123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840 |
- # cython: infer_types=True
- # cython: language_level=3
- # cython: auto_pickle=False
- #
- # Tree visitor and transform framework
- #
- from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
- import sys
- import inspect
- from . import TypeSlots
- from . import Builtin
- from . import Nodes
- from . import ExprNodes
- from . import Errors
- from . import DebugFlags
- from . import Future
- import cython
- cython.declare(_PRINTABLE=tuple)
- if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
- _PRINTABLE = (bytes, str, int, float)
- else:
- _PRINTABLE = (str, unicode, long, int, float)
- class TreeVisitor(object):
- """
- Base class for writing visitors for a Cython tree, contains utilities for
- recursing such trees using visitors. Each node is
- expected to have a child_attrs iterable containing the names of attributes
- containing child nodes or lists of child nodes. Lists are not considered
- part of the tree structure (i.e. contained nodes are considered direct
- children of the parent node).
- visit_children visits each of the children of a given node (see the visit_children
- documentation). When recursing the tree using visit_children, an attribute
- access_path is maintained which gives information about the current location
- in the tree as a stack of tuples: (parent_node, attrname, index), representing
- the node, attribute and optional list index that was taken in each step in the path to
- the current node.
- Example:
- >>> class SampleNode(object):
- ... child_attrs = ["head", "body"]
- ... def __init__(self, value, head=None, body=None):
- ... self.value = value
- ... self.head = head
- ... self.body = body
- ... def __repr__(self): return "SampleNode(%s)" % self.value
- ...
- >>> tree = SampleNode(0, SampleNode(1), [SampleNode(2), SampleNode(3)])
- >>> class MyVisitor(TreeVisitor):
- ... def visit_SampleNode(self, node):
- ... print("in %s %s" % (node.value, self.access_path))
- ... self.visitchildren(node)
- ... print("out %s" % node.value)
- ...
- >>> MyVisitor().visit(tree)
- in 0 []
- in 1 [(SampleNode(0), 'head', None)]
- out 1
- in 2 [(SampleNode(0), 'body', 0)]
- out 2
- in 3 [(SampleNode(0), 'body', 1)]
- out 3
- out 0
- """
- def __init__(self):
- super(TreeVisitor, self).__init__()
- self.dispatch_table = {}
- self.access_path = []
- def dump_node(self, node):
- ignored = list(node.child_attrs or []) + [
- u'child_attrs', u'pos', u'gil_message', u'cpp_message', u'subexprs']
- values = []
- pos = getattr(node, 'pos', None)
- if pos:
- source = pos[0]
- if source:
- import os.path
- source = os.path.basename(source.get_description())
- values.append(u'%s:%s:%s' % (source, pos[1], pos[2]))
- attribute_names = dir(node)
- for attr in attribute_names:
- if attr in ignored:
- continue
- if attr.startswith('_') or attr.endswith('_'):
- continue
- try:
- value = getattr(node, attr)
- except AttributeError:
- continue
- if value is None or value == 0:
- continue
- elif isinstance(value, list):
- value = u'[...]/%d' % len(value)
- elif not isinstance(value, _PRINTABLE):
- continue
- else:
- value = repr(value)
- values.append(u'%s = %s' % (attr, value))
- return u'%s(%s)' % (node.__class__.__name__, u',\n '.join(values))
- def _find_node_path(self, stacktrace):
- import os.path
- last_traceback = stacktrace
- nodes = []
- while hasattr(stacktrace, 'tb_frame'):
- frame = stacktrace.tb_frame
- node = frame.f_locals.get(u'self')
- if isinstance(node, Nodes.Node):
- code = frame.f_code
- method_name = code.co_name
- pos = (os.path.basename(code.co_filename),
- frame.f_lineno)
- nodes.append((node, method_name, pos))
- last_traceback = stacktrace
- stacktrace = stacktrace.tb_next
- return (last_traceback, nodes)
- def _raise_compiler_error(self, child, e):
- trace = ['']
- for parent, attribute, index in self.access_path:
- node = getattr(parent, attribute)
- if index is None:
- index = ''
- else:
- node = node[index]
- index = u'[%d]' % index
- trace.append(u'%s.%s%s = %s' % (
- parent.__class__.__name__, attribute, index,
- self.dump_node(node)))
- stacktrace, called_nodes = self._find_node_path(sys.exc_info()[2])
- last_node = child
- for node, method_name, pos in called_nodes:
- last_node = node
- trace.append(u"File '%s', line %d, in %s: %s" % (
- pos[0], pos[1], method_name, self.dump_node(node)))
- raise Errors.CompilerCrash(
- getattr(last_node, 'pos', None), self.__class__.__name__,
- u'\n'.join(trace), e, stacktrace)
- @cython.final
- def find_handler(self, obj):
- # to resolve, try entire hierarchy
- cls = type(obj)
- pattern = "visit_%s"
- mro = inspect.getmro(cls)
- for mro_cls in mro:
- handler_method = getattr(self, pattern % mro_cls.__name__, None)
- if handler_method is not None:
- return handler_method
- print(type(self), cls)
- if self.access_path:
- print(self.access_path)
- print(self.access_path[-1][0].pos)
- print(self.access_path[-1][0].__dict__)
- raise RuntimeError("Visitor %r does not accept object: %s" % (self, obj))
- def visit(self, obj):
- return self._visit(obj)
- @cython.final
- def _visit(self, obj):
- try:
- try:
- handler_method = self.dispatch_table[type(obj)]
- except KeyError:
- handler_method = self.find_handler(obj)
- self.dispatch_table[type(obj)] = handler_method
- return handler_method(obj)
- except Errors.CompileError:
- raise
- except Errors.AbortError:
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- if DebugFlags.debug_no_exception_intercept:
- raise
- self._raise_compiler_error(obj, e)
- @cython.final
- def _visitchild(self, child, parent, attrname, idx):
- self.access_path.append((parent, attrname, idx))
- result = self._visit(child)
- self.access_path.pop()
- return result
- def visitchildren(self, parent, attrs=None):
- return self._visitchildren(parent, attrs)
- @cython.final
- @cython.locals(idx=cython.Py_ssize_t)
- def _visitchildren(self, parent, attrs):
- """
- Visits the children of the given parent. If parent is None, returns
- immediately (returning None).
- The return value is a dictionary giving the results for each
- child (mapping the attribute name to either the return value
- or a list of return values (in the case of multiple children
- in an attribute)).
- """
- if parent is None: return None
- result = {}
- for attr in parent.child_attrs:
- if attrs is not None and attr not in attrs: continue
- child = getattr(parent, attr)
- if child is not None:
- if type(child) is list:
- childretval = [self._visitchild(x, parent, attr, idx) for idx, x in enumerate(child)]
- else:
- childretval = self._visitchild(child, parent, attr, None)
- assert not isinstance(childretval, list), 'Cannot insert list here: %s in %r' % (attr, parent)
- result[attr] = childretval
- return result
- class VisitorTransform(TreeVisitor):
- """
- A tree transform is a base class for visitors that wants to do stream
- processing of the structure (rather than attributes etc.) of a tree.
- It implements __call__ to simply visit the argument node.
- It requires the visitor methods to return the nodes which should take
- the place of the visited node in the result tree (which can be the same
- or one or more replacement). Specifically, if the return value from
- a visitor method is:
- - [] or None; the visited node will be removed (set to None if an attribute and
- removed if in a list)
- - A single node; the visited node will be replaced by the returned node.
- - A list of nodes; the visited nodes will be replaced by all the nodes in the
- list. This will only work if the node was already a member of a list; if it
- was not, an exception will be raised. (Typically you want to ensure that you
- are within a StatListNode or similar before doing this.)
- """
- def visitchildren(self, parent, attrs=None, exclude=None):
- # generic def entry point for calls from Python subclasses
- if exclude is not None:
- attrs = self._select_attrs(parent.child_attrs if attrs is None else attrs, exclude)
- return self._process_children(parent, attrs)
- @cython.final
- def _select_attrs(self, attrs, exclude):
- return [name for name in attrs if name not in exclude]
- @cython.final
- def _process_children(self, parent, attrs=None):
- # fast cdef entry point for calls from Cython subclasses
- result = self._visitchildren(parent, attrs)
- for attr, newnode in result.items():
- if type(newnode) is list:
- newnode = self._flatten_list(newnode)
- setattr(parent, attr, newnode)
- return result
- @cython.final
- def _flatten_list(self, orig_list):
- # Flatten the list one level and remove any None
- newlist = []
- for x in orig_list:
- if x is not None:
- if type(x) is list:
- newlist.extend(x)
- else:
- newlist.append(x)
- return newlist
- def recurse_to_children(self, node):
- self._process_children(node)
- return node
- def __call__(self, root):
- return self._visit(root)
- class CythonTransform(VisitorTransform):
- """
- Certain common conventions and utilities for Cython transforms.
- - Sets up the context of the pipeline in self.context
- - Tracks directives in effect in self.current_directives
- """
- def __init__(self, context):
- super(CythonTransform, self).__init__()
- self.context = context
- def __call__(self, node):
- from . import ModuleNode
- if isinstance(node, ModuleNode.ModuleNode):
- self.current_directives = node.directives
- return super(CythonTransform, self).__call__(node)
- def visit_CompilerDirectivesNode(self, node):
- old = self.current_directives
- self.current_directives = node.directives
- self._process_children(node)
- self.current_directives = old
- return node
- def visit_Node(self, node):
- self._process_children(node)
- return node
- class ScopeTrackingTransform(CythonTransform):
- # Keeps track of type of scopes
- #scope_type: can be either of 'module', 'function', 'cclass', 'pyclass', 'struct'
- #scope_node: the node that owns the current scope
- def visit_ModuleNode(self, node):
- self.scope_type = 'module'
- self.scope_node = node
- self._process_children(node)
- return node
- def visit_scope(self, node, scope_type):
- prev = self.scope_type, self.scope_node
- self.scope_type = scope_type
- self.scope_node = node
- self._process_children(node)
- self.scope_type, self.scope_node = prev
- return node
- def visit_CClassDefNode(self, node):
- return self.visit_scope(node, 'cclass')
- def visit_PyClassDefNode(self, node):
- return self.visit_scope(node, 'pyclass')
- def visit_FuncDefNode(self, node):
- return self.visit_scope(node, 'function')
- def visit_CStructOrUnionDefNode(self, node):
- return self.visit_scope(node, 'struct')
- class EnvTransform(CythonTransform):
- """
- This transformation keeps a stack of the environments.
- """
- def __call__(self, root):
- self.env_stack = []
- self.enter_scope(root, root.scope)
- return super(EnvTransform, self).__call__(root)
- def current_env(self):
- return self.env_stack[-1][1]
- def current_scope_node(self):
- return self.env_stack[-1][0]
- def global_scope(self):
- return self.current_env().global_scope()
- def enter_scope(self, node, scope):
- self.env_stack.append((node, scope))
- def exit_scope(self):
- self.env_stack.pop()
- def visit_FuncDefNode(self, node):
- self.enter_scope(node, node.local_scope)
- self._process_children(node)
- self.exit_scope()
- return node
- def visit_GeneratorBodyDefNode(self, node):
- self._process_children(node)
- return node
- def visit_ClassDefNode(self, node):
- self.enter_scope(node, node.scope)
- self._process_children(node)
- self.exit_scope()
- return node
- def visit_CStructOrUnionDefNode(self, node):
- self.enter_scope(node, node.scope)
- self._process_children(node)
- self.exit_scope()
- return node
- def visit_ScopedExprNode(self, node):
- if node.expr_scope:
- self.enter_scope(node, node.expr_scope)
- self._process_children(node)
- self.exit_scope()
- else:
- self._process_children(node)
- return node
- def visit_CArgDeclNode(self, node):
- # default arguments are evaluated in the outer scope
- if node.default:
- attrs = [attr for attr in node.child_attrs if attr != 'default']
- self._process_children(node, attrs)
- self.enter_scope(node, self.current_env().outer_scope)
- self.visitchildren(node, ('default',))
- self.exit_scope()
- else:
- self._process_children(node)
- return node
- class NodeRefCleanupMixin(object):
- """
- Clean up references to nodes that were replaced.
- NOTE: this implementation assumes that the replacement is
- done first, before hitting any further references during
- normal tree traversal. This needs to be arranged by calling
- "self.visitchildren()" at a proper place in the transform
- and by ordering the "child_attrs" of nodes appropriately.
- """
- def __init__(self, *args):
- super(NodeRefCleanupMixin, self).__init__(*args)
- self._replacements = {}
- def visit_CloneNode(self, node):
- arg = node.arg
- if arg not in self._replacements:
- self.visitchildren(arg)
- node.arg = self._replacements.get(arg, arg)
- return node
- def visit_ResultRefNode(self, node):
- expr = node.expression
- if expr is None or expr not in self._replacements:
- self.visitchildren(node)
- expr = node.expression
- if expr is not None:
- node.expression = self._replacements.get(expr, expr)
- return node
- def replace(self, node, replacement):
- self._replacements[node] = replacement
- return replacement
- find_special_method_for_binary_operator = {
- '<': '__lt__',
- '<=': '__le__',
- '==': '__eq__',
- '!=': '__ne__',
- '>=': '__ge__',
- '>': '__gt__',
- '+': '__add__',
- '&': '__and__',
- '/': '__div__',
- '//': '__floordiv__',
- '<<': '__lshift__',
- '%': '__mod__',
- '*': '__mul__',
- '|': '__or__',
- '**': '__pow__',
- '>>': '__rshift__',
- '-': '__sub__',
- '^': '__xor__',
- 'in': '__contains__',
- }.get
- find_special_method_for_unary_operator = {
- 'not': '__not__',
- '~': '__inv__',
- '-': '__neg__',
- '+': '__pos__',
- }.get
- class MethodDispatcherTransform(EnvTransform):
- """
- Base class for transformations that want to intercept on specific
- builtin functions or methods of builtin types, including special
- methods triggered by Python operators. Must run after declaration
- analysis when entries were assigned.
- Naming pattern for handler methods is as follows:
- * builtin functions: _handle_(general|simple|any)_function_NAME
- * builtin methods: _handle_(general|simple|any)_method_TYPENAME_METHODNAME
- """
- # only visit call nodes and Python operations
- def visit_GeneralCallNode(self, node):
- self._process_children(node)
- function = node.function
- if not function.type.is_pyobject:
- return node
- arg_tuple = node.positional_args
- if not isinstance(arg_tuple, ExprNodes.TupleNode):
- return node
- keyword_args = node.keyword_args
- if keyword_args and not isinstance(keyword_args, ExprNodes.DictNode):
- # can't handle **kwargs
- return node
- args = arg_tuple.args
- return self._dispatch_to_handler(node, function, args, keyword_args)
- def visit_SimpleCallNode(self, node):
- self._process_children(node)
- function = node.function
- if function.type.is_pyobject:
- arg_tuple = node.arg_tuple
- if not isinstance(arg_tuple, ExprNodes.TupleNode):
- return node
- args = arg_tuple.args
- else:
- args = node.args
- return self._dispatch_to_handler(node, function, args, None)
- def visit_PrimaryCmpNode(self, node):
- if node.cascade:
- # not currently handled below
- self._process_children(node)
- return node
- return self._visit_binop_node(node)
- def visit_BinopNode(self, node):
- return self._visit_binop_node(node)
- def _visit_binop_node(self, node):
- self._process_children(node)
- # FIXME: could special case 'not_in'
- special_method_name = find_special_method_for_binary_operator(node.operator)
- if special_method_name:
- operand1, operand2 = node.operand1, node.operand2
- if special_method_name == '__contains__':
- operand1, operand2 = operand2, operand1
- elif special_method_name == '__div__':
- if Future.division in self.current_env().global_scope().context.future_directives:
- special_method_name = '__truediv__'
- obj_type = operand1.type
- if obj_type.is_builtin_type:
- type_name = obj_type.name
- else:
- type_name = "object" # safety measure
- node = self._dispatch_to_method_handler(
- special_method_name, None, False, type_name,
- node, None, [operand1, operand2], None)
- return node
- def visit_UnopNode(self, node):
- self._process_children(node)
- special_method_name = find_special_method_for_unary_operator(node.operator)
- if special_method_name:
- operand = node.operand
- obj_type = operand.type
- if obj_type.is_builtin_type:
- type_name = obj_type.name
- else:
- type_name = "object" # safety measure
- node = self._dispatch_to_method_handler(
- special_method_name, None, False, type_name,
- node, None, [operand], None)
- return node
- ### dispatch to specific handlers
- def _find_handler(self, match_name, has_kwargs):
- call_type = has_kwargs and 'general' or 'simple'
- handler = getattr(self, '_handle_%s_%s' % (call_type, match_name), None)
- if handler is None:
- handler = getattr(self, '_handle_any_%s' % match_name, None)
- return handler
- def _delegate_to_assigned_value(self, node, function, arg_list, kwargs):
- assignment = function.cf_state[0]
- value = assignment.rhs
- if value.is_name:
- if not value.entry or len(value.entry.cf_assignments) > 1:
- # the variable might have been reassigned => play safe
- return node
- elif value.is_attribute and value.obj.is_name:
- if not value.obj.entry or len(value.obj.entry.cf_assignments) > 1:
- # the underlying variable might have been reassigned => play safe
- return node
- else:
- return node
- return self._dispatch_to_handler(
- node, value, arg_list, kwargs)
- def _dispatch_to_handler(self, node, function, arg_list, kwargs):
- if function.is_name:
- # we only consider functions that are either builtin
- # Python functions or builtins that were already replaced
- # into a C function call (defined in the builtin scope)
- if not function.entry:
- return node
- entry = function.entry
- is_builtin = (
- entry.is_builtin or
- entry is self.current_env().builtin_scope().lookup_here(function.name))
- if not is_builtin:
- if function.cf_state and function.cf_state.is_single:
- # we know the value of the variable
- # => see if it's usable instead
- return self._delegate_to_assigned_value(
- node, function, arg_list, kwargs)
- if arg_list and entry.is_cmethod and entry.scope and entry.scope.parent_type.is_builtin_type:
- if entry.scope.parent_type is arg_list[0].type:
- # Optimised (unbound) method of a builtin type => try to "de-optimise".
- return self._dispatch_to_method_handler(
- entry.name, self_arg=None, is_unbound_method=True,
- type_name=entry.scope.parent_type.name,
- node=node, function=function, arg_list=arg_list, kwargs=kwargs)
- return node
- function_handler = self._find_handler(
- "function_%s" % function.name, kwargs)
- if function_handler is None:
- return self._handle_function(node, function.name, function, arg_list, kwargs)
- if kwargs:
- return function_handler(node, function, arg_list, kwargs)
- else:
- return function_handler(node, function, arg_list)
- elif function.is_attribute:
- attr_name = function.attribute
- if function.type.is_pyobject:
- self_arg = function.obj
- elif node.self and function.entry:
- entry = function.entry.as_variable
- if not entry or not entry.is_builtin:
- return node
- # C implementation of a Python builtin method - see if we find further matches
- self_arg = node.self
- arg_list = arg_list[1:] # drop CloneNode of self argument
- else:
- return node
- obj_type = self_arg.type
- is_unbound_method = False
- if obj_type.is_builtin_type:
- if obj_type is Builtin.type_type and self_arg.is_name and arg_list and arg_list[0].type.is_pyobject:
- # calling an unbound method like 'list.append(L,x)'
- # (ignoring 'type.mro()' here ...)
- type_name = self_arg.name
- self_arg = None
- is_unbound_method = True
- else:
- type_name = obj_type.name
- else:
- type_name = "object" # safety measure
- return self._dispatch_to_method_handler(
- attr_name, self_arg, is_unbound_method, type_name,
- node, function, arg_list, kwargs)
- else:
- return node
- def _dispatch_to_method_handler(self, attr_name, self_arg,
- is_unbound_method, type_name,
- node, function, arg_list, kwargs):
- method_handler = self._find_handler(
- "method_%s_%s" % (type_name, attr_name), kwargs)
- if method_handler is None:
- if (attr_name in TypeSlots.method_name_to_slot
- or attr_name == '__new__'):
- method_handler = self._find_handler(
- "slot%s" % attr_name, kwargs)
- if method_handler is None:
- return self._handle_method(
- node, type_name, attr_name, function,
- arg_list, is_unbound_method, kwargs)
- if self_arg is not None:
- arg_list = [self_arg] + list(arg_list)
- if kwargs:
- result = method_handler(
- node, function, arg_list, is_unbound_method, kwargs)
- else:
- result = method_handler(
- node, function, arg_list, is_unbound_method)
- return result
- def _handle_function(self, node, function_name, function, arg_list, kwargs):
- """Fallback handler"""
- return node
- def _handle_method(self, node, type_name, attr_name, function,
- arg_list, is_unbound_method, kwargs):
- """Fallback handler"""
- return node
- class RecursiveNodeReplacer(VisitorTransform):
- """
- Recursively replace all occurrences of a node in a subtree by
- another node.
- """
- def __init__(self, orig_node, new_node):
- super(RecursiveNodeReplacer, self).__init__()
- self.orig_node, self.new_node = orig_node, new_node
- def visit_CloneNode(self, node):
- if node is self.orig_node:
- return self.new_node
- if node.arg is self.orig_node:
- node.arg = self.new_node
- return node
- def visit_Node(self, node):
- self._process_children(node)
- if node is self.orig_node:
- return self.new_node
- else:
- return node
- def recursively_replace_node(tree, old_node, new_node):
- replace_in = RecursiveNodeReplacer(old_node, new_node)
- replace_in(tree)
- class NodeFinder(TreeVisitor):
- """
- Find out if a node appears in a subtree.
- """
- def __init__(self, node):
- super(NodeFinder, self).__init__()
- self.node = node
- self.found = False
- def visit_Node(self, node):
- if self.found:
- pass # short-circuit
- elif node is self.node:
- self.found = True
- else:
- self._visitchildren(node, None)
- def tree_contains(tree, node):
- finder = NodeFinder(node)
- finder.visit(tree)
- return finder.found
- # Utils
- def replace_node(ptr, value):
- """Replaces a node. ptr is of the form used on the access path stack
- (parent, attrname, listidx|None)
- """
- parent, attrname, listidx = ptr
- if listidx is None:
- setattr(parent, attrname, value)
- else:
- getattr(parent, attrname)[listidx] = value
- class PrintTree(TreeVisitor):
- """Prints a representation of the tree to standard output.
- Subclass and override repr_of to provide more information
- about nodes. """
- def __init__(self, start=None, end=None):
- TreeVisitor.__init__(self)
- self._indent = ""
- if start is not None or end is not None:
- self._line_range = (start or 0, end or 2**30)
- else:
- self._line_range = None
- def indent(self):
- self._indent += " "
- def unindent(self):
- self._indent = self._indent[:-2]
- def __call__(self, tree, phase=None):
- print("Parse tree dump at phase '%s'" % phase)
- self.visit(tree)
- return tree
- # Don't do anything about process_list, the defaults gives
- # nice-looking name[idx] nodes which will visually appear
- # under the parent-node, not displaying the list itself in
- # the hierarchy.
- def visit_Node(self, node):
- self._print_node(node)
- self.indent()
- self.visitchildren(node)
- self.unindent()
- return node
- def visit_CloneNode(self, node):
- self._print_node(node)
- self.indent()
- line = node.pos[1]
- if self._line_range is None or self._line_range[0] <= line <= self._line_range[1]:
- print("%s- %s: %s" % (self._indent, 'arg', self.repr_of(node.arg)))
- self.indent()
- self.visitchildren(node.arg)
- self.unindent()
- self.unindent()
- return node
- def _print_node(self, node):
- line = node.pos[1]
- if self._line_range is None or self._line_range[0] <= line <= self._line_range[1]:
- if len(self.access_path) == 0:
- name = "(root)"
- else:
- parent, attr, idx = self.access_path[-1]
- if idx is not None:
- name = "%s[%d]" % (attr, idx)
- else:
- name = attr
- print("%s- %s: %s" % (self._indent, name, self.repr_of(node)))
- def repr_of(self, node):
- if node is None:
- return "(none)"
- else:
- result = node.__class__.__name__
- if isinstance(node, ExprNodes.NameNode):
- result += "(type=%s, name=\"%s\")" % (repr(node.type), node.name)
- elif isinstance(node, Nodes.DefNode):
- result += "(name=\"%s\")" % node.name
- elif isinstance(node, ExprNodes.ExprNode):
- t = node.type
- result += "(type=%s)" % repr(t)
- elif node.pos:
- pos = node.pos
- path = pos[0].get_description()
- if '/' in path:
- path = path.split('/')[-1]
- if '\\' in path:
- path = path.split('\\')[-1]
- result += "(pos=(%s:%s:%s))" % (path, pos[1], pos[2])
- return result
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- import doctest
- doctest.testmod()