16 KB

  1. # File format ($ symbol means the beginning of a line):
  2. #
  3. # $ # this message
  4. # $ # =======================
  5. # $ # comments (all commentaries should starts with some number of spaces and # symbol)
  6. # $ IGNORE_FILES {file1.ext1} {file2.ext2} - (optional) ignore listed files when generating license macro and credits
  7. # $ RENAME {original license id} TO {new license id} # user comments - (optional) use {new license id} instead {original license id} in ya.make files
  8. # $ # user comments
  9. # $
  10. # ${action} {license id} {license text hash}
  11. # $BELONGS ./ya/make/file/relative/path/1/ya.make ./ya/make/2/ya.make
  12. # ${all_file_action} filename
  13. # $ # user commentaries (many lines)
  14. # $ generated description - files with this license, license text... (some number of lines that starts with some number of spaces, do not modify)
  15. # ${action} {license spdx} {license text hash}
  16. # $BELONGS ./ya/make/file/relative/path/3/ya.make
  17. # ${all_file_action} filename
  18. # $ # user commentaries
  19. # $ generated description
  20. # $ ...
  21. #
  22. # You can modify action, all_file_action and add commentaries
  23. # Available actions:
  24. # keep - keep license in contrib and use in credits
  25. # skip - skip license
  26. # remove - remove all files with this license
  27. # rename - save license text/links into licenses texts file, but not store SPDX into LINCENSE macro. You should store correct license id into devtools.license.spdx.txt file
  28. #
  29. # {all file action} records will be generated when license text contains filename that exists on filesystem (in contrib directory)
  30. # We suppose that that files can contain some license info
  31. # Available all file actions:
  32. # FILE_IGNORE - ignore file (do nothing)
  33. # FILE_INCLUDE - include all file data into licenses text file
  34. # =======================
  35. KEEP BSL-1.0 0c343589979bf7b72c670455ba9f8279
  36. BELONGS ya.make
  37. License text:
  38. // Copyright 2012 Eric Niebler. Distributed under the Boost
  39. // Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
  40. // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  41. Scancode info:
  42. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  43. Score : 100.00
  44. Match type : NOTICE
  45. Links :,,
  46. Files with this license:
  47. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/expand_pack.hpp [15:17]
  48. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/pack_impl.hpp [15:17]
  49. KEEP BSL-1.0 563e4f804388196518aa056f2cf30221
  50. BELONGS ya.make
  51. License text:
  52. // Copyright 2010 Eric Niebler. Distributed under the Boost
  53. // Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
  54. // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  55. Scancode info:
  56. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  57. Score : 100.00
  58. Match type : NOTICE
  59. Links :,,
  60. Files with this license:
  61. include/boost/proto/detail/as_expr.hpp [7:9]
  62. include/boost/proto/functional.hpp [5:7]
  63. include/boost/proto/functional/fusion.hpp [5:7]
  64. include/boost/proto/functional/fusion/at.hpp [5:7]
  65. include/boost/proto/functional/fusion/pop_back.hpp [5:7]
  66. include/boost/proto/functional/fusion/pop_front.hpp [5:7]
  67. include/boost/proto/functional/fusion/push_back.hpp [5:7]
  68. include/boost/proto/functional/fusion/push_front.hpp [5:7]
  69. include/boost/proto/functional/fusion/reverse.hpp [5:7]
  70. include/boost/proto/functional/std.hpp [5:7]
  71. include/boost/proto/functional/std/utility.hpp [5:7]
  72. KEEP BSL-1.0 597dc579281e71ba9d4dd39bf2d15a12
  73. BELONGS ya.make
  74. License text:
  75. // Copyright 2008 Eric Niebler. Distributed under the Boost
  76. // Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
  77. // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  78. Scancode info:
  79. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  80. Score : 100.00
  81. Match type : NOTICE
  82. Links :,,
  83. Files with this license:
  84. include/boost/proto/args.hpp [6:8]
  85. include/boost/proto/context.hpp [5:7]
  86. include/boost/proto/context/callable.hpp [9:11]
  87. include/boost/proto/context/default.hpp [7:9]
  88. include/boost/proto/context/null.hpp [7:9]
  89. include/boost/proto/core.hpp [6:8]
  90. include/boost/proto/debug.hpp [5:7]
  91. include/boost/proto/deep_copy.hpp [5:7]
  92. include/boost/proto/detail/as_lvalue.hpp [5:7]
  93. include/boost/proto/detail/decltype.hpp [5:7]
  94. include/boost/proto/detail/deprecated.hpp [6:8]
  95. include/boost/proto/detail/dont_care.hpp [5:7]
  96. include/boost/proto/detail/expr_funop.hpp [5:7]
  97. include/boost/proto/detail/ignore_unused.hpp [6:8]
  98. include/boost/proto/detail/is_noncopyable.hpp [5:7]
  99. include/boost/proto/detail/local.hpp [5:7]
  100. include/boost/proto/detail/poly_function.hpp [7:9]
  101. include/boost/proto/detail/static_const.hpp [5:7]
  102. include/boost/proto/domain.hpp [7:9]
  103. include/boost/proto/eval.hpp [5:7]
  104. include/boost/proto/expr.hpp [5:7]
  105. include/boost/proto/extends.hpp [5:7]
  106. include/boost/proto/fusion.hpp [5:7]
  107. include/boost/proto/generate.hpp [6:8]
  108. include/boost/proto/literal.hpp [6:8]
  109. include/boost/proto/make_expr.hpp [7:9]
  110. include/boost/proto/matches.hpp [6:8]
  111. include/boost/proto/operators.hpp [6:8]
  112. include/boost/proto/proto.hpp [5:7]
  113. include/boost/proto/proto_fwd.hpp [5:7]
  114. include/boost/proto/proto_typeof.hpp [6:8]
  115. include/boost/proto/repeat.hpp [5:7]
  116. include/boost/proto/tags.hpp [5:7]
  117. include/boost/proto/traits.hpp [7:9]
  118. include/boost/proto/transform.hpp [5:7]
  119. include/boost/proto/transform/arg.hpp [5:7]
  120. include/boost/proto/transform/call.hpp [5:7]
  121. include/boost/proto/transform/default.hpp [6:8]
  122. include/boost/proto/transform/fold.hpp [5:7]
  123. include/boost/proto/transform/fold_tree.hpp [5:7]
  124. include/boost/proto/transform/impl.hpp [5:7]
  125. include/boost/proto/transform/lazy.hpp [5:7]
  126. include/boost/proto/transform/make.hpp [5:7]
  127. include/boost/proto/transform/pass_through.hpp [8:10]
  128. include/boost/proto/transform/when.hpp [5:7]
  129. KEEP BSL-1.0 7532067c3573c5daab384401428cd124
  130. BELONGS ya.make
  131. License text:
  132. // Copyright 2011 Eric Niebler. Distributed under the Boost
  133. // Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
  134. // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  135. Scancode info:
  136. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  137. Score : 100.00
  138. Match type : NOTICE
  139. Links :,,
  140. Files with this license:
  141. include/boost/proto/detail/template_arity.hpp [5:7]
  142. include/boost/proto/transform/integral_c.hpp [5:7]
  143. KEEP BSL-1.0 77795e223e37217964bfdecbffd04c93
  144. BELONGS ya.make
  145. License text:
  146. // Copyright 2008 Eric Niebler. Distributed under the Boost
  147. // Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
  148. // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  149. Scancode info:
  150. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  151. Score : 100.00
  152. Match type : NOTICE
  153. Links :,,
  154. Files with this license:
  155. include/boost/proto/context/detail/callable_eval.hpp [23:25]
  156. include/boost/proto/context/detail/default_eval.hpp [19:21]
  157. include/boost/proto/context/detail/null_eval.hpp [19:21]
  158. include/boost/proto/detail/and_n.hpp [15:17]
  159. include/boost/proto/detail/args.hpp [28:30]
  160. include/boost/proto/detail/basic_expr.hpp [28:30]
  161. include/boost/proto/detail/class_member_traits.hpp [15:17]
  162. include/boost/proto/detail/deduce_domain_n.hpp [21:23]
  163. include/boost/proto/detail/deep_copy.hpp [27:29]
  164. include/boost/proto/detail/expr.hpp [33:35]
  165. include/boost/proto/detail/extends_funop.hpp [25:27]
  166. include/boost/proto/detail/extends_funop_const.hpp [24:26]
  167. include/boost/proto/detail/funop.hpp [23:25]
  168. include/boost/proto/detail/generate_by_value.hpp [15:17]
  169. include/boost/proto/detail/lambda_matches.hpp [21:23]
  170. include/boost/proto/detail/make_expr.hpp [15:17]
  171. include/boost/proto/detail/make_expr_.hpp [15:17]
  172. include/boost/proto/detail/make_expr_funop.hpp [15:17]
  173. include/boost/proto/detail/matches_.hpp [29:31]
  174. include/boost/proto/detail/memfun_funop.hpp [15:17]
  175. include/boost/proto/detail/or_n.hpp [15:17]
  176. include/boost/proto/detail/poly_function_funop.hpp [20:22]
  177. include/boost/proto/detail/poly_function_traits.hpp [15:17]
  178. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/args.hpp [6:8]
  179. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/class_member_traits.hpp [5:7]
  180. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/make_expr.hpp [5:7]
  181. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/make_expr_funop.hpp [5:7]
  182. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/memfun_funop.hpp [5:7]
  183. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/or_n.hpp [5:7]
  184. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/poly_function_traits.hpp [5:7]
  185. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/template_arity_helper.hpp [5:7]
  186. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/vararg_matches_impl.hpp [5:7]
  187. include/boost/proto/detail/template_arity_helper.hpp [15:17]
  188. include/boost/proto/detail/traits.hpp [20:22]
  189. include/boost/proto/detail/unpack_expr_.hpp [80:82]
  190. include/boost/proto/detail/vararg_matches_impl.hpp [15:17]
  191. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/call.hpp [26:28]
  192. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/construct_funop.hpp [15:17]
  193. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/construct_pod_funop.hpp [15:17]
  194. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/default_function_impl.hpp [19:21]
  195. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/fold_impl.hpp [73:75]
  196. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/lazy.hpp [15:17]
  197. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/make.hpp [33:35]
  198. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/make_gcc_workaround.hpp [24:26]
  199. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/pass_through_impl.hpp [35:37]
  200. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/preprocessed/construct_funop.hpp [5:7]
  201. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/preprocessed/construct_pod_funop.hpp [5:7]
  202. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/preprocessed/lazy.hpp [5:7]
  203. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/preprocessed/when.hpp [5:7]
  204. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/when.hpp [15:17]
  205. KEEP BSL-1.0 78e141595344e7e88ebac427a369a9d6
  206. BELONGS ya.make
  207. License text:
  208. // Copyright 2012 Eric Niebler. Distributed under the Boost
  209. // Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
  210. // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  211. Scancode info:
  212. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  213. Score : 100.00
  214. Match type : NOTICE
  215. Links :,,
  216. Files with this license:
  217. include/boost/proto/detail/any.hpp [5:7]
  218. include/boost/proto/functional/range.hpp [5:7]
  219. include/boost/proto/functional/range/begin.hpp [5:7]
  220. include/boost/proto/functional/range/empty.hpp [5:7]
  221. include/boost/proto/functional/range/end.hpp [5:7]
  222. include/boost/proto/functional/range/rbegin.hpp [5:7]
  223. include/boost/proto/functional/range/rend.hpp [5:7]
  224. include/boost/proto/functional/range/size.hpp [5:7]
  225. include/boost/proto/functional/std/iterator.hpp [5:7]
  226. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/pack.hpp [5:7]
  227. include/boost/proto/transform/env.hpp [5:7]
  228. KEEP BSL-1.0 9fb8b120ca696580426b88ed5a5c689b
  229. BELONGS ya.make
  230. Note: matched license text is too long. Read it in the source files.
  231. Scancode info:
  232. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  233. Score : 100.00
  234. Match type : NOTICE
  235. Links :,,
  236. Files with this license:
  237. include/boost/proto/detail/expr.hpp [61:63]
  238. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/expr.hpp [5:7]
  239. KEEP BSL-1.0 b862f691db6b1f393df1444cfd7c7ca7
  240. BELONGS ya.make
  241. License text:
  242. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  243. // See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
  244. //
  245. Scancode info:
  246. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  247. Score : 100.00
  248. Match type : NOTICE
  249. Links :,,
  250. Files with this license:
  251. include/boost/proto/detail/remove_typename.hpp [6:8]
  252. KEEP BSL-1.0 c6aa4544098c85be9acaf93ddfa53cc1
  253. BELONGS ya.make
  254. License text:
  255. // Copyright 2008 Eric Niebler. Distributed under the Boost
  256. // Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
  257. // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  258. Scancode info:
  259. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  260. Score : 100.00
  261. Match type : NOTICE
  262. Links :,,
  263. Files with this license:
  264. include/boost/proto/context/detail/preprocessed/callable_eval.hpp [5:7]
  265. include/boost/proto/context/detail/preprocessed/default_eval.hpp [5:7]
  266. include/boost/proto/context/detail/preprocessed/null_eval.hpp [5:7]
  267. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/and_n.hpp [5:7]
  268. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/basic_expr.hpp [5:7]
  269. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/deduce_domain_n.hpp [5:7]
  270. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/deep_copy.hpp [5:7]
  271. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/expr_variadic.hpp [5:7]
  272. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/extends_funop.hpp [5:7]
  273. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/extends_funop_const.hpp [5:7]
  274. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/funop.hpp [5:7]
  275. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/generate_by_value.hpp [5:7]
  276. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/lambda_matches.hpp [5:7]
  277. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/make_expr_.hpp [5:7]
  278. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/matches_.hpp [5:7]
  279. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/poly_function_funop.hpp [5:7]
  280. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/traits.hpp [5:7]
  281. include/boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/unpack_expr_.hpp [5:7]
  282. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/preprocessed/call.hpp [5:7]
  283. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/preprocessed/default_function_impl.hpp [6:8]
  284. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/preprocessed/expand_pack.hpp [5:7]
  285. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/preprocessed/fold_impl.hpp [5:7]
  286. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/preprocessed/make.hpp [5:7]
  287. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/preprocessed/make_gcc_workaround.hpp [6:8]
  288. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/preprocessed/pack_impl.hpp [5:7]
  289. include/boost/proto/transform/detail/preprocessed/pass_through_impl.hpp [7:9]
  290. KEEP BSL-1.0 e30802d624ab26a07227b82c6380e880
  291. BELONGS ya.make
  292. Note: matched license text is too long. Read it in the source files.
  293. Scancode info:
  294. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  295. Score : 100.00
  296. Match type : NOTICE
  297. Links :,,
  298. Files with this license:
  299. include/boost/proto/detail/deduce_domain.hpp [7:9]