:
  22. parts.append("None")
  23. else:
  24. parts.append(m if isinstance(m, str) else repr(m))
  25. # cyan color (code 36) for messages
  26. return "\033[0;32m{}\033[0;49m \033[0;36m{}\033[0;49m".format(self.prefix, " ".join(parts))
  27. def info(self, *messages):
  28. if self.unit:
  29. self.unit.message(["INFO", self._stringify_messages(messages)])
  30. def warn(self, *messages):
  31. if self.unit:
  32. self.unit.message(["WARN", self._stringify_messages(messages)])
  33. def error(self, *messages):
  34. if self.unit:
  35. self.unit.message(["ERROR", self._stringify_messages(messages)])
  36. def print_vars(self, *variables):
  37. if self.unit:
  38. values = ["{}={}".format(v, self.unit.get(v)) for v in variables]
  40. logger = PluginLogger()
  41. def _with_report_configure_error(fn):
  42. def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
  43. last_state = logger.get_state()
  44. unit = args[0]
  45. logger.reset(unit if unit.get("TS_LOG") == "yes" else None, fn.__name__)
  46. try:
  47. fn(*args, **kwargs)
  48. except Exception as exc:
  49. ymake.report_configure_error(str(exc))
  50. if unit.get("TS_RAISE") == "yes":
  51. raise
  52. else:
  53. unit.message(["WARN", "Configure error is reported. Add -DTS_RAISE to see actual exception"])
  54. finally:
  55. logger.reset(*last_state)
  56. return _wrapper
  57. def _build_directives(name, flags, paths):
  58. # type: (str, list[str]|tuple[str], list[str]) -> str
  59. parts = [p for p in [name] + (flags or []) if p]
  60. parts_str = ";".join(parts)
  61. expressions = ['${{{parts}:"{path}"}}'.format(parts=parts_str, path=path) for path in paths]
  62. return " ".join(expressions)
  63. def _build_cmd_input_paths(paths, hide=False, disable_include_processor=False):
  64. # type: (list[str]|tuple[str], bool, bool) -> str
  65. hide_part = "hide" if hide else ""
  66. disable_ip_part = "context=TEXT" if disable_include_processor else ""
  67. return _build_directives("input", [hide_part, disable_ip_part], paths)
  68. def _create_pm(unit):
  69. from lib.nots.package_manager import manager
  70. sources_path = unit.path()
  71. module_path = unit.get("MODDIR")
  72. if unit.get("TS_TEST_FOR"):
  73. sources_path = unit.get("TS_TEST_FOR_DIR")
  74. module_path = unit.get("TS_TEST_FOR_PATH")
  75. return manager(
  76. sources_path=unit.resolve(sources_path),
  77. build_root="$B",
  78. build_path=unit.path().replace("$S", "$B", 1),
  79. contribs_path=unit.get("NPM_CONTRIBS_PATH"),
  80. nodejs_bin_path=None,
  81. script_path=None,
  82. module_path=module_path,
  83. )
  84. def _create_erm_json(unit):
  85. from lib.nots.erm_json_lite import ErmJsonLite
  86. erm_packages_path = unit.get("ERM_PACKAGES_PATH")
  87. path = unit.resolve(unit.resolve_arc_path(erm_packages_path))
  88. return ErmJsonLite.load(path)
  89. @_with_report_configure_error
  90. def on_set_append_with_directive(unit, var_name, dir, *values):
  91. wrapped = ['${{{dir}:"{v}"}}'.format(dir=dir, v=v) for v in values]
  92. __set_append(unit, var_name, " ".join(wrapped))
  93. @_with_report_configure_error
  94. def on_from_npm_lockfiles(unit, *args):
  95. from lib.nots.package_manager.base import PackageManagerError
  96. pm = _create_pm(unit)
  97. lf_paths = []
  98. for lf_path in args:
  99. abs_lf_path = unit.resolve(unit.resolve_arc_path(lf_path))
  100. if abs_lf_path:
  101. lf_paths.append(abs_lf_path)
  102. elif unit.get("TS_STRICT_FROM_NPM_LOCKFILES") == "yes":
  103. ymake.report_configure_error("lockfile not found: {}".format(lf_path))
  104. try:
  105. for pkg in pm.extract_packages_meta_from_lockfiles(lf_paths):
  106. unit.on_from_npm([pkg.tarball_url, pkg.sky_id, pkg.integrity, pkg.integrity_algorithm, pkg.tarball_path])
  107. except PackageManagerError as e:
  108. logger.warn(str(e))
  109. pass
  110. def _check_nodejs_version(unit, major):
  111. if major < 14:
  112. raise Exception(
  113. "Node.js {} is unsupported. Update Node.js please. See".format(major)
  114. )
  115. if major < 18:
  116. unit.message(
  117. [
  118. "WARN",
  119. "Node.js {} is deprecated. Update Node.js please. See".format(major),
  120. ]
  121. )
  122. @_with_report_configure_error
  123. def on_peerdir_ts_resource(unit, *resources):
  124. pm = _create_pm(unit)
  125. pj = pm.load_package_json_from_dir(pm.sources_path)
  126. erm_json = _create_erm_json(unit)
  127. dirs = []
  128. nodejs_version = _select_matching_version(erm_json, "nodejs", pj.get_nodejs_version())
  129. _check_nodejs_version(unit, nodejs_version.major)
  130. for tool in resources:
  131. dir_name = erm_json.canonize_name(tool)
  132. if erm_json.use_resource_directly(tool):
  133. # raises the configuration error when the version is unsupported
  134. _select_matching_version(erm_json, tool, pj.get_dep_specifier(tool), dep_is_required=True)
  135. elif tool == "nodejs":
  136. dirs.append(os.path.join("build", "platform", dir_name, str(nodejs_version)))
  137. _set_resource_vars(unit, erm_json, tool, nodejs_version)
  138. elif erm_json.is_resource_multiplatform(tool):
  139. v = _select_matching_version(erm_json, tool, pj.get_dep_specifier(tool))
  140. sb_resources = [
  141. sbr for sbr in erm_json.get_sb_resources(tool, v) if sbr.get("nodejs") == nodejs_version.major
  142. ]
  143. nodejs_dir = "NODEJS_{}".format(nodejs_version.major)
  144. if len(sb_resources) > 0:
  145. dirs.append(os.path.join("build", "external_resources", dir_name, str(v), nodejs_dir))
  146. _set_resource_vars(unit, erm_json, tool, v, nodejs_version.major)
  147. else:
  148. unit.message(["WARN", "Missing {}@{} for {}".format(tool, str(v), nodejs_dir)])
  149. else:
  150. v = _select_matching_version(erm_json, tool, pj.get_dep_specifier(tool))
  151. dirs.append(os.path.join("build", "external_resources", dir_name, str(v)))
  152. _set_resource_vars(unit, erm_json, tool, v, nodejs_version.major)
  153. if dirs:
  154. unit.onpeerdir(dirs)
  155. @_with_report_configure_error
  156. def on_ts_configure(unit, *tsconfig_paths):
  157. # type: (Unit, *str) -> None
  158. from lib.nots.package_manager.base import PackageJson
  159. from lib.nots.package_manager.base.utils import build_pj_path
  160. from lib.nots.typescript import TsConfig
  161. # for use in CMD as inputs
  162. __set_append(
  163. unit, "TS_CONFIG_FILES", _build_cmd_input_paths(tsconfig_paths, hide=True, disable_include_processor=True)
  164. )
  165. mod_dir = unit.get("MODDIR")
  166. cur_dir = unit.get("TS_TEST_FOR_PATH") if unit.get("TS_TEST_FOR") else mod_dir
  167. pj_path = build_pj_path(unit.resolve(unit.resolve_arc_path(cur_dir)))
  168. dep_paths = PackageJson.load(pj_path).get_dep_paths_by_names()
  169. # reversed for using the first tsconfig as the config for include processor (legacy)
  170. for tsconfig_path in reversed(tsconfig_paths):
  171. abs_tsconfig_path = unit.resolve(unit.resolve_arc_path(tsconfig_path))
  172. if not abs_tsconfig_path:
  173. raise Exception("tsconfig not found: {}".format(tsconfig_path))
  174. tsconfig = TsConfig.load(abs_tsconfig_path)
  175. config_files = tsconfig.inline_extend(dep_paths)
  176. config_files = _resolve_module_files(unit, mod_dir, config_files)
  177. use_tsconfig_outdir = unit.get("TS_CONFIG_USE_OUTDIR") == "yes"
  178. tsconfig.validate(use_tsconfig_outdir)
  179. # add tsconfig files from which root tsconfig files were extended
  180. __set_append(
  181. unit, "TS_CONFIG_FILES", _build_cmd_input_paths(config_files, hide=True, disable_include_processor=True)
  182. )
  183. # region include processor
  184. unit.set(["TS_CONFIG_ROOT_DIR", tsconfig.compiler_option("rootDir")]) # also for hermione
  185. if use_tsconfig_outdir:
  186. unit.set(["TS_CONFIG_OUT_DIR", tsconfig.compiler_option("outDir")]) # also for hermione
  187. unit.set(["TS_CONFIG_SOURCE_MAP", to_yesno(tsconfig.compiler_option("sourceMap"))])
  188. unit.set(["TS_CONFIG_DECLARATION", to_yesno(tsconfig.compiler_option("declaration"))])
  189. unit.set(["TS_CONFIG_DECLARATION_MAP", to_yesno(tsconfig.compiler_option("declarationMap"))])
  190. unit.set(["TS_CONFIG_PRESERVE_JSX", to_yesno(tsconfig.compiler_option("jsx") == "preserve")])
  191. # endregion
  192. _filter_inputs_by_rules_from_tsconfig(unit, tsconfig)
  193. _setup_eslint(unit)
  194. def __set_append(unit, var_name, value):
  195. # type: (Unit, str, str|list[str]|tuple[str]) -> None
  196. """
  197. SET_APPEND() python naive implementation - append value/values to the list of values
  198. """
  199. previous_value = unit.get(var_name) or ""
  200. value_in_str = " ".join(value) if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple) else value
  201. new_value = previous_value + " " + value_in_str
  202. unit.set([var_name, new_value])
  203. def __strip_prefix(prefix, line):
  204. # type: (str, str) -> str
  205. if line.startswith(prefix):
  206. prefix_len = len(prefix)
  207. return line[prefix_len:]
  208. return line
  209. def _filter_inputs_by_rules_from_tsconfig(unit, tsconfig):
  210. """
  211. Reduce file list from the TS_GLOB_FILES variable following tsconfig.json rules
  212. """
  213. mod_dir = unit.get("MODDIR")
  214. target_path = os.path.join("${ARCADIA_ROOT}", mod_dir, "") # To have "/" in the end
  215. all_files = [__strip_prefix(target_path, f) for f in unit.get("TS_GLOB_FILES").split(" ")]
  216. filtered_files = tsconfig.filter_files(all_files)
  217. __set_append(unit, "TS_INPUT_FILES", [os.path.join(target_path, f) for f in filtered_files])
  218. def _get_ts_test_data_dirs(unit):
  219. return sorted(
  220. set(
  221. [
  222. os.path.dirname(rootrel_arc_src(p, unit))
  223. for p in (ytest.get_values_list(unit, "_TS_TEST_DATA_VALUE") or [])
  224. ]
  225. )
  226. )
  227. def _resolve_config_path(unit, test_runner, rel_to):
  228. config_path = unit.get("ESLINT_CONFIG_PATH") if test_runner == "eslint" else unit.get("TS_TEST_CONFIG_PATH")
  229. arc_config_path = unit.resolve_arc_path(config_path)
  230. abs_config_path = unit.resolve(arc_config_path)
  231. if not abs_config_path:
  232. raise Exception("{} config not found: {}".format(test_runner, config_path))
  233. unit.onsrcs([arc_config_path])
  234. abs_rel_to = unit.resolve(unit.resolve_arc_path(unit.get(rel_to)))
  235. return os.path.relpath(abs_config_path, start=abs_rel_to)
  236. def _is_tests_enabled(unit):
  237. if unit.get("TIDY") == "yes":
  238. return False
  239. return True
  240. def _get_test_runner_handlers():
  241. return {
  242. "jest": _add_jest_ts_test,
  243. "hermione": _add_hermione_ts_test,
  244. }
  245. def _add_jest_ts_test(unit, test_runner, test_files, deps, test_record):
  246. test_record.update(
  247. {
  248. "CONFIG-PATH": _resolve_config_path(unit, test_runner, rel_to="TS_TEST_FOR_PATH"),
  249. }
  250. )
  251. _add_test(unit, test_runner, test_files, deps, test_record)
  252. def _add_hermione_ts_test(unit, test_runner, test_files, deps, test_record):
  253. test_tags = sorted(set(["ya:fat", "ya:external", "ya:noretries"] + ytest.get_values_list(unit, "TEST_TAGS_VALUE")))
  254. test_requirements = sorted(set(["network:full"] + ytest.get_values_list(unit, "TEST_REQUIREMENTS_VALUE")))
  255. test_record.update(
  256. {
  257. "SIZE": "LARGE",
  258. "TAG": ytest.serialize_list(test_tags),
  259. "REQUIREMENTS": ytest.serialize_list(test_requirements),
  260. "CONFIG-PATH": _resolve_config_path(unit, test_runner, rel_to="TS_TEST_FOR_PATH"),
  261. }
  262. )
  263. _add_test(unit, test_runner, test_files, deps, test_record)
  264. def _setup_eslint(unit):
  265. if not _is_tests_enabled(unit):
  266. return
  267. if unit.get("_NO_LINT_VALUE") == "none":
  268. return
  269. lint_files = ytest.get_values_list(unit, "_TS_LINT_SRCS_VALUE")
  270. if not lint_files:
  271. return
  272. unit.on_peerdir_ts_resource("eslint")
  273. mod_dir = unit.get("MODDIR")
  274. lint_files = _resolve_module_files(unit, mod_dir, lint_files)
  275. deps = _create_pm(unit).get_peers_from_package_json()
  276. test_record = {
  277. "ESLINT_CONFIG_PATH": _resolve_config_path(unit, "eslint", rel_to="MODDIR"),
  279. }
  280. _add_test(unit, "eslint", lint_files, deps, test_record, mod_dir)
  281. def _resolve_module_files(unit, mod_dir, file_paths):
  282. resolved_files = []
  283. for path in file_paths:
  284. resolved = rootrel_arc_src(path, unit)
  285. if resolved.startswith(mod_dir):
  286. mod_dir_with_sep_len = len(mod_dir) + 1
  287. resolved = resolved[mod_dir_with_sep_len:]
  288. resolved_files.append(resolved)
  289. return resolved_files
  290. def _add_test(unit, test_type, test_files, deps=None, test_record=None, test_cwd=None):
  291. from lib.nots.package_manager import constants
  292. def sort_uniq(text):
  293. return sorted(set(text))
  294. if deps:
  295. unit.ondepends(sort_uniq(deps))
  296. test_dir = get_norm_unit_path(unit)
  297. full_test_record = {
  298. "TEST-NAME": test_type.lower(),
  299. "TEST-TIMEOUT": unit.get("TEST_TIMEOUT") or "",
  300. "TEST-ENV": ytest.prepare_env(unit.get("TEST_ENV_VALUE")),
  301. "TESTED-PROJECT-NAME": os.path.splitext(unit.filename())[0],
  302. "TEST-RECIPES": ytest.prepare_recipes(unit.get("TEST_RECIPES_VALUE")),
  303. "SCRIPT-REL-PATH": test_type,
  304. "SOURCE-FOLDER-PATH": test_dir,
  305. "BUILD-FOLDER-PATH": test_dir,
  306. "BINARY-PATH": os.path.join(test_dir, unit.filename()),
  307. "SPLIT-FACTOR": unit.get("TEST_SPLIT_FACTOR") or "",
  308. "FORK-MODE": unit.get("TEST_FORK_MODE") or "",
  309. "SIZE": unit.get("TEST_SIZE_NAME") or "",
  310. "TEST-FILES": ytest.serialize_list(test_files),
  311. "TEST-CWD": test_cwd or "",
  312. "TAG": ytest.serialize_list(ytest.get_values_list(unit, "TEST_TAGS_VALUE")),
  313. "REQUIREMENTS": ytest.serialize_list(ytest.get_values_list(unit, "TEST_REQUIREMENTS_VALUE")),
  316. "CUSTOM-DEPENDENCIES": " ".join(sort_uniq((deps or []) + ytest.get_values_list(unit, "TEST_DEPENDS_VALUE"))),
  317. }
  318. if test_record:
  319. full_test_record.update(test_record)
  320. for k, v in full_test_record.items():
  321. if not isinstance(v, str):
  322. logger.warn(k, "expected 'str', got:", type(v))
  323. data = ytest.dump_test(unit, full_test_record)
  324. if data:
  325. unit.set_property(["DART_DATA", data])
  326. def _set_resource_vars(unit, erm_json, tool, version, nodejs_major=None):
  327. # type: (any, ErmJsonLite, Version, str|None, int|None) -> None
  328. resource_name = erm_json.canonize_name(tool).upper()
  329. # example: NODEJS_12_18_4 | HERMIONE_7_0_4_NODEJS_18
  330. version_str = str(version).replace(".", "_")
  331. yamake_resource_name = "{}_{}".format(resource_name, version_str)
  332. if erm_json.is_resource_multiplatform(tool):
  333. yamake_resource_name += "_NODEJS_{}".format(nodejs_major)
  334. yamake_resource_var = "{}_RESOURCE_GLOBAL".format(yamake_resource_name)
  335. unit.set(["{}_ROOT".format(resource_name), "${}".format(yamake_resource_var)])
  336. unit.set(["{}-ROOT-VAR-NAME".format(resource_name), yamake_resource_var])
  337. def _select_matching_version(erm_json, resource_name, range_str, dep_is_required=False):
  338. # type: (ErmJsonLite, str, str, bool) -> Version
  339. if dep_is_required and range_str is None:
  340. raise Exception(
  341. "Please install the '{tool}' package to the project. Run the command:\n"
  342. " ya tool nots add -D {tool}".format(tool=resource_name)
  343. )
  344. try:
  345. version = erm_json.select_version_of(resource_name, range_str)
  346. if version:
  347. return version
  348. raise ValueError("There is no allowed version to satisfy this range: '{}'".format(range_str))
  349. except Exception as error:
  350. toolchain_versions = erm_json.get_versions_of(erm_json.get_resource(resource_name))
  351. raise Exception(
  352. "Requested {} version range '{}' could not be satisfied. \n"
  353. "Please use a range that would include one of the following: {}. \n"
  354. "For further details please visit the link: {} \nOriginal error: {} \n".format(
  355. resource_name,
  356. range_str,
  357. ", ".join(map(str, toolchain_versions)),
  358. "",
  359. str(error),
  360. )
  361. )
  362. @_with_report_configure_error
  363. def on_node_modules_configure(unit):
  364. pm = _create_pm(unit)
  365. pj = pm.load_package_json_from_dir(pm.sources_path)
  366. if pj.has_dependencies():
  367. unit.onpeerdir(pm.get_local_peers_from_package_json())
  368. local_cli = unit.get("TS_LOCAL_CLI") == "yes"
  369. errors, ins, outs = pm.calc_node_modules_inouts(local_cli)
  370. if errors:
  371. ymake.report_configure_error(
  372. "There are some issues with lockfiles.\n"
  373. + "Please contact support (,\n"
  374. + "providing following details:\n"
  375. + "\n---\n".join([str(err) for err in errors])
  376. )
  377. else:
  378. unit.on_set_node_modules_ins_outs(["IN"] + sorted(ins) + ["OUT"] + sorted(outs))
  379. __set_append(unit, "_NODE_MODULES_INOUTS", _build_directives("input", ["hide"], sorted(ins)))
  380. if not unit.get("TS_TEST_FOR"):
  381. __set_append(unit, "_NODE_MODULES_INOUTS", _build_directives("output", ["hide"], sorted(outs)))
  382. if pj.get_use_prebuilder():
  383. lf = pm.load_lockfile_from_dir(pm.sources_path)
  384. is_valid, invalid_keys = lf.validate_has_addons_flags()
  385. if not is_valid:
  386. ymake.report_configure_error(
  387. "Project is configured to use @yatool/prebuilder. \n"
  388. + "Some packages in the pnpm-lock.yaml are misconfigured.\n"
  389. + "Run `ya tool nots update-lockfile` to fix lockfile.\n"
  390. + "All packages with `requiresBuild:true` have to be marked with `hasAddons:true/false`.\n"
  391. + "Misconfigured keys: \n"
  392. + " - "
  393. + "\n - ".join(invalid_keys)
  394. )
  395. unit.on_peerdir_ts_resource("@yatool/prebuilder")
  396. unit.set(
  397. [
  399. "--yatool-prebuilder-path $YATOOL_PREBUILDER_ROOT/node_modules/@yatool/prebuilder",
  400. ]
  401. )
  402. else:
  403. # default "noop" command
  404. unit.set(["_NODE_MODULES_CMD", "$TOUCH_UNIT"])
  405. @_with_report_configure_error
  406. def on_ts_test_for_configure(unit, test_runner, default_config, node_modules_filename):
  407. if not _is_tests_enabled(unit):
  408. return
  409. if unit.enabled('TS_COVERAGE'):
  410. unit.on_peerdir_ts_resource("nyc")
  411. for_mod_path = unit.get("TS_TEST_FOR_PATH")
  412. unit.onpeerdir([for_mod_path])
  413. unit.on_setup_extract_node_modules_recipe([for_mod_path])
  414. unit.on_setup_extract_peer_tars_recipe([for_mod_path])
  415. root = "$B" if test_runner == "hermione" else "$(BUILD_ROOT)"
  416. unit.set(["TS_TEST_NM", os.path.join(root, for_mod_path, node_modules_filename)])
  417. config_path = unit.get("TS_TEST_CONFIG_PATH")
  418. if not config_path:
  419. config_path = os.path.join(for_mod_path, default_config)
  420. unit.set(["TS_TEST_CONFIG_PATH", config_path])
  421. test_record = _add_ts_resources_to_test_record(
  422. unit,
  423. {
  424. "TS-TEST-FOR-PATH": for_mod_path,
  425. "TS-TEST-DATA-DIRS": ytest.serialize_list(_get_ts_test_data_dirs(unit)),
  427. },
  428. )
  429. test_files = ytest.get_values_list(unit, "_TS_TEST_SRCS_VALUE")
  430. test_files = _resolve_module_files(unit, unit.get("MODDIR"), test_files)
  431. if not test_files:
  432. ymake.report_configure_error("No tests found")
  433. return
  434. deps = _create_pm(unit).get_peers_from_package_json()
  435. add_ts_test = _get_test_runner_handlers()[test_runner]
  436. add_ts_test(unit, test_runner, test_files, deps, test_record)
  437. @_with_report_configure_error
  438. def on_validate_ts_test_for_args(unit, for_mod, root):
  439. # FBP-1085
  440. is_arc_root = root == "${ARCADIA_ROOT}"
  441. is_rel_for_mod = for_mod.startswith(".")
  442. if is_arc_root and is_rel_for_mod:
  443. ymake.report_configure_error(
  444. "You are using a relative path for a module. "
  445. + "You have to add RELATIVE key, like (RELATIVE {})".format(for_mod)
  446. )
  447. @_with_report_configure_error
  448. def on_set_ts_test_for_vars(unit, for_mod):
  449. unit.set(["TS_TEST_FOR", "yes"])
  450. unit.set(["TS_TEST_FOR_DIR", unit.resolve_arc_path(for_mod)])
  451. unit.set(["TS_TEST_FOR_PATH", rootrel_arc_src(for_mod, unit)])
  452. def _add_ts_resources_to_test_record(unit, test_record):
  453. erm_json = _create_erm_json(unit)
  454. for tool in erm_json.list_npm_packages():
  455. tool_resource_label = "{}-ROOT-VAR-NAME".format(tool.upper())
  456. tool_resource_value = unit.get(tool_resource_label)
  457. if tool_resource_value:
  458. test_record[tool_resource_label] = tool_resource_value
  459. return test_record
  460. @_with_report_configure_error
  461. def on_ts_files(unit, *files):
  462. new_cmds = ['$COPY_CMD ${{input;context=TEXT:"{0}"}} ${{output;noauto:"{0}"}}'.format(f) for f in files]
  463. all_cmds = unit.get("_TS_FILES_COPY_CMD")
  464. if all_cmds:
  465. new_cmds.insert(0, all_cmds)
  466. unit.set(["_TS_FILES_COPY_CMD", " && ".join(new_cmds)])
  467. @_with_report_configure_error
  468. def on_depends_on_mod(unit):
  469. for_mod_path = unit.get("TS_TEST_FOR_PATH")
  470. unit.ondepends([for_mod_path])