1007 B


Adds rows to the table.

The table is searched by name in the database specified by the USE operator.

INSERT INTO lets you perform the following operations:

  • Adding constant values using VALUES.

    INSERT INTO my_table (Key1, Key2, Value1, Value2)
    VALUES (345987,'ydb', 'Pied piper', 1414);
    INSERT INTO my_table (key, value)
    VALUES ("foo", 1), ("bar", 2);
  • Saving the SELECT result.

    INSERT INTO my_table
    SELECT Key AS Key1, "Empty" AS Key2, Value AS Value1
    FROM my_table1;

Inserts can be made with one or more modifiers. A modifier is specified after the WITH keyword following the table name: INSERT INTO ... WITH SOME_HINT. If a modifier has a value, it's indicated after the = sign: INSERT INTO ... WITH SOME_HINT=value. If necessary, specify multiple modifiers, they should be enclosed in parentheses: INSERT INTO ... WITH (SOME_HINT1=value, SOME_HINT2, SOME_HINT3=value).